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676912 tn?1332812551

I can finally join! (BF and food question/worried)

WOW, Aubryana is six months old today! I can't believe it!

So, I've decided it's time to start giving her little bites here and there of foods, and read in a baby updates e-mail that you should always BF first and then feed baby solids so they're not getting full on the solids. I'm not giving her meals yet, at most she's gotten three baby spoon fulls of green beans. I tried rice cereal first which she hated, and I just tried oat meal today which she seemed to like more, but as of now food is not a big hit. She gagged on the green beans, lol. Her six month appointment is on the 27th and I'm SOO incredibly nervous, and worried that they'll tell me she isn't gaining enough weight and to supplement with formula and I really don't want that. I wasn't able to BF my first, and we're sitting at six months of exclusively BFing, with the exception of when she was two days old, she got three bottles because my milk hadn't come in and the colostrum wasn't enough or wasn't there one or the other...it's taken a lot to make it this far, and I don't even know how much I've spent on Mother's Milk tea...I don't think I could BF without it. Anyways, she's 25 1/2 inches and 15 lbs according to my measurements, and that's 50th % for height which she's been stuck on since birth and 25-50% for weight, she's been in 50% til now. If the dr suggests supplementing would there be any other way around it like starting her on a once a day solid food feeding in addition to the BFing? I can't get her to take a bottle, I've tried multiple nipples, and she just won't do it, not that I'm complaining, I LOVE BFing, and would be crushed if I had to supplement because I feel it in my gut that she'd end up on formula only because I'd no longer be able to produce enough to keep her full. I regret not being able to BF my son because he had so many issues that she hasn't had at all and I blame it on the formula 100%. I know I'm worrying ahead of time, but I want to know what I can do before I get there, plus the peds drs are a bunch of idiots, I've seen almost all of them already, and if you put all of their knowledge of babies together you MIGHT have 3/4 of an actual REAL pediatrician. They're all mostly nurses assistants previously or PAs...none of them are real pediatricians. Gotta love the Army, lol...sorry it's so long but I figured the more information I give the better advice I'll get. Thanks ladies!
2 Responses
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1666434 tn?1325262350
I never stressed over the weight because every child is different and even though they have weight guidelines you have to keep that in mind.  Each child can grow at a different rate.  I have always breastfed both of our children.  Just follow your intuition on it, introduce new foods or variations, but keep breastfeeding as well.

You might want to talk to a Lactation Consultant instead of a doctor if you feel you are not getting anywhere with them.  I was very surprised at how easy some doctors throw out the "supplementation" card v/s breastfeeding.  Make sure you are getting enough calories a day too to support your breastfeeding, you need at least 1800 daily if not more.

When my little one did start on solids and food supplements, I did banana and pear combinations, along with banana oatmeal.  Don't worry you will find something that they like.  And when you look at charts for weight make sure you are looking at a breastfeeding weight chart as these are different from formula fed weight charts.
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1169162 tn?1331232353
I wouldn't worry - her weight seems fine.  I think things would have to be drastic before you needed to supplement,supplementing usually just leads to more supply problems anyway.  

I BF exclusively for 6 months but in the last 3 months (my son is 9 months), I have sometimes had to supplement with one formula bottle a day - the reason is that I am working full time and pumping and when he started to drink more with each bottle, I could not pump enough to make 2 bottles for him when I am gone.  But I always have enough for one bottle and BF him the rest of the day/night.  He is also eating solids, and as he eats more, I am supplementing less.  

So if you ever have to supplement (which I doubt you will since you are exclusively BF), then you can always supplement with solids.  But, I would also not rush solids if she is not ready.  Just try a spoonful or 2 each day or so to give her the taste and practice.  She will take to it when she is ready. Also at this point I would forget about the bottle and start introducing a sippy cup (You can hand express a little BM into it).

Congratulations on making it this far.  It is a wonderful experience and gift to your daughter.
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