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623156 tn?1322865851

Changes in your first trimester

What do you notice changing the most?

For me I'm noticing my stomach is getting big fast. My clothes are tight. My skin has had some break outs. I have been really up and down with my moods. I'm normally a friendly girl but lately if you look at me wrong I want to rip your face off! My weight has gone up 12 pounds. My appetite I normally hate fast food and that is all I want actually all I do is eat. Ha  I can't wait to read some of your answers. I thought this would be fun to do!!!!!1

I wish us all a very happy and healthy pg!!!
26 Responses
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I have not been hungry this pregnancy like I was with my son. so, I only eat when i force myself to, and then even then I cant eat everything I used to. My mood swings have been pretty bad to. Hahaha, some lady almost rear ended me the other day and I was on my cell talking to my husband- I said- babe you gotta let me go, i have to get out and scream at this lady!! LOL. He said- Babe, just please come home. HAHAHA

I am tired, but I am also on the progesterone cream to keep this preganancy going. My levels were 26 over a week ago, and then last test it showed 10.6 so they started me on the cream to try to get the levels back up. They think this is why I miscarried 5 months ago. So keep your fingers crossed for me. I just had more blood work down today to see if this levels are increasing. My HCG went from 114 to 419 last check. HCG went up, Progest. went down. so keep me in prayers that I am doing everything i can to keep pregnancy! :)

Other than that, have no other symptoms of pregnancy, but tired and couple bouts of morning illness. :) Hooorraaayyyy!!!
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690039 tn?1277472422
ArmyPrincess -

Girl, seriously---we are going to be so fat!!  I gained 40 with my son.  I'm hoping to keep it to 30 or 35 this time around, but i'm probably not going to at the rate i'm eating.  i'm in better shape than i was last time (started working out a few years ago), but just shy of comatose is not conducive to the gym!!  

I haven't been to the gym in a month.  I can feel my muscles wasting away and fat just pasting itself up and down my waist and thighs... bleah

ok, i just made myself nauseous.  haha!!

What a mess we are... i love it ;-)  and my boobs still hurt.  like they're gonna fall off.
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459969 tn?1398170254
I know the cramping comes and goes for me, as well as mybreast tenderness. My appetite is there, I can't deny that. I have mood swings really bad. also
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623156 tn?1322865851
I'm not sure about them coming and going usually you have at least one that is constant whether it's cramping bloaiting breast tenderness appetite or mood swings. I have all of the above but don't forget we are all newly pg and everyone is different and all pgs are different. I'm sure you are okay I wouldn't worry you may be one of the lucky ones that gains like 20 lbs and feels great!!!! Good luck to you and lots of baby dust!!!
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676143 tn?1312941771
Stormy, I haven't had hardly any symptoms since Friday when I had my bleeding incident, other than mild cramps that I have had all week.  But, yes, symptoms do come and go.  I haven't been pregnant before now, but I have been told that and have read that.  I wouldn't worry too much about it unless you go for a while with absolutely no symptoms or if you see blood. I have been reading too much about miscarriages and these were the symptoms:    
    *  Light bleeding.
    * Pain similar to period pain.
    * Cramps
    * The nausea and tender breasts associated with pregnancy may disappear.
    * A sense of no longer 'feeling' pregnant.
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I have been soooo moody!!! But i was wondering is it normal for symptoms to come and go?? like some days i feel terrible and other days i dont have any symptoms... those days i worry that maybe something is going wrong.....
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676143 tn?1312941771
My emotions are a bit out of whack too.  I have been getting pretty pissy lately at little things.  It's driving my husband crazy.  My students have noticed too, though they don't know I am pregnant yet.  
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681762 tn?1229808310
Oh yea, my breasts are tender also, it was REAL bad in the beginning but they are just sore when i lay on my side or my stomach. Im done now.
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681762 tn?1229808310
I have noticed that my jeans fit a little tighter, I have belt impressions on my stomach when I get home and change clothes HA :) My moods are okay, i mean they change like the weather but they are okay. Im alot more emotional, and I dont have tendencies to do the same things I use to ie going out to the movies, goin over friends houses. All I want to do is sleep. I am soo exhausted all the time, and when i get home and eat? I just pass out. My bf and I havent been "active" lately he doesn't like it when Im tired so I think he is not attracted to me in that way right now :( My appetite has done a 180 I usually could go most of the day without eating now I have to eat within a hour of waking up or my stomach will colapse. That's what it feels like with all the growling and rumbling it gets extreme. The major change is appetite. It is completely out of control. I eat and then eat again. Im eating two servings at a time at least twice a day!! Doesnt sound too bad, but i use to make myself eat, then only eat til I was satisfied..things have definetly changed. (sigh) Congrats to all!!! :)
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676143 tn?1312941771
I will continue to think that I am pregnant until told otherwise - read my latest journal about my bleeding that started yesterday and you will see why I say this.  So, even though I had the bleeding, yesterday and today I have been STARVING all day no matter what I eat.  It's getting ridiculous.  I have slight cramps still today, but no more breast tenderness or bloating yesterday or today like I have had for the majority of this past week.  However, my appetite is OUT OF CONTROL!.  My husband is still convinced I am pregnant because of my appetite, though I have my doubts due to the bleeding problem.  So, maybe this is a good sign.  I'll see on Monday at the doctor.  
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623156 tn?1322865851
Jess omg too funny I'm lmao. Eating is the only thing that keeps me from being comotose. Too funny! EAting is all I do these days and normally I hate food! Ha should be an interesting pg!!!
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623156 tn?1322865851
Jen some girls are lucky and just have normal pg weights etc. Then there are girls like me who gain 80 pounds if my calculations are right that will put me at 200 on the delivery table! I make beautiful babies but I'm not a looker while pg! Ha !
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459969 tn?1398170254
I hope that i'm normal. I mean like i get hungier faster, but i don't eat as much. I haven't gained any weight. actually I just got on the scale at home and i've lost about 2 lbs. I don't have really morning sickness. My boobs are very very tender, i got some light cramping. I hope my boobs don't get much bigger i'm already at a 40DD. I hope everything is going okay with me.
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690039 tn?1277472422
Ok, I know it's been a while since I've been pregnant---but I don't remember this stuff being so extreme!!  

My nausea has not kicked in too terribly strongly yet (only started two days ago), but my boobs are about to BURST.  I've already gone up a cup size and I'm starting to spill out of it---what's up with that?  Anyone else having that dramatic of a problem---and at six weeks?  

And the sheer exhaustion... Oh. My. Word.  I am useless after work... and most of the way through it.  I just can't shake it.  

Other than that, my appetite is ravenous.  It's weird.  I haven't really gained weight, but I'm eating two "meals" at a time, where I used to barely eat one a day.  I have quadrupled my food intake like it's nothing... Funny thing is though, that eating a large meal would normally make me crash hard.  Now that I'm pregnant, it's the opposite---eating is the only thing that keeps me from being comatose.
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623156 tn?1322865851
Thanks ladies this is so fun to see how you are changing in your pgs! Thanks!

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Oh and my clothes are a lot more tighter then they were before so I guess I will have to buy some maternity jeans soon and bigger sweat pants. I wear sweats for work and I put them on today and they felt tighter. Ok I will stop now :-D
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My biggest change has been my appetite. I am so hungry all the time. I could go without eating for most of the day now I can't do that at all. My moods have been a little more extreme, I get angry a lot easier and I cry a lot more too. My boobs are sore but they weren't that bad today. They have Definitely increased in size I have no idea what size bra I wear anymore. I was a 36C or B depending on what bra it was and now who knows. My sex drive was still pretty normal when I was 4 to 6 weeks but once the all day nausea kicked in I am just not in the mood anymore.
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459969 tn?1398170254
opps. i meant a bit moodier. lol
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459969 tn?1398170254
For me, My boobs are sore. I have slight nausea, nothing really bad. I'm not breaking out, I don't feel like i've gained any weight. I can tell that I a big moodier than normal. and I get sleepy really easy. I took another p/t tonight just b/c I still don't feel really preg. i know its early. I've also had some cramping, just some mild period like cramps though.
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369912 tn?1229650090
My biggest change is sore breasts (last night they were nasty!) and bouts of nausea.  Other than that, I'm slight bloated (on and off again) and need to eat smaller meals (due to the bloating).  It's great to read what everyone is going through.  So that I know I am not alone!  All the best, ladies!
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593810 tn?1251223030
Mine biggest changes this last month is my breasts! They hurts soooo bad!!! I can't hardly lay on my stomach, or sides because they are so sensitive. And i'm exhausted all the time!!! My clothes aren't tight yet, but i'm sure that'll be in the next 3 weeks or so. :o)

Goood luck mommies!
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443968 tn?1288612689
So far, I have been feeling sick of my stomach, all day long, sometimes bloated feeling others like I am going to explode. Nauseas are a killer man, not much hungry only at times but  gained some pounds. Tired all the time and moody extremely moody. Is like I am a totally a different whole new person
I talked to my doc and he said is probably r/t all the hormones I have been atking (for IVF, FET treatment)
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623156 tn?1322865851
Carebear Too funny about the chesse! Mine is fast food which I always hated. Right now I'm making fries and chicken nuggets a month ago I wouldm't eat them if that was all there was. Ha! My boobs are bigger and hurt so bad all day I couldn't wear a bra!

Suzie I hear you on the break outs my goodness I didn't have acne like this as a kid. My weight should be interesting on the delivery table
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475404 tn?1286505024
Me too!! I feel a bit like a heffer! I am pooched out in the front...and in the back!! Boobs have gained a bit of weight also! Not complaining...! I am hungry though! In the beginning I wanted CHEESE like nobody's business! I am so over that...now I will pretty much take anything! But I get feeling full right away while eating...so at least  that should keep me from exploding right?! Ha ha
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