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Occasional white light flash in my peripheral vision

I am seeing an intermittant flash of white light in my left peripheral vision that looks like a moving circle or C.  I can see it with my eye open or closed and it seems to be worse at times.  Sometimes I don't notice it, but if I am in a dark ambient environment, I can sometimes see it flash every few seconds.  Sometimes I don't notice it at all.  I am 47 y.o. and it just started a few months ago.  Any ideas?
108 Responses
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I've been experiencing two grey dots on the side of my vision. It started a week ago. I only see it when I move my eye horizontly and when there is white walls or light. When I'm in the dark, I see a white flash when I move my eyes up. Only in my left eye tho. Any suggestions why?
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My grey dot exists and behaves exactly like yours Obie82. My optician took a long look into my eye and declared it was, '... a bit of calcified vitreous humor'. I am now 69 and have had the dot for two years. It has not grown any bigger and is mainly obscured by the arm of my glasses, so it doesn't bother me too much on a day to day basis. Hope this helps.
10222195 tn?1408609796
I have been suffering with this issues for about 6 yrs off and on now. I was diagnosed with Glaucoma, primary angle I believe. Just went in for  a recent field of vision test... Results showed I didnt lose any peripheral vision but, I STILL see the balls of lights. It was in the right eye mainly but, now I notice I see it in the Left. Mentioned it to eye dr & she told me when I come back, if I still have issues, they will look into retinal tear.  Its so scary. I mean, it comes & goes so quickly BUT, I always think, What if it flashes & I stay that way??? I ADORE my gift of sight & just the VERY thought of losing it, would HONESTLY , be more than I could bear :(
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15561568 tn?1441382322
I'm 18, and I experience these white flashes typically outside or before I go to bed. They've been happening more and more frequently yet I failed to inform my optometrist on my annual visit last week. Should this be something of concern at my age? Should I follow up and schedule another appointment or wait it out untill it gets worse?
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I hope u were able to figure out what was/is going on with ur vision
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Thanks to everyone for your input.  I was worried to cause the lights like fireworks started last week after some garage work when I was walking up the stairs.  At first I thought "wow that's cool" and passed it off as exertion.  Then the C shaped white light started showing up in my peripheral vision of my right eye. It seems to be more frequent at night....or maybe just more noticeable then.  I am glad I found this website and thankful to hear that I am not alone and it doesn't sound like anything too serious.   I am 56 and in good health.  I did suffer from childhood migraines but thankfully out grew them.  I had wavy vision toward the bottom of both eyes when I was in my 20's and the said that was ocular migraines but that went away too. Hopefully this will too...thanks again!
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I am 63 and, several days ago, unexpectedly, was exposed to extremely bright, noon time, reflected sunlight.

Several hours later a spider web strand type floater appeared in my left eye at the far edge.

Last night, I experimented by quickly turning my head back and forth. To my displeasure I saw a "lightening bolt" type bright line in the same general area where the floater is. So far, this bright streak is only visible when I induce it by quickly turning my head.

Wondering what I should do.
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14296839 tn?1433813480
I just turned 45 on the 2nd of June, & saw for the first time, this strange like spinning tiny orb of light out of my left eye in my peripheral, it's always dropping quickly, & just for a second, yellowish bright white.  The first time I ever saw it, freaked me out, I got so anxious it made me cry & think I had a tumor or maybe a stroke or something.  I haven't been feeling myself for the past week, I am thinking that I might be or starting early menopause.  I still have to see the doc, but thank goodness I looked it up, you guys have calmed me down quite a bit.  I know we all have to die sometime, but I am terrified of leaving my kids, have four, of which the two youngest are still at home (8 & 14).  I lost my mother when I was 25 & still needed her so much then & now.  I have been wearing glasses since I was 9 and have seen floaters as far as I can remember, & have astigmatisim.  I do have migraines, & have experience the auras, I looked them up on Youtube, & I found videos of what I exactly see, the arc starts small like a c, then gets larger & flickers like a prism until it dissapears, soon followed sometimes by a headache.  I can't believe we still know so little about our human bodies & that some docs don't even know what we are talking about!!  Hope to have an answer soon!  Thanks guys for posting & calming my nerves!
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I have been having the same issue for the past month or so. Retinal specialist says eyes are ok. Has anybody found the root cause of this?
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Well Iv'e been having a flash of white light like a ball in the corner of my peripheral vision as well.
I get eye ball pain sometimes and  its only been extreme pain once due to cold air hitting it from a evaporative cooler. Once I passed 35 my body hurts here and there like most people its the weird things its doing thats frustrating , I'm 42 now and I get light tremors , Ive slept and felt like someone is putting a flash light on my eyelids its happened once but that left me perplexed. I do get occular migraines , Ive narrowed it down to chinese food which has a high. Concentration of Mono Sodium Glutamate Ive stopped eating at these restaurants and I can say so far so good on not getting occular migraines. Ive also stopped drinking beer and any alcohol beverages kinda sucks though cause being sober just makes it all more real , its like time speeds up and my body just doesnt react well , and yes Ive been working out but being 42 yrs old my metabolism just went to crap .
Ever eat an ice cream sandwhich at this age ?. Feels like my rear end jiggles for a week. Well I got off track , anyway the lights your seeing might be due to the straining of the back of the eye ball . See when you stretch your body it stretches everything you may need a chiropractor and get an adjustment.
If your in any pain please try accupunture I can go in an tell you stories about seeing the worst pain people I know have gone through and tried this. The change ive seen them go through , is amazing. If your reading this you got access to a computer which means you can do some research.
-I hope whom ever you are you find peace and healing , and dont stress too much about aging and this weird junk our bodies go through just try to enjoy this life the best you can . Take care .10/03/2018. Rick.
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Hey rick!  Thanks for this information.  Does caffeine affect this with you?
Hi to be honest I have thought about caffeine being a culprit the answer though is no . Reason why is I work in the oilfields , and Ive pushed 18 hour shifts , so Tea, coca cola , and the occasional 5 hour energy have been used as my battle plan of sorts ,not all at once , but I had to do it.

I haven't quite figured out what my issue is just got an idea , and its circling on just getting older. Hope this helps.
Almost left this out . The flashing light in my peripheral comes and goes either simply driving or working , I probably need to get my brain scanned , but then what? if it shows nothing good on me , if it does its just one more thing for me to deal with. Haha take care.
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2015 I was diagnosed with traumatic brain after a serious fall on the ice with injury to two lobes of the brain,  the occipital lobe & a temporal lobe, both are visual field affecting the peripheal field & the sensory nervous system. Now, two years later, diagnosed with traumatic brain, holding my own, but upon awakening each morning I see the light flashes frontal; metabolic or balance affected by hot & cold air; and momentary seizure or disruption in circulation. I also have low vision in the dark or changes between darkness & glare. A peculiar situation. Each day, I set goals & make changes in diet, exercise in ways to improve my overall health.
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Hi there I’m in a similar situation did you get any help or rehabilitation?
Many thanks
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Unfortunately I don't have an answer but I'm 46 and mine also started a few months ago but mine is on my right side I heard it could be a guardian.
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I've been having these white flashes of backward 'C'
shapes that spin for a split second then go away in my lower right peripheral vision since having a cataract removed five weeks ago. An ophthalmologist checked my eye for retinal detachment at my request, said all was fine then said it was normal after having cataract surgery and most people get them. He said they don't go away, but most people get used to them in time and don't really notice them any more.They affect me most when I've been using the computer for some time. Wearing dark glasses help. I had severe myopia before the surgery and it's even more common with people who had this problem. I'm waiting for surgery on the other eye now, so suppose I'll have to put up with it in both eyes after the second op. :/  
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Apologies, accidentally posted twice.
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I've been having these white flashes of backward 'C'
shapes that spin for a split second then go away in my lower right peripheral vision since having a cataract removed five weeks ago. An ophthalmologist checked my eye for retinal detachment at my request, said all was fine then said it was normal after having cataract surgery and most people get them. He said they don't go away, but most people get used to them in time and don't really notice them any more.They affect me most when I've been using the computer for some time. Wearing dark glasses help. I had severe myopia before the surgery and it's even more common with people who had this problem. I'm waiting for surgery on the other eye now, so suppose I'll have to put up with it in both eyes after the second op. :/  
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I use to always have it in my right eye years ago. It always ment danger was coming. I never paid attention to the flash. The little sparkles would come first then hours later trouble. Now its in my left eye and I cant figure it out.Why?
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I'm 21 and for the last month or two I have had white flashes, blue flashes in my peripheral vision, headaches, eye strain, etc. I went to the eye doctor and he dilated my eyes and couldn't find anything. He made me come back in 2 weeks because he said usually it resolves in that time, but mine didn't. He checked again and didn't see anything. I have to go to a retina specialist next month because he wants to make sure he isn't missing anything like a tear or something. I'm really scared it's neurological, I'm going blind, or dying or something. :(
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I am 76 and have cataracts removed and lenses fitted my eyes to replace them.  

I had a huge lot of floaters, in both eyes, to the extent it affected my life negatively that I could not read of use my computer because they were always floating directly in my focal points.

The vitreous fluid was removed during the operation and I have been free of floaters for the last eight years or so.    

However, a few months ago i started noticing a bead of light that would move up or down in my peripheral vision.    

My vision is perfect but these beads of light in my right eye have really began to worry me and I am going to make an appointment with my eye doctor to make sure it is not something serious.  

I do not suffer from migraines.  

At night I sleep on my one side, with my eye pushed into my pillow this is the habit or way.  I have always sleep and maybe the pressure during the on my eye due to this might be the reason for these annoying beads?

Can anyone help?

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I am 76 and have cataracts removed and lenses fitted my eyes to replace them.  

I had a huge lot of floaters, in both eyes, to the extent it affected my life negatively that I could not read of use my computer because they were always floating directly in my focal points.

The vitreous fluid was removed during the operation and I have been free of floaters for the last eight years or so.    

However, a few months ago I started noticing a bead of light that would move up or down , in a circular way in my peripheral vision.    

My vision is perfect but these beads of light in my right eye have really began to worry me and I am going to make an appointment with my eye doctor to make sure it is not something serious.  

I do not suffer from migraines.  

At night I sleep on my one side, with this eye pushed into my pillow this is the habit or way.  I have always sleep and maybe the pressure during the on my eye due to this might be the reason for these annoying beads?

Can anyone help?

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I am right handed and mostly have used my left hand to use my cell phone.  I am 59.  I have high blood pressure, controlled by meds. Do no have migraines, but I have glaucoma in both eyes.  With surgery and eye drops my pressure has been great for a year now.  But the doc has seen more floaters in my eyes than she's seen in anyone else's before.  I do not see more than 2 in my vision.  But my left peripheral sees a slow, sliding flash of light.  Not quite a '©' shape.  I mentioned it at my last eye visit.  I did not get a definitive answer on it.  I was told that one of my retinas didn't look good.  I have much trouble with my vision if I look too long at my phone, or iPad, or computer or a book or a newspaper.  All my vision becomes VERY blurry.  And takes much time to recover.  I know the glaucoma went on too long before I found the right dr.  I will be blind one day.  My worst fear is yet to come.
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i have had occular migraines and regular migraines for years. seeing shooting stars started a few years ago among other nondescriptive symptoms because i get confused and usually don't remember. i had to insist on a test for seizures. i have seizures. the shooting stars are not high blood pressure from everyone including dr that i asked. i do notice migraines shortly most of the time. it very well could be occular migraines from my experience. but what i wanted to post was i learned is the migraines can evolve to seizures i am told from neurologist. and shooting stars are one of the warnings one about to start.  ....but always get eyes checked asap first. could be retina damage issue. neuro will ask if eyes were checked.
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For the past few days I've been noticing these two squiggly lines on the right part of my left eye.  Only happens if I move my eye left and right.  

Before then I had some after shadow on the bottom right of the same eye and aura lines in that area when I goto sleep.

These all came since I've started doing neck stretches and have gotten pulled my a traction machine at physio.  I really hope it is just related to the neck.

Some back ground info about me, I've been having headaches, photophobia, and strange vision since July 2015 and its progressively changing and getting worse.  Lately I also have eye pain
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I'm 75. Last night while walking my dog I had theses flashes of white light from the corner of my left eye. It moved around and up and down. I first thought a lightning bug was following me but by the time I got back home I realized it was too early in the year for that.  All day today it was occasional but tonight it's driving me crazy. What ever it is I'll be glad when it,blows away.
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Am so glad I found this site!  I've been suffering in silence for several years now.  Every once in a while I'd get the strange flash thingie in one of my eyes, this past time (last night) in my right.  Was again reassured to read that some of you say this weirdness (and slight headache for me, although I never get headaches) lasts around 20 minutes.

I don't know if any of you are open to or have heard about "Ascension Symptoms," but it's apparently quite common for many of us lately.

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14434103 tn?1434496299
Well, I was in a fight and my ex threw keys and hit me in th eeye, my eye was blood shot for a week, cuz of gud meds, and i always see a  light now in my right eye, an dit does seem like a C, and sumtimes i think someone is beside me or i see a shadw, it scared me and sumtimes gets me upset, cuz it remidns me of what he did, All i want to know, is that will it go away, or will it become worse
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Did your flashes ever subside?
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I'm 57 and have had "regular" migraines since I was 19. After my son was born, I quit having the visual auras. I had never heard of ocular Migraines but I'm very relieved after reading many of these posts! Last night I experienced the c-shaped lights in the peripheral vision of both eyes. My neck was stiff from yard work so I was rolling my  head around to stretch it. Each time it started to pull, the lights appeared. The lights are gone today but I have taken my regular medication for migraine attacks. (Relpax) I will definitely mention this to my neurologist & the eye dr. next time I see each one but I don't think I need to panic.
Also a comment to the younger writers, my son started getting migraines when he was 10 years old.  He's 27 and still gets them but not as frequently.  His are especially brought on by stress.
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I am severely nearsighted. I just made 38 yrs old. I have been seeing the white orbs of light since I can remember. I have worn corrective lens since 1st grade. In my mid thirties severe headaches and nausea were accompanied by the orbs. I'm wondering how to handle this first. should I see a medical dr first or the eye dr first? Money is tight since I lost health insurance thru work after Obama care hit. I do understand that we cannot put a price tag on our eye sight.
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12660327 tn?1426530368
Hi Vikas,
I have recently started meditation after an year long gap. I now try to focus my eyes above the center of forehead, the third eye region. I have also been experiencing tiny bright white light spots that appear for a split second, almost always in my upper peripheral region. It is only noticed in the dark. I am also wondering if meditation could be the cause or are we starting to open the third eye, yippee :)
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