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Half body numbness, vision problems and migraines.

I have this half body numbness, vision problems and migraines since I was only 12 years old. It never happened more than once in 6 months period, some times it happens only once in 3 years but rare.
When ever this kind of problem occurs, my whole day and the next gets reserved with pain. Some times it triggers by bright sun shine or a camera flash. My vision starts getting impaired and then I cannot see objects clear (see mostly shadows). Some times it directly triggers by suddenly numbing my right hand fingers (I believe this happened to my left hand side body as well) and then slowly moves to my other right hand side body parts i.e. arm, leg, lip, nose and eye etc. I usually try to sleep so by the time I will wake up I will be start feeling better but it never happened. By the time I wake up after an hour or so, I will be having severe migraine pains on the left hand side of my head. I take Excedrin, Advil, Tylenol or Ibuprofen to get rid of this pain but no help. Some times I stay home and some times my family members take me to the hospital so the doctors can do something for pain but it never helped. I usually get big vomiting too. Another important point is that I cannot even speak correctly, I would be speaking incomplete and wrong words, this starts happening after half of my tongue gets numb and I believe one of the reason in speaking wrong and crazy words is that perhaps half of my brain gets numb as well.
I have never done an MRI but got some other brain scans done including blood test, blood sugar, uric acid and blood pressure etc. but everything looked normal. Please help me to diagnose this problem. I apologize of writing such a long essay. Thanks
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Your symptoms are very suggestive of migraine. What medications have you tried for migraine?
There are some medications that can prevent migraine attacks like topamax, depakote etc. Have you tried any of those?
What other brain scans have you undergone, was it a CT scan? Did it pick up any abnormality?
I would also suggest you to avoid bright lights, loud noisy places as they trigger migraine attacks. Also you can try OTC magnesium supplements, as magnesium has been found to be beneficial in migraine patients.
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Everything you described happens to me also.. I have had a CT scan and various blood work but everything was normal. They suggested getting an MRI done I just havent done it..
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When was the last time you had a scan done? Are the symptoms similar to your symptoms in the past? Has it worsened/progressed?

I would suggest that tests for coagulation factors ( Pt,aPTT, fibrinogen levels ),evaluation of the peripheral vessels and cardiac function may also be able to shed some light.Given that you have been completely assessed, a complex type of migraine called occipital or basilar migraine may present with your symptoms,This is usually associated with visual symptoms, speech disorders, weakness in the extremiteis, difficulty walking and dizziness. The deficits however should be reversible. You may discuss with your physician the advantages of preventive migraine therapy in your case.

Stay proactive and if you are working or in school, it is important that your friends and colleagues are aware of your condition so they may be able to help in case the attacks happen outside your home.
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My name is Chelsey Messer...i've had  migranes since i was nine years old and severe migranes with stroke symptoms since i was 12 years old. The only reason i know so much about all of this is because the doctor i had in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho happened to have the exact same problem.  I'm sorry to tell you all of this, but through extensive research there is still nothing that can be done about these migranes, but i CAN tell you how to greatly reduce them. Caffine is one of the leading triggers of these migranes. When you consume caffine the blood vessels in you brain are suppose to dialate more quickly (resulting in more energy...makes sense eh?), however with the very few people cursed with these migranes your blood vessels constrict and dont allow oxygen and blood flow to one side of your brain. Causing numbness on one entire half of the body, blurred vision, communication impairment, and nasuea. Other things trigger these migranes as well such as lack of sleep or stress. Since i've had them for around five years i'm use to them and the best way to deal with it is to sleep it off, but unfortunately thats not always possible. An example would be that my mother stressed me out before my highschool homecoming dance and i felt my hand going a bit numb. I started to cry hysterically. STOP...right now....i can tell you right off the bat that the more you stress the worse this migrane will be. I've been able to bring myself out of a migrane within half an hour. Meditation and other things that calm your mind and body help drastically.  Just try to CALM yourself and trust me it WILL help...doctors have prescribed everything they can possibly think of and all it did was make me nauseated and now i have no faith in modern medicine to deal with my migranes. The cause of mine happens to be the fact that i have severe (even though unnoticable) skulliosis. Your nervous system controls your body and when my mother worked in a chiropractic office getting an adjustment right away would also help, not as much as my own will power though. The feeling two days after my migranes are the worst part. Its like your brain is loose to bang around in your skull. The things the doctors have done to me test wise and prescription drug wise is absolutely unforgivable and i wont go into detail for your sake. If any one wants to contact me and find out more my email address is ***@**** (long story) feel free i'm an open book. -Chels
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this is exactelly what happens to me. I get so sick of the dr throwing everything at me and nothing working. They really don't have a clue how to control it. I have tried everything. Started when I was around 10 and im now 43
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since it wont give out my email...feel free to just message me :D
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419126 tn?1242412170
i get migraines as well... i use to get 2-3 per week... and now i get 1 every 2 weeks or so. they are AWFUL!!  ive had CT scans done, MRI's and tons of blood work. no one can figure it out. i can usually tell the day before i get a migraine that i will have one the next day, so i can somewhat prepare for it. 99% of the time, it effects the left side of my body. i see red spots, my face goes numb on the left side, left arm and fingers tingle, throw up repeatedly, and i feel like im slurring when i talk.i feel like ripping my face off. i always have to go to the hospital for treatment. usually morphine will work... sometimes i will sit there for hours with several different IV medications, and nothing will work. i am now 3 months pregnant... and am getting them more frequently.
i just want to thank chels for her input... that's awesome and it totally makes sense. i will definately try everything you suggested.
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451975 tn?1372328599
I am Likesjewellry.  The lady who is 50 and just developed over a year and a half this dibilitating problem.  I feel like a three year old sometimes when I can't speak or my words come out like baby talk.   I am sorry you are so young and going through this, you are very brave to reach out and help others.  I am wondering why after such agonizing testing, retesting, that not one doctor suggested anti migraine drugs to me? I would like to give it a try. Please email me and tell me which ones you tried and what reactions you had to them.  I already to the quiet time, space and meditation.  It is the only thing that calms things down but it never really goes away entirely.  Take care.
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Yesterday, I started seeing strange lights and was feeling really strange.  Then, about 30 minutes later my left hand went numb and my lips.  I felt very disoriented and could not think properly.  Shortly, after I had a spiltting headache and all my energy was zapped.  I am at work today and the lights here are killing me.  All I want to do is go home and sleep, but I can't leave work.  It is really a frightening experience and very hard to remain calm when your whole body is out of whack.  It is comforting to know that my symtoms don't seem to be uncommon.  I called my doctor and they said that it sounded like I had a food allergy or I was dehydrated, but after reading this sight I am convinced that it was a migrain.  I am 6 weeks pregnant, so am thinking hormones may have triggered it.
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hi my ame is gerard, i'm just comeing out of one at the minute, i can relate to you all, when i get the tingleing numb ness it puts me into a panic which makes everyything worse, its a comfort to know i'm not alone. i take migarleve, not sure if i've spellt that right, anyway i'm with you guys.
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Hi - I'm a 31 year old woman and I am really glad to see all of your comments!

I have just started experiencing similar symptoms, they seem to be brought on by stress.  I've never really had headaches of any sort so it didn't occur to me that this could be migraine related.  But, I got kind of freaked out the first time the numbness in the right side of my face happened (about 2 months ago); it felt like the onset of Bells Palsy (which I had 11 years ago, accompanied by Lyme Disease).  But, then unlike Bells Palsy, it went away after a few days.  My doctor was concerned about MS, but my MRI came back in good form, so I am hoping that this numbness really is just some sort of migraine reaction.  Of course my doctor's concern about MS stressed me out as well and the numbness quickly returned.  

Along with the numbness I get really tired and my vision is a bit fuzzier than normal so I have to make sure that I wear my glasses.

Have any of you who take medication had success with it alleviating the numbness?  So far, I've self-medicated with coffee and sleep, which both make me feel better, but the numbness seems like it doesn't go away until I am able to get the stress under control.
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My name is brook an I am 18. Just 3 days ago i was at work and started seeing colors and had blurred vision and lost all peripheral vision and then about 20 minutes later my left side of my mouth went numb and my hand finger by finger went numb. Then after that the headache started. From the sounds of things that have happend to all of you I am getting migranes. I have never gotten headaches or anything like that. It just happend and I havent went to a dr yet, but just days before this a small lump about he size of a dime formed right above my left ear in the pressure point area and I am wondering if anyone has an info on this? & is it common to have the headaches for like a 3 day span because ever since the first one i have had them everyday.
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Thanks a lot to all who have replied to my post. I apologize for replying so late, I never got any email notification from medhelp notifying me of these posts. Anyways my neurologist diagnosed my symptoms as "classic migraines". I've been taking a very good preventive medication which has changed my life, its "Atenolol" i take 50mg every night before bed and it keeps away migraines and ora's away from me so no numbness, tingling, vision problems anymore.

If once in a while I get migraine again, I take Immitrex shot (myself) or 100mg tablet and it takes care of pain in just a few minutes. Let me know If anyone needs more information. Thanks once again
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hi everyone,
i am 39 now, and i have been getting migraines for as long as i remember.  at the age of 12 i was put on beta blockers to try to help control the frequency of my migraines, and have been on them ever since.  i have also found topamax and depakote to be very helpful as maintenance drugs, but i've never found a painkiller that has worked for me.  i know caffeine causes migraines, but when i am getting a migraine, i have found that taking a large dose of caffeine has helped stop a migraine in its tracks.  i also get numbness on one side of my body with some of my migraines, and my neurologist says they are considered minor strokes.  i have had mri's and they have shown no damage, but she did say that imitrex is not recommended for people who get this type of migraine, so i no longer use it.  
i was wondering if anyone else has had their migraines effect their ability to function at a job, and how they have dealt with that.  i'm also wondering if there is anyone else out there who has been on inderal (beta blockers) for an extended period of time, like i've been?  i was one of the first children put on beta blockers for the control of migraine, and they are still unsure of the long term side effects of being on it for such a long time.  
it's great to have found this site....i can relate to all of you, and i have finally found some people who are experiencing the same terrible pain that i am.  
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Hello to all!

I understand your pain.  Of course always consult your doctor first. Yet, one of the recommendation that was giving to me by a nutritional doctor that has worked wonders was taking Calcium Magnesium (specifically Nutrilite Cal Mag D - which is organic supplement) taken at least two tablets with each meal and a glass of water everyday.  What I love about this supplement is 1) It is not a medicine, so there are no side affects (most medicines will cause other health problems as they are abnormal chemical substances being made in a laboratory – for example back pains, gastritis – you can do your research 2) It has also helped me reduce my menstrual pains 3) Calcium is natural muscle relaxer…so it helps me sleep well.  My suggestion would be to make a list of all your symptoms, after taking this supplement for 30 days, then 90 days and so on - take out your list again and see how it's helping.  It might not be from one day to another, but you will start to notice the pain will become weaker, then less frequently, until you might go over a year without the migraines.  You can read more about this organic supplement at: nutrilite.com and at: cramos3.qhealthbeauty.com. Best health wishes!  
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I started getting these migraines with the above mentioned symptoms when I was about 5 years old. As a kid I had test after test CT scan etc. to no avail. I am now 35. I used to wake up in the middle of the night (as a kid) and my left foot would be numb. I would wake my dad and he would rub my foot then my leg then my left arm and hand as the numbness worked it's way up to my left side of my face and then my tongue. As a kid I never experienced vomiting or vision problems. These migraines run deep in my family. Grand father, uncles, cousins and myself and one of my 3 brothers. As 95% of us got into our late teens and young adult years these migraines became farther apart, but more severe with the vision problems, vomiting and worse headaches. How do you explain it when I was 5 sleeping in the middle of the night? No stress, no caffeine at 3 a.m. I have since had them triggered by looking out a window at the bright sun shinning on the snow. A collision while playing sports. Hitting my head in and ATV accident and recently for no apparent reasons at all. I was getting them about once every 3-4 years after my 20th birth day, but all of a sudden started getting them again and today had my 3rd one in 5 months. Still only affects my left side. I have learned for me that once I feel the numbness or I start getting the blurred vision, that if I walk around and keep moving until the numbness runs it's course, and take 3 ibuprofen or Tylenol that my headache that follows is only 1/2 as bad as it used to be and will subside for the most part after 24 hours. I am going to try a chiropractor as I have never been to one and my neck has been causing some pain.
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1056589 tn?1273747102
Hi All,
Im 35yrs old and just started to have migraine issues about a year ago. Mine mimic stroke like so many of you have discribed. My brain MRI shows 15 spots/lesions.But I have been tested for a ton of different issues and all tests are normal.My LP was normal too. My original Neuro said that I was having complex migraines with aura and handed me Imetrex. Sinece then I have switched neuros. The new neuro said that there was nothing normal about my migraines and mentioned Migraine Varients.Like Hemaplegic,Basilar and a host of other weird types of migraines. She seems to feel that I am suffering from several different types of migraines which is common in migraineirs.She told not to ever take Imetrex because it is contraindicated in these rare types of migraines. I go back to see her on Feb 4th.
These types of migraines are very scary....
Please Take Care, Theresa
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i have been getting migraines 3 or 4 times a week now.
Was in a car accident about 2 yrs ago and they are more severe now and more often.
Today i got a ora and could only see the top half of people.
this is the first time this has happened.Usually it is only the sides i cant see
Has anyone else had this happen?

Judy from canada
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1056589 tn?1273747102
Hi Judy,
Your aura can be different  with every migraine you have. If there is a drastic change in your migraine patterns you should contact your neurologists and let them know. Have you had a Brain MRI ?

Please Take Care, Theresa
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wow i never guessed that migranes could lead to body numbness.  i get frequent migranes but have never experianced body numbness until today.  it was the first time one whole side of my body went completly numb.  then i felt i got hit in the head with a sledge hammer and my vision got all blurry.  it was one of the scariest things ever and it is nice to see that i am not alone or crazy!
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hi dh4ever,
sorry to hear that you went thru the same symptoms, and I totally understand that It could be really scary. If it's the first time you had body numbness and vision problems then I hope that you dont get it more frequently, If you do talk to your doctor and try Atenolol 50mg or 100mg every night before bed for 2 months. These symtoms are refer to as Auras, signals which tells you that you're going to have severe migrane that is severe pain on one side of your head, for me it's always left side of my head and body numbness is always on the right side of my body including hand, arm, tongue, lip, head, leg etc.
With atenolol I did pretty good until a month ago when again I had these symptoms, it was after a long time though (exactly 2 yrs and 1 month) I took Immitrex 50mg right away so I never got the pain in head.
Hope this info helps you and I pray that you dont get this Aura and migraine again.
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As bad as it sounds it makes me feel better knowing that I am not the only one who suffers from these ordeals. I'm a 27 year old, male who has been having these minor strokes/complex migraines since I was 16. My first one was only a headache with body numbness. At the time I was in a friend's basement and a strobe light was on. I believe that was the initial cause. Through the years they have sped up their occurrences. It went from once every few months to once a month. They also changed from partial numbness to a traveling numbness on my right side. Such as my hand will go numb and then it will move up my arm, proceeding to my face. As far as I can remember the vomiting stage was only once. However when they happen I lose my ability to think of specific words/form proper sentences, the eyesight of my right eye allows me to see what I refer to as tv static on a blank screen, my coordination is out the door (simple tasks such as texting or typing are impossible), as I breathe through my nose the air smells funny to me, walking is sometimes hard depending on where my numbness is (as I said it travels through my body, never has my full right side been numb at once), and a splitting headache lasts for several hours. I do think that it is somehow stress related. I haven't had an incident in over 6 months and I'm overjoyed. I can sense them coming due to my eyesight starting to blur. When they start to happen I take an OTC pill called Vanquish. It does ease some of the pain. I have a bad habit of mass consuming Mountain Dew which is high in caffine. I'm attempting to limit my general caffine intake as well as change my diet to see how it affects all of this. I do appreciate all of the advice everyone has put on here. It's a shame that so much money has been wasted on all of these tests to come out with zero results. I wish you all luck in dealing with this. If ever anyone comes up with a good fix email me at ***@**** Thank you. Adam K.
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Zomig (ZOLMITRIPTAN) 5mg Inhaler is the silver bullit. When it starts use one inhaler, and you will feel it lift. You know exactly what I am talking about. The first time I used it, I actually found myself waiting for the pain to come back, but it did not happen. It is wonderful.
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Thanks for the Zomig inhaler suggestion, my cousin who is a Neuro-Surgeon also recommended this medication, will definitely get it.
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I am 18 y/o i had this half body numbness, 2days ago i just felt it on my fingers but last night upon surfing the net my left leg became numb and I don't know why. I don't have a headache, I don't know what's going on, please do help me.
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