280369 tn?1316702041

Frustrated about U/S today....and VENTING

I'm just really confused and frustrated because the last U/S I had was exactly a month ago. Ok...so based off of my LMP I was 11w 5d for my first u/s but the tech said I was 13w 0d and gave me a new due date. It went from Oct. 9 to Sept. 30. OK fine, baby is bigger than expected, no suprise to me since Jeremiah seemed to develop quickly as well and was 2 weeks early. Anyway, I go in today and she says, you are 15 weeks. I'm like, what? If she was going by my LMP I should be 16w this friday. If by the last u/s, 17w today. (which is what I am going by since she said it was fine)  I've never had 2 u/s in a month. I've always had one, figured out how far along I was, and went with that.
Then I asked her what the baby was measuring, and she just looked at me and said you are 15 weeks. She wasn't clear with me like she was last time and seemed EXTRA moody today for some reason!!! ugh. I am going to call my midwife and ask her how could I be so far behind all of a sudden. It just doesn't make any sense. Somehow I heard the heart beat at 8weeks exactly with my doppler (before any u/s) and then started feeling movement at 10w -11w. And since baby was measuring bigger my first u/s, it all made sense as to why these things were happening so "early". I hope I am not confusing any of you. I just need to vent a little as well. I practically cried, I'm STILL having pain, and I have no answers. Baby seemed fine on u/s...moved just a little bit, not nearly as much as last time(maybe sleeping?) and the heart rate was 154. I'm probably just over reacting and my hormones seem to be all over the place. Now I'm bawling my eyes out. I'm sure everything is fine...and if the tech didn't want to tell me something I understand that, but then don't tell me I'm 15w and then not tell me what the baby is measuring...ugh. I'll stop now. Thanks for listening to me go on about it. Any ideas?

I called my husband and told him what went on (he couldn't make it) and he said this is why he hates u/s sometimes because they tend to make you worry over nothing. Am I worrying over nothing?? Am I not right in being frustrated and angry right now? I'm all over the place right now...I need to just relax I guess.

OH Then to top it off...............she printed out like 15 photos of the baby...and gives me 2 (practically the same photo) And they weren't even clear. I saw some that she had and they were really nice and clear. I can't stand that u/s place. Okay...I'm going to go cry and maybe I will feel better.
Sorry this is so long...just needed to vent a little bit. I'm not usually like this at all.
25 Responses
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280369 tn?1316702041
smjmekg - How could she not find the baby's head?!? WOW that is really extreme! Is she certified to be a tech? I would have totally flipped!!

Joyce...that is crazy as well. Going back and forth, not knowing what you are having. That is very stressful I'm sure. Sounds like you will be suprised either way! It really stinks to have to go through these things while we are pregnant. It's just ten times worse!!

I still haven't gotten my UTI results from monday. And I'm still in pain. Why in the world do I not have results yet? This is killing me.......I am trying to be patient, but it's so hard.
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514585 tn?1328740013
i have been having issues with doctors and u/s too...lol
in january i had my 18 wk anamoly scan... to check measurements for abnormalities... and the tech told me, "i dont see any boy parts, i think it might be a girl"... then in febuary the doctor i saw did a u/s in the office (older machine, really fuzzy) and showed me the 3 lines (the hamburger) of a girl... so we started preparing for a girl.  now 2 weeks ago when i gor\t another u/s the tech tells me that she sees a penis.... please tell me HOW it can go from a definate girl to a definate boy in 2 months???? so i really dont know what to think, or do.  Do i take everything pink back? and get neutral or blue... or do i wait til my next u/s (May 15) and have them verify it... BUT if i wait that long i will be 2 weeks 3 days before my scheduled csection... and will NOT want to be playing around in stores taking things back.  UGH!!!! sometimes i wish i would have waited for it to be a surprise instead of stressing over it....lol
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676912 tn?1332812551
Sorry you had a crappy u/s experience if it makes you feel better I have a good one...

I went for my 20 week u/s and my ob had her back to me the whole time, I had no clue what she was seeing on the screen. After twenty minutes she said and I quote "I can't find the cranium". I said ok, what does that mean...her response "I'm sending you to a specialist for a second opinion". After she was finished she said "I don't look for the sex but I couldn't tell." So I asked "You're sending me to a specialist cause you can't find my baby's head?" "Yes" was her only response before telling me to set up my next month's appointment. Three days later I saw a specialist, and she found my baby's head and told me it was a boy...so I know what you mean when you say you don't understand, and you were frustrated because she gave no explanation...my doc couldn't even tell me why she couldn't find my son's head!!!
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280369 tn?1316702041
AriQueen...I hear ya! lol. Yea I am sticking with what my midwife told me. She knows me better than anyother doctor at this point. lol...and hopefully my hormones will settle down here soon...I'm so emotional sometimes over the craziest thing. Now that it's evening, I feel silly for kinda blowing this out of proportion. I should have just called my midwife from the beginning and been done with it! But no...I'm pregnant, I can't do that!! LOL
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Yeah this tech you went to today for sure has issues. I would go by what your midwife/OB tells you how far along you are! Don't feel bad my hormones were out of whack for a while...
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280369 tn?1316702041
Thanks Amy!! =)
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688845 tn?1325182236
Yay that's great news! I'm so happy for you = )
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280369 tn?1316702041
Nicole...I never thought about that and never paid attention to it, but that makes total sense. Maybe she was off a little because of that? It is strange though still, but I am definitely sticking with the first u/s results.
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280369 tn?1316702041
Ok Ladies....I feel 10 times better now!! I called my midwife and she said she may have the results by tonight. She was glad I called her instead of worrying over these things.  She told me that since they didn't call the doctor in, everything is most likely fine with baby. She said if the tech saw something strange, the doc would immediately come in and evaluate the situation. Also, she said because ultrasounds are more accurate early on in pregnancy, to just stick with my original due date. So I am 17w and sticking to it! lol. No more confusion. She said the baby probably had a growth spurt at my 1st u/s and I should expect another one between 20-25 weeks. I'm sure when she measures the fundal height, I will know when that happens. I just feel SO much better and I'm thankful for you ladies. And thank you for letting me vent. I'm all smiles now and just enjoying my pregnancy instead of worrying over things that I have no control over. She should also have my UTI results in a couple of hours. She really just thinks it's the ligaments stretching at this point. I pray it is! =) Ahhhh....I'm going to go grab a snack as I am starving! Thanks again everyone. =)
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349463 tn?1333571576
I could go with the last US date. Sounds like this tech had issues. Have you ever watched how they do that measurement to date the pregnancy. They move the mouse by hand and set the measurements so if they are off the smallest amount it changes things by days and weeks. I watched the tech at my ob's office do it and while she was making TINY adjustments it went from 6 weeks to 9 weeks.
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280369 tn?1316702041
At this office where I get the ultrasounds, it's just the normal 2D scans. They don't have anything fancy there. I would have loved if they could do a 3D.
Tabitha, yea. that's what my mom was saying, maybe she overlooked something and read it wrong. Maybe I am 17w...I have no clue. I don't think the doc reads the report until the end of the day unless it's urgent of course. Then once they fax it to my midwife, then I will know...who knows how long it will take at this rate. It was weird, the first u/s was like someone hit the fast forward button for me because I thought I was earlier, now it's like someone is hitting rewind! lol. frustrating.

Gina....Yea, I know most of the time the tech's can't tell you much, that's why I'm waiting on the results to confirm things. I;ve had this pain for a week now with only a one day break from it. That's why I was sent for this u/s to make sure things are okay and my midwife took a urine sample to rule out UTI as well. Still haven't gotten those results back either. I hope it's just stretching pain, but it's awful sometimes. The only thing I'm worried about is the fact that the growth seems to be behind for some reason, instead of consistent from the last u/s. I'm probably worrying over nothing though. Thanks!!
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280369 tn?1316702041
Thanks Joy! I am going to see what my midwife thinks. My midwife is pretty much all natural in the sense that she doesn't really like to send me for an u/s unless needed, like in this case because I was having pain. Should I go somewhere else to get clearer answers? Or wait for the results and then make a decision? Or go by my first u/s? I'm lost. I have no clue how far along I really am now.  I get a special discount at the place I go to. I pay $125 for an u/s when they are usually $350. Anywhere else I go, could be anywhere between $200-$1500.
(No insurance)  
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341551 tn?1266980730
Oh I'm sorry you are upset girl! But trust me, everything is fine! I think I've already told you...my best friend is an U/S tech and by law they can't "tell" you certain things or answer certain questions...thats your doctors job. They will report the entire U/S to the doctor and they are responsible for telling you. However if there was a problem or if something was wrong, your doctor would have told you right away. So I'm sure your baby is fine. The tech was prolly just having a bad day! My best friend says they get like that after a long day of scanning.
As far as measuring and due dates...all my U/S gave me a different due date. Even when my best friend scanned me! I was like WTF?? But I've been told by every U/S tech and my doctor to always go by the very first date you were given because during the early stages of pregnancy that is when it is most accurate because the baby usually grows at a consistent rate, rather than when you become further along, your baby can either be really big or really small. So go by your first due date and the further you progress it will prolly prove to be right! I had a big baby and my first due date was the most accurate even though he measured bigger at each U/S everyone thought he would be early and he wasn't! So hang in there girl! I know things can be frustrating and your so emotional...but you have every right to be! Just try and relax...and regarding the pain you've been experiencing..have you talked to your doctor about it? That its still there?
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419158 tn?1316571604
I should have re read mine, lol. I meant sorry* not soory hehe:-)
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419158 tn?1316571604
Soory you had such a crapy u/s:( Are you going to get another one done?? I hate how when the techs are having a bad day we pregnant woman suffer! I have had a few techs that I could have strangled!! My last few were pretty good though. I hope you get some answers from your midwife. How long do you have to wait to go in?? If the tech was in a hurry it is very easy to screw up those measurments, so maybe you are 17w. I hope you get another u/s so you can get better pictures. Did they even do a 3D/4D??? I guess its standard in my doctors office now,
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Oh wow- I don't know what to say but I had a horrible sonogram experience with my youngest daughter. When I told my doctor about it she let me have another and I got to go someplace else. Had to pay for it but the experience was way better!

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280369 tn?1316702041
*sorry about the typos...forgot to look that over!
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280369 tn?1316702041
Thanks girls! The where I go, the doctor examines your results afterwards. Then faxes everything over to my midwife and my midwife then gets back to about everything. It's weird!  Also, she didn't tell me a due date this time and I didn't think to ask. She told me last time. And last time I went was specifically to date the pregnancy, that's why I'm confused about why things are back tracking a bit. Basically the baby only developed another 2 weeks from a month ago is what I'm understanding.

Yea...that's right, I guess the doc would need the clearer pictures to evaluate what is going on. I'm not too upset about the pictures...I just thought it was strange..but I didn't even think about that!! haha. Thansk for clearing that up.

Toni...I watched her peform the u/s the entire time and when she was done she said it's too early to tell the gender. I didn't even see her look in between the legs. I mean not at all. She just kept looking at the side and the head. and examined all the organs. other than that...I don't even think she attempted to. And she said this in front of my mother and I told the tech I didn't want my mom to know anything about it! That's another reason I was frustrated. But oh well...

KM604...That's how I was with my son. 2-3 weeks ahead at any give time. He was 2 weeks early and was 8lbs 4oz..glad he didn't go full term! lol.  So when I found out at the 1st u/s that baby was 9 days ahead, I wasn't suprised! =) But now I'm just confused and a little concerned about the dates. I have no freakin clue how far along I really am now. LOL I have to laugh or else I will cry again.
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*Sorry Lance didn't say the u/s pics were bonuses, I was more referring to the fact that we always don't get the good ones.
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Oh chantal, I am sure everything is fine! At this place doesnt a Dr. come in after the u/s tech does what she/he needs to do? Im sure you midwife will keep you at your due date, but you will prob. get any u/s.......Keep us posted about this! I hate to ask, but did she write down the sex for you?? Or could she not tell/try....
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688845 tn?1325182236
Did they give you another due date?
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I'm sorry you had to go through what you did.  But I can tell you that during my 31 weeks u/s, my daughter measured 2 weeks ahead with almost every measurement they took.  She also weight 4 1/2 lbs when the average is 3lbs at that age.  Well according to my doctor the fact that she measured ahead only meant that she was probably going to be a bigger baby at birth.  He estimated 9-10lbs.  Well I was induced one week early and she was 8lbs 9oz & 21 inches long - so she would have easily been 9lbs had I delivered on my due date.  I would talk to your midwife, who might put you at ease.
And like Lance said, the u/s pics are techincally a bonus for us.  Some u/s's I would get 4 good ones and then another I would only get 2 and they weren't that good.  It depends on the tech you have too.  They may have your other pics stored somewhere, maybe you could ask them for copies?? But I would definitly talk to your midwife about what the tech said about your babies measurements.
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251790 tn?1317312867
I'm sorry sweetie.  Go ahead and cry.  Maybe by the next one you will have some better indicators.  Can you go to a different u/s clinic?  I'm in the same situation as you with not knowing for sure. Hang in there.
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688845 tn?1325182236
Aw, Chantal I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience today. I do not think you are overeacting and I believe she should of been a little clearer with you instead of just saying your 15 weeks and not explaining how the baby is measuring. Could you call and request to talk to her over the phone or do you have her e-mail and send her a message asking her to explain? You have every right to know these things and she should not of ignored you. I'm so sorry - Hugs!
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