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Poor Circulation

I have poor circulation I believe. My hands and feet fall asleep all the time. My hands and feet are always cold, numb and very pale in color..However if I take a warm bath my feet turn bright red and burn quite badly..eventually they adjust.I will have socks on all day and take them off, and my toes still feel like popcicles.They can get rather soar at times.I have wierd, random muscle aches at times as well.My dr refferred me to a neurologist, but I lost my insurance before my appointment date??? I also have IC and have been getting frequest soars in my nose and got a Large Canker soar today....What is going on..anyone heard of anything like this??
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I have Buerger's Disease from smoking.  I almost had my hands amputated.  If you smoke......friggin' quit!!!!  Take baby aspirin and other blood thinners as prescribed.  Keep warm at all times and try getting into the gym and walk/run the treadmill.  Excercise will help circulation!!  Also try Ginko Biloba, Ceyenne, Ginger, Garlic pills, and Fish Oils.
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I have Raynaulds as well as IC, fortunately...I have managed to get my IC under control for the most part by changing my diet.  Making sure that I stay away from fruits and juices keeping the acidity away, certainly helps!  As far as the poor circulation goes...there are medications to help it...although, I would much rather try to use natural things instead, of dealing with all the side effects that you end up with from the meds.  My doctor told me take 2 bowls of water, use tap water and make it as hot as you can stand it in one bowl, then with the other make it as cold as you can stand it in that bowl.  Then take your hands and or feet or both and put them from the hot to the cold...it's hard to do at first but you know that you can stand the temp. because you set it yourself.  It changes and retrains your perception of the temps that you can handle.  Along with constricting and expanding the capillaries in your extremities.  It helps so that you don't have that "locked up" feeling when you do get cold, it becomes not as intense.  I know it works, hope you try it, before you go onto any cardiac meds to increase your circulation.  Good luck!
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I too have poor circulatiomn. I had a neuroblastoma tumor at age 12 , in my abdomen, and since then always have had it. I don't know if thats the reason. But as i have gotten older , at 41 i too have the trouble w my left side falling asleep when i sleep, hands too. I have ice cold hands ..but i take a beta blocker.Do you take anything like that ? Your Dr/ will get to the bottom of this.Be persistent.
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IC is Inter. Cycstitis...It's a chronic condition of the bladder.
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You might want to read up on Raynaud's phenomenon/disease.  Your symptoms could be from that.  Fingers and toes turn pale/blue, get numb in response to cold with Raynaud's.  Sometimes it is seen in conjunction with connective tissue diseases.

What Is IC?
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You may see my story if you scroll down to the end of the forum page on my comment to sizzle.  Check out this website:
Once you get into this site you may want to link into the links at the end of the page.

Good luck and cheers
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You may see my story if you scroll down to the bottom of the page on the forum to sizzle's comment. Look at this website.
Goo luck.
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