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Fluid build-up with Ovarian Cancer

BRAND NEW TO THIS SITE* Is it possible for the fluid build-up (ascites?) that is from the ovarian cancer to enter the lungs? Also when vomitting occurrs, does the fluid come out???  Learning more and more about the cancer every day. VERY curious and concerned about my mother who has stage 3c ovarian cancer, diagnosed in Feb, and had a total hysterectomy Feb 24. Waiting for our chemo apt within the next 2 weeks.  Help is appreciated!!
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Ohhh Thank you so much for your helpful advice! You are not rambling at all! Any advice, or even your experiences is sooo helpful, I appreciate it! Today was a loooong day. Mom was transported to another hospital where there is a cancer unit and she can be looked at more carefully. An echo cardiogram was done today because my mom has been having blackouts, (even before the we found out about the cancer in january) and yesterday apparently while my mom was sleeping the nurses tried to wake her up (she i it took them a while to wake her, they gently shook her to wake her, and it took 3 minutes to wake her. Im worried because my mom is a light sleeper. we will know the results from that when the doctor comes in tomorrow. Possibly may be arythmia, but some of the chemo drugs may affect heart rate, so they want to be careful with that.  Also a scan of her tummy and the fluid was done today, and a double medi port will be done tomorrow and the fluid may be tapped also. They did tell us about the carbo being hard on the kidneys. Also its really good to know about the joint pain, my mom did suffer from that mildly before the cancer diagnosis and was taking the glucosamine condroitin (sp) and also the b complex.  she is not one for taking pills ever, so this has been quite difficult. Tomorrow will be such a big day as we may get some of the test results back, and the port will be in place, and tummy being drained. Anxious to get some of this under way, especially after being tugged emotionally back and forth from doctor to doctor. One day they tell us our Mom has 2 to 3 months to live, then the next doctor tells us "nooooo there is help for her, treatment has been helpful for many!" and then another doctor telling us after 2 months, that she has 2 weeks, and now back on track with the oncologist who has hope for her, and who is the specialist in this field, where we are going to stay! HOPE is what we continue to have! I thank you so much Janice you have been helpful...this whole community has been, so has Marie and Gail, and the others! thank you all !!!! Tomorrow shall be better!!!!!
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Hi Pattie, I'm glad to hear that your Mom's vomitting  has subsided.  Ok, first, ignore what the ER doctor said.  I dont understand how he/she could make such a statement upon just admitting your mother, without any detailed knowledge of her condition, CT scans, etc...
My mom was diagnosed stage IV in Oct 2007.  She responded very well to Carbo/Taxol.  That was her first treatment.  You are right, everyone is different and responds differently to the various chemo treatments.  I hope it works for your mom.  It took 2 cycles of the chemo before the ascites went down.   Also, My mom's fluid was tapped multiple times in both her abdomen and lung lining.  So, dont be suprised if they tap your Mom and it builds up in the next week or so.  As far as vomitting on chemo....  My mom has had nausea but has never vomitted, but it does affect people differently. The pre meds they give prior to chemo really help.  Also, after chemo, she makes sure she takes the anti nausea medicine as soon as she feels like she is getting weezy.  She also keeps crackers with her so she can snack and keep something in her stomach to reduce the nausea.   She did feel weak from the carbo/taxol and noticed it in her legs and joints.  After chemo she would take a powder supplement for joint pain (something like Glutamine (spelling?))  She takes vitamins B1 and B6 to help with symptoms of neuropathy. They will probably tell your mom to drink tons of water, as Carbo goes through your kidneys and its important to stay hydrated.
My mom is back on Carboplatinum now and it is helping her the second time around too!  I think I am rambling, but I do hope this helps a bit.  Best wishes and hang in there! Janice
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Sorry I hit the enter button before I was finished!  The oncologist also is telling us that is unlikely that the taxol/carbo chemo will make her throw up.  She told us that there is an hour of anti-nausea pre-meds given prior to the chemo treatment.Nausea is expected but not vomitting.  ??? I just want the truth. I know each person is different, I understand that she may or may not get sick from the chemo, and I also understand there is a chance of the cancer not responding well to the chemo in the long run. But we just want honesty. reality. the truth. Does it make MOST people very ill?? (the chemo), vomitting constantly?  After battling the vomitting all weekend, we dont want to see her sick anymore.  The oncologist is encouraging her that after tapping the fluid, to get rest and get better first, have a port put in, and then try to start a chemo treatment. My mother has agreed to that, and to test out one treatment, and if she can tolerate it, go on to the next one.  You have no idea how much it means to have this forum to talk...I appreciate everyones help so much!
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Oh my. It releives me to have the oppurtunity to talk with someone else that has gone through this. Mom is still in the hospital. Due to the "Holiday" and that it was also a weekend, and to conflict of which hospital to admit her to ( Her oncologist has certain privelages at certain hospitals, whoever heard of such a thing?) anyways trying to put that horrific weekend behind us, the vomitting has finally subsided slightly, still nausea which is to be expected, but she hasnt vomitted since yesterday at 2:00 pm. Now that its Monday and the oncologist is able to see her at the hospital, things can get done now. We have had such a "run around" litterally, with different doctors telling us different opinions.  One (the E.R. doctor) told us upon admitting Mom, that the cancer (stage 3c) is in such an advanced stage that there really isnt much that the chemo can do for her except make her sicker.  Her oncologist (which wasnt able to see her until today) says that she is very hopeful that after tapping the fluid she will start to feel better (just as you had said) and we will get her feeling better after a few days after that then start the first chemo treatment, and that will help make the fluid subside also, and that she will have a very good chance at surviving this cancer. even at her stage 3c and her being 75 years old.  Ok....I did find out about the fluid issues I had about the lungs, vomitting it up, etc. I think its making more sense to me. I appreciate your post so much, it means so much to me to hear someone else talk about it, and hopefully giving me insight. I also realize that every person is different which is what the oncologist did mention to us. There is a chance that the chemo might not work.  The oncologist Sharon tells us that the ovarian cancer responds very well to this chemo combination which is the taxol/carboplatinum.
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Hi Pattie
I do hope your Mom is feeling better soon. My Mom has had ascites.  The ascites can move to the lung...however, it doesnt go into the lung.  It goes into the lining around the lung, called the pleura. My understanding is that it is the abdominal fluid that moves through the diaphram to the lung lining.
If the fluid is around the lung, it can be tapped as earlier posts said.  The fluid in her abdomen can also be tapped. However, most Drs dont like to do that very often.
The fluid in the abdomen caused my mom to vomit, but the fluid buid up around the lung, caused shortness of breath and weakness as her oxygen level was reduced.
Have they discussed removing the fluid from your Moms abdomen?  
Once they removed the fluid from my Mom, she did feel better after a couple of days.  Hers did build back up until the chemo worked to reduce it.Best wishes and I hope she is feeling better soon.

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Well, yesterday morning wasn't just a one-time incident of vomitting :(  Mom had been sick all morning, and was admitted to the hospital yesterday, this was the first chance I got to update you all.  She had been so sick all day yesterday even in the hospital dry heaving. The doctors are saying it is caused from the ascites fluid. she has not even started the chemo yet. We have to wait until Monday for her oncologist to talk with us. She has finally been able to get some rest tonite, keeping the vomitting under control was so difficult!  The nurses gave her phenergan, zofran, and even morephine to help relax her, and for the nausea, but the phenergan wore off after 3 hours, and the other 3 hours she was still vomitting a few times. This evening finally the vomitting subsided to mild nausea and she is resting at the moment.  WOW what an exhausting 2 days. the doctors are saying that the vomitting is from the fluid, but dont want to do anything but keep her comfortable until her oncologist can see her Monday. The ER doctor has one outlook and the staff doctor has another, and the oncologist has another opinion!! it is so confusing!!!  Trying to decide if chemo will even benefit her at this point, and can she survive the ill effects of the chemo. Stage 3c and the most recent CT scan (march 31st) showed that there was still cancer in the abdomen and some on the bowel.   We will learn more on Monday. Thank you everyone for helping me clarify alot of these questions I have!!! I appreciate it sooo much and you all have been so helpful!
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