422823 tn?1229736847

To those that have had to be rehydtrated thru IV

I have read in the past that several women on this forum have had to be rehydrated with an IV and I was hopin to have a couple of questions answered. First let me say I am not coplaining about morning sickness, I am thrilled to be pregnant and I understand and cherish every little discomfort that comes with it.  

I am wondering what triggered the doctor rehydrating you.  My m/s has been bad, I throw up most everything, including water, although at times I manage to keep small amounts down, but no much.  I asked my doctor about this because I am worried about the baby getting what it needs and he said that: I would die before the baby and that unless I am unconcious on the floor then my body has enough of what it needs.  

This answer just doesnt sit well with me.  I know I am dehyrated, you cant see my veins at all anymore and my urine is super dark on the rare occasion that I actually have to go. I am worried about this hurting the baby, I am 8.3 weeks.

Is this something to worry about, and under what circumstances did the doctor rehydrate you through an IV?

Thank you!
17 Responses
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354373 tn?1299184526
I'm sure that at this point you've tried everything, but my OB told me to take Pepcid in the morning and at night....She wrote me a Rx for 20mg doses, whereas 10mg is what is available over the counter....but I've been taking the OTC..just 2 at a time.  It's helped a ton.......I wasn't as sick as you seem to be, but I feel so much better now.....Just something to think about so that maybe you can at least keep some water down.
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290867 tn?1333569278
I had to be rehydrated through a IV at 25 weeks due to excessive vomiting and diarriah.... It ended up throwing me into preterm labor. I ended up having 3 IV bags placed in me and a shot to stop contractions before I got sent home.... It really depends on how much of the fluids stay in your system before you throw them up. If you drink a glass of water and you keep it down for 30-45 min then the baby got a good amount, but if you throw it up immeditally then it really could dehydrate you........
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422823 tn?1229736847
I think it sounds like you are on the right track, feel blessed that you can eat.  I cant even drink water most of the time, let alone eat.  I've lost 10 lbs so far (im almost 9 weeks). Try to make sure that you stay hydrated and follow those suggestions from babydreams and you will be fine.
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378557 tn?1233249392
If you're able to eat/drink anything at all, consider yourself lucky!! HG can range from mild to severe; sounds like you're somewhere in the middle. You're doing all the right things - getting plenty of rest (are you taking time off work? If not, consider it), laying down, and eating whatever you can and trying to keep it down. You're able to drink fluids, which is wonderful!! That was my biggest battle. I met w/a nutritionist to get my weight back up and here are some suggestions: eat plenty of dairy (not non-fat, but the regular kind) which provides protein and calories, whole grain breads, meat, nuts, etc....It was weird to eat all these fattening things because I've always been a huge health and diet food fiend. But it did get my weight up, despite my only being able to eat very small amounts (like, 1/2 cup every few hours) and help me feel better. A couple pounds is nothing to be alarmed about, unless your doctor is concerned. You're doing fine, and I hope you feel better soon!!  Best wishes to you... hang in there!
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403255 tn?1278813266
hyperemesis gravidarum - This is what my Doctor wrote on my sicknote and I am really alarmed by what you are saying.....

I have lost a little bit of weight but I am managing to keep some stuff down like for example I had three slice of chesse on toast 6 hours ago and although my body has tried to be sick I just kept laying down and sipping water.

I can keep 8 crackers with cream cheese on down and a bacon sandwich. I nibble on cherry tomatoes and grapes and most of that stays down. I'm only sick about three times a day but I can't really move about unless I want to be sick..

I drink about a pint of water a day and whatever juice is in my fruit but I pee alot....

Do I sound like I am okay??
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422823 tn?1229736847
Thank you so much ladies!  You always make me feel better. It is good to hear all of the reassurance that the baby will be fine. I am going to see how tomorrow goes, and if no better than off to urgent care I will go!  It is funny because several days ago I was getting better, then wham!  This hit.  I try to think of it as reassurance, the baby is letting me know that it is doing very well and my hormones are where they should be.  Thank you ladies, I value your suggestions!

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250155 tn?1485295939
also, i'm sure you can't keep down your nausea medication so you can ask for the medication in the form of a suppository (sp?).  i know its gross, but that's what i had to do for my m/s during my 2nd pregnancy.
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The rule my doctor gave me was---if you aren't able to keep anything down for 24 hours, you need to go to the ER.
The night I ended up in the ER had not been a full 24 hours, but nothing was staying down and I felt miserable.  I had already lost around 10 lbs. as that point and was so weak.
My bottom line is--if you feel like you need it, then go!!
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378557 tn?1233249392
Please take my advice... go get hydrated. I speak from experience and truly have compassion for what you're going through. Having suffered severe hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) from weeks 6-18, I understand how you are feeling. No saltine cracker or ginger ale or anything else will give you any relief. That'll work for morning sickness, not for hyperemesis. They are two seperate things, and anyone who has experienced it knows this. It is a miserable, awful experience and the very worst part is worrying about whether your baby is getting what he/she needs (which he/she is - nature is amazing in that way - but it's hard to believe when your head is in the toilet for the 1,000th time in a day.) I was in the same boat as you around 8 weeks - not able to hold anything down, and if I did it was a very small amount and the event was few and far between. It gradually got worse around week 10, at which point I was unable to even keep water or ice chips down, and was feeling tired, lightheaded, peeing only once or twice a day, and just not right overall. I called an on-call nurse at my clinic and she advised that I go to the ER to get IV fluids. I did this the following week as well. The hydration would make me feel a bit better, but only for a couple days. I was still losing weight, 15 pounds in all, and feeling horrible. I was unable to work, go out, brush my teeth without barfing, I couldn't get through my morning shower without dry-heaving several times. By week 13 my doctor had me get a PICC line inserted into my arm to provide me with IV fluids, vitamins, minerals, and lipids 24 hours a day to provide nourishment to the baby and also help me put back the weight I lost. I had that for 5 weeks and by that time FINALLY felt an improvement and put back on about 10 pounds. I'm now 24 weeks with a very healthy, very active baby boy and able to work and do things again, and I'm back to a normal weight. I'm still nauseated constantly but nothing like before.

I don't want to alarm you, but it sounds like you may have HG as well. Maybe not, but is is always better to err on the side of caution. If you're throwing up more than 2-3 times a day, unable to keep a reasonable amount of food down, the nausea/barfing lasts all day, and you're dehydrated (look for pale complexion, dark urine, infrequent trips to the bathroom, fatigue, muscle weakness, trouble sleeping, excessive thirst & dry mouth, etc...), and you just don't feel right... it's possible you have HG. All of the doctors I saw during my bout w/HG said most women feel improvement between weeks 16-20, but some have it the whole pregnancy. Lucky for me, I started feeling improvement at 18 weeks. Looking back, I wish I would have gotten hydrated earlier in the beginning stages... and thats why I'm sharing my story with you. Not to panic you, but just to urge you that the condition is serious, and hydration is EVERYthing during pregnancy. Don't be afraid to take medication for your nausea. I know it is difficult to put chemicals into your body - believe me - but there is far greater risk to the baby if you're not eating or drinking properly than by taking a medicine that has been around for many years and has not been shown to cause birth defects (many people take Zofran; I tried that but found more luck with Anzemet.) Additionally, take time off work if you can. I was unable to work for 8 weeks due to the HG. It was a hard decision to make, to take that much time off, but my doctor said that rest was really important for HG sufferers and can shorten the duration of the condition.

I'm shocked that your doctor said that to you... that is not right. It is true that the baby will thrive under the WORST conditions (I, for one, was beyond bad...) but that's not how it has to be or should be. You need to get the fluids and nutrition you need BEFORE it gets out of control.

Sorry this is so long; I just feel great compassion for people w/HG and I understand how difficult it is, and the anxiety over your baby's health. Remember that HG does not mean there is ANYthing wrong with the baby, it is simply your body reacting to the surge or pregnancy hormones. Nature will take care of what it needs to -the best thing you can do is take care of yourself, and staying hydrated is where to start. I hope this helps, and I wish you the very, very best!! Hang in there... you are doing all the right things and this baby is lucky to have you as his/her mommy!!

PS) Check out www.hyperemesis.org for extensive information, stories, links, etc...
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From what i have heard ... being dehydrated can lead to early labor. Of course I am talking about later stages..but I know I get crampy and dizzy as soon as I am dehydrated.  I had to drink water to get rid of the crampiness.
You should take this seriously and maybe get urself checked at an ER if you don't want to go back to ur Dr on this same issue. such bad MS is not good for u or ur baby. Get some medication for the nausea if need be!
My Dr advised me to have small and more number of meals.. so it takes me 3 hrs to finish my lunch.. I nibble on it and when i feel sick.. i stop . Then eat again when I feel better. Gingerale helps with nausea.
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160254 tn?1270996478
I have had this with my first and this pregnancy too.  I did call the doctor when I thought I was dehydrated.  If you pull up on your skin on your arms, does is take a moment to relax again, is your mouth dry, are your eyes sunk?  They can give you a simple urine test to see if you have keytones in your urine and at what stage you are dehydrated.  I wouldn't wait - The first time I did and I was there over 3 hours waiting for all the fluids to go in - not to mention it will take them some time to find a vein.  Also this can lead to other problems so I wouldn't wait any more.  I was put on zofran with my second and thankfully only lost 9 pounds, lost 11 with the first.  So, I understand how sick you are and am so sorry and happy for you at the same time.  Best of luck.
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403255 tn?1278813266
Also cheesecake my urine is dark too, I can see it on the toilet paper because a couple of times I got that panic that it was something else.

My Mum only put on 14 lbs with me and when she had me she was 77 lbs and she hadnt even had bad m/s but I had taken what I needed to grow.
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403255 tn?1278813266
I'm going through exactly the same thing and although it isn't easy I manage to keep some stuff down by doing the following. Also, I weigh myself everyday and my weight isn't dropping so I know the babies are getting what they need.

Ginger BEER. I have said ginger ale on the site before but I got it wrong and I have to type fast because I can't stay sitting up for long. It's the cloudy kind it's traditional jamacan ginger beer. If I sip it, it keeps the queasiness at bay a little. Trust me, light relief feels like a dream.

I always have satsumas/cherry tomatoes and grapes near me and I eat one (one segment if it's satsumas) every half an hour. Ice lollies are good too. I also eat dry ginger biscuits.

On more adventurous days I have philadelphia (cream cheese) on crackers. One every hour and sometimes I can keep beans on toast down (beans are good for protein)

I cant stress how slow this process is. You can't push it with two crackers even if your starving because you'll be sick. I haven't had a drink for two weeks, I have sips of water or sips of ginger beer. I bet I don't get through a glass of each a day but I don't feel dehydrated. Ice lollies stay down and the grapes and stuff are juicy.

Besides I am at the loo every 30 minutes for a trickle so I would have to get up more if I drank more....

I'm sure you said before that your have to pay excess at your ER so try this first.

It doesn't have to be the same foods, these are the things I 'fancy'. I can sometimes get a bacon sandwich down unless Neil opens the door to the kitchen too long and I smell the cooking smell then I can't touch it.
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250155 tn?1485295939
i experienced the same thing you're going through w/ my first 2 pregnancies...  being laid out on the floor throwing up everything even water and then throwing when someone else would eat in front of me!!!  i just took myself to the ER.  i didn't even bother w/ calling the doc.  when you go into the ER and explain to them how sick you are and can't keep anything down they'll give you and IV no matter what!  and i'm the kind of person that can't be told to just go home and drink water to rehydrate myself b/c i physically can't do it (drink that much i mean).  i would just go in to the hospital and have them rehydrate you.
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422823 tn?1229736847
anyone else?
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427258 tn?1266445242
hydration is so important in pregnancy! ive always had issues with it even when i wasn't pregnant. i was nevver thirsty so i never urinated and it caused kidney infections and set me into pre-mature labor with my first son. ive already had to be rehydrated thus far and im only 6w5d. my doctor did not only based on my past, but my urine was very dark, like your are explaining. just tell your doctor you'd like to try it and see if it helps (which it will).
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Wow! Sorry to hear it's been so rough for you and I hope things get easier for you soon. I am 10 weeks along and have been struggling with morning sickness, but not nearly to the extreme that you described. I got very sick this past weekend, starting Friday morning. I couldn't keep anything down and I knew I was dehydrated. My mother, a nurse, called my doctor and told him how sick I was and he called me into the hospital immediately- I didn't even get to shower! I dragged my dirty sick self in and he put me on an IV drip immediately, gave me something for the nausea so I could rest, and they did bloodwork to make sure there were no signs of infection. If you aren't healthy, and being dehydrated isn't, it's never good for the baby. They say we're to drink water constantly while pregnant. You should talk to your doctor again or find someone else, what doctor says it's not serious until you fall on the floor anyway?! Keep me posted, good luck!
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