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Lightheaded, brain fog...Not right

Hello everyone, 25/M

About a year ago I began experiencing some strange sensations which I sometimes have trouble finding the words to describe, but their presence is definitely there regardless. In a nutshell my symptoms seem to be fatigue, lightheadedness, "brain fog", trouble focusing, numbness and generally just feeling disconnected. I'm "not there" so to speak, both physically and mentally. I can still function in my daily life, but doing anything that requires real thought (including conversation) is very hard sometimes and it's sort of like my mind and body have been numbed and covered in novocain. I feel stoned and like things just aren't really hitting me so to speak. There are times when it's hard to even focus my eye sight on anything, as all my eyes want to do is drift off and blankly stare in to the middle distance while my head shuts. I'm like a zombie and talking to people is like struggling through improv. It doesn't feel natural and life is sort of like reading the words out of a book and understanding what they mean, but not quite having them quite connect. Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy, or that I'm not even a real person...but again, it's hard to describe. I also have fatigue, which hits me very hard toward the end of the day (along with dizzy spells) and all I want to do is crash in my bed when I get home from work. I've also suddenly developed large bags/circles under my eyes over the last year, but I'm not sure how that could be related.

I've had every type of bloodwork done which all came back normal as did my EEG. This has brought me to the conclusion that it has to be something "mental" as opposed to physical, but whether that's anxiety, ADD, depression, depersonalization, post traumatic stress disorder or something else is hard to say. I tried taking Lexapro for a short while which may have helped a bit, but I stopped about a month in since it completely killed my libido and that wasn't even remotely acceptable to me.

Has anyone else experienced similar symptoms? Is this all in my head or are there physical disorders that can result in these feelings? My only other lead is that I started feeling this way shortly after I moved in to my new apartment, so it's possible there's some sort of mold that's making me have problems. I also feel somewhat better when I visit my parents out of state for a week, but that could very well just be in my head or a result of lessened anxiety...Who knows. I just need help and I honestly don't know what else to ask.

153 Responses
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I see this is an old post and I hope you have gotten a diagnosis and help.  I had many of the same symptoms (fatigue, extreme brain fog, muscles twitching, severe mood swings, depression, lack of feeling emotion, trouble focusing eyes, trouble communicating - hard to understand what people were saying to me and hard to think of words to respond, trouble learning anything because nothing seemed to be able to get into my head, didn't feel like socializing, etc. etc.).  After doing research on the internet I decided to see an endocrinologist.  Recommendations I read said to find one who practices anti-aging medicine because they will be more likely to test and treat more aggressively.  The endo did lots of blood work and started me on a good biestrogen and progesterone, vitamin supplements (the b-complex helped with my muscle twitching).  I felt so much better for a year or two but then started feeling worse again.  He tested me for adult growth hormone deficiency, and the results showed I had a severe deficiency.  I started on growth hormone injections and it changed my life!  Within two months I started feeling so much better, able to think clearly, able to socialize more, and the mood swings are almost gone!  I am so thankful I found the endocrinologist because I couldn't imagine living like I was for the rest of my life, and now I feel back to the old/normal me.  After a couple years on the growth hormones my husband talked me into going to another endo for a second opinion.  It was a waste of time because the endo told me he doesn't even prescribe testosterone to women, let along growth hormone to anyone.  It is amazing what a difference of opinion and treatment there is between doctors. I hope you find help soon if you haven't already.  
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There is such a thing as "Sick Apartments." This is a result of long-term exposure to mold,poor air ventilation,etc. From research I've conducted,it can take up to a year or several months before someone may begin to experience symptoms of exposure to the "sick apartment." With that said,it is extremely difficult to diagnose this real health problem unless you had significant amounts of mold in your lungs. I would spend time out of your place and see over time if you feel better while not home. Good luck!
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It's not really an answer but I need to know what is wrong with me I've tried Googling my symptoms of million times and it always tells me something different. Unfortunately for me I have been dealing with this for about 3 years I have very severe lightheadedness dizzy spells all the time confusion disoriented scared to death and I feel like I'm going crazy at times I just don't understand I also have had blood work done in EKG a cat-scan they even checked my inner ear to check my equilibrium and there's just nothing going on. I was in a pretty severe car crash back in April and my my symptoms have worsened since then so I'm starting to think that it's really bad anxiety or PTSD even panic attacks but what I don't understand is how these three mental problems can cause so many physical problems I just want to know if that's what's happening or not thank you.
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Did you find any answers I too have these exact symptoms I mean from the time I wake to the time I go to sleep it’s just hell!! I’ve had bloods ct scans nothing showing I take lexapro as well I just don’t think this can be normal
Below is a comment I had left in response to another person's post.  Also, I have read that head trauma can cause a lot of symptoms because the trauma can affect the pituitary gland that is responsible for many hormones.  
"I see this is an old post and I hope you have gotten a diagnosis and help.  I had many of the same symptoms (fatigue, extreme brain fog, muscles twitching, severe mood swings, lack of feeling emotion, trouble focusing eyes, etc. etc.).  After doing research on the internet I decided to see an endocrinologist.  Recommendations I read said to find one who practices anti-aging medicine because they will be more likely to test and treat more aggressively.  The endo did lots of blood work and started me on a good biestrogen and progesterone, vitamin supplements (the b-complex helped with my muscle twitching).  I felt so much better for a year or two but then started feeling worse again.  He tested me for adult growth hormone deficiency, and the results showed I had a severe deficiency.  I started on growth hormone injections and it changed my life!  Within two months I started feeling so much better, able to think clearly, able to socialize more, and the mood swings are almost gone!  I am so thankful I found the endocrinologist because I couldn't imagine living like I was for the rest of my life.  After a couple years on the growth hormones my husband talked me into going to another endo for a second opinion.  It was a waste of time because the endo told me he doesn't even prescribe testosterone to women.  It is amazing what a difference of opinion and treatment there is between doctors. I hope you find help soon if you haven't already. "
My symptoms had gotten so bad it was sometimes hard to communicate - hard to understand what people were saying to me and hard to think of things to say in response, and sometimes my brain seemed almost completely empty.  

Don't give up, and I hope you find a doctor soon who can diagnose and help you!
I would like to know more about your treatment cause I’ve been so bad off with fibromyalgia and meniers ear disease and they say they can’t do anything about either and a few months ago I accidentally took some herbs for energy but they was for Men only and I started feeling good but then ran out and back to the same old crap now so I’ll like to know more on what you’re doing
Hi lori3Help.  What was the herb?  Do you remember?  So, you were diagnosed with Meniere's?  Are you still suffering vertigo?
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Here is a link in hypersensitivity  http://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-symptoms/hypersensitivity.shtml

Here is a gd article on a guy who recovered from it, read the whole article http://www.calmandcourageous.com/hypersensitive-anxiety-stop-checking-feel/
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Look into hypersensitivity caused by anxiety, i had all these symtoms and makes complete sense to me now and im feeling much better about the situation. I came out of getting a virus with bad brain fog and never really came out of it for weeks. Its a vicious cycle of feeling like everything is wrong because of the hypersensitivity and that feeling feeds the anxiety which keeps yr body in that hypersensitivity mode. Im no doctor but it makes sense.
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I have post concussion syndrome and have some of the very same symptoms. Have you ever had a concussion, or whiplash, or fallen or injured your Sternocleidomastoid muscle?
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Do anyone think this comes from high long-term anxiety too? I think i've been blocking out thoughts and things out to coop with anxiety. And since I do I'm growing and becoming 'stronger', it seems I'm unconsciously unblocking things that I'm strong enough for. Which is giving me these symptoms which are anxiety attacks when I'm starting to accept these unblocked things.
Which you could say you're reaching higher conscious, but just because you're accepting parts of reality (again).

Even though you shouldn't be to ashamed about this, cause I think this is happening to me just because I'm growing real fast. Not that i'm really traumatized or something.
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Did you find out what it was? I need the help
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, get tested for the Epstein Barr Virus which can trigger CFS and Fibromyalgia. It happened to me and it is debilitating and frightening as the "brain fog" is the worst part of it.
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I realize that this is a very old post but I have been experiencing almost the exact same symptoms for the last 4months. Has anybody else with these symptoms noticed any other personality changes? I have had a few episodes of complete rage and confrontational behavior towards my husband. It is a scarey thing. It's like I'm  watching my body from the inside and wondering "who am I right now?" My husband keeps saying that he feels like I don't love him anymore and he gets frustrated that I don't  "show the appropriate emotions for my words". It's  hard to explain,  but I feel the emotions strongly inside my body, they just get lost in translation I guess? I tell him I love him and that I do still want to be in our life together with him but he just can't feel it from me. I just cannot seem to physicallY express my feelings anymore (but I can with my dogs for some reason) I just stare at him with no emotion when he tells me this and I know he's  right. Their is something trapping the real me inside, that's  what it feels like. I have fatigue, an almost drunk feeling at work sometimes( i still do my work but while  I'm fighting to stay awake and understand everything), muscle weakness, no attention span at all, short term memory loss,lack of concentration, stomach bloating on occasion, constipation, frequent urination, pain/burning/gnawing feeling under breast bone, BRAIN FOG really bad, poor circulation in legs and feet, headaches, back pain (severe)kind of like contractions on right side,blurry vision off and on, ear pain/plugged feeling, feelings of electric zapping in back of head and neck that sometimes proceeds a very lightheaded near passing out episode with chest/stomach pain and weakness of left arm and finder twitching in left hand. I also have shortness of breath. Ocassionaly there is a menthol or chemical like feeling/taste/sense in my throat, ears and eyes with a cool sensation on my arms and legs but the skin on my back feels crawly and itchy at the time. Any feedback or ideas would be appreciated. I feel like I don't  even know who I am anymore. BTW I am a 43yr old female and overweight.
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hi- I am researching this stuff, too. I am a bit older than you and have had similar experiences. I have pins and needles going down my arms and very sore arms with the dizziness/ light-headedness. I yell at my kids though and then have to apologize. I am looking into detoxing for candida because of some of the other things that I have read as well as symptoms that other family members are experiencing. I was also on Celexa (anti anxiety medication) for over a decade and have been slowly trying to ween off of it. I know it causes weird sensations when I miss a dose. I have been on such low doses for such a long time I don't think it can be related to that anymore.
I see this is an old post and I hope you have gotten a diagnosis and help.  I had many of the same symptoms (fatigue, extreme brain fog, muscles twitching, severe mood swings, lack of feeling emotion, trouble focusing eyes, etc. etc.).  After doing research on the internet I decided to see an endocrinologist.  Recommendations I read said to find one who practices anti-aging medicine because they will be more likely to test and treat more aggressively.  The endo did lots of blood work and started me on a good biestrogen and progesterone, vitamin supplements (the b-complex helped with my muscle twitching).  I felt so much better for a year or two but then started feeling worse again.  He tested me for adult growth hormone deficiency, and the results showed I had a severe deficiency.  I started on growth hormone injections and it changed my life!  Within two months I started feeling so much better, able to think clearly, able to socialize more, and the mood swings are almost gone!  I am so thankful I found the endocrinologist because I couldn't imagine living like I was for the rest of my life.  After a couple years on the growth hormones my husband talked me into going to another endo for a second opinion.  It was a waste of time because the endo told me he doesn't even prescribe testosterone to women.  It is amazing what a difference of opinion and treatment there is between doctors. I hope you find help soon if you haven't already.  
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I was recently diagnosed with PTSD about 2 months ago. I feel that Ive overcome my depression and I no longer have thoughts of suicide but I do feel exactly what you are describing. Its like that feeling you get when you walk into a room to get something and as soon as you walk through the door you forget and youre trying to remember why you walked into the room in the first place, except that feeling of disconnection to your brain and the sudden feeling of disorientation dont go away. I also feel jittery and like Im crawling in my skin so to speak but I dont know why. Its like your body is moving and your brain is just along for the ride. Its miserable and Im sorry you have to go through it too. But you are not alone.
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I suffer from the same exact symptoms, EXACT.

I really think it's heavy-metal poisoning.

The Symptoms sometimes really hit me hard, so hard I'm incapable to focus my eyes, talk or even think long sentences in my head. I'm convinced on those moments I drink/ate something that contains heavy metals.

Look up mad hatter dissease.

The cure seems to detoxify your body (google"detoxify heavy metals" or something alike).
And if you have suffered from it for a long time, take 4-6 grams of youth tissue extract. Then wait 2-6 months, and take sheep placenta supplements; as many as you feel you need. This will repair your brain.

Your new apperment might have water or something else contamined with heavy metals. So that can explain that.

I'm just starting this journy to detoxify me, and repair my brain. I'll try to keep this updated.

Goodluck to all, this stuff *****. And is ruining my life.

Btw Sorry for my bad english, I'm a dutchman :)
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I suffer from the same exact symptoms, EXACT.

I really think it's heavy-metal poisoning.

The Symptoms sometimes really hit me hard, so hard I'm incapable to focus my eyes, talk or even think long sentences in my head. I'm convinced on those moments I drink/ate something that contains heavy metals.

Look up mad hatter dissease.

The cure seems to detoxify your body (google"detoxify heavy metals" or something alike).
And if you have suffered from it for a long time, take 4-6 grams of youth tissue extract. Then wait 2-6 months, and take sheep placenta supplements; as many as you feel you need. This will repair your brain.

Your new apperment might have water or something else contamined with heavy metals. So that can explain that.

I'm just starting this journy to detoxify me, and repair my brain. I'll try to keep this updated.

Goodluck to all, this stuff *****. And is ruining my life.

Btw Sorry for my bad english, I'm a dutchman :)
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I have been having the same issues for over a year. Had blood tests, heart checked. They are sending me in for a new sleep study to see if this is stemming from my apnea getting worse. My started after a night out drinking some cocktails and has not really ever stopped. I think doctors are starting to think I'm nuts. Any help would be appreciated!!
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I have the same symptoms and it also started after a night out of cocktails,  ive had many blood test had an mri been to 2 different neurologist,ent,emergengy room ,c leveland clinic,michigan ear institute, family doctor, and all test came back normal, but i still have this and its been a year now...did you ever find out your problem, i could sure use some advice thanks ...john
No, my sleep study came back fine. Now they are going to check my heart some more. it is very frustrating, its hard to function some days...
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Sounds to me like perfect symptoms of Spiritual Awakening, The ear problem you mentioned, have you also had ear tones intermittent in both ears or outer ear bone twitching, I honest encourage anyone with these symptoms to look up Spiritual Awakening symptoms
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Sounds to me like perfect symptoms of Spiritual Awakening, its happening to many many people around the world.
The foggy headedness, and disconnection from reality are classic signs of someone who is going through ascension
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I’m a 39-year-old male who’s been suffering from brain fog, light headedness and fatigue for almost a decade. Three years ago I underwent a sleep study and was diagnosed with chronic sleep apnea and the doctor prescribed a CPAP machine however, it didn’t cure my symptoms. I bought a Fitbit to monitor my sleep and discovered out of 6 hours of “deep unconscious sleep” only 3 hours of that is undisturbed – the other 3hrs is restlessness. Sleep apnea plus something else is what’s results in my chronic fatigue, brain fog and lightheadedness, I just can’t pin point it. Any thoughts?
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I also have these symptoms. I've been diagnosed with mild sleep apnea, but I also have been diagnosed with low testosterone which explains the fatigue. I have had ecg, angiogram, mri and countless blood tests and nothing has pin pointed my issues. So I'm still waiting. But get your testosterone checked and it may open some doors for you.
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I had the same issues and my doctor sent me for a 4 hour glucose test (thinking it could be diabetes) turns out I have reactive hypoglycemia(google it). I've change my diet by taking out refined sugar and eating a equal mix of carbs and protein in six small meals throughout the day( instead of three large meals). The whole problem was my blood sugar. My eyes and head tell me I'm hungry before my stomach. When the feeling returns I know I need to eat. It took several years to figure all this out and hopefully it's helpful to someone. Also as a bonus my migraines have stopped!  
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Hey! So I have the same exact symptoms, but mine is accompanied with pretty constant headaches. I used to be like this all the time, but it stopped out of nowhere and has now returned. If you find out any additional information, please feel free to post about it, as I am very curious to see what's really going on with me. This spaciness is not something I enjoy, as I feel like I could be doing something much more productive with my life than just floating through the day.
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Hiya, Im 21 and have all these symptoms, I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and brain fog, fatigue and tingling feelings are very common. Some days I cant even lift my arms and I suffer a lot on my left side. I collapsed once and was taken to resus as they thought I had a stroke due to not being able to lift my left arm and had tingling down my left side of face. Look up fibromyalgia and see if you have any other symptoms. If so consult your doctor about it. Hope you get it sorted :)
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535822 tn?1443976780
did you get any heavy metals testing as many are sick from Toxins ..
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So a few weeks ago I was sitting in a class and as I looked up from my paper I felt not right, like I was kinda woozy, and felt really spaced out. Went to the doctor and was diagnosed with the flu but ever since even 2 weeks after I still have this feeling of being disconnected and not quiet right. Some days it hits me hard, and I find myself lying down focusing on one thing like an iPad. I'm really scared that it could be like a brain tumor but I'm not sure, maybe it's allergies. I just don't feel 100% in the head and at times can be real drowsy
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My daughter is 16 and has had every symptom listed here. In fact she has found this by googling her symptoms. She also seems to have no answers as I have had her tested for everything under the sun. I am glad there is nothing detected but also so concerned that the symptoms come and go and we can't figure out what it is. Reading all of your symptoms reassure me that we may never know??
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So as I am reading all these symptoms it seems there has been no answers at all. No diagnosis? My  daughter is 16 and has been having all the same symptoms, has had every test possible and find nothing wrong. I am happy about that but can't seem to get to the bottom of the symptoms. She found this article and said this is exactly what she's feeling
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