94902 tn?1330479667

Weight Gain

OK - I've read different things different places.  My dr. says my weight gain is within normal ranges and I know every woman is different.  Buuuuuut, I still can't help being curious.  
I know this may be a touchy subject for some, but I can;t help but wonder....
About how much weight have us July mommies to be put on for our little ones?  All of my friends seem to be finding out they are pregnant lately and are asking me what to expect - and I tell them all of the above - that "normal" is relative, but I still can't help but to wonder.  I'm pretty sure with these poll things that everything is anonymous, but I will share with you ladies that I have put on between 21 and 23 lbs (its been fluctuating the last 2 weeks - probably bc I don't weigh in the nude)

If you want - asnwet the poll below:
On average how much weight have you gained so far?
29 Responses
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443968 tn?1288612689
well ladies I have gained so far 21 pounds as today I am 28 weeks and some days. Doc says is o.k but let me tell I ahve never been so huge in my whole life. I am not very tall 5'1 and already weighting 165, it ***** really. Even when people say all my weigh looks liek to be in the belly, it really ***** bc I feel everywhere and my sex life is down definitly down the drain. My sex drive is totally lost, feel bad for DH.
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756023 tn?1338520435
got weighed yesterday at a docs appointment and I have only gained 3lbs.  Not really sure how this can be as I have been enjoying food to the fullest and eating sweets like it's going out of style but I am liking it.  
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669618 tn?1289403248
At my 28 week checkup, i've gained 20 pounds officially.  I gained a huge amount in 4 weeks or so, around 12 pounds.    Doctor said that was pretty normal, but i hate the thought of gaining more in the 3rd trimester.  
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568659 tn?1256139982
Jess- Dont "oh geez" me lol
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690039 tn?1277472422
Oh geez, Rose---I have not heard that about the second trimester---I thought it was supposed to be mostly in the third, that's what I'm so scared of!
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568659 tn?1256139982
OMG I could cry lmao, I went to my 27 week appointment yesterday and I gained 12 pounds last month. I blame it on working for the past 2 weeks, my job was really giving me a lot of exercise. I have gained a total of 25 pounds so far :( I need to really start watching myself from now on. My OB said I am still in the normal weight range and that the 2nd trimester is the time where most women gain all their weight. Hopefully I can keep under a 10 pound weight gain for the next 12 weeks.
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686794 tn?1273187820
Im almost 28 weeks and going for weekly appts bc of high blood pressure so I HAD gained 15, but when I went back the next week I had lost a pound, lol. Im not really sure how that happened, but I'll take it! I'm feeling like I will probably go over the 25lbs Im SUPPOSED to gain, bc the sickness is gone and im getting to huge to actually do anything except sit around and think about my next meal. We'll see what happens.
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667409 tn?1309152183
I'm 24 weeks tomorrow, and as of this morning, I've lost two pounds. Of course 1) I'm overweight to begin with, so I can afford to not gain weight and 2) I didn't gain much with my last two kids. I gained a total of 12 pounds with my daughter, and 4 pounds with my son. I still have a ways to go, but I don't expect to gain more than 10 pounds or so with this baby.

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719902 tn?1334165183
I have gained about 15 pounds so far (@ 24 weeks).  For me, that is really good, this is my fourth baby and I usually gain about 40-50.

I started out this pregnancy around 154, always trying to go lower, but that is considered "normal" for my height 5'9".
Anyway, I think having a "fitness forum" is a great idea! I do so much better when I am holding myself accountable with someone else and keeping records.

Until then, I am trying just to enjoy this pregnant body, as I really do love being pregnant and this *may* be my last. = (
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550943 tn?1330727580
I'm 25 weeks pregnant and have put on a total of 22 pounds. In the past three weeks i have gained 10 of those 22 pounds. I was already overweight when i got pregnant and i'm scared that i have put on way too much weight. My body doesn't look much bigger, just my tummy/waist and boobs.

Do you think i'm more likely to experience pregnancy complications? I've been eating healthily for the most part but need to increase my exercise.
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641492 tn?1247955514
I am 24 weeks pregnant and I have gained 24 pounds at my last visit - I feel flabby as well...I feel like I am all water - a have alot of fluid everywhere - hope this is the reason for my weight gain.....My boobs are huge as well before I got pregnant I was a 34AA now I am a 36C!!!! My husband cant believe it!!
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475404 tn?1286505024
You ladies all sound lovely!!! My boobs also took an enormous gain...but I have gained 23 lbs and have 10 weeks to go! I hope to not gain to much more. The doc's would like me to stay around 25 lb gain...hard to do especially when I also am LOVING all things not the healthiest! Sugar and more of it! Makes me kinda crazy because I crave sweets now! And never did before...so, wishing the best to us all!!
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I was a 34C when I got pregnant now I am just a 36D not much of a difference. Not sure how big I should expect them to get when my milk comes in but since they haven't grown since my first trimester can I expect them to not get much bigger when it does come in.
I think the fitness group thing is a great idea. I want to get my weight back down as soon as possible to 135.
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690039 tn?1277472422
i have never heard of that before, i will look it up.  

My boobs were already big before i got pregnant with my son so i don't remember much about them growing during pregnancy---tho i know they grew *some* during... This time though it's just ridiculous already.  maybe since they've grown so much already they will not get so much bigger when my milk comes in.  who knows, i can always hope, right?? lol
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568659 tn?1256139982
jess- LOL, mine got really big with Noah too but not this big. I always had to check and make sure I wasn't suffocating him with my boob when I was nursing him.

I am buying one of those bellybandit's, who knows if it works but I am going to try anything to help me loose more weight this time.
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690039 tn?1277472422
Rose---omg, I'm so scared of what's going to happen to my boobs when my milk comes in!!  They got so big with my son that i SWEAR to you, I could not fit them out the holes in the nursing gowns!!  it was horrendous!  

Ladybug---my muscle mass is like... um... gone.  I feel sooo flabby and soft.  I was completely shredded before with amazing musculature, I was SOOO happy with my body!  

Before I had my son, I had always been athletic, but I had never worked out, and had never set foot in a gym... Then about 4 yrs ago, I met S, and he got me inspired to try it.  It was like an epiphany---"why haven't i been doing this all my life?!"  Instant rush, I was hooked.  I got in amazing shape in like 6 weeks flat.  My friends were telling me to slow down (At first I was going 7 days a wk, lol).  

I had an ectopic about 2 yrs ago, and that really did a number on me---they had to use methotrexate to stop the growth, but it wasn't fully resolving It was right at the joint between tube and uterus, and they were worried it would turn into a problem so I had to have a D&C.  I never fully recovered to where I was back in my groove and happy, but was still in amazing shape by most standards.  S said he was secretly glad I slacked off a little because I was getting too skinny and shredded.  That's when I just sort of started sitting around 130 - 135.  

Maybe after I deliver, it'll sort of settle the score of losing the other baby in my head and heart and I'll be able to find that joy again.  I really hope so.

Hey we can start a fitness recovery forum!  We'll post pictures of our progress to motivate each other and keep us honest!  That would be fun :-)
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94902 tn?1330479667
Girl - no way you take the cake on weight gain - we may be at a tie.  I - like you - ate really healthy and exercised every week prior to getting pregnant.  I am 5'7.5" as well and normally weigh about 120 or 125.  When we started trying to conceive I wanted to put on a little weight in case I got sick (I tend to drop pounds REALLY fast when I'm sick) while pregnant, so I was up to 130 when we found out we were expecting.  I then lost almost 10lbs due to severe nausea.  But boy did I ever start putting it back on!!!  I have gained back the seven lbs I lost plus 24 more!  So my dr.says that I have only gained 24 bc they measure from the date you come into the office for the first time.  I am addicted to junk!!!!  Pizza, chocolate donuts, pickles!  I try to eat the fruits and veggies, but mostly junk.  I just CRAVE it and lots of it!  Unfortunately not a whole lot has gone to my boobies!  I was an A before and now I"m not even a B.  I actually had to buy what is called an "Almost B" which Playtex makes for in between sizes, but I had to go up to a 38 from a 34.  And I still don't really feel like its big enough around!  Baby is all in the front and so is the weight gain - except for a little in my fact and calves, but I am soft everywhere bc I can't work out like I was doing pre-pregnancy.  All I really do now in the way of exercise is walk - and I'm getting slower at doing that!  We can all ban together and support each other into getting fit again after the babies are here!
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459969 tn?1398170254
LOL. Please no G's haha.
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568659 tn?1256139982
lol, I had to get a 38E a few weeks ago. We are going to be G's when our milk comes in lmao.
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459969 tn?1398170254
GOsh I think my boobs are going to be so big , i'm not going to be able to walk by the end of this pregnancy!  I was already a size D before getting preg. I went to Motherhood,a nd had to buy an E. I mean really .. its retarded
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551885 tn?1300383822
I was 125 when I started and I have gained 25 pounds already!  I count my calories and most normal people would be losing weight, I was just really strict on my diet prior to being pregnant, and now that I am eating dairy and eggs and lots of fruit I am gaining so much and I hate it, except that when I got to see my son on that 20 weeks u/s and he was so healthy, I decided that whatever I need to gain to keep him that way is so worth it!  I sure wish the boobs would stop growing though LOL!
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690039 tn?1277472422
i was in really good shape before i got pregnant, so i feel every friggin pound!!  ugh.  I'm totally jealous of you, Tasia!!  I am not huge, but I feel soft everywhere and i feel like i'm bulging out of my clothes.  I'm very self-conscious about it (which isn't helping our sex life, lol).  

We had just been on vacation (that's where we knocked me up) and when we came back from eating all the decadent food, I weighed 142 (I'm 5' 7.5")---my ideal weight for me is about 130---i'm shredded and in "competition form" at about 126.  I had been slacking and was about 137 when I left for the trip, but by most standards I was still in "sick" shape, I'm just hard on myself.  

As of this past Thursday, my doc said I've put on 23 pounds (I think it was).  I am not happy with it because I know the weight gain accelerates from here, but I've had the worst diet---I keep eating fast food and pizzas and **** like that!  I can't help it.  And I haven't really exercised at all.  Soooo... my "goal" is to somehow keep the pounds beneath the number of weeks that I am---but I know that ain't gonna happen as the next few weeks unfold and the baby starts putting on weight. :-(

So, from someone who went to the gym 5 days a week and had 8% body fat, don't feel bad at all---when you consider the circumstances and the shape we were in before we found ourselves pregnant, I take the cake for weight gain!!
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459969 tn?1398170254
At my last appt, 2 weeks ago I had gained 3 lbs. In the 2 wks since, I feel like i've gained weight. I watch everything i eat b/c I was already over weight before getting pregnant.
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756023 tn?1338520435
As of my last appointment 3 weeks ago, I had not yet gained any weight (started at 176).  I have sprouted quite a bit in the last week so I am assuming that I have put on some since the appointment.  I will be weighed again on Wed.  
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