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Chronic Nose Pain

I have recently seen an ENT specialist about ongoing sinus pain (an ache) that I have been having in my nose and around my eyes for the past year. I do not have the usual symtoms of a sinus infection such as infected mucus or runny nose and I rarely sneeze or have cold symptoms etc. My ENT specialist looked up my nose with a camera and said that he could perform surgery to correct the inside of my nose structurally but he did not know what is causing the pain and did not think that such surgery would make any difference to my symptoms. He recommended that I see a Neurologist. I wanted to know whether it is worth seeing a neurologist about this problem as my GP thought that there was no point. Since seeing my ENT specialist my GP prescribed me Demazin 6hour tablets which does provide some relief unless that pain is really bad. I just dont feel that taking demazin everyday is a good idea or an adequate solution to the problem. The fact that demazin does help somewhat though makes me think that perhaps the pain is allergy related. Is that probable? I need some sort of direction as to what to do...should I see a neurologist?

I would love to hear from anyone who can offer any sort of advice! Thanks Alice
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regarding chronic sinus like pain. I have had these symptoms for 24 yrs and they only got worse. I being a Psychologist stayed away from opiates as long as possible. I started with Tramadol and then added Lyrica. Went from 3 Tramadol a day to 6. Lyrica is 225 mg twice a day. I eventually had to go to pain management. CT scans and MRIs face and C3and 4 were taken and no diagnosis other than possibly a cancer taken off my nose where a  flap brought up to fill the whole. Nobody will guess. I am now 67 and will probably die with it after increasing meds. However, I may find a facial pain specialist as none are anywhere around me. Suggest you find one and become part of research. I have had blocks all over my face and neck the last time. None helped. Anything you find please help us all. Thanks Rick
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I have same experience.  For cure, I used to breathe with steam.  It suddenly soothes my pain in the right nostril.  Means, I need to breathe warm air.  During winter, while driving or walking, pain gets its utmost and leading ache at eyebrows, neck and the whole head and yarning even thought I had sound sleep just before.

Please advise remedy.

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I also have chronic pain in the bone of my nose. It extends to my eyes. I don't believe I have a sinus infection as my energy is fine and my nose seems clear. I also have generalized headaches, but the worst pain is specifically in the nose bone. I was recently diagnosed with extremely low testosterone of the secondary kind. My level was 100 and normal is 350 and above.

I started reading how low testosterone can be caused by a pituitary tumor, which could also cause nose pain. I started putting 1 and 2 together; although, my doctor thinks my insurance won't pay for an MRI. These headaches are awful, and I try not to take anything for them since I have a sensitive stomach.
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Hi Vanessa, with reference to Alice T's query (pain on the nose going up to the eye) and your first question to her (trauma to the head ?).........i had a bad fall 3 days ago, my lower back took most of the knock......as I stood up I had a shape agonizing pain into my head.  A GP told me I hv concussion and need bed rest.  It's day 3 now and I can only walk around for about 5mins before this pain starts on the one side of nose, going over the top of it then further up to the same eye socket.  Pls can you or anyone else share their knowledge on this ?
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Funny you mention putting the tp in your nostril. I do that too. I don't have to wet it, unless my nose is very dry. It seems to help by allowing me to not breathe through that side of my nose. My nose is cold. A lot. Started after I got a side blow which pushed my eyeglasses into the side of my nose. Now I often wish someone would onvent a nose cover. Tp in the nostril is not very appropriate or appealing for others to see. Especially when I work around the public. I am often placing my fingers along the side of my nose to warm it and close the nostril, Or cupping my hand so I can warm the air and cause the warm, moist air I breathe, to linger in my nasal passages. If I do this, my nose warms and moistens. It soothes the pain inside the upper part of my nose.
The cold painful nose leads to headaches that can involve the eye or eyes, and pain in the back of my neck or upper spine. The best thing I have learned to control this is to breathe warm moist air till my nose runs. I'm not sure of the discharge is from my sinuses, or if it is condensation.
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I have sharp/shooting nerve pain in my nose (left nostril) and around left eye. (congestion in left nostril). I do not have the usual symptoms of a sinus infection such as infected mucus or runny nose, same as you.

I don't wear glasses, no giddiness or dizziness, imbalance or vomiting, no trauma to the head.

Prednisone (steriod drug) works great for me. Since, its a steriod, it has huge side effects. So, My doctor didn't recommend to prednisone for more than a week.

Tried: pulmicort (Budesonide ), astepro, veramyst, Clarinex-d - nothing worked.. pulmicort works a bit when i pour it in my nose tilting my head off the bed and get the medicine to reach the back of the nose

pain occurs atleast 3 times a week.
Air Pressure in flight
Warm closed areas (if the temperature is more than 75F in a closed space like an apartment)
aggrevates the pain instantly. Stress can aggrevate it too sometimes.

Pain is worse. 9 out of 10, 10 being worse.

I've had this pain since Mid 2009.

I saw an ENT doctor in Jan 2010. He got my CT scan. He said, my turbinates were enlarged and I have a deviated septum and I need to get operated to reduce the size of turbinates.

I went to allergy specialist in July 2010 and she told me I'm allergic to Grass, weed, trees.

I went to see another ENT again in August 2010 and he said, i need to get operated to reduce the size of turbinates.

I got the operation done in August 2010.
Felt okay for couple of months. Pain started again from December 2010.
Went back to ENT doctor in February 2011. He asked me to try and get my allergies better.
Went to Allergy doctor and started taking shots. She put me on Prednisone for 5 days and shots (3 times a week) for 6 months. I felt better from March through July. I started travelling to India (10,000 miles) 3 times in 3 months from August 2011. Pain started again, worse this time and started getting the pain almost every day.
Got married in Ocotober 2011. was on Prednisone for 10 days during wedding.
I take 1 shot every week and pomocort 2 times a day now. My ENT doctor wants to get a CT scan while having the symptoms so he can see what is
going on inside the nose. the problem is, I get the pain mostly in the evening when my body is tired. I don't normally get the pain during the day.

My ENT doctor also says that camera can't reach the point where I'm getting the pain and it has to be looked in the operation theatre only.
I don't want to get another surgery without knowing the exact problem and without making sure that the surgery is going to resolve my problem for good.

I realized most of you in this thread have similar problems.  So, if you have found a solution to this problem, please respond.

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I too have the same kind of pain you describe. I went to an ENT and had the camera put up my nose and he told me it was the best looking nose he had ever seen. I actually got relief from the spary he put up there before inserting the camera. I am anxious to try the Orajel, it seems like I just want something to numb the inside of my nose. I have absolutely no congestion and I never get colds but I do sneeze alot. Thank you for your info.
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I too have a pain at the top of my nose (nasal bone I think) and I've been to two ENT doctors and a neurologist.  I've had cameras up my nose, a CT scan of my face and an MRI of both my brain and neck.  No one seems to know what my problem is.  They say I have a deviated septum but it isn't serious enough for surgery.  My nose is crooked from a skydiving accident but they say the bones look fine.  I have mild spinal stenosis and ethmoid cell thickening but they say that none of these should be causing my pain.  If I press on the spot at the top of my nose it will stop the pain but I can only do that for a minute or so and it starts hurting.  Can you please tell me where to go from here?  I'm at the end of my rope and I know someone out there can help me.  I've been dealing with these for over 10 years now and I'm 54 years old.  Please help!
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Hi Nick,
How are you? Pain in the eye area can also be associated with cluster headaches. The pain frequently develops during sleep and may last for several hours. It is also possible to have both migraine and cluster headache attack at the same time. Majority of cluster patients are male, from 20-50 years old. Alcoholic beverages and  smoking usually triggers the attacks also. If it persists, you may benefit from further evaluation of your eye doctor and a neurologist. Take care and do keep us posted.
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I have terrible migraines, so bad that I have used all vacation and sick leave from work by the end of June. I have noticed a pain in my nose/ eye, and that when this pain is around, it can make triggering a migraine easier. I am curious if we have the same pain?
Mine is almost a raw/ irritated sharp pain that is top/back part of the nose and can fell like it's also in the corner of my eye too. Is this what you are feeling? I am trying to see if there is a reason for this, maybe it's a particular trigger for migraines that can be addressed if enough people present the pain as a migraine issue.

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I, too, for many years put something up my nose to ease the pain. Then a maxillofacial doctor put Q-tips with 2% lidocaine up my nose. He put them in up to the bridge of my nose. It really relieved the pain. I have my doctor prescribe the lidocaine 2% on a regular basis. (Before I got an RX for the lidocaine, I used Orajel or Neosporen PLUS (They have a numbing effect.) I tell my doctors I use the Neosporen PLUS. Sometimes I still use it because of the dryness in my nose - it seems to help with lubrication as well as the pain).  I can't tell you how many days I have gone out with cotton and lidocaine stuffed up my nose. Hey, it stops the pain.  Usually, when I have the nose & face pain for a week or so, it is usually a sinus infection and a round of antibiotics will stop the pain. Also, you might want to ask your doctor about trigeminal neuralgia (or some other form of neuralgia) for that pain in the corner or your eye. I had a similar pain in my nose and was treated for sinusitis (which I still frequently have) for many years before I got a additional diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia. (The trigeminal nerve is the fifth nerve, which runs on each side of your face (usually the pain is on one side or the other). (Look it up on the internet. Then see your doctor.). Good Luck!
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Check Out "Sluder's Neuralgia' on the internet and at http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/2136.html. And, for anyone reading this, do not let a doctor take our your turbinates until after Mayo Clinic study on 'Empty Nose Syndrome' study being done now - results should be out in late 2010.
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Hi Cathee, how is your brother? I just found this blog and your comments while doing a search for my own symptoms. I am praying for your brother, for pain relief and help from the prison and related officials.

I thouht I would tell you my experiences since the pain sounds similar and see if it could help at all. I have migraines, have had them for over ten years. I've went to the doctor, even had an MRI brain scan (showed normal), still don't know what it is. I did go to a chiropractor last year and found out my neck was actually curving back the other direction (and just found out again by new chiropractor, who had no knowlege of the other, that I still have that). My therapy last year did help, tremendously. I got to where I rarely had a migraine, and if I started to get one and I took medicine, it would go away quickly and not last as long (b/4 they used to last about 24 hours). After I stopped the adjustments/stretching/treatments they have slowly came back and gotten stronger in intensity, and now more frequent again.

I've been trying everything to figure it out, wondering if it's related to sugar, caffine, food allergies, neck/spine alignment. Stress seems possibly related, but I'm also stressed without getting them, so don't know what part it plays.

One thing that helps me, although looks stupid (so I don't do in public), is take about one square sheet of toilet paper, fold it into tiny size, wet it and put it in my nose, on whichever side is hurting, or both. I don't understand why, but often (if not always) that I have these mirgraines I have pain inside my nose, which seems to be empty and dry and causes pain (or more pain) in my head/eye on the same side. Hard to describe or explain, but it sure hurts. It feels like someone is stabbing an icepick in the top inside corner of my eye and above it.

If anyone knows anything they can tell us to help, I sure would appreciate it!
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How is your brother? Is he still suffering from the nasal pain? Was there any reply from the letter that you wrote?  Hang on and don't give up. Take care and best regards.  Hope to hear from you soon.
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Dear Dr. Santos,
Thank you so much for replying to my add. As of right now there is not much I can do. I wrote an official complaint to the CA Healthcare Service. I will keep you posted.  
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How is your brother? Does he have history of allergies?  Sinus Headaches may present with gnawing pain over nasal area, often increasing in severity throughout day. This can be due to an acute infection, usually with  blockage of sinus ducts that prevent normal drainage ( hence, pressure). Migraine and cluster headaches are often misdiagnosed as sinus in origin. Further evaluation may be done to rule out infection, nasal polyps, anatomical deformities, such as a deviated septum. Antibiotics, decongestants, or surgical drainage may help provide relief. An evaluation by a neurologist may also help. Take care and do keep us posted.
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Hello. I have a brother who has been incarcerated for the past 14 years in California's State Prison. He has been suffering from a pain that we are unsure of.  I have been aware of his pain for some time now but thought over the years it has gone away since he didn’t mention it.  The letter I received from him yesterday clearly details the problem and it broke my heart reading it.  He has been hiding this from me, doesn’t want me to stress. I will describe his problem and if anyone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it.  I will find a way to get my voice heard through the prison systems.  
My brother is having problem sleeping and is in constant pain.  His nose is getting worst and the pressure makes it extremely hard to sleep at night.  It’s gotten so bad that he thinks he has an abrasion or bruises in his head. He describe the pain as someone hitting him with a rock or a hammer on his head. He has files many complaints with the Prision but it’s going unnoticed. The Medical staff thinks it’s a joke! He said years ago a doctor did prescribe nasal spray but it did not help, he thinks he made it worst.   He said he can’t do anything about the pain, and if he does fall asleep it’s only for a short period of time.   Can someone please help me?  Based on what I describe, can someone tell me what he has?
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Thanks so much for all your help Vanessa...after feeling a bit confused and helpless the last few days I feel like I have some direction as to what to do next.

Yes I do know I have quite a few food intolerances my naturopath tested me and made me cut out all these food groups last year but my GP warned that wasn't a good idea, so I've been eating everything ever since so I will take your advice then and see an allergologist. Also I will make an appointment with a neurologist. Thanks so much for your advice! I will keep you updated with my results and my allergys test results i'm having on tues.

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This sounds like a bout of the common migraine although cluster headaches may still be considered. A neurologist may help you classify your headaches since certain modes of therapy may be beneficial to one type but not to the other.

IAllergies or intolerance to food may not only cause headaches but far more serious consequences. If you suspect that you do have these then having it evaluated by an allergologist will surely help.Cluster headaches may be accompanied by teary eyes, eye redness and nasal congestion

Keep us posted regarding your progress. I hope you are better now.
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Thanks for replying Vanessa.

No I don't wear glasses, Not associated with menstral cycle, no giddiness or dizziness, imbalance or vomiting, no trauma to the head etc.

The pain occurs almost everyday but I do have a week sometimes where I have complete relief. Yes stress can aggrevate it and weather change too. The pain ranges from 1-10, though mostly its about 4-5 on normal days, so it actually does interfere with my university work and just life in general and I'm becoming really frustrated by it.

It is worse when i bend over or when i read. I will take your advice and speak to a neurologist. I am also having allergies testing with my ENT this Tuesday. I also do have a history of Migraine headaches but I assummed because it didn't affect my whole head was a different sort of pain and i didn't loose my vision each time that it wasn't like my typical migraine headache. But perhaps it is.

Is it also worth seeing someone about food intolerances perhaps?

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Any previous trauma to the head?

Do you have any accompanying weakness, numbness, vomiting,sense of imbalance, giddiness?

How severe is the pain .In a scale of 1-10 with ten as the most severe pls score your pain.

What aggravates the pain? any activities, weather change, stress, prolonged reading or computer use, a certain position?

Is this associated with your menstrual cycle?

Any vision problems? Do you wear eyeglasses?

Is there pain in other parts of the body such as the neck, temples?

Sinus congestion may contribute to your headaches yet a consult with your neurologist may help for a complete neurological examination.Although at this point this doesn't sound very urgent. You may discuss with your physician abortive migraine therapy and its advantages in your case since the ENT has ruled out the sinuses and nearby structures as a cause of your headcaches.If your headcahes persist and occur more often ( > 1 per month or amost daily) then further investigation is warranted since this may not jus be a case of allergies.

I hope this helps. Just keep in touch for further questions.

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