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cold spot on leg

On Tuesday, Oct 2, I had a sudden onset of a cold sensation from my shin to my big toe , on the anterior aspect of my right leg. I am a nurse and deal with neurosurgeons and back problems on a daily basis. None of my pt have stated cold sensations as any of their symptoms. This is a continuous sensation and is still currently present. It is a cold wet sensation which feels like an ice pack is on my leg. What is going on???
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I too have had this ice cold sensation in my left thigh and the top of my left foot.  Almost feels wet and like you explain like an ice pack.  I got no reasoable response from my Dr. he said it might be a pinched nerve but offered no remedy or further explanation.  Sent me home feeling like an idiot!  Have you been able to determine what the cause is?  I have no known neurological problems that I am aware of.  Been on B12 injections since 1978 for Chron's, and do take medication for the disease.  I also have meniere's but I don't see how any of that can be the cause.  Good Luck, keep me posted.
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I am experiencing a similiar problem.  Though mine began after a near miss knee injury while playing soccer.  Mine is more cool than cold, and goes from my knee to my ankle along my shin.  I don't believe the skin is actually cooler to the touch, but it "feels" cool under the skin if that makes any sense.  Did you ever get any answers?  I feel like I probably should see a doctor, but I think they'll just think I'm nuts.
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I have too  have recently been 'experiencing' this phenomenon, over the last week i have been getting what can best be described as cold breezes on a single part of my left thigh. No set rhythm, they happen at all times throughout the day, can last seconds or minutes. The skin is not physically colder to the touch, but it like someone has left the door open and a draught is hitting my leg. No pain, no other effect just damned puzzling and slightly annoying too
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I too get an icy cold feeling.  It feels like ice water running through my veins.  Sometimes it is in my legs, lately it is like the "ice pack" you describe.  However, not on my leg.  It is at the base of my tale bone, slightly to the side.  Sometimes I think it is slightly cooler to the touch but I am really not sure.
As I have also been experiencing some numbness and tingling sensations I am worried.  I live in a remote area.  Not many doctors and the ones close by really are not well versed.  I have tried to research on the net, but haven't found anything. I don't want to drive hours to find a doctor who will tell me I'm nuts.
Any info would be helpfull!
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I realize your post on this strange sensation was 2 years ago but I am experiencing the same thing you were or are and I was wondering if you ever found any answers or if it has gone away?  This cold breeze like sensation is in the same area as you mentioned and has been going on for a few months now but I have not seen a Dr. as I'm sure they will tell me they don't know what the cause is and that would be even more frustrating.
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I was told that the valves in the vein get weak sometimes and the blood drips in the wrong direction causing the cold water sensation in my lower leg.
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Hi there, my name is chris and I also have this wet leg sensation. I have had this problem for about two years now. From what I can remember, this awful problem all started after my Dr. gave me antibiotics to fight off an infection. Could this bee the problem? I don't know but I'm trying to slove this mysterious problem.
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My leg feels like it has fallen asleep and it has an icy cold sensation that I can't get rid of.
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7383201 tn?1390449553
I have started to have cold spot on my left leg thought it was wet but it wasnt  anyone know what is causing it?
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I also have this strange sensation..I keep thinking its a cold wet spot on my outer thigh..like my pants had gotten wet there..I asked my massage person and she hasn't heard of anything like it..it just started about a week ago. Help?
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I know this is an older post but, I am 63 and just started a cashiers job.  I have this  cold/wet feeling on one spot on my thigh. At first I would actually look at the spot to see if it was wet.  Did you get any answers to your problem.  Thanks. Babbs
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I get a cold sensation on my front upper part of my right leg. It's just in a tiny spot, I don't feet it wet just so cold that it burns. Also no temperature change to the touch. It's now gotten to the point that it feels like a poke on the skin after it stops burning from the cold. it's weird to describe kind of feels like an ice pack is burning the skin when you leave it on for too long or without any tissue or towel underneath.
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Hi I'm Lacey and I too suffer from the wet leg. Help how many month do I have left?
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Hi Babbs.  I see that you just posted your cold/wet problem this week (4/16). I too am experiencing this symptom. I have read all of the notes from others, however no one has posted a possible cause.  Please, if you have any insight to this problem, please let me know.  It is very annoying and going to the doctors has become laughable! Thanks, kate
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I have no answers but I have been getting this "ice pack" sensation on my left shin for about two weeks.  It is increasing in occurrence every day.  I have unusually thick blood so I started to stress about a clot.  From all the posts I think a trip to the doctor would not be a good use of my time.  Answers anyone?  J
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Meralgia paresthetica
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So I just started having this cold spot appear on my left outer thigh and always thought it was the cold file cabinet that my leg is near when working at my work desk until one evening I was home and got the same sensation.  It's not painful, it doesn't go numb, it's just irritating to me.  I keep rubbing my leg when I feel this cold sensation and it usually goes away not too long after.  I read above where someone posted (I was told that the valves in the vein get weak sometimes and the blood drips in the wrong direction causing the cold water sensation in my lower leg) on August 2010.  That may be the case for me, as I have varicose veins on both legs.  I'm 48 years old and have not been too active in my walking, but Spring is finally here.  Hoping that maybe walking at least 30 minutes will help with this problem?  Most of my health issues lately have been the lack of exercise.  I've had a few doctor appointments in the past year (not for the cold spot), but without them saying, I realize it is the lack of exercise in the past 2 years.  Seems like they always want to prescribe medication, but I refuse it and say, "I know what I need to do."  It's nothing life threatening, just them guessing what might help and I think they're too quick to prescribe medications to get a kickback from the pharmaceutical companies, but that's not for this discussion.  Healthier eating and exercise, I hope I can come back to tell you better news by the end of this summer. :-)
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i experience this and found it’s called Central Pain syndrome and follows post Stroke!
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