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Strange head pains - inflammation of nerves?

For about 3 months, I have been having strange head pains. I get migraines, but these are not at all the same sort of pains, although they are all on the right side of my head (the same side I get migraines on).  The most persistent pain is on the top of my head, about halfway back from my forehead, and very near the center line of my head.  That pain feels like someone is pressing hard on the top of my head.  That particular pain is frequently accompanied by scalp sensitivity.  The pain is not there every day, but when it does begin it remains for at least most of that particular day. It gets worse as the day goes on, and is always gone or dormant when I wake up in the morning, even when it was very bad before I went to sleep.

More recently (starting about 2 weeks ago), I have also had pains near the front of my head, around the right eye and temple.  These are different sorts of pain from the other one.  They feel different from moment to moment and are not constant or consistent pains like the other one.  They come and go.  Sometimes they feel like a pinching, other times like an aching, and it hurts in different places at different times.  While the area is affected at all, pressing on the side of my head above the temple feels a bit tender, but not very much so.  For a couple of days, I had severe headaches which felt like migraines except they were settled in my frontal sinuses -- including one headache that felt like it was settled in my left frontal sinus, which is a side of my head on which I have never had any migraines.  Those seem to have stopped now.  Other than those headaches, the pain is not what I would call severe, although at times it is what I would call moderate.  But mostly the pain is not very bad, it's just worrisome.

I have seen a neurologist and had an MRI done (without contrast) and nothing was found except a "tiny lesion" which the report said was probably due to chronic migraines.  The neurologist told me this was nothing to worry about.  The MRI was done almost 2 months ago, before the newer kinds of pain really developed (that's been about 2 1/2 weeks or so, although I did have intermittent pains in that area a few times before).  I have another follow-up appointment with the neurologist a week from now, but I'm getting more and more worried.  I would try to see him sooner but he is out of the office this week.

I realize these are a lot of weird symptoms, and because the pain isn't very severe it may not sound like anything to worry about, but I'm scared that there's something serious going on with nerves or blood vessels in my brain.  I've read about Giant Cell Arteritis, but it doesn't really sound like what's happening with me -- I do have scalp tenderness, but only in the area on the top of my head, and I cannot feel any blood vessels that seem abnormal in the area (or in the other area where I have pain, either).  I have not had any vision changes.

I am female and have hormonal imbalances, and I know that can cause increased inflammation throughout the body.  Is it possible there is a nerve or a blood vessel in my brain that is inflamed?  Does any of this sound like anything serious?

Sorry for the long posting - I appreciate any help anyone can give me.
15 Responses
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Best guess would be formication or some other form of paresthesia, fits all your symptoms. If you're taking certain types of medications, had some form of neurological trauma (or some other reason--i'm not a professional--) they may be the cause. Some do have remedies and simple solutions. But please ask a professional before anything --about whether or not you have a form of paresthesia.
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not formication, i meant chronic paresthesia. ( i'm sorry --i'm the one who has symptoms of formication)
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I had right sided head pains and went through a ddx of....  migraines, shingles or other virus, antibiotics for bacterial infection, trigeminal neuralgia and finally to the neurologist for an MRI which revealed right lateral sinus venous thrombosis. (blood clot in a vein on the right side of the brain). tx. blood thinners..
Since you have had an MRI this should have revealed any blood clot.
Trigeminal neuralgia is commonly associated with facial pain.
Migraines or viral infection is a possibility as is autoimmune and possible sinus infection or allergies.
I was on antibiotics and prednisone, antivirals and prednisone, and then Gabapentin, my symptoms came back each time after stopping use. Gabapentin was the best for calming the nerves and relieving the pain but only masked the cause.
I always think of health problems by asking myself "what would Sherlock Holmes" think.  Or perhaps "House".   I eliminate dx and conditions by tests and ineffective treatments. What is left is where I look. Keep at it.
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You are describing classic low pressure headaches from  csf spinal fluid leak. Have you injured your back at any time? They can be spontaneous too. DM if you need any  quest ions answered
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Hi do you still get these pains in your head? I do also feels like inflammation and a lot of electrical activity going on in my head. Doctor at hospital told me he could not help me and I would have to help myself! Came across this site and wondered if you ever found a diagnosis or conclusion to what it is?Do you have tablets for it?
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I'm new to this cite. I have daily chronic headache and migraines. Have since 2001. In 2002 was diagnosed with Arnold chari malformation 2. Had surgery and hoped my life would go back to way it was. Today I disn't think there a type a head pain that would b new or that I have never experienced. I'm reading on here a lot of wut has been happening to me and u guys seemed baffled too.. Mine runs in the middle of my head. Ear to ear middle.. straight down to forehead. But both sides sch,sore tender,hurt, moderate pain. I can drawn the line in middle of my scalp. Like my brain being split down in the middle.. my pain management said it had to do with sinus and sinus pressure outside.. but now I'm wondering to if it's more.. cuz now I also have the two nerves in back of head that r throwing pain.. yes I'm going thru a lot of inflammation and pain doc said yesterday that that would cause those nerves to be aggravated also.. like others before me.. wut can cause the pain on top of head.. it's not headaches and not migraine.
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I, too, am having strange sensations in my head. At first I described it as a tingling, pressure and tightening  but now it feels more like there is movement in my head. I worked for a doctor of naturapath several years ago, who taught seminars on parasites.  I am now wondering if I might have some sort of brain parasite.  We all have parasites living in our intestines but when our immune system is weakened, these parasites can take over.  I know that sounds weird but it is beginning to make more sense.  Of course, inflammation of nerve could be the culprit.  In fact, I first thought my neurons were misfiring, so I have not ruled that out.  Had a cat scan but nothing showed up.  I am wondering could inflammation of the nerves feels like something is moving or crawling in your head?
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Have they considered trigeminal neuralgia ?
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has anyone found the cause to this pain im having similar symptoms
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i found biofreeze which is a gel used for sports injuries and cramps, i have all the above symptoms and Doctor can't find anything yet, this gel has help me even in crucial pain although the effects only last for a few hours the relief is sensational, you can find it in amazon for no more than $8. Blessing to you all and lets hope soon we can find an answer.
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pain starts in lower left jaw.. proceeds to inner ear... and shoots to the top of my head. Since yesterday this lightning bolt-like shooting pain is occurring ~10 times in 12 minutes. Sometimes there is a rest of up to 5 min.
I had been diagnosed with shingles the first time that this pain occurred ~10 years ago shingles lesion followed. I've had about 5 bouts with shingles since [the lesion ultimately appears in the middle of my left cheek about an inch to the left of the corner of my mouth and it about the size of a nickel.]
   This most recent event started 2 days ago.. I saw my dermatologist yesterday and he prescribed Famcyclovir. He also swabbed my mouth and requested blood work for MVS (?) - to see which virus was causing problem. Since yesterday the pain has increased in frequency and severity. No sleep last night. Went to PCP today who didn't know what to do. He suggested going to the ER.  Called for a neurology appt -- not available until end of April.
   I had had a long hx of migraine. This pain is much more severe and has a shooting/stabbing character--very sharp. Barely manageable.  If anyone has any ideas about what may be causing this, please post. If it _is_ shingles, the Famcyclovir should take care of it in a few days.. but meanwhile, I'm having a hard time hanging on. Thanks for any suggestions.
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3169903 tn?1344064000
I have strange pain and nerve sensations in my head also.  I have Sjogren's Syndrome, very high antibody levels.  I even get dizzy and sometimes can't even walk straight.  I also have migraines, but this is not a migraine.  My pain startes from the back of my head near my ear up toward the top middle of my head.  I really scares me.  I do see a neurologist, because I don't have insurance.  The pain comes and goes.  When it starts it feels almost like a lightening pattern.  The pain is like lightening across my head.  The longest time that I have had this continue is 4 weeks.  I thought tht I was going to die.  Let me know if you get nay help for this please.
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I had the exact symptoms that piehat had.  It has been a nightmare trying to get a diagnosis.  Temporal Arteritis was the general consensus (sp?) until a biopsy showed no giant cells.  I was on Prednisone for 17 days before they did the biopsy.  I have been to 2 neurologist, rheumatologist, and an ent.  My symptoms are much worse than piehat's and I think that when she posted the symptoms she expressed were just the beginning.  I have spoke to so many people that did not have the giant cells like myself and without giant cells the dr.s really have no answer.  I have been on Prednisone for 4 months and still have a bit of inflammation left but have to get off prednisone because of the side effects.  At one point my eye was covered in a white haze.  The inflammation presses on the optical nerve.  Like others that posted I noticed the worst inflammation during pms.  I'm going to an Endocrynologist to test my new theory that my cortisol becomes low when my progesterine dips therefore allowing inflammation to take over.  What do you think of that theory?

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Hi, I know this is an old post, but how are you fairing now? I am having the same symptoms. I've been to a neurologist, had an MRI and blood work. Blood work shows I have high antinuclear antibodies and possible autoimmune disease. Have an appointment with a Rheumatologist soon. Your symptoms are the exact same as mine.
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Definitely see a neurologist, they might want to do an MRI although if the Lyrica helped before it's probably an inflamed or irritated nerve, I would think.  They did blood tests for me and didn't find any evidence of inflammation, but the neurologist started me on neurontin about 3 days ago, so hopefully that will help.

Thanks for your post, it's nice to know I'm not alone.  Good luck and I hope your head gets better soon!
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Thought I would post because I am having similar head pains, except mine are on the left side. My Doc started me on Lyrica to help with the (nerve) inflammation. After a week, the pressure went away. When I stopped taking Lyrica it came back. I have been taking Lyrica again for the past four days and I still have pressure in the top and back of my head.
I feel like I need to see a neurologist. I have an appointment Monday with an optometrist.
Maybe he can check out my optic nerve anyway.
Hope you head is better.
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