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363110 tn?1340920419

OT~ Rude/Offbeat questions during pregnancy?

Ok, so at work today I was discussing with my friends about the ligament pain I've been getting. (I'm very open about discussing my pregnancy) and all of a sudden a guy I know (not well mind you) asks me infront of about 4 women.:

Are you dialated yet?

OMG~ I turned, smiled and said.. no but do you really think I aughto answer that?  His response was that he has like 4 sisters and a mom and has seen it all and was just curious. I kind of made fun of him saying I was suprised he knew the word DIALATED.  it made the ladies crack up. he's lucky I'm a happy (mostly) open person. Any other woman and he may have found his cell phone smashed!

What are some rude or off questions that ppl have asked you during this or previous pregnancies?!
48 Responses
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323702 tn?1217775973
Well just like ost of you ladies I hate to have some stranger walk up and touch my belly it is so annoying. I dont mind the comments cause I love being pregnant and if they do bother I just ignore them. But the belly touching I hate so I went out and got a shirt that says Touch The Belly Lose A Hand and it has alittle hand print on it. People laugh when I wear it and I just tell them its true would you like to try it... LOL I Love that shirt.
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503882 tn?1288843037
lol I agree with whoever said that people feel more comfortable around pregnant women.. I have been so suprised at how many people that I dont know at all will strike up conversation with me about my pregnancy.. It usually embarasses me like why do they care?? you know.. Im glad that they are happy that theres a baby being born but they dont have any idea who I am.. Idk its just weird lol and yeah Martikadragoon it is like they put their hands on your stomach and expect something magical to happen.. lol sorry but my baby doesn't move 24/7 and when he does i usually get kicked in the ribs and can't feel much from outside anyways.. lol hes already starting to get pretty squished in there.. and wendy80 I agree 100% touching is fine rubbing is not.. lol there should be like a 5 second rule for belly touchers.. kind of like the 5 second rule when you drop food on the ground. haha
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363110 tn?1340920419
I agree about the "crystal ball" thing. Sometimes ppl will touch my stomach and stare at it as tho they expect something to happen... HELLO my son does NOT move on command!

I'm even ok with Pat's like when they touch your belly and pat it a couple times... as long as they don't continue to do it or stand there for more than 2-3 sec.
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276983 tn?1308574048
That's funny you compared it to staring into a crystal ball b/c the most awkward "belly touch" I've had was from a co-workers husband who apparently really likes pregnant bellies (seems a little odd to me, but to each their own).  He happened to be in the office to see his wife and she brings him right up to me and says "go ahead, touch it" (I felt oddly like I was in a petting zoo) and he proceeds to put both hands on either side of my belly (like the nurse did to you) and then sort of rubs like he's trying to get the genie to come out of the lamp.  It was all very awkward... needless to say, when he comes into the office now, I make sure to steer clear of him and his wife.  =)  Touching is ok... rubbing is not ok (unless it's your hubby or a close relative I suppose).
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503882 tn?1288843037
lol Yeah I have probably only had 4 strangers touch my belly.. and they were people that I see everyday but I dont "know" like I work with them but they aren't friends or anything.. The one that made me most uncomfortable was this nurse that normally works in the emergency room.. I was like filling out paperwork on a patient and she peeks her head in the room and says "what are you doing??" and Im like "filling out this paperwork" and then she like gets really close to me and puts her right hand on the left side of my belly and her left hand on the right side of my belly like shes gonna squeeze it or something.. and she just like stands there looking at it.. Im like ummm... lol what the hell am i supposed to do now?? so I just smile at her and try to turn away and she doesnt budge! shes just like "You are sooo cute!!" then proceeds to tell me about how she just had a baby like 5 months ago but they are trying to have another one and how she hopes her belly looks like mine when she gets pregnant and blabedy blah.. the whole time keeping both of her hands on my belly.. well finally she let go.. but man.. like I dont mind when people put there hand on my belly and say "wow your getting big!" or "when are you due?" and then take it off but you dont need to sit and stare at it like a crystal ball!! jeeeez! lol
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276983 tn?1308574048
It's good to know that I'm not the only one getting comments about how big I am.  It doesn't necessarily bother me b/c I'm basically all belly right now, but it's amazing how many people in the past month have stopped me to ask when I'm due, and then when I tell them, their jaw drops open or they ask if I'm having twins.  It's almost funny though b/c at this point I can actually tell what people's responses are going to be when I tell them that "no, I'm not actually due any day now... I've still got another 2 months left".  I actually have people INSISTING that I must have twins in there b/c there's no way I could possibly be this big and still have 2 months left before my due date... as though my doctor might miss a second baby in my uterus (keeping in mind I've had maybe 7 ultrasounds at this point).  

People just have a tendency to feel very "open" around pregnant women (be it a good or a bad thing) so I think what happens is a lot of these people who make rude or offbeat comments are just missing that little part of their brain that usually tells them, "hmm, perhaps we'll keep that comment inside of our heads instead of blurting it out loud".  
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363110 tn?1340920419
Motherofan18montold~ OMG I'd have KILLED him. I've had guys like that who wound up obsessing because I was nice to them. If ANY guy touched my body without invite he'd get slapped or worse!

Atlantisea~ IDK what'd be worse... having a kid tell me that or an adult. Since i've had an adult say it already..... i'm waiting for one of my brother's little friends to say something.

mj_mommy_manda~ I KNOW about the "defense" because I play it myself on occasion. however sometimes it doesn't stop ppl....you know, those really, REALLY determined ones!

Riot~ Thank god I haven't had a guy hit on me like that. I'd be liable to hit him!
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293420 tn?1243142938
I had an old man look at my wedding rings and say "does that ring have anything to do with that baby?" Who asks someone if they got married because they were pregnant? I was like "NO! I'm due on my 1st anniversary...do the math!"
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384896 tn?1335294331
I TOTALLY feel you girl.

I get some really RUDE young, and middle-aged guys that constantly stare me down, ask me if I'm single or if I wanna be [[if they see my mister man near by]].
They tell me that they LOVE pregnant women, that it "Turns them on" just thinking about having sex with me.
Or they tell me that they have a fetish for pregnant women and they'd "Love to give me a try..." or some sh*t like that.

I've gotten some pretty RUDE-A$$ remarks from guys lately and it drives me insane!
I almost dread having to go in public by myself because where I live, the city is dangerous... you never know what someone's gunna try n do.
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503882 tn?1288843037
This topic is too funny.. I get mean looks from old ladies.. but i expected that considering Im young and all.. people like to touch my belly all the time.. especially at work.. The guys actually touch it more than the women which suprised me but at the same time it doesnt offend me because they dont rub it or sit there with their hand on it for an hour like the women do.. lol usually if I spot a belly toucher I will put my clipboard (i register patients at a hospital) up in front of my stomach so they cant touch it or if I dont have my clipboard I will cross my arms across the top of my stomach or rest a hand on my stomach because they dont touch it if Im blocking them.. Lol playing some defense.  No one has really made rude comments to me yet.. I get weird looks from some people because they dont know if Im pregnant or just fat.. but i always laugh about that after I walk away lol
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448723 tn?1301454958
My most upsetting moment so far this pregnancy was this morning. My children quite rudely informed me that my bottom is getting really fat.

I know I should be able to brush that off (probably reacting because of the hormones) but for some reason it hurt even more coming from them and I went to have a shower and bawled my eyes out.

Later when they realised that I was upset and they asked why, I explained that what they had said really hurt my feelings.

To their credit they did try to comfort me with - 'We didn't mean it' and 'We were just tricking'. Unfortunately, the damage is done. Children can be honest to a fault.
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377012 tn?1283965435
i worked as a waitress in a lil restaurant for railroaders (CSX) and for a year all the men would whistle at me and make rude remarks about my *** or my bb's and then when i got preggo with my son they literally took it to far and would reach out and rub my belly or tell me that i still looked good pregnant......it was really rude...my husband threatened one of the guys because he would follow me around and ask me if i wanted to leave DH and told me that he really wished it was his kid i was having (the guy was so obsessed with me only because i was nice/friendly to him) thats around the same time i started having anxiety/ panic attacks...to this day i think he was the one who triggered them.....about a month ago i actually had a dream about working there again an i woke up having a very severe panic attack!.....seriously that's the rudest i had ever been treated in my life!!!!!!!!
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419158 tn?1316571604
I got that same comment AGAIN when a lady inthe restroom asked me when I was due. I told her and she said " You must be having twins"
I am kinda big, all stomach, but watch I have a tiny baby!!
I guess I better get used to this!!
7more weeks, unless I get LUCKY:)
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363110 tn?1340920419
haha... it's funny, for a week or two I was getting "wow your big!" now it's WOW your small. I'm about 30w2d and by looking at me I look around 5 1/2-6mo. instead of 7 1/2.. :)

I'm sure ther'll be more to come later!
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Good one today:  This lady was at my moms house today and she said: OH MY GOD, youre big,m are you sure its just one?  Im like: yes, I am! (argh!)
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Oh, and I just have to say. . . I've been one of those people to just reach my hands out and touch someone's belly.  I realized after the fact how inappropriate it was (it was a co-worker of mine) but as someone who has never been pregnant, yet would love to be, just the fact that there is this living being inside of someone is so completely miraculous to me.  I think for th emost part people mean well.   At least I know I did.
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There is this guy from my state whose wife tragically passed away 27 hours after giving birth to their beautiful daughter.  (an embolism)  People make the stupidest comments to him.  After his wife passed away, a nurse actually suggested he give his daughter up for adoption instead of raising her alone.  Then when he's out alone with his 12 week old daughter, people will come up to him and say, "Oh, you're playing the mom today."  Just really rude comments.

You should check out his website where he blogs about this whole experience.  It's really heartwarming.
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363110 tn?1340920419
Your funny! I had another girl early in pregnancy during training tell me "if you keep eating that your gonna blow up" I was eating wendy's because It was all that was available and at the time I didn't have the time to go shopping or the money for anything more than the $$ menu.

I talked to her like a month ago at 6+ months and was like "ha, I haven't blown up so what you told me was complete Bullcr*p"

it did make me feel a little superior. I still get the "sad" looks when I walk out of the bathroom at work after throwing up from m/s. I get told "it'll be over soon" by women who don't realize I've had it my whole pregnancy.
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384896 tn?1335294331
I think the worst comment I've gotten was, "My! Do you have more than one baby in there you're huge!"

Seeing at the time I was only a little over 5 months... that shot my self esteem RIGHT down the drain- but threw my temper through the roof! lol!

I ended up saying to her, "Excuse me, I'm f*cking SORRY I'm not a skinny lil sk@nk B*TCH with a flat f*cking tummy! I've only got one baby in there but who the F*CK are YOU to judge ME and MY fat belly! B*TCH!"

I was at the bus terminal waiting to watch the bus to go back home.
So needless to say I was screaming at the top of my lungs in rage while surrounded by atleast 100 people that are staring with their jaws dropped.


Then my sister-in-law,  not that b*tch Ashley I was telling you about, but my other one Mona, she's nice.
And I don't think she meant to say this in a mean way, but she said to me, "Wow! You're really BIG for 5 months!"

Then ofcoarse my grandmother that rambles about how I don't need to put on too much weight and I'm like, "Gramma. I lost 40lbs when I first got pregnant.  I've only gained 20 lbs BACK since then. I'm 6 1/2  months pregnant, that's OKAY."


Then ofcoarse there's those random people that I run into while I'm walking around downtown that have like this URGE to reach out and put their hands on my like they're somebody while saying some f*cked up sh*t like, "You look like you're about to burst girl!" or "You look like you're about to esplode!" or "Are you having twins??"


I officially hate my life as of today.

I'm fat and STARVING right now.
I got a LIST-O-SH*T that I'm NOT allowed to eat as of 3 hours ago cuz I go for my glucose screaning tomorrow.

I just had Josh make me some scrambled eggs  because I've had nothing but corn on the cob all day today.
I've been eating that sh*t like crack yo!
It's my FAVE! lolol!
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419158 tn?1316571604
The ruddest comment was after my 2nd son was born. My SIL and BIL and their kids were in town and we desided to get together at Old Contry Buffet for dinner. My son was about a week old and while I was in the buffet line the guy that was cutting the meat asked me when I was due!! I felt humiliated!! I was still bloated and still looked pregnant kinda but, I had my baby a week ago!!!! It made me mad!!!

This pregnancy.......Fathers day we all went to the zoo. After a full day of fun we went to leave and my hubby had to use the restroom, so while he was gone me and my boys waited out side. A cute little girl about maybe 8 years old came up to me and asked how many babies I was having??? I thought that was kinda cute:) Untill I told he one and she said really? It looks like your having two!! She smiled and walked away!! OMG!!  I have people like this on a daily basis asking when Im due and telling me how huge I am when I say I still have two months left!! My mom included!! She insists that Im having twins and that the u/s missed one. My mom told me today that I shouldnt be surprised if I deliver a girl instead of a boy because the diffrence in this pregnancy and my last 2!! She said cause I havent gained much weight and all!!
UGH!!! I think all pregnant woman need blinders and ear plugs!!!!
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398532 tn?1231463960
The worst comment I have gotten this time around was from a dental assistant that said
"You're about to pop huh?" ARGH! That made me so mad! I'm 7 months and I've only gained 2 pounds tyvm!
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316015 tn?1216733431
The rudest comment I had was after I had my daughter. I had her Tuesday night and my aunt came up Wednesday afternoon and said "Wow! You still look REALLY pregnant!" That really made me mad! Some things you just keep to yourself.

On a good note, I was at Wal-Mart two days before I had her waiting in line and my mom and I heard the lady behind us tell the guy she was with how cute I looked. It made me feel good to know that SOME people have some sence! ;-)
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362249 tn?1441315018
I hear thats a big grrrrr thing my dh's cousin and his GF just had a baby she said peeps  did that her and it was a pain in the rear lol!! So trust me i never tried to touch her stomach but me personally i dont want to touch any1's not that its gross but im TTC and dont like being reminded of how i cant so i just stay away!1
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oh i hate the "i HAVE to touch your belly thing" with family it doesn't bother me so much. my aunts, grandma, mom and even my 1 yr old nephew always rub my belly. (lol it's so cute when my nephew does it. my mom will look at him and say where's the babies? he crawls/scoots over to me and rubs my belly and says "baby") but when strangers do it....totally freaks me out!!! why would you just start rubbing a total strangers belly? and saying oh pregnant women don't mind.....such ********!!! having someone do that irritates the hell out of me!
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