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Orangefuzzball.....How are you?

Just thought I would check in on you to see how the juice fast and yucky medicine is going.  I hope you are feeling well.  Let us know how it goes tomorrow if you are awake enough.  Is you doctor going to put you under that sleepy, I don't care drug?  They told me that I wouldn't remember anything and I would want to sleep for about 2 hours after ward.  The medicine you have to take is it pills or drink.  Mine are pills, OsmoPrep.
Welll best wishes,
15 Responses
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149816 tn?1212683341
The clear fluids has been not too bad, Darren has been wonderful and only eaten out of my sight and not very often. The picolax (my prep) was .... erm.... very effective!
I'm setting off to the hospital in about an hour and will let you know how I get on this evening. If I feel okay afterwards I'm going out for a meal with my dad and his partner, I could do with a proper meal and a cup of tea!
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149816 tn?1212683341
Oh and by the way a handy tip for anyone else having picolax. Make sure you wash the glass immeditely as the sediment sticks to the inside of the glass and you can't get it off for love nor money!
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149816 tn?1212683341
Hi Dimples7, just got back, it was easy!
I had a very mild sedative and painkillers IV, I was awake throughout and to be honest didn't feel sedated at all, maybe calmer than usual but that was it. There were about four points that really really hurt, but the Dr said that was very unusual it didn't hurt most people at all. I was able to watch it all on a TV screen - that was good but I didn't have a clue what was what, and it looked a bit like a dirty swamp.

Anyway the good news is there's no bowel cancer - I've never been so happy, we were all laughing and crying, and I can't stop giggling! The doctor said that the pain and CT result would be likely to be caused by the omentum that is lying over the bowel. So now I'm just waiting for the hospital to call me to confirm the op on Monday.

Afterwards I felt fine, walked about half a mile to the car instead of my dad picking me up outside, and we've just been for a big meal at TGI's! I don't even mind having the biggest stomach in the world and feeling so full I could burst!

You have nothing to worry about with it, I prefered it to an internal to be honest.
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Thanks for the reassurance.  I bet it feels good to eat.  I only have to do one day of liquids and my Osmoprep are pills, YEAH!

Glad to here everything turned out fine and no sign of cancer there.  That surely is great news!!!

Have a good day and good luck next week.

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That is great news Lisa, and I'm glad you enjoyed your meal!

Keep giggling!
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Hello Lisa!
I am so glad to hear the good news!
Is your surgery scheduled yet?
If so - when?

I had quite a go of it this past week.
My surgery itself went very well.  My DR did an amazing job. I lost my right ovary (it had become cantaloupe size due to the endometreoma attached to it), right fallopian tube, and uterus but my dr. said my left ovary and tube were looking great and we left them in to avoid the menopause at such a young age (32). My frozen biopsy came back BENIGN.  Yeah!
BUT...i did NOT TAKE WELL to the narcotics (morphine, vikadin or demarol through IV but did okay with some kind of pain killer if given to me by a shot in the hip muscles)at all and spent the first 2 days post op throwing up and had a migraine headache to top all headaches.  I couln't go to the toilet and had to have a catheter put in me 3 different times (until I finally got there on my own).  The entire stay (4 days) i had two bites of jello and 8 oz of fluid.  I became severely dehydrated and very anemic and just didn't have an ounce in me to fight anything.  They, of course, had me on IVs to combat the dehydration.
BUT when i finally got home (fourth day after surgery) - I perked up in about 2 hours an am SOARING!
I can't believe how much energy I have.  In fact, I can't even sleep at night now....which sucks.
I got my staples out today and my incision looks very thin and clean and straight.  my dr. is really a fab dr....i'm very blessed.  BUT, alas, now i have a severe sore throat and my tonsils are swollen and there are white spots on them (pus pockets, i think).  I see my general dr. tomorrow about that and i did get some sleeping pills prescribed so hopefully i'll be able to get some sleep tonight (finally).  i'm living on ibuprofen, colace, and joy.

I'm psyched about my trip over the Atlantic to Italy in 5 short weeks and if I could find a way - I'd try to make it to Manchester to say hello to you and wish you well in all your endeavors.

I have a big wedding this weekend (i'm the florist) BUT i have hired help and am basically going to sit on my ass and tell them if the designs are right or not.  and perhaps sip a lovely beverage.

Let me know how you are doing!!!

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149816 tn?1212683341
Laura I'm so glad your feeling better now and it's wonderful news about the cyst being benign and keeping your other ovary. I've been checking to see if your back and thinking of you! You have had terrible few days though, but on the upside everything will seem easier now when you think back and compare how you were feeling just after the surgery.

I know it's a stupid question but, does you stomach feel/look different or just the same with the cyst gone? I'm glad your scar looks neat, I had staples in my neck when I had my thyroidectomy 10 years ago, I was worried I'd look like Frankenstein for the rest of my life, but within a few months it wasn't that noticable, just numb and slightly tingly, and now I can't even find it! Keep it out of the sun in Italy as they are supposed to leave less marks if no sun exposure for the first year. One of my friends who had a hysterectomy said it felt she had 'numb knickers' on for 3 months! Be careful how much you do though and get plenty of rest.

You sound as though you could have oral thrush after your dehydration, are you on antibiotics? If it is it's sore, try to drink plenty and go to the doctor to get some anti-fungal lozangers or drops and it'll clear it up in no time.

I've had a right few days, it's been up, down, up, down, but I've landed on a great big 'up'!

They kept me waiting for nearly 2 hours when I went to find out the latest results on Friday. I went from cool, calm and collected in the first 1 1/2hrs to dithering wreck in the last 15 min! Which didn't help.
They then told me my bowel markers were 38 (instead of 3)and they thought I could have a primary in my bowel, they had been talking about the ovary and omentum both being secondaries last week and I couldn't get my head round it as they hadn't really mentioned bowels too much. Were now concerned about by my liver cysts (that were fine last week)because of the possible bowel, and that they now thought the cyst had areas that looked dodgy as well! They couldn't do surgery until they found out about the bowel as I'd need a gastro team as well as the gynaes for the operation, so op for the 14th August. Talk about doom and gloom! I howled for a bit - as you do - collected my prep for the colonoscopy, went home very negative, with no food just clear fluids and laxatives!

Sunday my Dad and his partner, Dian, came up from Northamptonshire and I had a really great day - they all went without food for me and came with us for the test. When I got the clear results for my bowel yesterday and I've never been on such a high! I'm still giggling this morning! I'm so glad it's not in my bowel, it makes everything so much simpler. So fingers crossed I'm still on-line for surgery at Christies Hospital (another hospital change but a really, really good cancer hospital)next Monday.

We've cancelled the DR holiday, luckily we had only paid the deposit and have hopefully got that back through the insurance. But when I'm better we're going to get married in Las Vegas then have a week at Secrets in the DR for a honeymoon! We had planned on getting married in the DR next year anyway but on our own, this way most of our family and friends can come too, so I hope you'll be able get there!


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149816 tn?1212683341
Just a quick up-date. Consultants secretary just rang to say colonoscopy clear (YEAHHHH), pre-op Thursday afternoon, admission Sunday and surgery Monday.

To make things even better my newest flounciest skirt (for admission day, I can feel a new handbag coming on) has just arrived from Ebay, I've just sold a load of stuff on Ebay and I'm off to make a hair appointment and do some posting!

Still grinning!
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What a positive person you are!
Okay - let's see if I can remember all the topics dicussed:

1.  my stomach...do you want the HONEST version of the IDEALIZED version?  Truth be told it looks a lot different.  It's definitely flatter than it was but is a bit swollen and lumpy in parts (due to the trauma of surgery or say they say).  I have officially lost 7 pounds!  My husband says I go to awfully extreme measures to lose weight...but i say a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.  right?

2.  WHEN you get married - I"M THERE!  how awesome would that be?  I am so excited for you!  that is awesome awesome news.  keep me posted on all the details.

3.  Do you even like roller coasters b/c it looks like you have been on one for quite some time now.  my dear lord, lisa!  I bet you are flying high right now - and why shouldn't you be?  You have every reason in the world to do so.  I just can't tell you how relieved i am to here that you are doing well and that tests just keep coming back negative for cancer.  that is the best news you are ever going to here.  it is such a load off of the old shoulders (and pretty soon some pounds off of the old tummy).  right?

4.  I've been thinking about you a lot and i kept trying to get online but i couldn't remember my stinking password.  i guess a partial labotomy occurred while i was on the surgery table as well.

5.  I'm headed to my dr. today to get my throat checked out.  I'm expecting good results.  ESPECIALLY since i slept so well last night (thanks in part to those lovely little sleeping pills).

6.  I won't be showing anybody my tummy while in Italy.  Not so much b/c i don't want a scar but b/c i value the land of italy and love its people and don't want to scare them off with the train track running down my middle (JUST KIDDING!).  The scar really isn't bad at all (even at this point - 1 week out) and I am confidant it will heal up beautifully.

Keep me posted cuz i want to know what's going on,
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149816 tn?1212683341
Hi Laura,

How have you been today? How's your mouth? How's your tummy? How much are you able to do at the moment? I'm still on a high from Monday!

7lb is great, and a potentially very flat stomach. I think I'm losing weight off my bottom, although I haven't looked, but my stomach is still huge or huger! I feel like the Princess and the pea, everytime I sit down everything feels really lumpy and look like Tweedledum! I can't wait to feel a bit more in proportion, even my 'big' knickers are feeling tight!. Although I am eating decent sized meals at the moment, which is nice because I'm stuffing down all the things that I've not eaten for years while on a not-feeling-full phase - cakes and chocolate for tea tonight!

I've recruited another 2 friends to go to Vegas, now I've got 9 guests - I can't wait! I've been looking at getting married up the Eiffel Tower at Paris, although my Dad is all for an in-your-face Elvis - eek! What do you do with parents in their second teenage years!

I've got my pre-op appointment tomorrow afternoon. I'm normally quiet sane about things but I've developed an unhealthy obcession with what's lucky and what's not! So I've spent the afternoon deciding on what are lucky clothes, handbags and various other weird items! I think I'll probably be taking a carrier bag full of rubbish with me at this rate! Darren's indulging me - I think I might see how far I can push it before he can't keep a straight face!

Let me know how your doing, I need a day by day improvement guide so I can match it!


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I loved your most recent post.  You've got the right attitude about everything, don't you?  We must enjoy the gluttony while we can!

Well, I DID go to the Dr and apparently, i've got canker sores on my tonsils and uvula.  CANKER SORES!  how ridiculous is that!
i guess stress, poor rest and a poor diet will bring them out.  i usually get them in my mouth - never have had them down my throat.  needless to say - it sucks.  i can't eat anything b/c it stings so bad when the food goes down.  i have to gargle with half hydrogen peroxide and half water 4x daily.  YUCK!  but, i guess i'll lose some more weight in the bargain - which isn't a bad "side effect", i suppose.

My stomach seems flatter today.  its so weird to look at it.  it used to be bigger on the lower abdomen (looked like a pregnant lady).  now the lower half is all flat and the upper half looks puffy....so it looks indented down below.  strange...but hopefully i'm moving in the right direction.  eh?

well, the cool thing about marriage is that it doesn't matter how or where you do it - you just get to have a partner for life.  and my husband, tom, has been amazing throughout all of this!  he has been so sweet about doing everything and the house looks better than when i'm running the home (which hasn't done great things for my confidance but it has shifted my paradigm a bit and caused me to focus on the good things in my husband more than the bad things).  perhaps they will start recommending major surgery as a counseling tool?

if the "lucky" items make you feel more confidant and better - drag them around with you wherever you go.  don't be shy.  we've got one run at this life - LIVE IT UP!  i think we spend too much time concerned with what others are going to think or say about us - but who bloody cares, right?  i mean - let's do what we want and be happy for a change.  let's use this odd but bonding experience to help change us into women who live freely.

you are sounding great in your posts.  i am soo happy for you.  and i can't wait for you to be on the other side of this whole thing.  
And, yes, i do think you should use this whole thing to your advantage and get what you can while you can....(:

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149816 tn?1212683341
Hi Lauura,
How are you today? Is your tummy still shrinking?
Hows your CANKER SORES, improved I hope. I had to google that, we don't have them in England, well not by that name anyway!

I went to outpatients today, everything went well. I'm sure they are going to get me a psych referral - multi-personality disorder, today I was Miss Happy-Go-Lucky, no tears, no bizarre questions (except 10 minutes discussing the merits of nighties versus pj's), no pink handbag. I'm sure they don't know what to make of me! I was a little concerned myself today when I spent all morning updating about the terrorists on the planes to keep myself busy - I'm turning into my dad!!! I'll want an Elvis drive-in wedding next!

I was a little disconcerted when they told me I would be measured up for a colostomy before I went to theatre just in case I needed one (involves putting a big cross on my tummy before I go to theatre so I can match up my waist band, apparently!) They think there's a possibility that my nasty looking bits of omentum are sticking to my bowel and I may need a bowel resection. I wish they would be more straight to the point abount things and just say it how it is and not skirt round things so I feel like it's 20 questions to get to what they actually think will happen.

The hospital is lovely though, all conservatories and tranquil colours, unlike St Mary's, which looked like something out of the dark ages, between a 1960's prison and school if you know what I mean.

I've also got another weekend of Picolax and clear fluids - we'd planned to book in and nip to the pub across the road for Sunday lunch. Poor Darren, he's going to end up with eating disorders after all this! I could see him drooling when I got him his weeks worth of fancy frozen meals today, they'll be all gone by Tuesday! I think the novelty of cakes and chips for all meals has worn off, he keeps talking about home-cooked food - I ignore him! Bless him, he's very ermmm.....tolerant!

Anyway, I hope you are a little better today,

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You crack me up!  Your just so witty and funny.  I love reading your posts.

My stomach continues to shrink and my canker sores (a type of ulcer) are gone!  I can eat and drink again!  I celebrated with a BLT and fries and a chocolate malt.  I'll ask forgiveness for my wayward diet ways later.  Right now...its all about indulgence.

Well, I just got home from my wedding.  I couldn't stay at home and not do any of the work. I guess you could say that I have a hard time letting go of creative control?  I worked yesterday from 12:30 - 6:30 and then home for dinner and then back to work from 9:30 until 3:30 in the morning!  I worked today from about 2 - 8.  And, truth be told, I don't feel much worse for the wear.  Why do they tell us to sit and never do anything?  I pretty much do what I want (using caution).  I do, however, obey the rules about NOT LIFTING things.  I feel that is a good rule to follow - you know?

So, don't dread recovery. It isn't as hard as they make it sound.  Although, I do believe you might be having a bit more of an extensive surgery than i had - so go ahead and take it easy.

And, which personality are you exposing today?  The happy one or the sad one?  The anxious one or the superstitious one?  I'm sure they are all just lovely in their own right.

Keep me posted on the updates...surgery is right around the corner - right?  And next time you see a dr. - tell them to tell it to you straight and to not hide possible outcomes from you.  You should feel informed and knowledgable before you head into surgery - don't you think you deserve at least that?

My husband, Tom, says hello to you.  I often tell him about your funny posts.  I told him about your Vegas wedding and that I wanted to attend and he was all into the idea.  Wouldn't that just be a kick to the head?  Us becoming fast friends all because our "womenly parts" cause all kinds of trouble?

Well, I hope your weekend has been going well (despite the clear fluids and medicine).  Tell your honey to slow down on the frozen meals and pace himself.  This is a marathon - not a sprint.  

I wish you well,
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149816 tn?1212683341
Hi Laura,
I'm back home! It wasn't half as bad as I expected - I was the fittest one in there, even when in HDU!

I don't know whether you've read my post at the top, but it looks like it's not ovarian cancer but this 'designer' appendix cancer, I'm a right saddo because I was really pleased when they said only 30 people a year in the UK get it! It doesn't behave like 'normal' cancers doesn't spread through the blood, lymph or between organs, instead it coats the inside of the abdo cavity with these cells that produce mucus (lovely!) and fills up your abdomen (Darren was impressed!). The treatment sounds horrendous (if from scratch 10hour surgery removing as much as possible, with inter-peritenium chemo, intensive care ventolated for 3-5 days, 3-4 weeks in hospital. And tubes everywhere - eek!) But I've had a good amount removed so far and they have said there's a good chance I'll have to have repeat surgery when they have the histology back. Roll on 2 weeks time! I would think I've got a less aggressive sort because I feel so well - even after all my innards being removed.

I've lost about 10lbs, my legs are the thinnest I've seen for ages, all my bras are too big, but my stomach is still big (not huge) and deformed (looks like a piece of modern sculpture you find in shopping centres). The scar goes from about an inch above my belly button to right down 'there' and is at an attractive, jaunty angle!

I'm glad you are getting back into things, it's really good how you can do a bit extra each day, I got very excited the other morning when I could turn the shower off in one go! I want to go into work for a few hours each week to make sure everything is being done right - not that I'm a control freak or anything! Did you shake after surgery, my legs and arms are shaking all the time, it's weird.

Oh I'll have to tell you about my morphine experience. Early Sunday morning (I was due to go home that afternoon) I had horrendous pain, writhing round the bed, involuntry screaming, sweat everywhere and generally out of my tree - scared everyone senseless, they got the Dr out when oramorph had no effect, he then gave me 20mg of IV morphine - well the pain went! I was as mad as a hatter - I was going on about ringing my sister to tell her to turn the chicken off for dinner, I rambled on to anyone that listened and eventually dozed off grinning! Anyway it was only a particularly bad urine infection.

I'll go now Darren has cooked my supper, he says he's got very good at cooking this week!

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You had me really laughing out loud there - with the whole bit about your stomach looking like modern sculpture and your excitement over the shower getting turned off.

Do you find that after taking the shower you no longer have the energy to do what you needed the shower to do?  i get soo tired from taking a freaking shower - its ridiculous!

now, listen, my dear friend....
TAKE IT EASY AND SLOW DOWN!!  I felt really good my first week home from the hospital and thought i was the strongest woman alive - and now i'm paying for it a wee bit.  i'm really tired and my stomach really starts to hurt and by the end of the night i can't walk in an upright position anymore.  so, take it slowly - okay?  relax and enjoy your "down time".  shop - shop- shop....and don't feel guilty about it.

I am going to check out that website you spoke about in order to find out more info about your "designer" situation.  You sound really positive which can ONLY make things better while you are waiting for the results.  Are there any good shows on the tv that you can't get enough of?  And favorite movies your sweet man could go get for you?

I loved your morphine story.  I can only imagine what people must have been thinking with you raving about chicken and then passing out with a silly sheepish grin on your face.  If only i had been so lucky with the morphine.  My morphine made me throw up and i couldn't stand the idea of a sip of drink much less chicken.  Also - i have been feeling like i have a bladder infection coming on - but not anything to the degree that you were dealing with.  so sorry to hear about the pain!  that sounded awful - the way you described it.  I hope you are not having any troubles at home.

Well - i am totally here for you and willing to listen to any thoughts (crazy or not) that come out of your legally drug induced stupor (which can be a good thing).  

Between the two of us - we might make ONE COMPLETE woman now...

Glad to have you back,
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