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is there a way to concieve twins?

i really want twins i dont know why but after having a m/c in nov i just want two babies i think its wonderul but one is fine lol i just want a baby! Is it true it has to be in the genes to concieve twins i dont think anyone in my family had twins. anyone got answers

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My Husband and i are both fraternal twins what are my chances of having twins?? we had a baby in actober last year and are planning to start trying again in may!!
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Fertility drugs or ivf if u can't conceive. Lol hope uu get your twins.
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Hello all, I just found i am pregnant with twins. I am a twin myself. I didn't know twin can get twins. I thought they skip a generation too. But its God's doing that this has happened. I'm still in shock. My twin is pregnant (only 10 days apart from me) but she has only one. This is my second. I have a 6 year old. Now, i have PCOS so my doctor put me on Clomid 100mg to ovulate. Also, unknowingly, i had lots of sweet potatoes for a month before conception. Just to learn when i conceived that yams and sweet potatoes act the same as fertility drugs. I have lots of milk, exercise regularly and eat healthy. The most effective is prayers! I am very lucky and wish the twins are safe and born healthy. In my family (both sides) with have about 6 twins. i am 34. So maybe the combination of all age, genes, diet, fertility and prayers was the secret. All the best to those trying. Baby dust!!!..:)
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Hello! I'm really sorry I didn't forget about you. I tried to write back a few time but it wouldn't let me...It said it was under construction! Anyways I hope all is well!! Kai is getting really big, his last doctors apt he weighed 13lbs! Kena is doing great she will be starting soccer in the fall! How is Baby Adam and Ava doing? I really hope to hear from you soon!

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Hi Steph,

Everything is well, I had my appoitment today and also an U/S and everything looks well.
My little boy is smaller that my little girl because with twins the baby on the right side is considered to be on top of the baby on the left side and that's why my boy is a little smaller, but the dr. was telling me today that doesn't mean anything, usually the smaller baby catches up faster....we'll see, as long as they are healthy it all matters.
My feet started swelling up but no pains and aches:))
Sleeping is getting uncomfortable, I had to buy the wedge pillow to put under my stomach as I sleep because it was so not comfortable.
I have few more weeks to go and I hope to last those 9 more weeks:))
Isabella is doing well and she can't wait for the twins to arrive.
I am so happy everything is well with you and your family.
I must be so hard leaving a little baby behind while going back to work for couple of hours?  I know I had  a hard time leaving after a year of mat leave with Isabella.
Good luck shoppng for a new car:)

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Hello,  Your little girl is huge compared to your little boy...lol! your almost done:) Kai keeps me busy he such a joy it's so different having  boy! I definitely got my  momma's boy! I still haven't bought a new car yet, I'm also looking at the Odyssey. I went back to work on Monday, I still have six weeks bonding leave but I have up to a year to take it. So i will be taking that in the next couple of months. My hours were cut at work so I'm not working long hours...thank god. I work Mon- Fri  and put in 6 hours in a day, not to bad. How are you and Isabella doing? I hope all is well with you and your family!!! Keep me posted!! talk to you soon!!!

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Hi Steph,

Yes, it is so amazing that one moment I had no idea as for the new room and the next thing you know it is all done and almost ready.
Yes, I forgot to let you know the babies weight: Adam is 724 grams and Ava is 747 grams.
As for the new vehicle 2 years ago we bought a brand new Honda Odyssey and I couldn't be more satisfied with it.  It's very roomy and good on gas.
So you are already going back to work already? Wow that's so soon.  How long is your mat leave where you are?
Good luck with choosing a new vehicle it will be fun too choosing it:)

Take care,
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Hello, I'm glad you and both babies are doing great but most importantly healthy. I can't believe how time fly's less then three moths to go!!! HOW EXCITING!!!! Did the doctor tell you what each babies weighs? Isn't it funny how things work out one minute you have no idea what to do with the babies rooms and the next it's almost done:) The good thing about having Adams bed set be done by someone is that no one will have it. I bet Isabella was happy to have her room done also. Kalani took Kena to a Padres baseball game and Kai is hanging out with me today, not much going on just getting ready to go back to work. I'm having a little trouble  with leaving my 6 week old baby home, but I'm hoping I'll get through it!!.  Kalani and I are looking into buying a bigger car right know, so I'm going back and forth on getting a van or a SUV do you have a preference? my husband wants me to choose but I'm probably going to get the one with better gas and more seating so most likely a Toyota sienna.  What ever the car I get as long as we all fit comfortable and have room for a stroller plus groceries....lol!!! Anyways keep me posted with baby news, Take care and Talk to you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi Steph,

So far so good, everything is well with the three of us:)
Last weekend we painted the new nursery room and what we did we painted each wall a different soft colour, one is pink, one blue, one creamy and on one wall we had Roberto's friend who is an artist he painted a beautiful wall window thing with a georgous characters, fairies and little prince, ponnies and nature.   Of course we had to do something new with Isabella's room too, so he painted one wall with a nature view, and some ladybugs which she loves.  It looks really nice and original.
The bedding for Ava will be Isabella's fairies and for Adam I found at the fabric store a georgous prince print and this lady I know at the dry cleaners that does the repairs is working on bedding for Adam.  It should be ready by next week Friday.
You're right the first 2 weeks it felt weird being at home althought sometimes I worked from home.  But we made it busy everyday so I didn't feel it that way all the way but in a way it felt I was lost because of the different routine of the day.
I can't wait to see the babies and be done with.... Lest then 3 months to go:)))
And how are Kena and Kai? And of course You?

As always keep me posted and keep in touch,
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Hello! man it sounds like Isabella is a busy girl..lol! I just signed up Kena for T ball. I'm really hoping she likes it and doesn't get bored I guess time will tell. How funny would that be if baby Ava and Adam come on their dads birthday despite what the doctor says, it just goes to show that no matter how small they are no one can tell them what to do! How are you doing? are you finding your self lost, I remember when I first got off work it seemed like it took a few weeks to get in the groove of things, I have a feeling that I will be completely lost when I go back to work because I've gotten use to being at home lol! As for theme's maybe you can do something like a "prince" and fairy and somehow intertwine them together.  Or you can paint the room a mutual color but decorate each side of the room differently. Anyways I hope your doing great and like always keep in touch! Talk to you soon!

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Hi Steph,
No problem to tell you the truth with the weather being so nice, I haven't been checking my mail as much either, so no worry, and Kai is more important than anything else.
The dr. appoitment went well and the scheduled c-section will be after Robertos b-day as the dr. wants to keep then in as long as possible but then with having twins you never know they might be earlier then expected.  So then they may come close to his b-day or may be on his day:))) LOL
As for the theme I haven't decided yet, as I want to use Isabellas fairy theme for Ava as it is in a brand new condition and I am just having a hard time to match something to that for Adam.   I was going to visit the Pottery Barn but I had no time so I'm not sure yet .
Isabella goes to gymnastics and dance and she wants to play tennis but she too young and we are having a difficult time to convince her so she can understand that.  She has been trying to use my rocket but its big and she is getting trustrated...LOL
But when this term ends with gymnastics and dance we'll give her a little break till september.  In the summer time Roberto will be taking lots of time off work so they will be going swimming a lot as last summer Isabella was not interested in swimming and this year she seems ready for that.
But as always keep in touch,
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Hey Monique, How awesome would that be to celebrate 3 birthdays in one day!! it would be one big party bash!!! and not to mention three different cakes...LUCKY!
It's always great to have family around especially when they help with our kids, i never realize what i can do for myself when I'm by myself, for example a message and a facial. I do have to be a little honest when I do have a little time by myself I catch myself shopping and thinking about my kids...lol!
Have you picked out a theme for Ava and Adams room yet? I have been really busy with Kai, I had forgotten how often baby's eat so every time I think I have free time to get on the computer to write you hes attached to me..lol. I'm feeding him right now but I'm doing really good typing with one hand:) So i apologize for not writing you back right away! I don't want you to think I'm ignoring you. Now that I know I can type with one hand I will make a better/faster effort to write back sooner. How is Isabella doing? Kena  just finished basketball camp she had a blast, I'm going to put her in soccer but she doesn't know it yet..lol! so I guess I should tell her huh! Anyways I can't wait to hear how your apt went!! Keep me posted! Talk to you soon:)

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Hi Steph,

I have to totally  agree with you, husbands are great in helping around the house.  Roberto is great too, he does the laundry too recently from start to folding and even ironing ... which I hate especially his dress shirts.....
Isabelle likes to help with laundry, she likes to take it out of the dryer and passes to you to fold.  So she has a new partner for that chore:)))
She is so excited with me being home, we do so much together.  This week my dad is off work so he whenever he's off my parents like to take Isabella out places so I will have some extra time just for m self.  I planned few things: manicure and pedicure, and check the pottery barn and pick few thigs I have in mind and I like to do few things in the new nursery room....just my way with noone in the way...LOL:)))
So tomorrow we have my dr. appoitment and we'll ask for the actual day for the c-section.  Roberto really wants to be on his b-day.  (3 celebrations in 1 day and be done!:))))
I will definitely let you know how it went and you keep me posted too:)
Take care,
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Hi Monique, I'm not pregnant anymore and I still get tired going up and down the stairs...LOL!!!!  It's always nice when our husbands help out:) Kalani folded our laundry while I fed Kai he actually did a really good job! I told him  that, that was going to be his new chore...lol!! I'm glad your enjoying your time off, is Isabella loving you being home? I have feeling your going to get really big at the end your pregnancy and I'm sure your going to look great.  I can't wait to hear about your next apt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck and take care. Talk to you soon!

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Hi Steph,

I am so happy everything is well with you and the children.
He is really growing:)
My belly is coming out nicely, it's all babies, the size of my belly is as been 4 months expecting one baby.  But babies are bigger then should be for the weeks I am.  But everything is well.  But, yes I do start getting tired faster, especially walking up and down the stairs I go breathless (like an old woman..LOL)
I try not to go shopping alone but to have someone with me.  Roberto is really good shopping on his way home form work so I don't have to lift lots of bags with heavy items.
I just take my time and being careful.
Next Tuesday is my next appoitment and so we will talk about the due date:)))
Everything else is fine and fun being at home:)

Keep me posted and talk to you soon,
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Hello!!! HAPPY BELATED EASTER!! My Easter was good, Kena had loads of fun so that's all that mattered to my husband and I.  Easter did go by super fast but for some funny reason Kena still can get me to hide plastic eggs for her..lol!  That's an awesome Idea to have your babies on your husband birthday!!! you can never give a better gift to your husband:)
I'm doing really good! Kai is awesome, I'm still trying to adjust having two kids when I'm out and about but Kena is such a good help that it's not as stressful as I thought it was going to be. The only thing I have trouble with is having to stop everything while I'm out shopping to feed him. The good thing is that once hes fed hes out like a lite and I can shop away lol!  Kai had his two weeks apt a few days ago and he weighs 8lbs 6oz!!! my little chunky monkey. Hows the belly coming along???? do you get tired really fast because your carrying two? I'm really happy to hear that Isabella is completely of the puffer!! I bet she's more excited then anyone:) Anyways good luck with your next apt!!! and Keep me posted!!!!!!! Take care and Talk to you soon!!!!

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How was your Easter? I hope you had lots of fun:)
Ours was nice just with the family and as always went by fast.
I am so happy I am off work even though I love my job, I won't miss them...LOL
It's my time to relax and enjoy the rest of the pregnency and then the new babies:)
As for the due date for the c-section it will be around my husbands birthday and he's suggesting to have them on his b-day.  So this is something we will bring up to the doctor next week on my appoitment:) I was born on my dad's b-day, and Roberto thinks it will be cute to have them on his day.  
Isabella is off the puffers and is doing well too.
And how are things with you? How are you feeling, are things back to normal with you after giving birth?
Keep me posted as always:)
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Hello!!! I'm happy to hear that your babies are doing great!!!!!!!!!!! I have to agree with the doctor on why they choose to take woman off of work early when pregnant with twins, just because you never know what can happen. The good thing is know you can get ready for your babies to come and not have to worry about work the next day:)
I'm sure your job will miss you BUT not as much as you will miss them...lol!!! Glad to hear your doing great. I have to say how lucky your are to have your doctor schedule your due date before he leaves on vacation so he can do it!! I have a friend who had a similar situation with the doc leaving but she had to have a C section done by a doctor she never met. Enjoy your time off and keep me posted:) Take care!!!!!! Talk to you soon!!

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Hi Steph,
yesterdays appoitments went well, babies are doing great.  They're both healthy and I'm feeling well too.  This is my last week of work, apperantly when having twins and being at High Risk they only let you work till 22 weeks.  So yesterday I got my dr's note:)
My boss at work was very surprised, because I don't complain about anything and also
this week is a short week too.  Kind of short notice and shock for everyone.
But I have to do what's more importatnt for the best health of my babies and my right now.  I have 15 more weeks to go, as 3 weeks before the due day I will have my c-section (that's because my doctor is taking some holidays closer to my due date and I really want him to do it.
So that's what's new with us:)

Take care and have a wodnerful Easter!!!!!
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Hi Steph,

I think when you're nursing it's just the same as the pregnancy eating, because you have to produce the milk, I was the same way with Isabella.  Don't worry I'm sure you look beautiful:)
I can't wait to have my u/s done tomorrow (one a month) yes they can tell and even my dr. tells me the same that when he tries to look for the heart beat the Ava is more active and she tends to move away and it is the same with u/s it took longer the last time and the time before because she moves away.  But as for their movements I feel stronger movements from Adam and I feel him more then Ava (so go figure)
For Easter we go to church on Good Friday and Easter Sunday mass then we have a family dinner.  We don't really do anything major, just because it's just us, my parents and my sister with her hubby (they  have no kids so it's just Isabella)
I will definitely keep you posted how tomorrows appoitments go.
Take care and stay healthy,

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HI Monique, I'm sure you look great pregnant with twins!!!!! as for eating like a pig I'm positive Adam and Ava love you for that!!!..lol!!! the problem I have is that i can't stop eating like a pig since i had Kai...lol. I'm really happy to hear that Isabella is down to one puffer. I almost forgot to grab Kai's bag again BUT my husband asked if i had packed some extra socks for him and when he said that it rang a bell so I ran back in to the house and grabbed it..lol! ever since then I would like to say I have been really good about the diaper bag thing!!
How exciting to have another ultrasound.....I miss those days!!!!!  are you able to tell which baby is more active with the ultrasound? I think it's really neat that Adam is named after your great grandfather and way to start the trend with the name Ava!!!
I'm looking forward to Easter cause it will be Kai's first Easter, he wont remember anything but it will be fun lol! What do you and your family have planned for Easter?  I hope all is well! have fun at you next doctors appointment!!!  And like always keep me posted!! take care and talk to you soon!!!

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Hi Steph,

That's so funny when you said you left Kai diaper bag, when we had Isabella that happened to us a lot when we were visiting my parents, except they live 10 houses down the street.  Few minutes after coming home my parents were back with the bag...LOL:)
I am so happy Kai is growing well and everything is well:)
I am ok, no sikness at all, I was the same way with Isabella, as for my size I must say I am carring diffeent.  With Isabella I was more round and now I am more out front.  The docotr told me at the last visit that according to the last U/S the babies were according to the weeks in size and my stomach was the size of the  weeks with single baby.  He said it's babies and nothing extra on me:)))  So that was nice to hear, especially because I have been eating like a pig recently:))) LOL
My next visit I have on April 7th and also an u/s that morning before seeing the doctor.  
Yes, we really like the names Adam and Ava ( my mom told me my great gradfather was Adam and so was my husbads grandfather, so that's nice.  Ava will be first in both sides of the families)
Isabella is much better, we had another follow up this morning, and now she's down to only orange puffer 2 times a day.  She says the blue one smells....:)) and next Wednesday another follow up with her and hopefully no more puffers for Easter:)

As always take care and keep me posted:)

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Hello Monique, I have to agree with you on the names Adam and Ava, those two names are beautiful!!!! and I'm sure those names will fit each baby perfectly:) I really hope Isabella gets better to the point to were she doesn't have to use the puffer.
i believe her when she says they stink because Iv had my own encounter with the puffers...lol!
Kai is doing really well, hes eating a lot more and getting bigger with each day that goes by. My husband and i were laughing the other day cause we left to my in laws and forgot his diaper bag!!! I guess you could say were still adjusting to having a little  one around, the good thing is that I'm breastfeeding so feeding him wasn't a problem we just had to make a extra stop and buy diapers and an extra outfit.
  How are you doing, have you had any sickness yet? ( I hope that you don't). have you felt the babies move yet? and are you getting a lot bigger at this time then when you were pregnant with Isabella? Good luck with your next apt! I can't wait to hear from you!!!

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Hi Steph,
How did the dr. appoitment went with Kena?  Isabella is still on her puffers starting today only twice a day (morning and night) I can't wait to have off of them, it's a big pain and she doesn't like them and it's a big battle to give it to her properly.  She screams and says they stink, :))))
I am so happy that your little boy is doing well and he is a great eater and sleeper, I'm sure it will stay that way.  As in the beggining it takes a little time for them to get into a routine.  I find girls are great helpers with tiny babies:)  
As for the names it seems as we agreed on Adam and Ava and that's what Isabella and my husband is reffering to them, so as for now no changes and that's what they are:)
And I must say I really like these names.   But who knows just like you said you changed few times before he came.  We had the same thing when we were awaiting for Isabella.  We started with Isabella then we were thinking of something else but everytime we would go back to Isabella :))
My next follow up with my dr. and next u/s is on April 7th, that's next week on Tuesday, I can't wait.
And as always keep me posted and I will do the same:)
Take care:)

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