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Sudden Weakness in arms

In the last few months I have been getting a sudden weakness in both arms.  It comes on suddenly and lasts a maximum of 5 minutes.  When it happens I cannot lift anything.  I feel so weak that I have to sit or lie down until it passes.  This week it hit me twice.  Before these 2 incidents, the last time this happened was a month ago and before that was probably another month (2 times in a week).  The sensation is from the shoulders down to my hands.  Any ideas?

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I had been rear ended, and had a concussion with stiff neck. Started getting "arm spells" same as many in this group.

The "spell" starts with nausea, like heat is filling from my chest up to shoulders then down both arms like a wave, with complete loss of feeling in both arms right to fingertips. Unable to move arms or feel them. Heavy tingling. Have to wait until feeling comes back. Tired muscles afterward.

Told doctor, had many tests - MRI, cardio, stress test, ultrasound, etc. No reason found.

Kept having these unpredictable spells (well, maybe 10 seconds of warning when it was coming on) -- sporadic -- sometimes every 2-5 mos, sometimes 2 times in a week.

I also noticed there weren't as many if I took potassium and magnesium.

After about 2 yrs of this, was sitting on my sofa tying my shoes, my 125 lb bouvier (god bless his lovely soul) was being provoked by our playful lab and tried to jump over me while my head was bent down and landed on the side of my neck that was stiff. (Pushed my head in the opposite way of the accident injury).

I heard my neck crack on that side. Haven't had an arm spell since.
Was it a pinched nerve?
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Could have been.  I got an email notice of your comment today and realized then that I have had this sensation in quite awhile.  After thinking about it I believe it was from sitting in computer chairs with arms, (some chairs were old with no padding, just wooden) and most likely was from nerves in my elbow being push on for many hours at a time.  I am no longer working and less time on a computer which is possibly why my problem went away.  You should give your dog a medical degree.  Nice story.
Of course, I meant "haven't had this sensation"  but found not edit option for comments.
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I actually had this happen for the first time a week and a half ago and went to the ER where they ran a bunch of tests and everything was fine. Had a stress test done Monday and everything looked perfect. Weirdest thing ever. Have you found an answer yet???
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Answer may be that there is no answer.  Could be a range of possible cause that very from perosn to person.  Could be several possible combinations.  I had serveral onsets over the years and hadn't had one for over a year.  This moening had another.  Mine seems related to overwork of arms, long day of work, and stress (even light stress).  Good thing is that it passes quickly and doen't seem to have any long term effects.  The firs ttime I wa terrified that I was having a heart attack, but now I just lie down or relax (had it once when driving and just relaxed until it passes after 30 seconds or so).
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For 10 yrs I have had these symptoms, but not often.  After about a year, I have had 2 in the last 3 wks. I had EKG, chest x-rays, angiogram, cardioscope, stress test, carotid artery scope.  This all resulted in NOTHING! No  diagnosis. I have found no related foods, times of day, or anything. It just happens when it happens. My family doctor and cardiologist act like they have never heard these symptoms before.  I am giving them this http.  Some of you explain it better.
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I've had this problem too, for the past couple of years.   I experience tingling and cramping in both arms which become very weak and fall to my sides. The cramping extends to my chest and back. I feel lightheaded I need to sit down or lie down. The whole episode lasts for approximately 30 seconds. I have no idea what causes this and have not been able to find a correlation to anything I'm doing or medicine that I'm taking.
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Me too.  Just had one this morning (after more than a year without), and now I know that it will passs within minutes if I just relax and let it pass.  Not as scary.  But it's a nagging concern  int he recesses of my mind.  Doctor has not clue, and everyoen has their theory about why it happens.  Could be a variety of possible causes that varies with each of us.  Mine seems to follow overuse of arms, stress,a nd tiring work day the day the before.  But not always....
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I have the same thing - It has been getting worse.  I just went to the neurologist and awaiting my blood results and EMG results.  On the EMG when I took the test he said that day I have bilateral peripheral neuropathy in both arms.  I took Cipro and Levaquinn in 2007 and was diagnosed with this in my legs.  Cipro and Levauinn causes peripheral neuropathy.  I never had the test in my arms until now.
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Getting up once in the middle of the night, I experienced the symptom of sudden weakness in both arms, lasting only a few minutes. Very scary!

After reading the comments in this thread -- especially the ones about being helped by a chiropractor -- I decided it had something to do with a pinched nerve around the shoulders or neck. I had recently been doing an exercise of lifting small weights above my head while standing, and I guessed this had been compressing my spine. So, I did some stretching and twisting to loosen my spine and also changed that weight-lifting exercise so I was lying on my back instead of standing.

This was maybe three months ago, and I have not had a recurrence. I hope this experience helps someone else.
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Same scary weekness.  Hadn't had a recurrence for over a year and just had one this morning.  Everybody has a guess, but it may be one of those issues that is a combination of neck, stress, overuse.  I'm now keeping a journal of when it happens and what I did the previous days.  Haven't yet found any consistent pattern.  
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I agree with this. I have been experiencing this for years, and following a shiatsu session it disappeared for a long time, and now it is back again. I also experiment with raising my arms or lowering my arms to see if that makes a difference. I worked as a jewellery maker and weaver for many years, so lots of neck bending. I find that by doing upper body stretching / simple yoga and  focusing on spinal / nack  twists and arching of the body backwards / opening the chest etc makes the episodes go  away.
I am convinced it's a muscular skeletal / compressed nerve thing that can be addressed by strectching
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Just had the sensation this morning, after over a year without any.  The only consistent patterns I've seen are a combination of overuse of arms, stress, and not enough sleep.  A lot of guesses....and doctors seem to have their best guesses.  I'm now keeping a journal of when it happens and what I did the day(s) before. It may just be that each of us has an individual set of causal factors...just like a sore throat can be a result of many different causes.
stress and lack of sleep, that would be true for me too. didnt think of that.
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I sure wish I knew what is happening. Standing in my kitchen, a strange sensation came over me, felt weak, head floating but most alarming both arms from the elbow down became very heavy and weak. Almost felt like it was pulling me down. It passed but aprox an hour later the exact same thing. Doctors just say nothing's wrong and send you on.
Very frustrated, worried and don't know where to turn.
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Holy cow! This happened to me for the first time today sitting at my vanity putting on my make up. Out of the blue, my upper arms and across my shoulders just went weak. I had to stop and rest. Lasted for maybe 2 minutes. Then about an hour later it happened at my desk at work. Obviously I started searching the internet because my daughter is a physician but I don't want to alarm her because she is leaving from JFK at 4:00 PM today for her first vacation in a LONG time. No other symptoms but the tops of my arms across my shoulders and lower neck area just go weak... I'm 57, about 25 pounds, overweight but fairly active.
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I was referred to a neurologist for my sudden arm weakness.  She asked that in my next blood panel, check the B12 level, it should by in the 500 range.  I did and it was 0.83!  I started a daily high dose B12 supplement and 4 months later it was up to 1407.  I backed off to an every-other-day B12 pill and no problems since.  Previously I wasn't a vitamin taker.  The real shocker?  My episodes happened shortly after beginning METFORMIN for a diabetic condition.  Even my internist wasn't aware of the connection.  He googled B12 vs Metformin on his laptop while I was in his office and his face lit up.  B12 is vital for nerve health.   No B12 and the nerve sheath begins to break down resulting is all sorts of issues.
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Wow!!!!  That's almost like a break through!  Would you mind starting your own post to share this so it can be seen by everyone besides just those follow this thread???  That is such important information!!!  Thank you for sharing it with us!
Thanks, I reposted it in the diabetes section.
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Does anyone else have any updates re: this as I’ve been experiencing the same? Sudden pain / numbness / feeling of dead (bilateral) upper arms for up to a minute. I had a spell several months ago but have experienced 3 episodes in last few weeks.
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Yes, had 2 this morning.  Never had it before!  
9/2018...mine started last December.  I was reaching for the medicine cabinet. I felt it start & was confused at first. The sensation quickly became more painful as I tried to hold my arms up. As described, I have no strength & that lead weight feeling. It then spreads across my chest and down my arms. I've had similar episodes in January, February, April (2), August & one just tonight. As some have stated I can sense them now & sit or lie down immediately. I don't suggest trying to work through them. I find that will  escalate the pain. The one tonight was very painful....I'm an ex corrections officer  so I'm not a baby. I'm getting no answers from doctors. Maybe anxiety or my neck from a previous surgery. It's not a great feeling that doctors have no idea....no pun intended.
Likestrucks Sep 14, 2016
Sudden numbness, stiffness, pain, and a general inability to use both arms is typically due to Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), and is often seen in older individuals.  I have the "events" at random times, and the events can occur days apart from each other.  The pain/numbness comes on very sudden and usually lasts for a few minutes, say ten to fifteen.  When it happens, I am unable to lift or use my arms and have to quickly find a place to sit, or stand still, and wait for the initial pain rush to pass.
Robocop181 3 mins
Thanks for the informatio
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Me too! It seems funny that so many of us are having similar problems,  yet "nothing is wrong" according to traditional medicine.  I did notice some comments about posture and neck issues being their cause.  May have to go see chiropractor then for myself.  Only had 2 spells but has been during the last 2 weeks.  It's disturbing to get this feeling.  So weak and difficult to life arms, shoulders to elbows.  Wrists and hands feel fine.
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Have your B12 checked. I suffer from low B12 and sudden weakness in the arms is one of the side effects along with sudden fatigue. It gets so bad that it's really unpleasant to look through clothing on a clothes rail (just an example). You can either take vitamin B12 supplements for this or if those don't work, regular B12 shots. Consult your doctor first though as a simple blood test will confirm or rule out B12 deficiency.
I have almost the same thing only it starts in my hands and moves up it subsides if I'm able to lie down.  It used to happen just once in a great while and for some reason lately more often , it's happened five times today and I have a headache and my neck feels stiff.
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I too suffer from this, totally at random from my shoulders to my elbows my arms feel like a lead weight and I cannot move them, I have to where possible sit down and bend forward resting my arms against my body until the pain disappears at other times I have to rest arms on anything handy even when I am out walking etc. and no doubt look silly holding my arms against a wall or litter bin etc.. These attacks take place very random every few months, twice in a day, just recently I have started to run a brief diary on when it happens and what I am doing when it happens and how long it takes to get back to normal. About 6 years ago I had Legionella and these attacks only started after the infection was gone from my body, my neurology consultant could not understand why this was happening and only now I am thinking of going back to the doctors to see if I can find an answer.....
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I just had my 3rd or 4th episode in the past year.  I can tell it's coming.  Everything in my shoulders and arms goes weak.It affects my chest and my back and my head sometimes tingles.  I haven't said anything to my family because they will work hard to get me to have all of these tests.  I am reading what everyone says and I'm going to start monitoring.  I think it happens mainly when I am exhausted.  I also have degenerative disc disease so will bring this up to my chiropractor whom I see regularly.  The episode only lasts for about a minute, but I have to throw my body over a counter or table that's close.  It goes away but the general malaise in the muscles lasts for awhile longer.  I was happy to find this post.  THank you everyone for sharing.  I take no meds (I'm 71) except for Nexium from time to time and Ambien.  
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Sudden numbness, stiffness, pain, and a general inability to use both arms is typically due to Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), and is often seen in older individuals.  I have the "events" at random times, and the events can occur days apart from each other.  The pain/numbness comes on very sudden and usually lasts for a few minutes, say ten to fifteen.  When it happens, I am unable to lift or use my arms and have to quickly find a place to sit, or stand still, and wait for the initial pain rush to pass.
Thanks for the information  I'll do some research.  I'm wondering if this is a Male only condition or if I'm reading into it too much.
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I have this same thing and it s exactly like you said - arms extremely weak and very hot and it goes into my chest. Today my cardiologist hooked me up to a heart monitor and I just hope it happens while I am wearing it. I had 4- way bypass last month, but it was happening before that. When it happens to me, I feel incapacitated and like I freeze up for a while. It is quite scary.
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I recently experienced an attack very very similar to what you describe here. All tests come back perfectly healthy. I am wondering if you have ever been able to find answers to what you were experiencing? Thanks!
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I suffered from bilateral arm pain and weakness for years, and I have finally found the solution for me, and it is posture related. I heard about a women who studied people in small villages around the world who had no back pain, so I ordered her book and made some adjustments to my posture. I haven't had an episode since. "8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back," by Esther Gokhale.
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If you take antidepressants such as amitriptyline 10 mg like I was for migraine I believe this was causing it. I stopped and have no symptoms since. Also sinus sprays such as otrivine seems to cause it too.
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I have had  4 episodes since July 1, 2016.   I started taking Cymbalta to help my nerve problems in my legs.   Cymbalta (antidepressant) made me feel funky and then these episodes began.  I'm also using a topical steroid called "Fluocinonide" to help with itching.  I read that both medications can cause "tiredness" and "weakness."   I only took 1 20mg Cymbalta and stopped taking it.   But I have been using the topical steroid (very little) and wondering whether these medications are to blame.
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Hi! I had the same symptoms and after reading a lot of these posts, I went to my chiropractor to check my neck/cervical area.  After hearing my symptoms (sudden heaviness in both arms) she checked my neck and adjusted my C1 joint which affects that area and was really stuck.  She suggested that I take some B-complex as the symptoms could also be indicative of a vitamin B-deficiency, and to go see my doctor as well.  I don't know why I didn't think of that before--Vitamin B is responsible for so many functions including cell metabolism. Check out WebMD for symptoms of deficiency. Weakness in the limbs is one of them!  Vitamin B complex is easy to find at your grocery store or CVS. I hope you all find this helpful and feel better soon!
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I'm so scared last summer was the first time this happened to me I was cooking and the odd feeling  numbness in both arms and tingling in hands weakness thought I was going to faint caused me to put down the utensils and just stand there in array for approx. I min than it went away now this week I've had 4 episodes this morn out of bed first thing I did is bend over to feed the cat it happened it goes away fast but you can feel the travel of the numbness go from upper to lower part of arms than headache I m not sure which Doc to see until I can describe the symptoms  better
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I've had two recent episodes of weakness and "floppiness" down both arms/biceps and down the backs of both hands to the first two fingers on each hand, plus across my upper chest, and general dizziness, so that I sit or lean on something for a few minutes until it passes.  I was afraid of MS. See http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/94118-treatment. After reading that and a few other articles on cervical radiculopathy, I've concluded that I should take NSAIDs for a week and pay more attention to whether my pillow is causing me to sleep with my neck at an angle instead of in line with my spine.
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I had these sudden, intense weakness of arms & shoulders, the absolute need to sit down and shakiness of hands.  This lasted from 2 to 5 minutes, when it went away, but I felt completely drained and tired for awhile afterward. This went on for a couple of months, varying as to how many times per day, then went a week without any, then my right side of my body just quit on me without warning.  In the ER they first thought I was having a stroke, but it turned out not to be that at all.  An MRI found that I had Transverse Myelitis, which is inflammation of the spinal column, in my cervical (neck) area.  Massive doses of Steroids were given to me for 5 days, and I started seeing minor improvements, and now after an 8 day hospital stay, and 20 days in rehab, I can use a walker to get around and am continuing to improve every day, and hoping I will fully get back to normal, but don't know yet. I'm trying very hard.  I am age 79 female.
For the past year, I had been having neck pain, like a "crick" that won't go away, then the extreme arm heaviness for 2+ months recently, before it led to my entire right side quitting on me.  Taking the steroids is another whole story, but I won't go into that here because it can vary among persons, and it was something I needed to take to help remedy my problem.  I hope this sheds some light on these strange, intense feelings of heaviness in the arms that hit without warning.      
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I looked this up.  I don't think it is the cause of my symptoms as my legs are not involved at all.  Just my arms, shoulders and neck.  I wonder if it might be as simple as having slept wrong??
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My neurologist points to degenerative C4-C6.  As well I had many Radiation treatments in the neck area (50) for cancer.  I probably will have this for the rest of my days but I am trying to cope. as best I can.
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My neurologist points to degenerative C4-C6.  As well I had many Radiation treatments in the neck area (50) for cancer.  I probably will have this for the rest of my days but I am trying to cope. as best I can.
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go see a chiropractor.
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oh my gosh I feel the same. the pain has been so intence I have been to the ER 2 times. they have done a heart check ( my heart is great) they also did a CT scan and they say I have DEGENERATIVE DISC DISEASE. For now only medication and rest helps. I am only 62 years old and this has made me feel like my life is over, because I cannot deal with the pain when these full episodes happen. i will be trying chyropractic soon,
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I also have degenerative disc disease.  Have for MANY years (20+).  I do Yogalates class 2x week and an abbreviated version every morning.  I had my first 2 episodes of this weakness this morning.  Instead of a chiropractor, find a D.O. - they specialize in osteopathic manipulation.  I though that this was nonsense UNTIL my daughter performed it on me (she is a D.O.).  Amazing.  That aside, it doesn't explain my sudden weakness.

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