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Father with sudden personality changes

Over the last 4-5 months, my father (663 yrs old) has displayed changes in mood and personality. It seemed to begin with some mild depression symptoms and trouble sleeping and then progressed to some anxiety issues, in that he is worrying over small things. There have been some displyes of behavior that are drastically different than his normal. My parents have been together for 40 something years and own a business together. Their relationship had always been well balanced between activities they like to do togehter and their own hobbies.My father has always been a very grounded and emotionally stable man, very level headed. Recently my father began questioning my mother about crazy things, like a trip she took out of town 7 years ago and things of that nature. He will ask the same questions over and over sometimes. When I have visited them, he does not seem anxious or agitated, but in talking to him, he just does not seem "quite right" to me. ALso, in just lookinh at him, it does not look like he feels well. It is hard to pinpoint exactly what looks different, although he has lost about 10 pounds over several months. His past medical history is really only significant for some episodes of vertigo begining about a year and half ago or so ago. He went through some tests, blood chemistries CT/MRI that turned out normal, except for a vitamin B deficiency. The vertigo issues have since resolved after a few months, and are not present now. My father finally went to a local family practitioner, just told her he wasnt sleeping and was feeling a little down and she said he was depressed (didnt run ANY tests on him). My father refused to be put on an antidepressant. He has always been healthy and even hates to take Tylenol for an ache or pain. At this point, my gut feelind is that something is wrong physically or medically, and not just psychologically. It has been just a such a drastic change in him in such a short amount of time. My mother has been trying to get him to go see another doctor, and I think that he should have some tests run. I believe he is ill,not just "depressed". He is no homicidal or suicidal ideations. If a doctor here, or someone else here can give advice as to what might be going on, it would greatly be appreciated. If I go to my father and give him some advice, he might actually listen to me and go back to the doctor. Thanks
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I meant he is 63 yrs old
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Gosh, could be a lot of things.  I think if his doc would refer him to a cardiologist, he needs to have his heart and circulatory system checked out.  When the heart isn't pumping correctly, it can cause your father's symptoms because he's not getting enough oxygen in his brain, thus the repetitive thinking.  Also, a fast heartrate will cause a person to become anxious.  There are medicines and other treatments to help him with a problem with the heart.  
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Thanks ggreg. I mentioned that my dad had some vertigo episodes about a year and a half ago. They checked his hear then too. Stress test and Holter monitor etc all normal. His blood pressure is good as well. MRI and CT was negative as well...But these are new symptoms that just started about 6 months ago, and he has not had the vertigo in awhile so all of that may be irrelevent now...My gut feeling is that he is sick with somthing and that is affecting him neurologically. I know many illness that dont originate from a neuro disorder often affect the brain and also cause symptoms like my dad's. I think part of his reluctance to go back to the doc is due to the fact that they ran all those tests back when he had vertigo and found nothing. Thanks for your advice, it is appreciated.
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