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127596 tn?1210922622

Pimple-like Growth That Won't Go Away - Please Help!

Hello. I chose this forum because I don't know where else to turn. I'm a heavy-set male (240 lbs, mid-twenties) and, occasionally, wind up with a pimple on my rear end. I've had one there now (in the same spot) for about six months and it won't go away, no matter what I do. It hurts some days and, other days, is barely there. There is some sort of mass beneath the skin directly under this "pimple". This mass fluxuates in size from day to day. The "pimple" face sometimes bleeds (a rather thin, possibly puss-mixed blood) - that's usually when the mass is at its smallest.

I have no medical insurance and no one close enough that I might ask about this. It's rather embarrassing and, more to the point, uncomfortable. I've tried applying a hot rag to the area which almost seems to make the mass (swelling?) go down.

This "thing" is confusing and very frustrating. Yesterday, I began entertaining ideas of numbing the area with ice and cutting it open - but I figured it'd be better to seek medical advice from those more knowledgable before I go X-acto-knifing my way into my butt flesh. Any help would be great appreciated. I'm at my wit's end with this thing. Thank you.
47 Responses
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127596 tn?1210922622
Wow!!! After I posted this last night, I went out to dinner with my boss. While sitting at the bar, trying to ignore the big, generously-adhesived band-aid making a mockery out of my *** hair, I wondered if posting that email was a bit too much. I'm so glad everyone found the humor in it. Thank you for the compliments.

Joanna, I find talking to women - even over male doctors - easier, especially when discussing medical issues. So when I saw the pharmacist was a female, I was relieved. Your husband, might I add, has balls of steel. Most men can't sew at all - but to sew your own wound? Priceless.

Who_is_it, the "boil/pimple/whatever" is on my right cheek. It borders on the beginning of the crack and is pretty far south on the cheek, so when I'm sitting it's not so bad, but when I stand up and walk around, the area gets a lot of unwanted attention.

As you folks read, after I put the salve and the band-aid onto my gluteal "area 51", I went back to work and then later went out to dinner. The band-aid took a little getting used to, but sitting down, standing up and walking around was cause for very little if any pain at all; so, at the moment, I'm pretty relieved.

This wasn't the first time I've used my towel to rip open my butt-boil - I have a whole set of white towels that all have brown streaks on them from dried blood stains. And when I've done it before, the pimple leaked and the pressure was gone. So at this stage of the game, I don't know if the salve has had any real effect at all.

I ripped it open for two reasons: One, to relieve some of the pressure, which would, in turn, ease some of the pain. And two, because I figured a "draw out" salve would work a lot better on an "open" area. I'm assuming I need to play this out for at least a few more days if not a week before I'll know if it's working or not.

When I got home from dinner last night, I busied myself with trivialities, trying to forget the inevitable. Slowly, subconsciously, I found myself removing my clothes in between lighting a cigarette, turning on the television and grabbing a soda. Eventually, I was naked except for my socks and a big band-aid. Wanting to get it over with, I once again assumed the Captain Morgan's rum commercial position and put one foot on the bed and felt around my backside for an edge of the band-aid. Even after several hours of being in a warm place, dealing with my constant motion, the band-aid was living up to its adhering qualities.

After a few tries on a few different sides - all unsuccessful - I finally pinched the middle of the band-aid and pulled until one of the sides came loose. After that, I slid my finger under so I could get a grip on it. I tugged at it slowly and gently - which is the dumbest thing you can do. I felt each hair being yanked out individually. I tug a bit more and my heart goes out to all women who tweeze and wax merely for the sake of beauty.

My thumb and index finger get a firm grip on the band-aid and I decide to just go for it, once again mustering the courage only a desperate idiot with no health insurance can muster. I yank the band-aid off and open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out. It was a silent cry. A lone tear escaped my eye as I brought the band-aid around from my *** to have a looksee. The bandage part of the band-aid looked like a crime scene. There was a big smudge of black from the ointment, which faded into an equally large smudge of red from the bleed-out. The adhesive part of the band-aid looked like it was in desperate need of a shave. My poor ***.

I threw the band-aid away and immediately prepped another one. I figured the puss-geyser on my *** cheek could use as much ointment attention as possible. My aim was not so good this time and the adhesive part of the band-aid wound up on my boil. I attempted to peal the band-aid off with the intention of reapplying it, but the second I pulled out just one more *** hair, I decided I could wait until the morning.

I must get back to work, but I'll have another update later in the day. And yes, I am a writer; an amateur one at that, so your comments are really encouraging. Thank you.
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I never thought I'd laugh so hard about an *** pimple! I hope you're a writer! If you have a blog I'll subscribe to it....as long as you have varying topics. ;-)

Have a great day! And as I see this was written 4 years ago, I sure hope you had success with your "issue"!
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I have the same the problem, but I'm 16 and I have multiple 'things' please help me. You can contact me at ***@****.  or on Facebook, search Andrew Joshua Torres and message me if you can help.
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I have had bariatric surgery and have lost 70lbs.  For the first time I have a cluster of zits.  One I squeezed tonight and just a little puss came out.  I am hoping that maybe because I havn't been taking my iron tablets for the past week that resuming that will heal up my *** crack issue.  I googled *** crack boils and this tread came up.  I'm not one to go to the dr until I can't take the pain anylonger.  Mine are in the area where they hurt when I sit.
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127596 tn?1210922622
I laugh every time I get an e-mail regarding this thread. I can't believe it even still exists - I started it nearly three years ago!

As mentioned in my last post, the weight loss seems to be what rid my back cleavage of its huge zit. It hasn't reared its ugly head.

Butt I strongly urge anyone with this problem to go see a doctor. Seriously.

In other news, my back pain has increased lately. I'm saving up for an MRI, and will hopefully get it soon. Hopefully it'll be funny, and I can post about it here.
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I happen to have the exact same thing!

I apparently have two of them... one is right at the beginning of my *** crack and the other one is 1 inch below it. I have had it for 8months now and i have tried applying vaseline, talcum power, etc.

I went to the doctor a 6months ago and he cut it open and asked me to come in almost every day to get it patched up with some gauze. I went for about a month to the nurse then i stopped(i had moved to a new house and other stuff). But i haven't stopped applying the Gauze to my wounds since then. (The Doc said it should take 3 weeks to heal up)

Two weeks ago it got really small and was barely bleeding at all until something happen and it started bleeding like crazy(i used up like 2papertowels to dry it up). So now the wound is back to its original state and im debating if i should make a trip to the doctors again or continue applying the gauze on my own.

What do you suggest i do?
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how did you get it to actually go away?
the black gunk or the doctor?
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127596 tn?1210922622
Hey, everyone...! It's been a long time since I started this thread - a little over two years! But someone recently sent me a PM (I didn't even know I had a PM box) and that reminded me about this thread and everyone's concern.

All is well with the business end of my business end. My "visitor" hasn't returned and, unfortunately, my diet fell to the way side. I was actually down over 50 pounds at one point, but I've gained some of that back. Oh, well. At least I can sit, stand and walk around without the excruciating gluteal friction that spawned this thread in the first place.

I appreciate everyone's help, advice and concern. As much as I enjoyed writing these posts - and as much as I enjoyed you folks enjoying them - I'm glad this isn't still an ongoing issue. However, you can rest assured that the next time I have a medical issue, I will first come here with all the juicy, gory, puss-filled details. :)

Thank you.
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seriously funny because we can all identify with his problem with his butt boil.

We can all put our selves in his position,.. great writing! I was thinking that you could compile your story with other amusing real life stories of other people.

what do you think?

Hallarious!!!!yet very real.

hope your doing good now.
have you gotten healthy yet,.. eating right and losing weight?

hope to hear from you even though I know you may not see this post since it is pretty old.

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I frequently get those types of places in my groin, inner leg, under arm, and anal regions.  The best thing to do is to go to a surgeon.  They will lance the abscess and drain the infection.  Then they will insert a wick and leave the wound open to heal and lessen the risk of re-infection.  They will also more than likely give you a prescription for a broad spectrum antibiotic. The pain will go away usually in a matter of hours after the abscess is drained but sometimes lasts a day or so.  It will take a couple of weeks to fully heal and there will be some scarring.  This is a small price to pay, however, considering that an abscess can be immensely painful.  Hope this helps
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I forgot to mention this:
The side of my groin (do women have groins?) is very tender and sore.  It is the same side the abscess is on, and I assume it is a swollen lymph node that is the root of the pain.  Ouch.
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I googled "draw out salve", "abscess" and came across this forum.  Currently, I have what I consider an abscess on my cheek, luckily not near my crack, located more towards the hip, making it difficult to sit and sleep, not to mention walking, standing, moving, existing....
At this point, it is about 4 inches and very red and swollen.  I believe it was caused from an injection of vitamin B that a friend administered, claiming it would give me unfathomable energy and a sense of well being.  Possible side effects:  the exact opposite.  Anyway, I am sure it isn't an ingrown hair, or zit gone wild, and of course, I don't have health insurance (which might explain accepting a shot from a friend), and I am trying to avoid going to the ER.  I have heard horror stories about physicians/nurses lancing, so I am trying to figure out how to end this misery without having to perform any surgery, home or legit.  I assume this would require taking prescription medication, which is a problem, due to lack of insurance, so if anyone has any advice regarding my issue, spill it...
I lied.  I am considering pretending George Clooney is my co-worker and performing "ER" at home (oh, I am a female, not gay, so I need to know how to properly prep for this procedure, of which I also need educating.  Can anyone offer a crash course in surgery?
Currently, I am sitting at my computer with only half of my ass on my chair.  The other half is covered in dark, dark brown "draw out salve", and is hot and painful to the touch.  SOS SOS SOS SOS
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That thing that you have is called a boil. It's basically a pimple that is really infected. I just had one on New Year's Eve this year. You will have to have it lanced. It hurts really bad but it worth it after it is all said and done!
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Ok, well you can guess by the user name I chose why I'm here.
Where you at in this process AA?
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As for insurance you should check quotes first at online insurance brokers for you to compare rates side by side with other insurance anyway its free, the site I went to is www.insurancepaylite.com.
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oh... and the another thing about the forum... there are people from all sorts of different places... some people might be from your city or town, so they will be helpful in sending you to the right place... and there are a good number of people on the forum with the same problem as you without insurance.

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Please go to http://www.pilonidal.org/Forum/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=1.

I had the same problem and found this discussion group very helpful.  The entire site is dedicated to pilonidal disease, which sounds like what you are experiencing.   We are a community of people who currently adjust our everyday lives to the problem, as well as a pretty active group of people who have questions about what the bump back there is all about.

My name is Reign on that forum.  Hope to see you there.
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You know  20 yrs ago I had something like this and mine definately was a boil.I tried to self treat mine too and work at the same time and ended up going to the dr anyway,by that time I had 10 boils and very very very severe pain and I could hardly walk.The dr put antibiotic salve on it and gauze and told me not to touch these boils, that within 4-5 days these would pop and thats when they would be the most contaigious, and that I could cause them to spread by touching them ,and then touching other areas on my body and not washing my hands.Well I already had good hand washing techniques,but this made it even more so....lol.Oh I took showers daily and then reapplied the antibiotic ointment and gauze but other than that I left them alone totally.I also continued to work I worked as an aide midnights and it was very uncomfortable turning pts. and have one of them accidently hit the area where the boils were,(it caused instant unbearable pain)because mine were at the panty waistline crease, and it was hard to twist or bend too.After these popped I had instant ahhh relief and hope I never ever get another.My best advise to you is please see a dr now, and not wait like I did and suffer needlessly.
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Like my nickname points out, I signed up to these threads only to comment about this one health issue and the reason why I am here is because I googled "pockets of puss under the skin" and I followed this link. Interesting what you can find on the web indeed.  

Although, as a caring individual I am worried about your issue, I am also caught smiling and laughing at your detail and literary imagination. Nevertheless, I too was stricken with a "boil" on my ass check a couple of weeks ago. And, as suggested, I too tried to take the "manly" route after a couple of days of applying a black cream and allowed my girlfriend to perform surgery on the area that I could not reach. After a hot bath and a couple of needle gouges later, we were successful in draining some of the puss out. But after a nights sleep and some consultation from a nurse practitioner, I decided to go the doctor with my limited insurance coverage and he prescribed me an antibiotic. Two days after taking the antibiotic, we squeezed hard and drained that little *******. 12 days after taking the antibiotic, the boil was completely gone.

The complications of not taking care of these issues can lead to staff infections which are apparently far worse than a boil. If you have not already gone, I suggest going and swallowing the white pill that will be prescribed to you.
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I don't mean to nag, but "Get yourself to a doctor ASAP anyway. You've had this one for 6 months now. It might go away; it might not. Even if it does, the probability of it coming back is high. You're going to have to get to the cause of the problem, rather than trying to treat the symptom only."
And if you try to lance this thing yourself, you could wind up with an infection that'll land you in the ER. Don't do it!
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127596 tn?1210922622
Jondon, I'm seriously close to that point.

Uro, it's never happened like this. Used to get a pimple on my behind every once in a while, but that was it; they went away after a few days. This one is here to stay and, much to my chagrin, a cluster of others is forming on the other cheek.
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I had this one time. sounds like the same thing. I fist noticed it when i fell down while skiing and landed on my rear end. the area hurt tremendously. I ignored it unil it got larger. one night i had enough and literally got out my pockt knife and lanced it myself. I squeezed it until it all finally came out. it was nasty by finally felt better once the cut heald.. Keep in mind that a doctor is probably a better choice than the mcguyver treatment. I did steralize the knife and use alchol (internal and external). I had no infection or anything and i am fine now  so I say go for it if it bothers you enough.
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127596 tn?1210922622
Holly, thank you. I've started talking to a doctor who is knowledgable in this area. I've been pretty busy lately, but I'll come back with another update soon. Thank you.
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Has this ever happened before?

Same spot?
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