1035252 tn?1427227833

o/t - baby updates!!!

My little Grey-bear is 4 months old today....I can't believe time has gone so fast. He's very good with his hands and can grab and put things in his mouth...he cooes and burbles all the time...he's very easy and laid-back. At his 2-month check-up he was 25 inches and 11lbs3oz. I'm guessing 27inches and 13 lbs for his 4-month. He's such a happy little baby...and his big sister is totally entranced with him.

He eats about 5-7 1/2 oz a feeding and he sleeps about 5-10 hours at night....but OMG that boy can put out a stinky fart. I'm asking his ped about it on the 23rd because I know that stinky farts can sometimes indicate lactose-intolerance..but he doesn't actually spit-up anymore so I'm wondering if he has another digestive issue....but it's not serious if there is one so I guess I'll find out on the 23rd lol.

I just wanted everyone to update on their little prince or princess so we can catch up on how everyone's been doing! How are everyone else's little angels? I know there are other forums but since I'm so close to many of the ladies on THIS forum I was hoping we could do the updates here :)
38 Responses
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1303813 tn?1303159362
4 MONTHS!!!! Woah!

He sounds like he is coming along lovelyy!! :) All I can say is Harry has Hiccups! LOL...

Woah!!, Has he smiled yett?? LOL...

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1035252 tn?1427227833
Awww, Harry! I miss that feeling...I can't believe how soon you'll be holding your little prince! time sure does fly!

He smiles and laughs ALL the time...he's sooo happy..like right now he's trying to get his feet and he's making himself laugh and he's squealing in joy....not doing anything with him, he's just entertaining himself LOL.
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951898 tn?1296134343
well my little Janie bug is 3 months old, and the last time we went to the dr...a few weeks ago, she weighed 12.2 and was 23" long...she eats 4-5 6oz bottles a day, and sleeps through the night..she smiles, coos at you, and just laughs(she snorts when she laughs) but, she is so tiny, she still wears 0-3 months clothes, they are just a little short, but huge in the waist and everywhere else...

I like this topic, it is so much fun, to just be able to talk about our babies...It is just a happy topic lol
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1123420 tn?1350561158
Aww Ivy, Grey is sooo adorable!!!  I wish i could hear his cute lil laugh!! Cant believe he is 4 months already!! Time goes by sooo fast :(   Sounds like hes got a terrific big sister!!!

Cole is doing great too! He is 6 months old now!! His next appointment isnt till the 22nd, so I dont know much about his weight, he was 16 lbs at 5 months!  so since he started veggies and oatmeal, id say hes prolly about 18 or 19 lbs now.. hes a big boy!!!  He is soo happy!! always laughing and smiling at me, and grabbing my face to give me kisses (well really hes just trying to eat me) lol but I call them kisses an hugs.. He LOVES to pull my hair *Ouch* He also rolls from back to tummy to tummy and back all through the living room, and does so good at going back wards in his walker!   He plays with like 3 toys at a time, he will have one in one hand  and reach for the other, and if i introduce another one he will drop one to get the other one.  He sleeps about 10 or 11 hours a night :)  He is such a good veggie eater!!! eats anything I give him!  
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1303813 tn?1303159362
DURR there is a picture of him smiling! LOL..
He hasnt really moved much today though?? I have a scan next week! OMG! LOL...

LOL.. I am sooo scared! LOL..
He will be on the Move soon Ivy... LOL... Beware! LOL..

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1123420 tn?1350561158
I forgot to add, he holds his own bottle all by himself with no help!!! and started his first sippy cup this week!!!
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1330108 tn?1333677304
How exciting!!!
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202436 tn?1326474333
Aww, he's gotten so big and just as adorable as ever.  Lily had her 2 month check up on Friday.  She is 10 lbs 13 oz and 22 3/4".  She is exactly the 50th percentile for height, weight and head circumference.  

She has been excusively on breastmilk for about 3 weeks or a little more.  I finally got my supply up to where we could eliminate formula and now, somehow, I have a major stock pile of milk.  I have just over 4 days worth of bottles for her in the fridge at any given time.  She eats about 4 oz 5-6 times a day and she sleeps atleast a 7 hour at night.  

She's finally transitioning into 0-3 month clothes. She is at that inbetween stage where most newborn stuff is too small but some still fits and msot 0-3 month is still a bit big, but some items fit.  

She's really smiling and trying to coo and babble now.  She usually wakes up in the morning and greets me with a huge grin where her eyes just light up and she gurgles at me.  

She is EXTREMELY gassy and can fart with the best of them...sometimes stinky sometimes not.  She only has a bowel movement every 3-4 days.  The doc said that it can be very normal for a baby on just breastmilk to go infrequently.  He said it's becuase the breastmilk is so efficient and digests so well that there isn't a lot of waste.  

They grow so fast!!!
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1123420 tn?1350561158
AWw Losing, Lily sounds like she is doing soo good!!!  I love the first morning look. When I walk into Coles room and he sees me, he gets the biggest smile on his face and goes crazy.. He is the happiest first thing in the morning!! me not so much hahaha...   Im glad you finally got to take Formula out of the equation.  

I forgot to mention Cole was is 6-9 month clothing now!!!  we are actually on the search for a suit for him to where to christmas dinner, but cant seem to find anything under 12 months.. really urks me...

I dont really ever notice Coles farts being stinky, the only time I smell stinky is when he poops lol.. hmm weird
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1194973 tn?1385503904
Awww. It's crazy how fast time passes. Kylie is 9 weeks old and is a happy, social baby. She's still breastfed and is gaining more and more weight. At her 2 month appointment she was 10 pounds 4 ounces, 22 inches long. (she feels heavier now) she only cries now if she's tired or hungry, and gives an insulted squeal if we're not playing with her. We're working on a sleep schedule with her, and normally she is in bed no later than 10, waking randomly at night to eat and finally getting up at 7am. Most 0-3 month clothing is a little big, but almost all her NB stuff is too small so we need to use em.
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187316 tn?1386356682
Navy is 6 weeks old as of yesterday and at her 5 week appointment she was 21 1/4 inches and 8 lbs 13 ozs. She can now kinda smile every once in a while and she can hold her head up when she lays on her stomach for about a minute. I have no idea how much she is consuming but she eats about every 2-3 hours for 30 minutes. I usually have her in bed no later than 10 pm and she wakes up again at 5:30 am. We just started having her sleep in her own room at night 2 days ago so I'm still sleeping fitfully and checking on her like a psycho. She drowns in 0-3 month clothing and is still wearing NB some of which are even a little big. I can't wait until she moves up a size though because I have some dang cute 0-3 month old clothing. Oh and she has baby acne right now and its driving me absolutely crazy!
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1035252 tn?1427227833
I absolutely LOVE reading everyone's updates!!!! I can't wait to come back after the kids are asleep and read more in depth, lol, bed time is nuts around this household but I wanted to check in so everyone knows I didn't forget about them and I can't wait to read everyone's updates :)
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951898 tn?1296134343
ammanda---I saw some "little man" suits at Dillards the other day...they were freakin adorable, also JC Penneys had them last year...Just some ideas...if I see anymore anywhere else I will let you know :)
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1123420 tn?1350561158
Ive never heard of dillard, and we checked penny's yesterday and nothing under 12  months.  were gonna check macy's and my favorite place.. the childrens place!... thanks!
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800427 tn?1324945719
Awww...i love reading everyone's updates too...all the babies sound like they're doing so well :) that's great to hear!!

Matthew is six months old now and has *drum roll please* TWO TEETH :)!! Two little bottom ones right in the middle...cutest thing you've ever seen! We're still waiting for them to rise up completely before we take pictures tho...one (the first one) is almost all the way up and the other one has just popped through the gum....its soo exciting though! Im not sure how much he weighs exactly (about 17 lbs) his next appointment is in December. He is a finicky bottle eater in the daytime only eating about 4 oz every 5 hours...he's just too busy...he's got things to do people to see  you know :) . He does eat a fruit and some oatmeal for breakfast though and a veggie and Barley or Rice cereal at Dinner. He's also a big fan of "mum mum" crackers at the moment and gets a pack of those for a snack. He doesnt sleep through the night...(so thanks for rubbin it in all u lucky moms!) but he is getting close! he goes to bed at 8pm sharp every night and wakes up at about 12 or 1 and then goes back to sleep till 7 ..i change his diaper and give him a bottle and he goes back to sleep until 8am when mommy can open her eyes wide enough to not trip on her own feet :) He also holds his bottle all on his own every time now...its so fun to just be able to hand it to him and watch him go. He sits unsupported and plays with toys (he loves to bang stuff) he chatters like crazy and says "mama" and "daddy" he skipped "dada" and just went straight to "daddy" ...leave it to my son to do that LOL. he's also allergic to cinnamon (weird right?) and the dog and him are best buds...they play together all day..she cracks him up.

I could go on and on about Matthew all day....he's such a happy baby and a joy to everyone. He just cracks me up...always smiling and giggling and doing silly things. He is INCHES away from crawling...any day now...im holding my breath! Motherhood is an amazing ride isnt it ladies?
GrOw BaBiEs GrOw!!!
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492921 tn?1321289896
It warms my heart to read all the updates.  

K-bug is 11 weeks old now. I have no idea how big she is. At 8wks she was 9.12lbs 22 1/4 in long. She's still in a few NB size clothes but mostly 0-3 month that she swims in. I can't believe how the time has flown by. She is a very happy baby! She sits and coos and giggles at me now. She can hold on to a rattle and shake it. I posted a video on my facebook page. It took 9 weeks to get her breastfeeding. It was a chore and I kept at it and now she is a champ and doesn't like to take the bottle anymore.

She sleeps 8 hours eats and then sleeps another 4 hours normally. The last 3 nights she's been sleeping 5 hour stretches I think she's hit a growth spurt. I just wish that I could get her to bed before 5am. BF works till midnight and gets home shortly before 1am so I'm up and she is too. We watch a tv show or 2 while I'm trying to get her to bed. I've had her asleep by 12:30 a few times but not often. So my sleep schedule is all messed up too. I'm usually up around noon. I don't know how much she's eating since she's on the boob. I feed her every 2-3 hours during the day.
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1303813 tn?1303159362
OMG, I brought Nappies (Diapers) the other day... proper good deal 100 nappies for £9! Which is good! LOL... But I got all confused (I duno how it is in the US) But on the side of the box it said 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.. I knew these were the sizes but then they had the weight and either Newborn and stuff,,, I cried, because I had noo clue., I am scared incase I got the wrong ones, I got size 1 new born, but not the Jumbo ones, like the other size 1 same weight said... What if they dont fit and are tooo tight! HAhahaha,,,

Oh man! LOL...

But I only got 9 weeks to go!! LOL...

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906115 tn?1344200509
I love this post too:)

Henry just turned 5 months on the 10th, he rolls all over, says Mommy,mama,mum, and daddy and nite nite but it sounds like nii nii:), Hewalks around in his walker and does not like to be laying much at all anymore, He is just so interested in everything and stops when nursing to see what is going on, I swear he stops and goes so much like a trafic jam LOL. I am doing Ecing with him and that is fun but I can not get him to go on a potty when we are gone at stores yet. We started at 2 months part time then now we do most of the time and have few misses. He just now started liking the car so I get to go places now, haha. He goes to bed at 7 and gets up at 5 and wakes up every 1-3 hours during the night. Yep, I don't have a sleeper either, not good one the nap thing either! Soem days he will sleep for a couple hours once and other days only sleep a few min the whole day. He is a happy little guy though and laughs and giggles at everything. He loves to stick his tongue out and sing along with "The frog Song". He grabs everything he can get and arches his back to get in a any seat if ti has a strap LOL. His favorite book and song is the Itsy Bitsy Spider, I read it to him when I was preggo and he smiles and laughs when he first hears it. He gives kisses and reaches for ya now too which I love and he will reach right when I put him down some times and I just have to pick him up:) We were not sure what size he was for awhile as a nurse put the wrong weight down, well two on his chart! But as far as I know he is 16lbs and 25 1/2" long right now and wearing 9 months some 12 months.

Oh and for who ever asked Burlington Coat Factory has tons of suits for al ages!!!! They are better priced then Penny's and Dillards too. But yeah I have not seen anything under 12 months in suits either anywhere but there!

Cassandrajane~   You will need newborn diapers first and as the baby fills out you will need size one etc... The jumbo at least in the US just means the bigger pack of diapers and has nothing to do with size, and I miss hiccups too! Mine got them all the time! Gosh girl you make me miss being pregnant!
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1303813 tn?1303159362
But they were both the same size pack?? Both 100 for £9.. these ones just said Jumbo! LOL....
You can be pregnant for me if you like... right now I have the worst pain like I am being cut open! Ill swap anyday!! LOL...
Plus he has hardly moved!!
LOL I'll poke him,

I got new born ones.. the size and weight just confused me!

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906115 tn?1344200509
not sure then on the nappies, I know nothing of the UK. there whole sizing and money exchange is different. Funny is they meant jumbo meaning baby size! Have no clue:) I am sure you got the right size though. Newborn is newborn

I am sure his room is getting less and his movments will not be the swimming ones but the hard jab here and there at this point. A good glass of orange juice and laying on your left side will get babies moving almost always!
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1303813 tn?1303159362
If they dont fit. John  can get more haha I carried his son for 9 months he can get nappies.

I gotta do cold water, because Cassie isnt meant to have Orange Juice cause it gives her a migraine! And she is too tired for one today. And im at work ill look like a Pleb lying on the floor!

this is all new to me and I am soo confused and scared! LOL

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676912 tn?1332812551
Elijah is two years four months old. He's now 38 inches tall and about 32 lbs. Still above 90-95% for height and above 50% for weight.

I'm still amazed at how much he knows. He can count 1-10, he recognizes letters, not all but at least five, he knows most of his colors, he knows shapes...he knows animals. He uses up to seven word sentences.

He's polite for the most part, says thank you and please. He's such a worrier too, and he's so caring. He'll ask you if you're ok if you say ow, and he says "Bless you" when you sneeze. When he sees you have "boo boos" he'll look for something that resembles a band aid and try to put it on you, lol.

He CAN poop and pee in the potty and for two weeks had no accidents at all, but the closer I get to baby sister getting here the less he'll go on the potty and more on the floor. We've decided to put him back in diapers for now until after she's born so DH can help me more when he takes off work for a month, but we still let him go on the potty too.

Yesterday when DH and I were outside working on the fence he got on a chair and sprayed most of the kitchen floor with water and was "trying to clean up". He loves helping out, but does it in a two year old way, DH gets more aggravated than I do but yesterday I just smiled and laughed because he's trying to do good, he just doesn't understand he's still too young to do some things.

Of course he's still a two year old, and aggravating as all h-ll sometimes, but he's getting better. I'm sure three will be just as bad if not worse, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Over all he's not THAT bad as far as "terrible twos". For the most part fits and screaming only happen when he's tired, or not feeling well. I'm continuing to be blessed with a wonderful first child, and hoping his sister follows in his footsteps.

I still feel like I make it seem like Elijah should be stupid because I'm so amazed with everything, and can't believe he does things that he does. He's very smart, and it's incredible how much they understand at such a young age.
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676912 tn?1332812551
BTW Elijah's not a "baby" anymore, but he will forever be MY baby, even if he was ten years old I'd be updating on him, lol.
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621803 tn?1302888341
I've loved reading all of the updates too!  I can't believe our babies are getting so big!

Braeden will be seven (!) months old next week.  He's been sitting up all by himself now for about a month and a half, and just in the past couple of weeks can get himself into a sitting position on his own from his stomach.  He LOVES anything with Winnie the Pooh on it (he'll play with Pooh toys for over half an hour on his own!) and is such a happy baby!  He loves bouncing, and is never happier than when he's in his jumperoo.  I swear he's going to learn how to bounce rather than walk!  He can get on his hands and knees now and rock, and he can move his hands like he's crawling, but hasn't figure out yet that his legs can move too, so he ends up on his stomach.  He is SO determined though!  I really think it will be any day now, he's so close!
No teeth yet, but he's drooling ALL over the place! He's eating solids twice a day,and I don't think he's met a food yet he won't eat!
He says Mama (and I really think he knows its me since he only says it when he sees me :-)  He also hugs now, which is SO awesome!   Can I just say how much I LOVE this age?  I've loved every stage he's gone through, but I really think this is my favorite so far.  He's just learning so fast, and he's so excited about everything he does!!!

I'd also like to second Burlington Coat Factory for itty bitty suits.  My sister got married when Braeden was 7 weeks old, and we got him a suit there for $20. It was the cutest thing ever!
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