594732 tn?1219249144


I'm nervous that I may be pregnant-- sometimes I feel like I am and sometimes not, and I know that a lot of people say intuition is one of the biggest indicators. I started bleeding yesterday, dark brown in my underwear and pink on the toilet paper, and I had sex with my boyfriend about 6 days ago. I'm on the pill, but I wasn't perfect about taking it the last few weeks. This sounds like implantation bleeding to me, especially since it pretty much stopped today. I also know that the only way to be sure is to take a pregnancy test, not ask people on an internet forum. I bought three pregnancy tests, just to be sure, but I have to wait a few days...

My real question is not whether or not I'm pregnant--and if this question is inappropriate for this forum, I apologize. It's just one of the more legitimate forums I've found. I'm looking for information about medical abortions--specifically if there are locations where I can get mifepristone for less than $350 (I know sometimes it's twice that). I do have insurance under my parents, but I don't want to claim the abortion because they'll be able to see it on the insurance... please don't tell me that I need to tell my parents and that that's the responsible choice. It's easy to say, not so easy to do. I want to take care of this myself and keep from hurting them--I'm not alone in this, since my boyfriend knows about my suspicions and supports my decision to look into medical abortion. Please help me with this--I've looked all over the internet but places like Planned Parenthood just say "It could cost blahblahblah." I can't find any concrete information... and adoption really isn't an option either. I'm a dance major--pregnancy would make classes and involvement in my company impossible and prolong graduation even longer.

I don't want to start a political argument... please don't post replies about how I should keep my baby and how I'm a horrible person... this is a very difficult decision and it's hard enough without other people condemning me. I'm just looking for some help.

Thank you,

22 Responses
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594732 tn?1219249144
I just want to add one more thing... I see how joyful and hopeful everyone is on this forum about pregnancy, and I truly don't mean to offend any one or anything like that. I think pregnancy is truly a wonderful thing and I'm excited about it--later in my life, when I'm truly ready and able to be responsible for another person's life.

Thank you and good luck to you all--

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435139 tn?1255460391
I just want to say that if you decide that the pills are the choice for you, to make sure that you do not buy them off of the internet and try to do this alone unsupervised from a medical person.  There was a girl on here awhile ago that bought them online and tried to insert them vaginally herself and ended up with the contraction like pains but not passing any of the material so she ended up having to go to a doctor after all and who knows if she had infection or if the medicine was tainted or even what the medicine said it was.
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342988 tn?1299782356
have you taken a pregnancy test yet?  That is a big indicator.  you might be jumping ahead and may not even be pregnant.  

let me know after you take the test and what the results are:)
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564775 tn?1243388702
i will let you know up front that if you dont want people to judge you than you shouldnt post things about abortion on this forum when ppl are here to help others through pregnancy issues like m/c's and ppl who just cant seem to get pregnant. and have been trying for awhile and no BFP.

you are your own person and your going to make your own decison but if you want to know about abortion i would ask that somewhere else .. be prepared for some nasty post back to your question .

if you are on bc and not wanting to get pregnant than why not take it like your suppose to. only you put yourself in this position, and why is adopiton not an option??? i see how your saying about your career than why wasnt ur bc important enough to take every day.

its not my place to judge you but i will give my opinion and say that no baby deserves to be killed because you were not responisble enough to take your pills everyday.

and if you have the test and you are feeling preggo than why are you waiting to test. most test (but not all) can tell you 5 days before your missed period.

and i will say if you cant remember to take the pill try an IUD or something that you dont have to take everyday...

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564775 tn?1243388702
PS.......i would take the test . and than go from there .. this is your choice and no one elses. so good luck to you in whatever you decide........
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342988 tn?1299782356
this is a forum about all pregnancy questions, not just getting pregnat but also choices made about after one gets pregnant.  this forum is an appropriate place and if you think it's not then don;t respond.

why does everyone think that only pro-life stuff can be posted on here.  it is not like people are going around boasting and bragging about having abortions, they are ligit women who are scared, so show they some common courtesy.
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594732 tn?1219249144
Don't worry, I definitely would not do that! There is a Planned Parenthood clinic in my town, and my college has a woman's health registered nurse who I absolutely love and trust. I will definitely talk to a health care professional first--this is much too serious an issue to leave to myself. Thanks to both of you for your advice.

I know I'm jumping ahead a bit, and I would love to believe that I'm not pregnant and don't need to worry about it. I need to wait a few days to take a pregnancy test, since I use Seasonique, so I only get 4 periods a year. I don't know when my next period would be...so I'm waiting 10 or 11 days after my suspected "conception date" instead of a certain time before or after my period. I'll probably take my first test on Saturday or so, since that will give me 11 or 12 days, then one more about 2 days later, then one more a week later just to make sure. If I'm still nervous I'll go to Student Health Services and get a blood test. That'll still make it only 3 or 4 weeks, and valid for the pill. I just want to know my options and what I'll do if the test does come out positive (everybody send me anti-pregnancy vibes! That's probably contrary to most posts on this board..).

Thanks again!

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342988 tn?1299782356
the blood test is probably the best way to go because they are %100 accurate,
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594732 tn?1219249144
I realize that many people on this forum are attempting to conceive, or dealing with miscarriages. Hence my second post, letting everyone know that I know that. I will express again that it is not my purpose to offend anyone. I understand that this issue is extremely controversial, but I need help and am trusting in other women to offer it to me.

Everyone has different circumstances. Not keeping up with birth control is not always a matter of carelessness--prescriptions are filled late, sent out late, pharmacists refuse to fill them-- in my case, I was out of the country, on a different schedule, and away from my partner for several weeks. A lapse here and there is, in my opinion, understandable. I think it's evident from my posting that I've given a lot of thought to this, that I am aware of the implications, and that I have a respect for everyone's opinions.

As for why I haven't tested--I don't want to waste a test on a false negative because there isn't enough HCG in my body yet. I'm a college student and can't afford multiple $14 tests only to waste them--as well as giving myself false hopes along with the false negatives. Additionally, as I said, I don't know when my next period would be due, and I've read that you should wait 19 days or so since unprotected sex. It's already iffy doing it 12 days later.

Thank you for your second comment as well wishing me luck. It means a lot to have other women trust my judgement and have their good wishes with me. Good luck to you as well, with whatever you're wishing for.

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342988 tn?1299782356
aoibheann- i think your all of your posts have been very mature and i think the way you explained things was great.  i have never judged anyone with whether they are stuggling with the thought of abortion because years ago if i got pregnant, i would have struggled myself with the thought.

try not to stress, the fact you are on seaonique could be the reason you are feeling this way.  that birth control is great for someone who is not sexually active and is trying to controlling bad periods but is not good for those that are having sex because it leaves so many months during the year wondering if you are pregnant.  have you thought of changing brands?

thanks for the good luck wish.  I am one of those women who suffered 2 Miscarriages this year and i am now 13 weeks pregnant so i will use my wish on the rest of my pregnancy being as healthy as the start:)
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304970 tn?1331425994
Please PM me when you get your results. Planned Parenthood can also give care and do billing on a sliding scale. If you are a student, I would go to an establishment like that, and just tell them you are a student, and explain the circumstances. They may also take payment arrangements.

I am currently 19 weeks pregnant and 30 years old. I understand things sometimes do not go as planned, but I think one of the above posters had a point that maybe if it is difficult to remember to take the pill daily, maybe try nuva ring or an IUD in the future. Let this be a lesson is all.. I will NOT lecture you as I am pro-choice and I understand you came here for assistance, not judgement..

Anyway, PM anytime and I can try and help you. Good luck!
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594732 tn?1219249144
Leighanne and Laura--that's great news! My sympathies to Leighanne as well as a bunch more good wishes for the both of you.

I was a little nervous about Seasonique, but I never had a problem taking it before this summer. I was perfect before, so the gaps between periods never bothered me. I decided on Seasonique simply for convenience--it really, really ***** to wear pads or even tampons with leotards and tights, which I wear almost every day. It also increases the chances of yeast infections, UTI's, etc, with wearing tight, synthetic materials as well as having the blood held right there. I also took the pill to control my painful cramps--also an impediment to my activities. I have thought about an IUD lately, but I'm not sure about the cost, physical effects, etc. I haven't done too much research yet but I may look into it. It may just be a matter of getting back into my schedule with the Pill--especially because I live about 120 miles away from my boyfriend during the school year, so there's rarely a cause for a pregnancy scare.

I forgot to say that I performed kind of a semi-emergency contraception procedure--I took 4 of my active pills last night, and 4 more 12 hours later, this morning. I know that's way more effective in the first few days, but I decided to try it anyway. Like I said, if I did get pregnant it happened about 6 days ago.

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435139 tn?1255460391
I messaged you...
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334776 tn?1249968581
generally, yea i'd have to ask why you'd come on here and ask about abortion.....but after reading your original post, i defintely have to commend you....you're level headed, you understand your consequences, the reasons/affects of your actions, and you know enough about yourself that you're not really 'freaking out' but more or less planning in advance.....although i don't condone abortion by most means, if i were in your position, i'd have to say id consider it also(and i'm 30 weeks pregnant...).....it seems you really do have your "life" at risk so to speak and that a full pregnancy would set you back, were you to opt for adoption.....you'd run the risk of losing your "position", your schooling, and many other things, and i've met one woman who was a gymnast, and she ended up losing her "position", her scholarships, all kinds of things, and never got to fulfill those dreams, because she chose adoption....yes, her child has a wonderful life(open adoption), however her days as a gymnast, at a high college level, were over.....she ended up as a medical assistant, because she'd lost so much valuable time, as there was no way she could perform her "duties" in even the earliest stages of her pregnancy, and i believe she ended up taking off 18 months.....you're 21 years old, you're not a child by any means....you're responsible.....for the most part ;)
maybe if you are pregnant, you should talk to your parents.....if they see that this was truly an accident, and that you and your partner recognize your consequences, and the "damage" it could cause to you, they would be willing to help you in your "quest"......after all, they want to see you succeed as well, and i know you didn't want to hear that, but again, you're not a child, and they're going to see in you everything we did here, and we don't even know you.....as one poster mentioned, some places will deal with half up front, and divy up costs over 6months to a year.....
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287246 tn?1318570063
I agree w/ michelle_rusty.  If you don't want to get pregnant and are not good about taking your pills, I suggest getting an IUD or getting on Depo Provera.  These are things that you don't have to remember daily.

I wish you the best and hope that you are not pregnant.  Whatever you decide, please make an informed decision.
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559862 tn?1311516637
I don't know if you are preggo or not but I do have another option about your BC... I was on seasonique for 3 years and after I got married I freaked out not knowing if I was preggo or not and having to wait 3 months.... I started taking 3 weeks of pills and one week off, this way I would have a period every month and actually stretch out my box of pills another month... Just an option if you like seasonique and want to stay on it but also want a period!! But like posts above you still have to remember to take it every day... the shot might be a better option cause you don't have to worry about it.
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594732 tn?1219249144
Ok, so I called Student Health Services today and talked to a nurse. She said that 5-6 days is too early for implantation bleeding anyway, and if I had missed pills this would be too late for withdrawal bleeding. It might just be breakthrough spotting, which I suspected too, but of course I get nervous...

She also said that even waiting until next week might be too early for an accurate pregnancy test since I don't know when my last period was. She suggested I just wait until my next week of placebo pills (which is in about 9 days) and see if I have my period like I'm supposed to or not. If not, then she thinks I should go in for a test.

Thanks again to everyone for your care and your suggestions. Having people respond to me and give me ideas makes me feel a lot better!

Good luck to everyone TTC or already pregnant! :)

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435139 tn?1255460391
We'll be thinking of you!
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594732 tn?1219249144
Hi all! I'm so sorry I went MIA for a while--when school and rehearsals pick up, everything gets so crazy. I'm sure you all figured it out, but I'm not pregnant! Yayyyyy! My period did come about three days later than usual, which freaked me out a bit, but I think it was because my bc was just so messed up.

I wanted to thank you all for your support and your good wishes, and your understanding when I posted this subject here. Good luck to everyone (or break a leg as we say) and I wish you all the best in your current and future pregnancies. How is everyone doing?
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435139 tn?1255460391
That is great for you!  Our positive thoughts must have crossed paths and given each of us what we wanted...I am now 10 weeks pregnant and we have see the baby and heard the heartbeat!  I was just thinking about you the other day...I am glad you posted to update us =)
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I need help and fast, I have a best friend with benefits and we didn't have sex but I did Jack him off before I went to a doctor like after two days after and they said I was not pregnant, a day after the doctor's I had my period on 11/13 but it usually starts at the beginning of every month and it's been 32 or more days since I had my last one. I don't feel any cramps I have a flat stomach as usual I don't seem to be growing bigger breasts or a bigger *** I don't feel moody and I don't feel hungry well not much. My Best friend thinks I'm pregnant cause my period never came yet and I keep on telling him that I'm pretty sure I'm not prego but he's getting me worried with assumptions I need help so I can prove him wrong because now I'm worried and I'm not sure if I'm pregnant or not.... answers?
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^^that doesn't have be to for only doctors by the way^^
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