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Neck/shoulder/arm pain. Thumb, index and middle finger numb

I woke up with pain in my neck/shoulder area one morning out of nowhere. It was very painfully, muscles were cramping up bad. Went to the docs and they gave me a trigger point shot and med ie: pain, aint inflammatory and muscle relaxers. Note: This started Nov 6th 2006.... Two weeks later, still in pain. Just started going to a Chiropractor less than two weeks ago. He feels it is a pinched nerve in the neck area looking at the exrays and feeling the neck. My neck is a lil crooket and the C shape in the back of my neck is almost straight, so he feels he can correct the problem. It doesn't seem to be working though. Right now as I type My shoulder is in pain. Back and front, left side. My arm is sore and my tricep muscle was very very sore and looks like the muscle is disappearing. My right arm looks bigger now and feels bigger. and the my index finger is numb and has some pain. When I cough, I want to jump out of my skin because the pain is awful in my left shoulder. I took so many meds, seen a family doc and a chiropractor and still in pain. I never had this problem or any other problems like this. 42 and for the most part healthy. What could this really be and how can I fix it?
23 Responses
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I have a similar problem. CT scan came back with me having "too straight of a neck". MRI came back with a L5 (i think) bulging disc. Neurologist just gave me anti-inflammatories which only help temporarily. I believe its a pinched nerve somewhere on my left hand side as I have been having discomfort and pain in my left shoulder blade, muscle spasms in my neck and tingling sensations in my little finger, ring finger and middle finger which comes and goes. I find the tingling comes if I sleep for too long on my left hand side or if i'm in the same position for long periods of time.
Recently I just started a job milking cows and now the tingling sensation has been happening in both hands but now my thumb, index and middle fingers. I'm planning on going back to another doctor as i've well an truely over all this... its been happening for about 4 years now...
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I had the same issues years. I had been told it was carpel tunnel for years. He sent me for an EMG and it turned out I had 2 herniated discs in my cervical spine. Physical therapy made it worse. Surgery was my only option. C5 C6 discs. I am now having a similar problem, AGAIN. Just on the left side. This time the pain is much worse. I hope you figure it out, and soon!! Good luck
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Hi I'm having exactly the same symptoms and exactly the same results from X-ray and Mri, can you tell me if you ever found out what was causing it?
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I had the same issues you had with your neck .did you find any relief ?
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I know this is a late response  but I'm having the same issues you had .did  you find any relief?
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I know this is a late response  but I'm having the same issues you had .did  you find any relief?
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It sounds like a pinched nerve.  I know it's been a long time since your pain started, so you may not remember if something had changed that might have caused the pinched nerve.  This could be something like getting new furniture at home or work.  I've had pinched nerves on a few occasions, and was able to self-diagnose and resolve the issue .  On three occasions, my pinched nerves were cause by so-called ergonomic chairs at work.  Two other times, they were cause by the way I was holding my laptop--at home when I got a new loveseat, and then while visiting my mother for a month.  In cases like these, meds and chiropractic adjustments won't work if the behavior continues.
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I have a problem in both shoulders and arms sometime it was as severe that i could not move and also have problem in breathing, it also reaches my both arms and then up till fingers , some time it started from middle of hand and stared upwards. i m also suffering from
migraine doc says its due to cervical and migraine but i can't get relive from it. i can't take
painkillers as it have side effects plz guide me as what to do now ?
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I have had similar symptoms to the rest of these posts.  Severe pain in shoulder, numbness in the thumb.   From a lot more searching, I believe I have a herniated disc.  Treatments can range from simple physical therapy to surgery (required in 10% of cases).   Here was a good website which listed the different symptoms and which disc each related to.  http://www.arthritis-treatment-and-relief.com/cervical-disc-shoulder-pain.html
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i had saw this dvd and it was realy good even though its a dated video the terms and knowledge is the same.
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last night I couln't sleep I had severe finger cramps thumb, index and middle fingers the pain and cramps were so severe the pain and cramp would go up to my elbows.  Does anyone has any idea what could this be?
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I had a little stiff neck, which I get every once in a while and then it goes away.  Then a week ago had a cold and cough.  Every time I coughed it killed my left shoulder.  The cough got better, but the shoulder stayed painful, couldn't find any position to make it better.  Could not lie flat on the floor.  Numbness in tips of thumb, index finger, and sort of middle finger.  Ibuprofen and Naprosyn didn't touch the pain.  Neither hot nor cold helped.  Went to the MD and the xrays show the disk spaces are ok.  The MD diagnosed it as cervical myalgia and prescribed Ultram for the pain and made a referral to physical therapy.  The thinking is it will resolve on its own, but PT would help "move it along."  They would probably give me exercises and help with my posture, if that is what's been causing the stiff necks.

The Ultram is helping when the pain gets too awful.  I think maybe cold is helping more than heat, so have stopped the heat.  Physical therapy can't see me until the end of the week, but I will post the excercises and progress. In the meantime, I am trying to remember to use my left arm, since it feels like it getting weaker from neglect.
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Debbie404, what type of exercises did your doctor recommend?
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I already had a disc fussion about 5 years ago on C 5-6 and now I cannot use my right arm at all. I am in excruciating pain in my bicep, upper forarm and under my shoulder blade. Numbness in Thumb and pointer and part of my third finger. I have already had a Epidural set done and NOTHING and matter fact I think it is worse. My pain managment Dr. wants to do 2 other sets up Epidurals, but I don't think I can wait that long. Do you think I should see a nuerologist.

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Well, I was ok.  A week ago I slipped from the top of the stairs and went down on my bottom and back down 10 stairs.I just could not stop and OOOOUCHHHH!! Here we  go again. Not  as bad as the pinched nerve but all bruised ,broke a nail and scard me to death . No broken bones thankfully.
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Hello again, I posted a comment on July 2,08. I am happy to say I am  back to normal after of 2 months of pain.I believe it was a pinched nerve and it just needed time to heal. The med's did help  but I weaned off little by little and noticed it was slowly feeling better day after day.When I look back I would have not used that hand and arm as much.I think by me using it, it was prolonging the healing process.  I did specific exercises that my Dr. recommended for my neck and sholders and that really felt good but computer use and writing etc. aggravated it .I only went to the Chiropractor 1 time and that was a WASTE of time & money. I am so glad in my case I did not go back.
Anyways, If your case is similar to mine , good luck I hope it goes away on it's own like mine I am happy to say did !
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by Fanta400, Aug29,2008 6:33p.m.                                                                            

I had surgery in Aug,2000 my c5 and c6 was fused together I lost 20% molbility in my neck. In 2005, the pain was back, just as i am reading everyone of you have now.In 2006 I under with a facet,cerv inject,it didn't stop the pain.A week later I had a Epidural Injection, this block the pain where as I could deal with it on a daily bases. As of today the pain is back and that is why I am here, seeing there is anyone else going through what i am. I have started to see another Dr. But I will never give up trying to find help.
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I had the same symptoms you are talking about for about a year.  Just 3 months ago
I had an mri that showed severe herination of my c5-6 and c6-7..  I had surgery 4 days after my mri with a wonderful neurosurgeon and went back to work in 4 days...  I would recommend you go to your doctor and ask him to start with an mri , easy and quick way to get to the root of the problem..  If caught early enough it is possible to be treated without surgery....  Don't wait to long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I agree with nomd.  It sounds like pinched nerves.  My husband had a wreck, was rearended, his head went through the back window of his truck.  It crushed the disc and pinched a nerve.  Unfortunately he went to an orthopedic surgeon and he removed the disc and replaced it with a piece from his pelvis.  Still didn't have the use of his arm, had to go to a neurosurgeon, who discovered a bone spur, had the orthopedic surgeon looked for anything else before just doing this fusion, he would have seen the bone spur.  The neurosurgeon had to go back in through the front like the ortho surgeon did to be able to get to the bone spur, but couldn't get to it, nicked the spinal cord, had to patch that up and go in through the back and take out a little piece of the vertibrate to take the pressure off the nerve. They tried traction on him before doing surgery, but that didn't work, don't know if an inversion table would give you any relief, but I'd go to a neurosurgeon if nothing else worked.
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I believe sassion has no clue. You both have disc problems causing a pinched nerve. Probably Between the C6 and C7.The only way I found out was with an MRI.Wiggle your middle finger,look at the muscle on your forearm. If that is the area that really hurts the most then I believe you have what I had. I needed an anterior cervicle disectomy with fussion.Only after drugs and physical theropy did't help. good luck
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ATOSA.org  Sounds Like Thoracic Outlet Syndrome!  Check it out!  Great Site!
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I am having left forearm pain, my left middle finger is partially numb, I have a pain between my shoulder blades, the back of my neck feels numb, and my index finger is almost completely numb. It has been this way for over a month now and I am on 600mg Gabapentin and hydrocodone and have been on these meds for over a month and the Dr.s are doing little to help. They put me on 4 weeks of steroids and it did nothing. My initial MRI showed mild bulging in my C-5 disk and that is pretty much it. My initial x-ray showed degenerative disk disease in my neck. I need some relief bad and I am at the point where I am even looking forward to surgery to get that relief. Is surgery what is needed with this type of problem?
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I am having similar problem. I am 46. Mine started May 21 and is still there over 6 weeks later. Mine started with a kink in my neck for a couple of days.Then iIwent to a concert and my friend was standing so close to me jammed in that I could not relax my arm or it would bump her so I had it swayed up to my side  for a very long time.At that point no pain but uncomfortable.Went home and that night was in horrible arm pain with shooting pain through my upper right back and felt like chest pains.
The arm pain got worse as the days went on with numbness in my right index finger and burning pain in my fore arm.Cold air on it made it worse as if It were an icicle.This is all on the right side.
One day more back pain then other days more arm pain. seems to switch off.Got so bad could only releave pain by putting arm over head  or flat on my back. Driving , computer and  writing is the worst!! Tingling all up my right arm as if the whole thing is going numb  and then subsides a little but constant numbness in tip of index finger. Went to urgent care.They gave med's.Mustle realaxer, pain and inflamation med and some other  med pack. This did help somewhat but still there.
over a week later went to a chiropractor.  I don't knowif this will help.he wants me to come back like 3-4 times a week for  my neck and back adjustment. I don't know if all that $ spending is going to do any good.
My neck is also straight andshould be curved a little. How can that be corrected.I don't get it.By some machine that the chiro.is using on me???At $50 bucks a pop.He says in 3-4 weeks I should notice improvement.In 3-4 weeks it will probably be healed on it's own!!!
Anyone have some info on what worked for them??Feels like a pinched nerve or something.
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I have a similar problem but mine is an ache in the bicep and tricep area of both arms- near the ball of the shoulder. I have googled the problem and spoke to a few doctor friends who say it may be a nerve entrapment- problem with degenerate dics, etc.. May have to have a CT Scan or MRI to show what is happening with nerves and if they are being pinched. I believe it is a pinched nerve as it is affecting both arms in the same spot. Sounds like yours might be the same. Hope this helps- I was told to see a Neurologist.
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Sounds like nerve impingement in the neck. See a specialist because anti inflammatory tablets wont work. Get your GP to give you a referral.
Sounds like nerve impingement in the neck. See a specialist because anti inflammatory tablets wont work. Get your GP to give you a referral.

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