1035252 tn?1427227833


So I know this is my second baby and I'm an idiot for asking...but I've forgotten alot apparently. I'm 37wks and a few days and have been in the hospital for heart-related complications...currently I'm on the toco monitor, and I'm having contractions (quite painful) every 3 minutes that last about 45 seconds...and the baby's heart-rate is skyrocketing with every one, but they're BARELY showing up on the chart. They are appearing so I know i'm not crazy but they're not showing nearly as strong as I know they are...I am overweight and I know with DD that when they had an external and internal monitor on me during labor, the internal picked up WAY stronger contractions than the external...idk, is this really happening? I'm having severe pressure as well, but the nurse just kinda hooked me up and wandered off and I don't know what they're thinking about all of this...anyone have pretty painful regular contractions that barely registered and be in real labor?? I really want to go on my own without a medical induction so I really hope this is happening...I've also peed 7x in the last 1 1/2 hours...
26 Responses
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1035252 tn?1427227833
yep insurance coverage policies are crap. they're completely monetary and not patient-related. My family has offered to come over and help me during the day but that means letting my mom into my house which I'm not a huge fan of LOL.

there's just so much going on right now and I'm supposed to be on bed-rest and they're HOPING that because he's dropped he's not gonna put my pressure on my heart...but like I said, if he does I have to come back in and they'll get him outta there...but as I've been saying all along I'll do anything short of kill myself to keep him in as long as possible so I'm happy with next tuesday. that'll be 38 1/2wks...I know he's got a really good chance at that point so it takes a lot of fear away for me.
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202436 tn?1326474333
Yeah that does make sense.  You need all the rest you can get before labor.  Going into it exhausted is never a good idea.  Just make sure DH and your family help a lot with Kahlan or you might as well stay put as far as rest goes LOL.  

I hate insurance crap, it ALWAYS hinders the treatment process.  I fear it's only going to get worse now with this government mandated BS.  I won't even go IN to THAT.
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1035252 tn?1427227833
god, OH so true..well, the reason they gave me SORT OF makes sense...the only person right now with the power to override my insurance and take the procedure of the amnio from $1200 to completely covered is my MFM...he doesn't practice at this hospital (go figure) and they would have to start a whole new referral chain in order to get one of the MFM's here. Since I already have the amnio scheduled for thursday with him, it's easier for me to keep that appointment and they would've had to release me to have him do the amnio anyway so it's just gonna be easier all around if I leave...go home and rest for a few days, get the amnio..get the results...rest for a few more days (bleah) and then have the induction the first day they get back. it actually makes sense, but I do wish they could've moved it up.

although to give my doctor credit, and I genuinely believe he means this (the doctor I saw the last two days is actually my OBs partner...I like him a lot, but I saw MY Ob today and I LOVE him) he wants me to get some sleep and be at home for a little more before the baby comes. I haven't slept the last 2 nights and I'm sure the nurses tattled and he wants me well-rested, especially with my heart problems. he says if anything happens come in and most likely we'll push the induction up, so if I really want to I could probably come back this week and have Grey...but honestly, I could use the rest. If i was here and went into labor you BET I want my baby, but I am soooo tired.
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202436 tn?1326474333
That's a big relief, atleast you have a end in sight now. I think it's frusterating that with all you have going on they won't do it sooner.  If they are gonna be gone this weekend, why not do it tomorrow or thursday?  Instead of making you wait an entire week more.  No wonder they say doctors "practice" medicine....so few of them ever seem to "perfect" it LOL
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1035252 tn?1427227833
I'm in tears...they finally set the induction. it won't be this weekend, but it WILL be next tuesday. hallelujah I know when this is gonna happen FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're gone this weekend or it would've been friday but at this point I'm just happy to have a date.
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202436 tn?1326474333
:(  I don't understand why they haven't made decisions to do something by now.  This is definately frusterating...stupid doctors.  Like you said, hopefully your cardiologist will light a fire under your OB and get him in gear.  

Remember a couple months ago when I had the chest pain/arm numbness?  The first day I had pretty intense contractions the kind that makes you stop and wince for a second, but when I was on the TOCO monitor they were barely bumps.  I felt like I was going crazy.  

As for the IV cath...that night when they put me in the hospital it took them 2 people and 3 tries to get the stupid thing in...then they never freaking hooked it up to anything.  I was so darn mad but too tired to fight at that point.  So I feel ya!!  

Hopefully this will be resolved today, one way or the other.  Good luck and keep us posted.
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1351369 tn?1294831629
hey,it will be over soon. soon soon u'll be holding you precious baby in your arms so hang in there.
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1035252 tn?1427227833
stalled...just like I expected. *angry face!* but my neurologist called to check on me and was SHOCKED that they haven't induced yet...so maybe he'll yell at my OB today. who knows...sigh. this has got to get over with one way or another because I'm SITTING IN BED and my heart rate is 157....I just woke up...and I can feel Grey moving so it's probably him pushing again. Oh, and can I whine a little more? Don't mind if I do....they left the IV cath in my hand overnight and it hurts so bad..I'm not a drip so I don't understand why the nurse wouldn't take it out :'(
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796506 tn?1370188305
Oh I am so sorry to hear that these nurses and doctors aren't listening... I had the same problem with my 1st and the nurse was so rude to me that I could have screamed in her face! I really hope that Grey decides to come all on his own and you will show them!
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1035252 tn?1427227833
thanks ladies...right now the contractions are 6minutes apart and quite painful...lots of vaginal pressure, like I said..jeans 3 sizes too small and someone trying to pants me..it literally feels like someone's grabbing ahold of my hips and just tugging down. The doctor called in something for me for pain so obviously he believes I"m not bluffing even if the nurse is still skeptical...guess we'll wait and see. it still may stall at this point, but even if I stall at least my cervix is that much closer to being ripe enough to make the induction easy if I still end up having to go that route...they told me to try to sleep. ha, like that's gonna happen. even the painkillers aren't really helping...the contractions are too strong. hoping this is it...i'm so..so...tired. and i knowing having a newborn isn't gonna make me less tired, but at least I'll be able to hold him and know he's safe and I can stop worrying about what effect my heart problems might be having on him. if nothing else, cardiology and OB consult first in the morning, but I hope to be NOT PREGNANT by then, lol...gonna try and be a rebel and update my labor status on MH as I go...wonder if I can keep up with it? I'm all alone right now (DH home with sick DD :( ) so i've gotta keep myself occupied somehow...
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419158 tn?1316571604
I am signing off for the night but I hope to pop on tomorrow and hear all about Grey's birth!!! Hope things start moving along:~)
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1211118 tn?1366759953
wow i sure hope i dont have to go through this but i completly understand you being scared to say anyhting lol imthe same way but sometimes you have to and yea you may be wrong but it dont hurt to find out good luck and keep us all posted
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Hey girlie! I hope your feeling better! It does sound like baby Grey is ready and willing to make his grand entrance! I'm soooo excited for you!

I did want to mention that I went through some what of the same thing...B!tchy nurse and being scared to ask for anything lol. It helped when I asked the hubby to tell the nurse I was feeling uncomfortable and to see if she would check me, and she was actually nice to him about it lol.

Also, you can request a different nurse if this one makes you feel uncomfortable, your in pain....and it should be completely understandable to them at this point...my goodness your pregnant, not like you went in cause you stubbed your toe! This is a HUGE deal, especially with heart complications. If all else fails, get b!tchy right back. Take the external(if you have one) contraction monitor off along with the fetal heart monitor, and when the nurse comes in, just be blunt. Tell her since there aren't any contractions at this point whats the big deal in taking a break from the damned monitor. If she says something, tell her your cervix is better able to judge whether your in labor or not, and you feel you should be checked before ANY monitors go back on you!

I did it to my stuck up nurse with Conner, I got my way, got checked, and got a new nurse while I was at it! After that, the labor and delivery went beautifully!!!!!

Good luck sweety! I hope you feel better and I hope baby Grey makes up his mind lol.
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1035252 tn?1427227833
I will, thanks for coming over here to respond...I'm just so irritated I really think this nurse doesn't like me LOL..the one I had last night was soooo nice and sooo easy to talk to...They won't be sending me home until both the cardiologist and my OB consult with me again (tomorrow), and I am supposed to see my OB tomorrow afternoon anyway for my 37wk appointment...so somewhere between now and then someone HAS to believe me...but I'm honestly doubting myself. With my daughter I was never in so much pain I couldn't talk or move, so I don't know at what point to say "these are real" versus not being real...bleah. I'll talk to the nurse when she comes in for my heart medicine in a little bit...gosh I'm nervous, lol. I've read a lot about asking to have your abdomen palpated to check for contractions if you dont believe the monitor is reading them correctly?
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It sounds like this might be it. If this is similar to what happened with your daughter tell them that you are NOT leaving until they figure it out. And that you'd like to see the doctor and express your concerns directly to him/her. The baby's heart rate doing that is NOT normal and they need to really watch that.
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1035252 tn?1427227833
aha!!! I have struck upon genius.....they feel like someone put jeans 3 sizes too small on me up over my belly button and tried to pants me without unbuttoning them or unzipping them...does that sound about right???
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1222635 tn?1366396286
i really would just say look im having very painful contractions, im concerned my weight is causing the monitor to not pick them up and im feeling a lot of pressure.
hell maybe if you tell them you feel the urge to push that'll get them moving into a higher gear lol. either way you need to do whatever you can to get them to check you at the very least.
also through all the experience i had with ariana's heartrate during contractions and all of the research i did on it, theres a lot of decelerations and accelerations that don't have cause for concern.
as a general rule they say any accelerations and decelerations that fall between 110 and 160 are normal. however, ob's opinions on what actually constitutes as fetal distress during labor vary.
either way i would tell them you noticed accelerations immediately following contractions and want the baby back on the monitor.
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1222635 tn?1366396286
oh im an idiot sorry i didn't read that they took the monitor off. what idiots. they should have it on you at all times especially considering your condition. were you to have another "spell" its important they see how the baby reacts to that.
all i can say is i would demand to be monitored. i know you may not feel confrontational at the moment but its whats best for grey.
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1035252 tn?1427227833
Thanks...the problem is, it did the same thing when I was in labor with Kahlan...they finally got the internal monitor on me and the nurse goes WHOA you're a lot further into this than I thought....because the contractions were HUGE even though the external was showing NADA....I can barely breathe through these things and the downward pressure is incredible...but I'm afraid of looking like an idiot and being wrong I'd almost rather pop him out all of a sudden and be like "see/!?!??!!?" than make myself look like a fool *again* lol
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1222635 tn?1366396286
well you know i went in for preterm contractions remember? after all the times i was put on the monitor and being that i contracted frequently from 19 weeks on..i found that if the monitor is placed on the part of your belly that gets the hardest during a contraction then it will pick it up.
i had some that weren't registered at all when i went in to the doctor's office for more than 5 contractions in an hour...and they sent me home. i was pretty frustrated. so i made sure that next time the monitor was put on the part of my belly that got hardest (it was always uneven, my contractions didn't evenly harden all of my belly) . and i dont recall having a problem like that related to the monitor again.
idk how your belly hardens with contractions or even if moving the external monitor to a better place would be an option for you..but i just thought id throw in my experience with those monitors..
i hope this is it for you!! you and grey will stay in my prayers. :)
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1035252 tn?1427227833
anybody have some advice?? I feel like I'm being ignored and these "contractions" or whatever they are seriously hurt....but I'm not the confrontational type. My husband wants me to push the nurse to check me but I'm already afraid because the nurse is being so rude I'm afraid I'm going to burst into tears if she's not nice to me...i'm being such a wimp, and I'm doubting that I'm in labor so I'm afraid to be pushy...grrrr...
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1035252 tn?1427227833
rrrrr they took me off the monitor because the nurse decided the REGULAR humps on the monitor weren't enough for them to call it labor...even though the baby's heart rate was reacting to every hump...I'm starting to get just a little pissed right now.
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1276121 tn?1420860600
If i had to give u an answer it would be you are in labor. I went through something similar with my second as well. I was 33 weeks 3 days called off work and went to the hospital at like 10am due to severe pressure and contraction pain every 5-6 mins. They hooked me up on the monitor for 2 hours and nothing registered but i swore i was having contractions. The doctor told me to go buy some belt thing to help support my stomach and my pain was due to everything preparing for delivery. I was also told to stay off my feet for the rest of the day and could return to work the next day. So I returned to work the next afternoon (i worked restaurant) after about 5 hours at work i could not take the pain. So i called the owners back to the store and i left went home and went to bed. I then woke up at 2am in so much pain i went back to the hospital by ambulance because i could not drive. Upon arrival around 3am i was dilated to 4cm and could not stop labor. At 6:01 am i had my baby boy weighing 5lbs 9 ozs 19 in long at 33 weeks 5 days. So in my opinion i had been in labor the whole time and im also overweight.
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419158 tn?1316571604
I cant believe they wouldnt at least check you to see if the contractions are doing anything especialy since you say you have pressure.  Maybe you could take a long walk down the halls to get things moving?? Or maybe not if they are monitoring your heart:~( Hope they deside to check you soon and your at least a 4!!!
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