568659 tn?1256139982

What are some of your symptoms?

So far I am not feeling too much, not like my last pregnancy....
I feel very bloated, gassy, some breast tenderness, fuller breasts, and loose stools but I am not really sure if the last one is even a symptom. I feel a little queezy but it could just be due to the fact that I am nervous.
What are you ladies experiencing?
42 Responses
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568659 tn?1256139982
The sore throat could possibly be connected to your runny nose, since some of the drainage is going into your throat. I'm not sure but it is a possibility.
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626866 tn?1227231782
My worst are nausea, food aversion, and vomiting or dry heaving.  I've also got a tummy ache.  Maybe it's cramping that other people mention?  But it doesn't really feel like it's coming from a specific spot, so maybe I just have an upset tummy.  My bbs are tender, but not as much as when I first learned I was pregnant.
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676143 tn?1312941771
I had less symptoms today - I actually woke up with NO symptoms and got really worried, but then as I started moving around the light "period cramps" so to speak, came back and have been with me all day.  My husband and I went to the gym today for the 1st time in 2 weeks - it was also the 1st time I went since I found out I was pregnant - which was only on Saturday.  I did some light cardio for 30 minutes - not really sure how much I am supposed to do, but I definitely didn't want to push it.  Back to symptoms, I also haven't had any food aversions/cravings yet.  Is it normal to have minimal symptoms?  I think someone else said in this thread or another one that we worry when we have no symptoms and worry when we have too many symptoms!  haha
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My breasts are still tender, I have had weird pains, sometimes cramping and I have been feeling almost flu-like. I'm just dragging, am queezy, a little headachy, and find that just thinking about certain foods makes me feel really sick. I'm already starting cravings because tonight I absolutely had to have perogies with pasta sauce and chocolate pudding for dessert, so I ran out to the grocery store to buy both items. I also seem to want cheese and eggs and english muffins with cream cheese! I just wish I felt better...I'm so sleepy and lightheaded and it's getting me down. I'm tired in the afternoon, in the evening, It's hard to get going in the morning and in general, I just don't feel right. When I was menstruating, I had migraines. Today, I've felt a slight headache and I'm just praying that the migraines don't return. I guess I should welcome these symptoms rather than feel upset about them, because they all mean that things are progressing the way they should. Must go eat chocolate pudding now...:) Thanks everyone for sharing!
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325477 tn?1250551309
Yeah, you are still early on big symptoms, even mine at 7 weeks are not that horrible....
I have slightly runny nose for the last few days and increased fatigue....so don't worry sweety, you are all good!!

Kuchis- Hi there! wow, some good symptoms :) Light nausia for me :( Anyway, about my u/s, you can read my post about WEEK 7 -Feeling good or something like that.. I wrote about my measurements...I am very happy so far!
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369912 tn?1229650090
Hi ladies,
I was wondering if anyone is experiencing a sore throat and/or slight runny nose.  Over the past few days, this has become my biggest new symptom.  I've had the slight runny nose ever since I got pregnant. I read that it's caused by the hormones.  But the sore throat is stumping me.  It feels like it is caused by dehydration (I'm definitely not sick) but I drink lots of water and it doesn't do anything.  I'm 5 and 1/2 weeks along. I'll be 6 weeks on Thursday/Friday.  I can't wait to start really experiencing symptoms.  Although, I'll probably eat these words when it starts!  
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658868 tn?1247257750
Hi Ladies, I'm 7w 1d according to the date on my first ultrasound two weeks ago. I have been having morning sickness and nausea from the day i turned 6w, like clockwork, though it is comforting to know that my nauseated tummy means a healthy progressing little one. I will keep you guys posted with the result from today's U/S.

Ladybugbob1029, please always remember that we are all in this together, let me know if you need to vent or feel the need to talk .. i will be there for you.

Anya1984, please let me know what you saw in your U/S today.
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94902 tn?1330479667
I had my ultrasound at 6 weeks - got to see my little butter bean fluttering away!  I haven't uploaded the pic yet though.  I know you can't wait for the chance to see yours as well!

I'm glad I"m not alone on the nauseous bit!  I'm not around anyone who is pregnant, so sometimes I kinda feel hopeless about it!  It's only been 2 weeks but 2 weeks straight of 24/7 nausea is getting me down.

Best wishes everyone!
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676143 tn?1312941771
I think I am 6 weeks today - still not sure of exact dates but my first doctors appointment is Monday 11/24 so I'll find out then - yeah!
I just today started feeling a bit queasy and have aching/discomfort in my lower left, sometimes right, abdomen- uterus stretching, hopefully?  I usually just feel the aching when I am sitting, not as much when standing or laying down, not sure what that means.  
Also, I have been really HOT lately.  I am usually cold-natured but the last couple days I get hot really easily - not sure if that has to do with pregnancy or what.  I almost felt like I was gonna pass out while teaching my 5th graders today!  My room is really warm and I opened all the windows and had the fan on and the door opened - my kids probably thought I was crazy!  I was practically teaching w/ my head out the window. haha
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325477 tn?1250551309
so tomorrow you will be 6 weeks?
I will be 7 weeks, very scared and anxious to see my little bean growing :)

I am nausious and hungry too....I can only bare small meals though...and my thoughts of food are always different...one minute I want the sandwitch and when I get it, I am almost vomiting from it....yack! Not complaining though..and I have been light headed often myself...
Well, wish you luck tomorrow!!!!!
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658868 tn?1247257750
Hey, looks like we are on the same schedule for the U/S .. even I have mine tomorrow. My first U/S was when I was 5w and so just saw the sac, so hoping to see something more in tomorrow's U/S.

As far as my symptoms go, have been feeling pretty light headed almost every day, the nausea starts sometime during the afternoon everyday, and I gag at the thought of food. I try eating some toast at about 5pm and that seems to be bearable. By late evening, am so nauseated, i can't look at food (even Ads on TV, just like ladybugbob above) but also very hungry. Also, I can't abide anything sweet .. need something spicy, sour or salty all the time.
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325477 tn?1250551309
yes, I know!!! My nausious feeling is very slight and it comes and goes throughout the day...and being very hungry doesn't make it better...Sometimes, I am so hungry that I get light headed and have to lay down...and then I feel nausious and I can't eat...and then I eat anyway, yack, so that I can function...
I have my u/s tomorrow, will be 7 weeks and praying for the bean to be growing and having a stong heartbeat!
When are you going for u/s?
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568659 tn?1256139982
I figured out what food is going to make me sick this time around, with my son it was grilled chicken. Well, it is cole slaw. I usually love it but now I get so sick, I ate some at work yesterday and the whole  day went downhill from there, every time I brought food out to a table I felt like I was going to vomit.
I am actually loving that I feel sick right now, it lets me know that I am indeed pregnant since I haven't been to a doctor yet. I go in 1 week though, I am so excited.
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94902 tn?1330479667
you are right!  when (if) you get the nauseous feeling all day - you will try anything to make it go away!!!  I can't imagine wanting this feeling, but I guess that's because I got it before I had a chance to wonder if I would get it or not.  Hang in there ladies!!  We'll get through this together!
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94902 tn?1330479667
I am 7 weeks today, and on 6 weeks to the day I started to get the sick feelings.  I pretty much have felt nauseous all day every day since.  Today is the first day I've felt kinda normal.  I HAVE to be constantly putting something in my mouth though.  Lemondrops, crackers, gingerale, etc.  If I get the slightest bit hungry it is SO hard to get over the nauseous feeling.  Sometimes I can't even look at food (even on tv) without feeling sick.  I havent' been vomiting any though - just feeling like I could - so you may be having some of the same kind of symptoms.  Just try to eat small snacks/meals throughout the day.
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325477 tn?1250551309
Yes girls...I am lightly nausios today and I already don't like it even though I am satisfied that I hope my baby is growing....I hope it is some sort of morning sickness because I get it almost everyday.....sometimes I am very hungry, want to eat, prepare the food and then feel bad and can't eat it...so weird!!
Does anyone taking prometrium progesterone vaginally?
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369912 tn?1229650090
Tee Hee!  Totally correct!!!
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568659 tn?1256139982
I know right...

When we finally are feeling sick we are going to be asking for advice on how to make ourselves feel better...women, they never know what they want LOL
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369912 tn?1229650090
Anya and GRose ~ I'm still with you ladies.  Sometimes my bb's barely hurt and I start to worry something has gone wrong.  Who would ever have thought we'd be hear saying: "I want to be sick so bad!!!"  LOL!
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568659 tn?1256139982
Anya, I am with you. Very slight nausea and wish I felt more sick. I was so excited today because my boobs have been hurting pretty badly but now they don't hurt anymore....
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325477 tn?1250551309
How far along are you>? There are people here, like myself that are praying to have Morning Sickness, because we don't experience any symptoms and want to be reassured...LOL....Im 6w3d, and time to time, verly light nausia, that's all...
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94902 tn?1330479667
nausea! nausea! nausea!  I am nauseaus all day everyday.  I feel like **** pretty much all the time!  Smells trigger it!  The sight of food triggers it!  It *****!  I am SO frustrated and starting to feel depressed from feeling sick all day every day.  I don't ever vomit though - so I guess that's good.  I got some pills from my Dr. - actually tabs that you stick under your tongue - and broke down and tried one today, so I've gotten some relief.  Here's hoping this ends soon and I can actually start to enjoy being pregnant!
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i'm six weeks and a day and having bloating, crying and extreme fatigue.  ... thankfully no sickness.  i am hoping bloodwork comes back with a "beta" of higher than 3500 so that i can have the first sonogram tomorrow!!!!
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568659 tn?1256139982
Yeah that sounds about right. I'm glad I am not the only one. I think I got these same pains in my first pregnancy but that was almost 3 years ago so it is hard to remember everything.
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