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right thigh pain,burnig, numbness


   I've benn having burning, numbness, itching, and at time severe pain in my right thigh.  The pain is like a red hot needle going into my leg disabeling me.  Upon checking reference sites, the symptoms are consistant with RSD, but of course my doctor yelled at me and said it is not RSD.  I had an MRI done to my spine, and there is evidence of a small bulge which impinges upon the anterior aspect of the thecal sac.  Could this be causing my symptoms?  If so how is that proved?  Also there are three small disc herniations in the thoracic section of my back and I have yet to receive the Cervical diagonsis report.  Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you in advance.

68 Responses
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Jay - Are you still on this site? I realize it's been a few years since your post ....I am having your issues and would love to chat. My email is: ***@****
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I had the same thing happen. A neurologist did a nerve electrode test and it was due to a damaged nerve in my groin area. The numbness, itching, burning and severe pain was on my upper outer thigh area which would go to the knee area at times, too. The damaged nerve was due to wearing Jean's and sitting all day at my job. So, go to a Neurologist...they will do the nerve electrode test!! Hope this helps. :)
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What is your answer?
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  I have a herina in my right thigh it is burning and I am in constant pain.What can I do about it to make the pain and burning feeling stop?
Gabapentin (Neurontin) is the only thing that helps.
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I had a knife go through bottom side of my hip not to deep but had to hav 5 stitches since then iv had numbness to my thigh n burning feeling is this normal?
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Nerves get damaged and causes those symptoms.  See if your Dr will let you try Gabapentin. That is the ONLY thing that will stop nerve pain! Hope you get better soon!
14403921 tn?1434359225
don't wait for your dr to send your wife to a specialist.  I was waiting for mine to do that - forget it - find one through your insurance company.  Only bad thing is no dr referral - you have longer to wait to get in to see the dr.
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Hey guys my name is christian everyone calls me chris but i was googling about my symptoms and i ran accross your comments man this sh** hurts mines is very simular at first it was only when i was sleeping straight on my back when i tried getting up i would get a shooting burning pain in my right thigh it hurts bad and ot seems like my right side hip is a trigger its weird but it aort of feels like when ever i feel ..best way i could explain is like either a nerve or just one ligament it sounds funny i know but wjen ever that nerve/ ligament is moved their goes that burning lightning bolt down my right thigh now even when am awake during the day ots numb and when ever i try to scratch it os like am causing more pain not immense pain but real annoying that i have to sort of tap hard with the edge of my palm thing is tje numbness is like only in tje outter layer of my thigh not all the way in my estimate is like 3/4 of my thigh in depths that is only numb am still young and am bery worried its been like 2 months and it has gotten worse i cant think of any incident that might caused this i finally made a Dr.appointment if what ever news i get rest assure i will share may God bless you all amd may we find a solution to our problems and if not may God give us the courage and strength to endure it...
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Guys, I have the same problem as most of you. On the 23rd I had a laparoscopy. Everything was healing fine, until 5 days post surgery.
On day 5 I noticed a numb spot in my left thigh. It was strange feeling, but, I figured it was how I was laying and wrote it off.
Now, almost two weeks later, the numbness is surrounded by a ring of pain. When I stand up, the muscles in my thigh feel like they are tearing and burning (but, only AROUND the numb spot). If I rub the area it feels like I am bruised, warm compression doesn't help, massaging definitely doesn't help...I'm at a loss, however, I am going back to the doctor tomorrow for my post-op check up and I will bring this up to my doc and get back to you guys about what he says.
This is unbearable and I can't believe some of you have suffered through this for years. Let me explain something, I can take pain. During my healing the doc wrote me a prescription of OxyContin, I didn't fill that script (the pain was NOT bad enough to be THAT doped up). So, when I say this hurts, it bloody hurts!
I promise to get back on here with what the doc says...it's sad that no one has mentioned curing this. This *****.
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My name is Randy. I am 51 years old and have lived with that for to many years to count. It is a pinched nerve somewhere in your spine. I was told surgery is not an option BC my whole spine is collapsed. Truth is, if I had insurance other than Medicaid I would get the surgeries I need. I pray u get the MRI u need to detect the problem.
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Hi I had a fall at work on my right side and now my right leg tingles and goes numb. I have a severe spinal MRI but my back does not hurt. I am not willing to have surgery on L4-5 and SI until I check everything out in my
hip, thigh, upper leg and pelvis. Many other problems mimmick back damage but isn't and after surgery the pain is still there. Check every other
option you have before surgery. I fell and the Doc wanted to do surgery. I said I want shots in all of my discs that can cause my problem and if the shot works I know the problem is a disk. I saved myself a surgery from
investigating and being my own doctor. When I had the SI shot NO MORE PAIN! what a mistake going into surgery. This advice will save you a lot
of surgery and the downtime not to mention it may not go away because it was misdiagnosed. Happens all the time!

Good Luck
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Same here. I have to stand at my job I just started and the same thing happens to my right thigh. I wish I knew how to make it stop.
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Hello , I have been dealing with back and leg pain for 20 plus years . I have had a 360 fusion with translaminal facet screw fixation at L5/S1. I also had a far lateral discectomy on the right at L3/4 ,due to a far lateral disc herniation that was hitting the dorsal root ganglion. You can google "dermatone map.I have terrible "radiculopathy" radiating pain or burning from the right side around into my anterior  thigh and groin. This is caused by irritation or pressure on the L1,L2,L3 nerve roots. And on the left terrible anterior thigh pain L2,3,4 . If you have pain or numbness in your perineum "saddle region" it is most likely from L1 or s2,3. The bottom line is that it is very difficult to determine what level is causing the pain. because the spinal nerves exit out at each level and a pain that you think is from L2/3 can be from L3/4 and so on. in addition there is the dorsal root nerves or ganglions which is a very sensitive bundle of nerves that can affect each level also. There is also chemical substance inside the nucleus of each disc.  It in and of itself can cause irritation to the nerves. In addition anterior thigh pain/numbness can also be caused by irritation or entrapment of the femoral nerve. The end result is there are a number of things that can cause radiating pain. Only after mri's and or myelogram or in the case of a suspected internal disc disruption aka  IDD a discogram   is the only true way to determine the integrity of the disc. If you have a discogram and it exactly reproduces your pain and the post CT shows disc rupture then it is a pretty definitive answer. However the only way to try and relieve the pain from  IDD or internal disc disruption is to perform a fusion. Which is a whole other complex topic and controversial . I hope I helped answer some of your questions.
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Believe the doctor who says the bulging discs causes neck pain and headaches.....had the same problem in the 80's , surgery in '89 to repair the disc.  Took a lot of therapy and time, but improved.  Will never be the same, but better.  Do not lift anything over 10 lbs ever again!  I also have shoulder pain and arm and hand pain.  Hope you can find the answer for you and get some help.  This can be torture!
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I had severe low back pain about a month ago, and within a few days the front of my thigh started itching, then burning, then pain.  My doc gave me painkillers (norco) for the back, but it does not help thigh pain at all. I stopped the norco after 2 weeks. (Afraid of it). Also afraid to take the gabapentin i was given.  Back is getting better slowly, thigh still the same. I have started using medical mj to sleep...works...since my back is getting better, does it mean the nerve injury causing the thigh pain may just get better over time as well?  65, very active, hating the pain.
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I don't have much information but  I have been going through a lot of what you just described for the past two months... including the sinus pressure... I thought I was going insane trying to figure out how the two even relate. I had a CT, MRI, blood work and everything done... They can't tell me anything except I seem healthy & don't know what else could be going on. They also ruled out MS & ALS... I just wanted you to know you are not alone :)
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Hi all,

I recently had a car crash accident at a T - junction where my vechile rolled several times after a driver didn't see me and continued to turn into my direction. I had a week stint in hospital and have been diagnosed with ligament damage in my neck at C7 back fractures at T1, T2 and T3. I currently have a full back and neck brace on for approx. 8 weeks to aid the fracture healing, and wow boy is it a pain in the backside!!!! But I know how great full I am to be here and alive because it was so close, the family still can't believe how I got out of the mess I was in!! I told the nurses initially in hospital about the strange numbness feeling in my right thigh and they attributed it to the injections and didn't say much about it at all. The area of numbness has gotten larger but still localized to my right thigh more around the lateral region and just above the knee. I am booked in to see a neurologist this coming Wednesday and can't wait because I hate the numbness pain and burning sensation in the area.

Does any one have any ideas as to help ease the numbness pain especially when sleeping. I really hope it is a simple fix and will go away soon because really in addition to my other injuries it's not ideal. I appreciate any advise that anyone can give me as I have never really hurt myself before. I must say how lucky though I know I am to still have the use of both my legs and arms. Blessed. :)
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I have the same problem.  Today was my worst day as of yet.  I was with my father getting his groceries and of course was experiencing the pain, numbness, burning and feeling of a hundred needles piercing my upper right leg.  it calmed when I got into his van until it was time to get out.  As I stepped onto that leg it felt like it was on fire and someone was actually stabbing my leg over and over again.I was yelling out because of this severe pain and it is now starting to really scare me.  This started about 5 years ago, until the day I slipped on ice and feel forward and broke my shoulder.  The pain and numbness stopped immediately and never started again until I got bronchitis really bad.about 8 months later.  It seemed the severe coughing brought it all back and as I mentioned seems to be getting worse week by week.  I suffer with lower back pain and burning , sometimes aching, feet along with this.  Any suggestions as to where I can start to try to correct this or what may be causing it?
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5633773 tn?1371349058
Hi everyone, I am 65 and about 6 months to a year ago, I got this cool sensation , just above my left knee for about 6 inches and about 6 inches wide and it turned into a slight numbness.  About 1 month ago while at work, which I stand for 7 hours, my numb area became warm and grew in intense heat, I put my hand down on my leg and it was normal feel, I couldn't feel the heat, but I felt it under the skin.  With that I know have the heat, numbness, feeling of 1000 bee's stinging, itching and at time a single jab of pain to the area that will make you yell out..  The Doctors (2) told me it was a pinch nerve coming from my back and the other Doctor said it was a  pinch nerve in my hip area due to excess weight.  No X-rays, No MRI's just of the shoulder theory.  I am to take Tylenol for relief. DOES NOT HELP AT ALL.  Any idea's of what I can do for relief .  Oh ya if I put cool pack on it and when remove it feels like someone is stabbing me in the leg.
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I have the exact symptoms just as you described including the weak stream. I have had a series of 3 shots in the lower lombar, which I would say had no positive affect at all. All the doctors in Kansas City want to operate, and I wasn't even told about the shots as an alternative possible remedy, as they wanted to jump into an operation immediately. I am not ready for an explority operation, and it would seem that with so many people having the same symptoms, that doctors would have the remedy by now. I don't think they even know what the cure is. Why can't they get to the cause instead of the symptom? HEY DOC, I KNOW WHAT THE SYMPTOMS ARE--DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT THE CURE IS??
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Omg,  I have the same thing, just to touch my leg hurts so bad! I have MS but was told it's not from that. I hope we find the cause.
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I am only 16. And my thigh numbs up at night, and then it gets really itchy, I go to itch it and it burns. Everything sets off the burning sensation. Even a little touch of the blanket. Its very painful to deal with at night when I'm trying to sleep, as I can't move until the pain is gone, but it stays until I start to fall asleep in the position that my leg is comfortable.
I'm writing this right now, while the burning sensation is happening. I haven't gotten it checked out. I've asked around if other people like my family or friends get it, and they said no. I didn't tell them how much it hurts case they panic.
But now I'm starting to panic. Cause the pain gets worse and worse over the weeks.
Could anyone please tell me what exactly it is? :/
Thank you.
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I can so relate to many of the comments and the symptoms in common.   Ten years ago I had an injury which resulted in a herniated disk to the L4 and L5.... this put me flat on my back for six months... through intensive physio therapy to my back I was able to avoid surgery..... however .....this condition has left me with on and off bouts of sciatica..... generally it is brought on when I do excessive amounts of standing or bending, or heavy lifting..... I was told by my GP that this is something I would have live with.... I am now 64 and even though I have adjusted my lifestyle (avoid putting pressure on my legs and back)...I still have to deal with these 'episodes' as I call them.
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are you on lyerica?
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I am amazed. I have read this thread and I was certain I would find something related to what I am experiencing. Unless I missed it, I did not see anything. I am fifty. At forty-four I contracted genital herpes. I had many breakouts the first two years. It was a huge drag. I would usually feel a numbness, a tingly, itchy feeling in my upper right thigh before I got a breakout. I would feel it on the left leg less often. The breakouts subsided, but the other stuff still remains now and again. Sometimes (like right now) I get pain shots of pain that is really intense. Sort of a pulsing, wicked pain. I have always attributed it to herpes. I have had back problems, but aside from the occasional chiropractor, I haven't needed a doctor about it in years. Is it possible that any of you are dealing with the same thing? Or could anyone tell me what I am experiencing? Anyone?    
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my nan in her 60ties, recently had a sore hip area, with in a day went numb and slowerly spread down her leg and then over to the other leg.

she was rushed to hospital, and was in there for a week.
during this time about three days in, she also lost feeling to her bladder, but not bowl. she could not feel her inside and, when she was going to urinate but could feel her bowl still.

The doctors run tests for, slip disc and nevres and strokes. but all came back clear.

during this she could lift her legs but not feel them or stand on them, they were not swollen and looked normal. and her overall health was fine.

the doctors think it was a minor stroke, tho it didnt come up, and strokes usually happen on one side of the body down, not accross.

after a week she amazily started to gain feeling again, and was clear to go home.
but she had to attend physio for months to learn to walk and stand on her legs again, she has made a fully recovery.

the doctors still have know idea what happened.

she had 5 children when she was in her 20ties and has been prone tobrake bones very easy, (maybe not enough calsium in her bones)

anyone who can shead light on this for me please help?

thanku much. sam
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