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Burning, acid-like Migraine Headache

For over a year now, I have suffered from a odd feeling migraine.  The pain can be described as a tight, burning sensation between my eyebrows and a similar feeling in the base of my skull and neck.  I have suffered from migraine headaches since starting menstruation 13 years ago, and have been diagnosed with classic, common, and atypical migraine.  This new headache is not only uncomfortable but annoying-- I'm not vomiting or crying from pain or incoherent, so people don't seem to believe me when I have one.  I have now had this headache daily for over a week, and when I visited the ER (I had to leave my teaching job because of the burning to go), the doctors gave me Vicodin and Reglan (for the nausea I sometimes get from it).  I took a Vicodin two hours ago with an Imitrex-- and am still burning.  

My question is has someone out there experienced this burning, acid-like migraine, and if so, what have you do to relieve it?  If a doctor can also suggest a name for this condition, I would appreciate it.  The ER docs said it sounded like a cluster migraine.  However, my ex-husband suffered from those and mine do not wake me in the night or make me need to sit up or move around.    
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I have had the same sensation and went to the ER and come to find out it was my sinuses backing up in my head..
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I have one right now.I Googled migraine burning inside, and found your post. I have had chronic migraines since I was around 6 years old. I am 46 now. These burning migraines are hard to treat.The pain is much more difficult to get rid of. It is comforting to know that I am not the only one who suffers from these types of migraines. I hope that one day a cure or better treatment is found for us.
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30 hours into one now.  
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I have had a headache for 6 days straight now on the right side of my forehead  it started  burning  3 days ago  went to the ER and no help those pain pills have given me know help can someone please tell me something, anything  ??????
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Have you tried chiropractic care? Full disclosure: I work as an assistant in a chiropractic office. I have had several patients come in with similar symptoms/severe headaches. These are often caused by a small subluxation of the spine - something either missed or dismissed by many general practitioners. A chiropractor will take x-rays to confirm the presence of a subluxation, then prescribe a regimen of spinal adjustments/physical therapy to correct the issue. It is a gradual process - much like getting braces for your teeth - but will eventually ease or eliminate your headaches. I'd definitely give chiropractic care a try!
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Interesting! My doc finally recommended me to a neurologist who, after asking me many questions and doing several tests, believed it to be migraines. It was surprising since my headache pain is not "the worse", and I don't always feel nausea, but the dizziness is the most bothersome. I have had to live with the feeling that my head is bobbing when its not, and several grocery store/mall trips have left me feeling completely out of it and faint. I tried Serc to no avail. The neurologist did not think it was muscle/spine related or stress (even though thinking about it made me feel panic) but all back to the blood vessels in my brain and seratonin levels. So, I have to take Elavil (amitriptyline) for 2 months and than report back. He would like me start with 10 mg day and go up to 30 mg. It's been making me more tired but no other symptoms thank goodness.
So far, headaches are less painful but the dizziness continues as does the burning sensations...
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I have had HAs for 15yrs.  Most of my HAs are pain at the base of my neck, but some include a burning sensation with pain.  I had a 6 week cycle last spring where the HAs came daily, but never really grew beyond a pain level of 3-4.  The rest of 2013 was pretty much HA free.  However, I have had multiple HAs this year starting about a month ago.  I know when I am starting a migraine cycle because like you I get flushed.  I have actually stood outside in 20 degree temps with little clothing and been perfectly comfortable for 5-10 minutes d/t the heat caused by flushing.  

I take Imitrex as soon as I feel a potential migraine.  However, last week for the first time in years I got HAs while sleeping.  These resulted in severe pain and nausea.  Like you I have tried new glasses, allergy meds, and pain meds.  In addition, I have logged food types, CO exposure, computer exposure, alcohol consumption, exercise, sleep length, etc and found no obvious trigger.  Years ago, I took Inderal LA 80mg daily and rarely got a HA.  Inderal does have an impact on short term memory and for what I do for a living that became an issue after 10 years.  My mother suffered from severe migraines for most of my childhood, but found instant and long lasting relief (30 yrs) from Inderal LA 80 daily with Dyazide daily.  Food for thought!

Sorry for the ramble as my 3rd Imitrex is in full swing now.  And finally, headaches suck!

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Hi all,
I am 26/f with no other health issues but have been battling burning headaches for 3 weeks now. It starts off as a burning at the back of my skull with slight tingling, which makes me flushed (no fever). Sometimes a one-sided headache starts with it (medium pain level) and I have bouts of dizziness and nausea. I had an MRI in 2010 due to my daily one-sided headaches which came up clean, giving me no help. At that time however it was primarily a headache with no other symptoms. I did try chiropractor/massage therapy(nerves in your neck can cause a lot of issues), new glasses,allergy meds, depression meds (some help headaches), pain killers,etc. Eventually after several months, the daily headaches went away and I just got the occasional tension headache (the pounding band around the head). The reason behind these headaches was never determined but the MRI told me I had no other issues that were causing them.

These burning headaches have started up in the past month and seem very random to me. My doctor did not know what to think. The symptoms sound like migraines but they usually don't last for more than 3 days tops, and I have been suffering nearly every day with a few days of feeling a bit better.  I went to the ER yesterday and they gave me meds for the pain and nausea, but thought I should check back in with my neurologist. The ER doc did not think anything serious (tumour, aneurysm) has likely developed in 3 years since the MRI and do not match my symptoms, but there are literally hundreds of things that cause headaches so he suggested bugging my family doctor again. My family doctor however has a habit of mis-diagnosing me and he claims stress is the cause most likely, since hormones/birth control/pregnancy/neck and eye issues have been ruled out. I however have been stress free and had no headaches in 2013 which was a very stressful year.
It's a huge pain as I cannot work or drive when they come on and extra strength Tylenol/Gravol takes the edge off of the pain and nausea but nothing helps the burning.
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Did you ever find an answer to your problems? Ive been suffering from migraines the last 10 years of my life, and for the last year now they've increased in pain level with the same burning sensation you've describe, with relief seeming almost impossible.
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Did you ever find anything that helps? I have had a migraine everyday for 9 months . The migraines I use to get were stabbing pain. Now it has changed. It feels like my brain is on fire and my stomach
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2190999 tn?1504988891
Hey Crystal... Good idea. You should repost this on a new thread for everyone to see better :)
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I think it is from breathing extremely dry, cold air. I had one of those horrible burning headaches all day yesterday (when the temps were in single digits), and I came home and had a steam facial - not for beauty, but for the headache - and it worked! Felt so much better! Today when I went out, I only breathed through my scarf, and I managed to prevent it from happening again.
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oh wow, i have the exact same thing.. its driving me nuts, thats the only way i can describe it (like sunburn) its like the heat is radiating from my scalp, its used to be on the top left of my skull, but now i have it on other side to, its wearing me down x i was very stressed when it started, but since ive calmed down its still there ...
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I have the exact same thing. I have been trying to figure out what is going on with me. These did not start until I had my gallbladder out and I also have noticed they come on when I have indigestion or eat certain spicy foods. I have had a CT and getting an MRI but right now I have been put on a medication called Gabapentin to try and help the burning scalp. It feels like I have a sunburn on top of my head. I am lucky if I have one or two good days a week. Let me know if anyone else has had similar experiences and what you have done about it especially if you have found a cause. Thanks
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I have experienced migraine headaches since the age of 8. I am now 36. I have tried various medications for this and the best that seems to work is 2 Excedrin with an Imatrex and usually an Alka-Seltzer. Unfortunately these Imatrex are very expensive and my insurance only allows two packs of 9 (totaling 18) per month. That would be fine if it were enough to cure the headaches but it isn't.

I experience these nearly every day now. I have noticed that in the past five years that at the onset of the migraine I have what seems like horrible heartburn. This acid feeling moves throughout my entire neck and upper back and burns behind my eyes and nose. If that wasn't bad enough, then the head ache really begins. I take Imatrex for these and if I catch them soon enough it will usually help. When it takes effect, I feel that acid burning sensation dissipate throughout my entire body before finally subsiding.
That is if the migraine goes away. Often, knowing I am nearly out of med's and have appointments and etc for the upcoming days, I risk not taking the Imatrex soon enough to insure that I will have the medication if I need to be some where important.

These headaches are nearly disabling and I get depressed when I really want to go somewhere (like my child's school play) and one of these set in. Often times I must endure it to participate in activities or work only to find that later it takes longer to get rid of because I didn't get in a quiet, dark room sooner.

I have been to my Dr. several times about this and tried a few non-effective methods such as preventative, sinus treatment, allergy medications, OTC products and etc. but to no avail aside from the Imatrex which isn't a sure thing and is limited. I get the Imatrex from the pharmacy so frequently that the pharmacy guy began questioning me about what else the medication could possibly be used for. I explained that I had no idea and that if I didn't have a migraine that it didn't seem to have any side effects for me other than causing an occasional upset stomach.

My family is sick of hearing that I have these sick headaches and my Dr. just sighs when I mention the same symptoms time and time again with no relief and no answers. I believe that at first she thought I may be there to request some sort of addictive pain medication ( and who knows if she still does or not) but I do not want to be doped up, I want to be cured. There have been many times in which these burning migraines have taken over my life and I am sick of being sick.

I have tried going off all medication thinking that too much was inducing the headaches but I still had the migraines and the ONLY non-prescription/OTC cure I have found is to go to bed in a dark room with earplugs, plenty to drink and don't come out until it is over (even if that is 2 or 3 days).
MRI's reveal nothing of course and food allergies seem very inconsistent. I have spent nearly 30 years trying to isolate the cause of these migraines but to no avail. Yes, my mother had them. She never found a cause or cure for them either and has now passed away from other non-related reasons.
The over sensitivity to smells, light, sounds does not seem to provoke a migraine although some people seem to think certain smells do but I have found that at the onset of a migraine, over sensitivity to EVERYTHING is nearly unavoidable.

This burning sensation that has been occuring in my neck, shoulders, eyes, head and nose now seems to have also graduated to my upper arms during very intense attacks.

Is there some relation to migraines and digestive problems? Is there a possibility that stomach acid could escape and travel to other areas of the body? I realize that may be illogical but that is what it feels like and I don't know how else to describe it.    
Herbal remedies are stacked in my cabinet, I have tried vitamin mixtures and other herbals and end up with a cabinet full of garbage (or at least ineffective toward migraines).

I often experience chronic nerve-like or burning pain which I feel is preempted by these migraines or what ever is the root cause of them. Applying direct heat seems to be the only relief to this pain. There are times in which I must grab a big blanket and "camp out" over my heat vent.
This is ridiculous. I don't understand why the medical community has not discovered the cause and cure for migraines in all of these years. There seems to be relatively little focus on it considering the amount of people who endure these.

If you have these migraines as frequently as I do, you will know what I am talking about and the discouragement of being misunderstood and all that it takes from your life. I have abstained from accepting prescription pain meds that were simply for pain because although it would relieve some of the pain, how would I ever be able to function taking that amount of pain medication? I don't see that as an alternative because I would not feel like I was gaining quality of life.I do however, take Lunesta every night to sleep because I am too achey to sleep through the night without it and lack of sleep only adds to the frequency of migraines. Lunesta is not the cause of the migraines. I had them long before I began taking this for a sleep aid. I take benadryl during the day if the migraine is so bad that I need to lay down and the pain is so bad I can't rest.

Please, someone.... find a real cure for these migraines. But to do that I believe you will have to find the cause first. Anyone with any other suggestions that I haven't tried that may be working for them, please contact me at ***@**** with your advice.

Thank you,
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How is your girlfriend? Headaches with nausea, vomiting, and vision symptoms prior or during headache may indeed be symptoms of migraine aura. It is important that she takes the medications prescribed, rest and avoid the triggers of the headache. A headache journal or the migraine tracker here in in the forum may help identify the triggers so she can avoid them. If it persists, check with her doctor for proper management. Take care and do keep us posted.
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My gf is having some server headaches she's complaining about her head burning blurred vision n giddy head no vomiting but upset stomach can any1 help us her Dr say its migrane but I just feel its something different instead she can get very moody when it happens or be for it come on.
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So I'm writing on behalf of my husband.  I have been trying to find out what kind of headache he has and this page is the only one that comes close to his symptoms.  He has been getting these headaches for the past 10-15 years.  It starts with burning of the nose, sometimes cold air triggers it.  The headache then goes behind the eye and into ear and sometimes the whole head.  He thinks that it is a sinus headache but sinus headaches should not be debilitating.  He only feels good when he is in a hot shower or lays down for hours with a heating pad on his head, ice packs do not help.  We have not found any medication that can help him, sinus or migraine.  He has been to 3 doctors so far and they all gave him a different answer and are unable to help.  I'm planning on sending him to a headache center next.  I don't think it's a cluster headache because he lays down and sleeps for hours not getting up and moving around.  These headaches can last from 1 hour to 24 hours. If anyone has had a headache like this and knows what it is called or any information I would be so grateful.  
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This is the first time I have ever read a description that exactly paired to what I have been going through for years.
This is the first time I have ever read a description that exactly paired to what I have been going through for years.
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I've been having a buffet of different migraines for the last 9 years.  Just this past week my symptoms have changed yet again.
This is new, the burning 'acid like' feeling.  I can't seem to fight my way through this.  It's similar to the feeling I get when I take a 'Zomig' or 'Relpax'.
Is this a common feeling.  In my own research to date I've not come across this symptom until now because I was purposfully looking for it.
If anyone has any info or can point me in a direction to get more I would much appreciate it.
I would go and see my doc now...only I find it better if I figure it out a bit more and them I'm armed with more info for him to treat with.
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       For the last 6 years I have been suffering with some kind of condition?? Intense burning under my eyes even causing puffiness & it hurts for usually a full day or more & happening 3 to 4 times per week. For the last few years I was treated as if I had a sinus infection only my sinus's were bone dry. After no luck from those treatments I went to a Allergist & was perscribed nasel sprays & took some tests to see if I was allergic anything & that may be causing my condition. I was found to be allergic to Dogs. I have two & noticed I would break out when I would pet them to much, so I was recomended to stay away from them for about two weeks. Well that did nothing as well & the thing was I have had dogs in my family for my whole life. Lastly I went to a nerologist who proscribed Topamax & Imatrex. The imarex (spelling) made me feel even worse & helped intensify the already burning feeling & my heart was racing like crazy. The Topamax made very very tired & I was not able to stay on it for that reason. Today I awoke again & I new it was coming. Sleep blows I'm afraid everynight that I will wake up to this burning pressure which ruins everything in my life making me depressed. I just don't know what else to do. The only thing for me that seems to work is Excedrin but I will not take it for I was told that my body will become addicted to it & it could make these possible Headaches worse. So today I missed Fathersday & laid on the couch all day with this feeling getting more & more intense throught the day. So rest dose also nothing. I got in the car & barely drove to get some Excedrin at my work were I keep it for only emergencies. I just could not take it anylonger. I feel better after a few hours of taking it however I continue with a buzzing feeling below my eyes ( my cheeks ) & its there most ALL the time but thats when I feel decent. It seems to me I can't be helped told what I have for it doesn't seem to fit a common migraine. I guess I will call another neorologist................
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Allergy-like symptoms, swelling under the eye, combined with headache, especially after aerob exercise or before menses,this can be caused by histamine release. Search for"histamine intolerance" or "DAO" on the net.
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There is a possibility that the headaches that you are describing is occipital neuralgia. It causes sharp burning pain at the back of head and upper part of neck, the pain can go upto the top of neck and even upto the eyebrows.
Occipital neuralgias are very difficult to diagnose. You will have to find a specialist in your area and seek his opinion.
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I just, by chance, stumbled on this website. I was looking for occipital headaches when I found your 'burning, acid-like headaches. For many years I suffered with this type of headache. No one can see or feel your pain and is very hard to describe the pain. Many meds can trigger the pain, constantly circulating air, or cold air can trigger the pain. I was misdiagnosed as having sinusitis and was treated with antibotics and cortisone for years, I had the deviated septum surgery, took allergy short, etc.  (cortisone helps, but that is kind of a bad trap you can get into). I still get these HDs 3-4 times a year and the ONLY thing what works is to treat them like a sinus infection and take antiboitics.  If you can find a doctor who will prescribe 2% lidocaine to put into your sinuses (thru your nose - sounds gross - but it will stop the pain), and some A/B Otic Ear Drops QUA. I can't tell you why these headaches develop or which treatment actually made mine better, but my burning headaches developed into trigeminal neuralgia (for which I had surgery at University of Pittsburg) - and - after that surgery, this type of headache disappeared for years.  But, first, I'd try the lidocaine and the antibotics. Good Luck!!!
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Inflammation of the nerves can cause headache. Inflammation may be caused by viruses like Herpes, or bacteria like Borrelia burgdorferi. In your case it must have been bacteria. Combined antibiotics may be effective to eradicate neuroborreliosis.

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