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Scared of surgery

I am supposed to have surgery on my Cavernous Hemangioma next week. It is in my Cerebellum. I am just wondering why maybe the doctors have just watched my sisters and this one wants to remove it from me. They had them in the brain stem and hypothalmus. I know mine is more accesible and not deep in the cerebellum. I quess I just want to feel more at ease with this situation. Is it safe to get these removed?
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What type of surgery is this?

Cavernous hemangiomas are best treated conservatively ( observations, medications only)however,
a decision for surgery is influenced by the location and the accessibility of the hemangioma, the risk for frequent future  rebleeding causing intracranial hemorrhages and the age of the patient.

Are you symptomatic?

Do have any weakness,dizziness or vertigo, numbness, gross motor problems, problem while walking ,tendency to fall, slurring of speech,difficulty swallowing? Any intracranial bleeding before caused by the hemangioma?

How large is the hemangioma?

There are studies that show microsurgery of intracranial cavernous hemangioma being resected successfully with acceptable and gratifying  post surgical outcomes.

I suggest you discuss your concerns with your surgeon prior to your upcoming surgery. Your surgeon needs to hear your innermost concerns.

Good Luck and keep us posted.
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The surgery is a craniotomy and the size is about 2cm. I have had synptoms like headaches and one sided knumbness and tingling. I have let him know I was very scared and he understands that, he says everything will be ok. I am just not sure If it is better to leave them alone or to remove it.It is in the cerebellum easily accesible.
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