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New here -- And scared silly about complex cyst

Hi all, was hoping someone could help me w/ questions & concerns.
I'm 28 yrs old, mother of a 5 and 1 yr old.  Just stopped nursing the latter12/05 & got back on "normal" birth control pill.  Two weeks ago, started having sharp pain in left pelvic region, followed by general aching & then blood-tinged mucous/spotting.  Gyno did pelvic exam & saw/felt nothing, said it was spastic colon (I also had constipation) & the spotting from missing a pill 3 weeks ago.  I found that odd, so went ahead with pelvic u/s she recommended as "just in case".  U/S came back showing EITHER 2 cysts (both around 2.5 cm) on left ovary OR one cyst w/ septum, w/ no free fluid.  I assume this would be called a "complex cyst". (?)  I have been recommended to repeat u/s in 6 wks. Should also note I am menstruating (on time) right now, and still cramping.

My questions:  IF my cyst is septated & therefore "complex", are these usually malignant?  If it doesn't shrink, is that a sure bad sign?

My hx:  I've been on birth control since I was 17, but have been known to have functional cysts in the past; 1 was even seen at start of last pregnancy, but obviously they were of no concern then.  But I have never had symptoms like these before (pain, but never like this & it always went away).  
I also get a feeling of pressure on my bladder, which seems odd since the cyst(s) are so small.  Is this unusual?

Also, I only had a pelvic u/s, not trans-vag.  Could there be more they are missing?  
I'm freaked out I have cancer and will have to "leave" my 2 young boys.  I can't help but think the worst.
19 Responses
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I am basically new too.  Everyone here is very supportive and very helpful.  They know so very much that I am sure they will help ease your worries.

I will keep you in my prayers.

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117289 tn?1391712825
First of all, welcome to the site.  2nd, take a deep breath and relax.  Many women have been in your shoes, including myself. Just remember 99% of cysts are benign.  You are young, and otherwise healthy.  This is but a bend in the road.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.  Please try not to worry.  I am here for you if you need to vent.  Please keep me posted.
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I believe we all came to this site because we were all scared silly!  My complex cysts -- were, too, benign.  You've come to the right place for support.  Cysts are rarely malignant and you will find that out when you are surfing around.  They really don't know what they are till they come out.  We're here for you!!
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Thanks, to those that responded w/ kind words.  I have a history of worrying and over-analyzing things, so it frustrates me when noone takes my concerns seriously, when maybe this time they should.  Luckily my husband has so far been supportive and is concerned as well, but I only wish we didn't have to wait for more news.
I seem to be noticing every symptom now that might relate to ovarian cancer.  Am I fatigued because I didn't sleep well last night or is it cancer?  Am I cramping because of my period, or is it cancer?  Does my belly hurt because of this or that, or is it cancer?  Was that my lungs hurting?  Has the cancer already spread to other parts of my body?  The thoughts are consuming me with worry and fear.  I just don't know how to make it through the next few weeks without thinking "what's the point of doing this now?" or "I wonder if I should prepare this for my kids?".  Does anyone else "jump the gun" like this, or am I just nuts??  lol
I laugh at myself (a little), and try to forget about it when I'm with others, but inside I am totally afraid.  And nothing hurts more than the thought of leaving my kids behind.  I know I shouldn't think about it...but I feel like I have to prepare myself for the worst, or I might get a big (bad) surprise.  On the same hand, if I don't start thinking for the best, I might just go crazy.

So how do you deal with the waiting?  And if the symptoms subside, is that a good sign the cysts are resolving themselves...or on the otherhand, if they get worse?  
And does anyone ever feel the bladder pressure, or hotflashes/nightsweats, bloody mucuous?  Are the symptoms of benign cysts that similar to malignant tumors?
Any help?
Thanks everyone, and it's very encouraging to hear ANY stories of complex cysts that do resolve or are benign.  I need to know there is hope.
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Some Ben and Jerry's can help you with that DnAz.  Coffee with Heath bar pieces or Cherry Garcia.  :)  Worked for me last night.  Tonight I'm going ahead and having a glass of chardonnay before dinner and during.  Truffles are good too, got some for Valentine's but I bought them for my husband and to eat them ALL would be impolite.  Gotta get my nerves under control again.  Eating ice cream, chocolate and chips can help with that immensely.  I suffer from your same affliction.  I want to know, I want to know now and if you can't tell me, who can, and if you can't, then I'll dig it up on my own.  Came from years of working for and doing research in a law office.

The waiting really does suck, big time, but so does abdominal surgery, bigger time.  If there's a chance that my cysts and complex mass will resolve on their own, that's what I'd prefer.  It's easy for me to say you need to relax, but I haven't figured out how to do that for myself yet!!!  If you figure it out first, please let me know.

Welcome.  You'll find lots of love, caring, compassion and knowledge here.  Love, hugs and God bless, B~
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One more thing I forgot to mention.  I haven't tried having sex since all of this, but it has hurt to put a tampon in.  Not at first, but when it get toward the "bottom" or "deeper" end...like in my cervix.  Yet, nothing "bad" was seen or felt in my cervix.  Is this just pressure from the ovary?  Is this odd?  What the heck is going on there?  I'm afraid to have sex!!
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117289 tn?1391712825
It depends on the size of the cyst, they can take up needed space.  I had 2 dermoids, each larger than my uterus.  Believe me, I had all kinds of pains.  Sex wasn't very good because of the pressure and pain.  My dh is very understanding, and patient so that helps.  I am sure that once this is resolved, you will be back to normal.  Good Luck!!
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Thats the problem, the cysts are supposed to be less than 5cm put together...so why all the pain and pressure?  I'm afraid there is more they are not seeing w/ the pelvic u/s.
Meanwhile...presuming what they did see is all I've got, is it safe to have sex?  Will the pain go away (if the cysts do)...soon???  Where does it usually hurt others during intercourse with cysts?  I wouldn't think it should be vaginal or cervical...esp w/ smaller cysts.
Sorry, I know you're not all doctors, I am just so confused and scared about all this.  I'm going to school to be a nurse myself, just got back into school, and I've been doing a lot of research on this stuff.  Most of it scaring me...at least until I got here.
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Well DnAzMama, I think we all have experienced or are experiencing the "what if" game here. I know I sure did before I had my cyst removed. Mine was not complex, just fluid filled, 10cm when they found it, and 8cm three months later, it just wasn't shrinking. But mine was benign, as it seems majority are. My whole family claims that I am a hypochondriac, because, for instance, when I started having symptoms just before they found my cyst, I thought I was pregnant. Then, when all preg tests came back neg, and I was having pelvic pain, I thought I was having a tubal pregnancy(I'd read that they don't always show on tests). The truth is, whenever something is wrong with me, I jump on the internet and research, research, research. Sometimes it's bad for me, because I end up thinking I have some horrible disease that I don't have, and sometimes it's good for me. For example, just before my surgery, when my dr came in, I asked him so many questions(just from stuff I had read all of you wonderful women posting), and he looked at me, smiling, and said, "Looks like someone's been doing her homework." Well you're doggone right I have, it's my body after all!!

To make a long story short(well I'm trying to anyways), I KNEW something was going on in the reproductive area of my body, whether it was preg., cyst, tubal preg, etc, there was something wrong, and no one wanted to believe me, but my hubby, and he was even a little skeptical until the night I passed out on the bathroom floor, probably from stressing myself out about it all.

So hunny, take Barb's advice, get some Ben&Jerry's(Phish Food is my personal fav), and try to relax. I know it's easier said that done, but you can be strong, and we all will send some strength your way as well, for extra measure. You have those wonderful children to be strong for, and as I am sure you are aware, they pick up on every little thing, and probably sense your distress.

Seems every time I post on this forum, I end up writing a novel. So sorry chicas! I get carried away sometimes, and you all are so easy to talk to, and inspire me to try and help. =) Miranda
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I certainly know what you mean there, once you get labeled as a hyperchondriac, noone trusts your instincts.  But I'd rather be one of those than not catch an illness until it was too late.  I know OC is hard to catch until it's advanced stages anyway, another reason I'm freaked out.  I don't know how long I've had these particular cysts and how advanced I could be at this point if they are malignant.  My gyno nurse says I'm "jumping ahead" and I told her she's right, but it's a defense mechanism that I find necessary to "prepare" myself.
Thanks to everyone for your support.  I think I will take the advice of moosiebjm and go indulge in some cake and/or ice cream.  ;-)
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You would be wise to listen to all the ladies who responded to your post; they are wise beyond their years......only because of the hell they have experienced.
Respect their wisdom.
Peace to you and your husband and children.
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I'm quite new here myself and, like you, was scared silly I was going to leave my son without a mom....and here I am 2 weeks later, post-op, cancer free, feeling like I've got a new lease on life and raring to get on with it.

Remember to always have hope and trust the people who love you to be there to support you and carry you through this.

I truly believe you're going to be fine and I'm sending my prayers your way.

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Oh how I understand what you're going through...especially the part where you wrote about feeling cancer through your body.  Wow...it was as if I wrote that.  I swore my lung hurt the other day too.  I thought I was going crazy!  Trust me, don't do it to yourself...TALK TO YOURSELF when you feel that way.  I made myself have a full blown panic attack and it was NOT fun at all!  I literally say things out loud now to calm myself down (yes I sound crazy but who cares darn it!)  I'm waiting from a call from my doc this week about my last U/S to see if my complex cyst resolved itself.  I've read it does happen...and if it doesn't happen then we'll just deal with that then.  Read this board if you want anything.  There are women here going through exactly the same thing...there are women here who have been to hell and back...there is so much here from these women.  Some will even just wait with you.  =)  They know.  They've been there...someday we'll be able to help someone in our shoes like they've helped us cope.
I forget who said get some Ben and Jerry's Phish Food...YES!  That stuff is THE BEST!
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Hi girls,
Been reading all this stuff for about 3hrs now. I am feeling a little anxious and scared and it's probably for no reason.
To make my drama short I am 30 yrs old and have an 11 yr old daughter with leukemia. I decided to visit the girl doctor since I had not been for five years and I knew that I needed to stay healthy for my daughter. Anyway they found a small complex cyst and  
I have been stalking the ovarian cyst website for the last week.
I go back Monday for my second u/s. Please tell me I am worried for
no other reason than I am just paranoid because of my daughters illness.
I am so glad there are others out there that will listen to my concerns and my heart goes out to all of you who have been through surgeries and suffering.
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117289 tn?1391712825
Welcome to the site.  I am sorry about your daughter's illness.  I am praying for both of you.  Just to let you know 99% of cysts are benign.  So, I know it is hard to do, but don't worry.  It is the unknown that we fear the most.  We will wait with you.  GodSpeed.
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Thank-You for a reply so soon! You are right about the waiting it really stinks.I just feel so overwhelmed at times but on the other hand I am still grateful for what I do have. There are many others  
who suffer way more her cancer is still new and she is high-risk so
I'm sure in time I will just get used to everything. Thank-You for your prayers. I don't know where I would be without the power of prayer. Thanks again I will let you know how tomorrow goes.
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Thank-You for a reply so soon! You are right about the waiting it really stinks.I just feel so overwhelmed at times but on the other hand I am still grateful for what I do have. There are many others  
who suffer way more her cancer is still new and she is high-risk so
I'm sure in time I will just get used to everything. Thank-You for your prayers. I don't know where I would be without the power of prayer. Thanks again I will let you know how tomorrow goes.
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Sorry to hear your story, sounds like your in the same waiting-boat as I.  Hope it turns out for the best.  You definitely need your strenght for your daughter.  I have 2 kids and I can't imagine what you're going through there.  
Please let us know how you're doing.
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Hi everyone,

Thank you all for making me feel so normal!

Here's my story.  

I'm 53 years old and the mother of a 19-year-old at college, and a 12-year-old in 6th grade.  A year ago I went to  see my G.P. for extremely heavy and irregular periods.(I switched from my ob-gyn to my G.P. for convenience sake, as he also acts as an ob-gyn.)  He sent me for an ultrasound, and a simple cyst was found.  He sent me on my merry way and told me not to worry about it unless I had further symptoms.

During the course of the year, we moved, had a fire and flood in our new house, and my 83-year-old father had his third melanoma lesion removed from his leg.  I was really distracted.  Around May of last year I had my last period. I had a test done that indicated I had entered menopause. I was thrilled.  

In December of 2005 I was packing to visit my father in Florida when I suddenly started bleeding.  The trip from Oregon to Florida was a nightmare, as I had waves of nausea throughout the entire trip. The bleeding was intermittant for the next few months, then finally subsided about two weeks ago.  I went back to the G.P.'s office, mentioned it to a nurse practitioner I trust thoroughly, and she sent me for another ultrasound.  I barely remembered the one in January 2005 because so much happened, since.  Wellll... they just found an 8cm cyst "with a wall."  They sent the records to my ob-gyn immediately, and I've met with him.  Although he's "not too concerned," he's sending me to a gyno-onco before surgery, "just in case he wants to be present at surgery."

Needless to say, I've experienced everything described in this thread.  My conversation with the husband goes like this: "My lungs hurt!"  "Yeah, but you're not in shape."  My fingers are blue from having researched the issue up the wazoo.  

So what's my point, exactly?  I am soooo glad to have found this forum.  I no longer feel like a hypochondriac.  It seems that we're all scared silly when we're diagnosed with cysts.

Hopefully there will be a happy ending.

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