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1035252 tn?1427227833

Question about Micronor

So I decided not to get the Mirena...with all of my headache problems, my neurologist said it was a bad idea to do...because it can cause/increase headaches.

So my OB and I decided to try the mini-pill Micronor because it's the least likely to increase or exacerbate headaches. My question is...has anyone taken this? How did you like it? What were your side effects?

the big one...how much did it cost before insurance? Our insurance is screwy right now so I might be having to pay out of pocket for a few months' worth of the Micronor and I'm hoping it's not too expensive...has anyone done online pharmacies? are they cheaper?

Anyway I'm looking forward to this one because I've read a lot of wonderful things about it, and it's also one of the least likely to cause weight gain which I am ecstatic about because I am desperately trying to lose post-baby lbs.

Micronor users past or present...please share any info!
26 Responses
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1035252 tn?1427227833
we've tried the food change..I've gone gluten-free, high protein, low protein, sugar free (hated that one)...all natural with no processed foods...

it's been a nightmare because we can't seem to pinpoint any sort of a trigger, although as the years go by I'm starting to learn minor triggers that if I avoid them I can keep a headache from getting worse....but when I say we've tried everything I mean everything...

massage, acupuncture, they even tried a tea regimen on me when I was 15 because it was some holistic approach...nada for that too...,they've tried sinus medicines, blood pressure medicines, caffeine...you name it we've tried it. I think the dose of topamax that I was on was 75 and they brought me up to 150...they tried lamictal as well I believe when I was younger...I don't know why that one sticks out in my head but I think I remember either something very good or something very bad about it..hmm...should ask my neurologist to look it up in my history.

but thank you so much for responding....just cause nothing's worked so far doesn't mean I'm going to give up, lol...I'm willing to try anything, to be honest. I'm even willing to re-try some of the things I've tried over the past 20+ years that didn't work before...when you CAN'T remember a time in your life without debilitating headaches i think you'd be crazy not to try whatever comes your way, heh.
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1346146 tn?1299360497
I tried depakote, lamictal, etc. the list is so long, they didnt give me the maintence dose with the topomax, that is why I think it worked for me.  I took 250 mg and they said they would even allow me to go to 400mg if needed.  (I started at 25 mg and worked up)  Anyway, I hope you find something soon.  I did notice that a change in diet did help too.  Certain processed foods would just make things worse.  Maybe if you kept a food journal. As far as the birth control, sorry I cant be of more help.  Good luck to you.
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470885 tn?1326329037
Looks like you've already got lots of great info/advice.....

I'm on Micronor now (have been since 6 weeks PP) and haven't had any side effects whatsoever.  No bleeding, nothing.  And my milk supply has remained intact - which is why I'm on it in the first place....if I weren't BFing, I'd be on the combination pill, it's much more reliable and doesn't require that you take it at the same time every day (as I'm typing this....I'm realizing I've forgotten to take mine today....CRAP!...going to do that NOW!)  

Being in Canada, I know nothing about the insurance part of your question...sorry!
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1303813 tn?1303159362
I dont know the other name for it...

But if you do get it... make sure you eat before after and or during taking it. Because it will give you serious chest paiins and lack of breath and dizziness. PLEASE :)

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1035252 tn?1427227833
thank you Cassandra I'll ask about that..and thanks for the info I appreciate it :)
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1035252 tn?1427227833
my insurance didn't cover that, Jezi...that's what I originally wanted. but now since my insurance is screwed up and I would have to pay out of pocket anyway it may be an option if the Micronor turns out to be awful or too expensive..I'd rather kick out $300 in one shot then keep paying month by month until whenever we decide to TTC again.
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1303813 tn?1303159362
For more information about any other possible risks associated with this medicine, please read the information provided with the medicine or consult your doctor or pharmacist.

How can this medicine affect other medicines?
It is important to tell your doctor or pharmacist what medicines you are already taking, including those bought without a prescription and herbal medicines, before you start treatment with this medicine. Similarly, check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any new medicines while taking this one, to ensure that the combination is safe.

You should not take other medicines that contain paracetamol in combination with this medicine, as this can easily result in exceeding the maximum recommended daily dose of paracetamol. Many cold and flu remedies and over-the-counter painkillers contain paracetamol, so be sure to check the ingredients of any other medicines before taking them with this one.

This medicine should not be taken at the same time as, or within 14 days of taking a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), for example the antidepressants phenelzine, tranylcypromine or isocarboxacid.

There may be an increased risk of drowsiness and sedation if this medicine is taken with any of the following (which can also cause drowsiness):

antipsychotics, eg haloperidol
barbiturates, eg phenobarbital, amobarbital
benzodiazepines, eg diazepam, temazepam
other opioid painkillers, eg morphine, dihydrocodeine
sedating antihistamines, eg chlorphenamine, hydroxyzine
sleeping tablets, eg zopiclone
tricyclic antidepressants, eg amitriptyline.
Cholestyramine reduces the absorption of paracetamol from the gut. It should not be taken within an hour of taking paracetamol or the effect of the paracetamol will be reduced.

Metoclopramide and domperidone may increase the absorption of paracetamol from the gut.

Long-term or regular use of paracetamol may increase the anti-blood-clotting effect of warfarin and other anticoagulant medicines, leading to an increased risk of bleeding. This effect does not occur with occasional pain-killing doses. If you are taking an anticoagulant medicine and you are also taking co-codamol regularly, your blood clotting time (INR) should be regularly monitored.

If you take it., Make sure you eat before or after taking it.

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1303813 tn?1303159362
How does it work?
Solpadol caplets, capsules and effervescent tablets all contain two active ingredients, paracetamol and codeine phosphate. This combination of medicines is often referred to as co-codamol. (NB. Co-codamol is also available without a brand name, ie as the generic medicine.)

Paracetamol is a simple painkilling medicine used to relieve mild to moderate pain. Despite its widespread use for over 100 years, we still don't fully understand how paracetamol works to relieve pain. However, it is now thought that it works by reducing the production of prostaglandins in the brain and spinal cord.

The body produces prostaglandins in response to injury and certain diseases. One of the effects of prostaglandins is to sensitise nerve endings, causing pain (presumably to prevent us from causing further harm to the area). As paracetamol reduces the production of these nerve sensitising prostaglandins it is thought it may increase our pain threshold, so that although the cause of the pain remains, we can feel it less.

Codeine is a stronger painkiller known as an opioid. Opioid painkillers work by mimicking the action of naturally occurring pain-reducing chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins are found in the brain and spinal cord and reduce pain by combining with opioid receptors.

Codeine mimicks the action of natural endorphins by combining with the opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord. This blocks the transmission of pain signals sent by the nerves to the brain. Therefore, even though the cause of the pain may remain, less pain is actually felt.

Solpadol caplets, capsules and effervescent tablets contain 30mg of codeine, which in combination with the paracetamol, is effective at relieving severe pain.

What is it used for?
Severe pain.
This medication may cause drowsiness. If affected do not drive or operate machinery. Avoid alcoholic drink.
Do not take this medicine with any other products that contain paracetamol. Many over-the-counter painkillers and cold and flu remedies contain paracetamol. It is important to check the ingredients of any medicines you buy without a prescription before taking them in combination with this medicine. Seek further advice from your pharmacist.
An overdose of paracetamol is dangerous and capable of causing serious damage to the liver and kidneys. You should never exceed the dose stated in the information leaflet supplied with this medicine. Immediate medical advice should be sought in the event of an overdose with this medicine, even if you feel well, because of the risk of delayed, serious liver damage.
Alcohol increases the risk of liver damage that can occur if an overdose of paracetamol is taken. The hazards of paracetamol overdose are greater in persistant heavy drinkers and in people with alcoholic liver disease.
If this medicine is taken regularly for long periods of time, the body can become tolerant to it and it may become less effective at relieving pain. With prolonged use, the body may also become dependent on the codeine. As a result, withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness and irritability may occur if the medicine is then stopped suddenly. If you find you need to use this medicine all the time you should consult your doctor for advice.
Consult your doctor if your symptoms persist despite taking this medicine.
Taking a painkiller for headaches too often or for too long can actually make the headaches worse.
Use with caution in
Elderly people
Weak or debilitated people
Decreased kidney function
Decreased liver function
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism)
Low blood pressure (hypotension)
Narrowing of the urethra, causing difficulty passing urine
Enlarged prostate gland (prostatic hypertrophy)
People at risk of bowel obstruction, eg due to constipation
Inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease
Biliary tract disorders, eg recent surgery on the biliary tract
Underproduction of natural steroid hormones by the adrenal glands (Addison's disease)
Myasthenia gravis.
Solpadol effervescent tablets contain sodium. They should be avoided in people with kidney problems and those on a low sodium diet.
Not to be used in
Children under 12 years of age
Slow, shallow breathing (respiratory depression)
People having an asthma attack
Alcohol intoxication (acute alcoholism)
People with a head injury or raised pressure inside the skull (raised intracranial pressure)
Paralysis or inactivity in the intestines that prevents material moving through the gut (paralytic ileus).
Solpadol effervescent tablets contain sorbitol and are not suitable for people with rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance.
This medicine should not be used if you are allergic to one or any of its ingredients. Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you have previously experienced such an allergy.

If you feel you have experienced an allergic reaction, stop using this medicine and inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Certain medicines should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, other medicines may be safely used in pregnancy or breastfeeding providing the benefits to the mother outweigh the risks to the unborn baby. Always inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, before using any medicine.

Paracetamol is not known to be harmful when used during pregnancy. However, the safety of codeine has not been established. If codeine is used in the third trimester it may cause withdrawal symptoms in the baby after birth. As a result, this medicine should be used with caution during pregnancy, and only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs any potential risk to the infant. Seek medical advice from your doctor.
Paracetamol and codeine may pass into breast milk in amounts that are probably too small to be harmful in most people. However, on very rare occasions, codeine taken by a nursing mother may cause side effects in the breast-fed baby. These side effects may include drowsiness or sedation, difficulty breastfeeding, vomiting, breathing difficulties and floppiness in the nursing baby. The baby may be more likely to experience side effects if the mother experiences side effects such as drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite or breathing difficulties after taking codeine. You should seek medical advice from your doctor before taking this medicine if you are breastfeeding.You should stop taking this medicine and consult your doctor immediately or seek emergency medical care if your baby shows any of the symptoms just mentioned.
Label warnings
Do not take more than 2 at any one time. Do not take more than 8 in 24 hours.
Do not take this medication with any other products containing paracetamol.
This medication may cause drowsiness. If affected do not drive or operate machinery. Avoid alcoholic drink.
Side effects
Medicines and their possible side effects can affect individual people in different ways. The following are some of the side effects that are known to be associated with this medicine. Just because a side effect is stated here does not mean that all people using this medicine will experience that or any side effect.

Nausea and vomiting.
Shortness of breath.
Mood changes.
Difficulty in passing urine (urinary retention).
Skin rash.
Dry mouth.
Slowed heart rate.
Contraction of the pupils.
The side effects listed above may not include all of the side effects reported by the drug's manufacturer.

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145992 tn?1341345074
Why don't you try the copper IUD?  There are no hormones at all.  That's what I use.  I only have slight side effects but nothing major.
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1303813 tn?1303159362
*****... I'm trying to think what other tabs I've had.
cause it is different for everyone.. if it doesnt work for some, might work for others and vice versa. Solpadol...???

Solpadol might help. They give it to you in hosp WHILST PREGNANT.... So but there is another name for it as well... I just cant think of it...

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1035252 tn?1427227833
oh just looked it up..it's the same as the medicine I'm already taking for my tachycardia, propanolol, in how it works...and it also works similarly to toprimate which is topamax which I've tried and did nothing....but it was a nice thought, lol
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1035252 tn?1427227833
no of course i'll definitely ask...I've got to put a call in to my neurologist today anyway because the triptan he told me to try this week did absolutely nothing...big surprise...so he's gotta call something else in and I'll ask. thanks for the tip!
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1303813 tn?1303159362
I am not 100% its called Piztofen in your neck of the woods, cause everything has a different name??
Talk to the professionals, But they really helped me, And I was/ am like how you were at the end of your pregnancy... I took them and was fine....

It annoys me, cause everyone says my headaches aint that bad and I am attention seeking. If I can give them my headaches to prove them wrong! Woah they'd cry LOL..

at least you are getting it sorted though. But like I said talk to your specialist about your options mention the medications that people have mentioned on here and in other places. and they can tell you if its safe for you to use too :) But talk about them at least there is no harrm in that right?

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1035252 tn?1427227833
'scuse me I meant to say "i conceived and miscarried" not convinced..brain fart.
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1035252 tn?1427227833
thanks trying I guess I was typing when you posted lol...topamax did nada for me :(. they've tried depacote as well and were very hopeful but again..nothing. we tried vitamin therapy and I think it was D, B12, magnesium and potassium and that seemed to help with the symptoms like nausea and light sensitivity but didn't really help with pain or frequency..thank you for sharing your story!

thank you Michele! I have to have some sort of hormonal because I really really can't get pregnant again yet...after all the problems right before delivery and 2 deliveries in less than 2 years my body needs to rest...but I'm apparently really fertile. I convinced and miscarried while taking the combined pill and I was taking it correctly and at the same time (i used to set an alarm, lol)...and I had been taking it for like 6 years before that with no problem....and then with my daughter and son they were both conceived first month trying after coming off of bc pills....so I really really need to use something hormonal because even if we used condoms alone I'm pretty sure one broken condom and I'd be bumping again...which is fine in like another 1-2 years but for now I've got to be extra careful ....thank you for sharing your experience though!
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1035252 tn?1427227833
well mine used to be once a week...and then they slowly crept up to 2-3x a week and they would last 1-3 days each time...but now they're daily. hopefully they'll taper off after the hormones settle down in a few months but I'm not thinking that's gonna happen.they've been getting progressively worse since I was 11 so I'm thinking that menopause is going to be the soonest I'll experience relief. They've tried testing my hormones and aside from having a lot of estrogen they're very healthy levels...

so idk. I'm just frustrated none of the maintenance (topamax, verapamil) ever helped and none of the preventatives (any of the triptans or anything like that) helped either...and they definitely hurt worse now after the delivery but the neurological part has gotten better...I'm not blind all the time like I was in the last few weeks leading up to delivery and I'm not going numb through my face and arms, but it still happens occasionally and the daily headaches are just brutal....on a scale of 1-10 (and consider that I gave birth twice and the second time the epidural didn't work too well...and I've had many kidney stones and passed several of those without pain meds..and I had a natural miscarriage in 2007....so I have a good pain tolerance. oh yeah and I've now experienced the joy of ovarian cysts as well due to the hormones post-partum...but yeah..good pain tolerance, lol) on a scale of 1-10 they're always worse than 5...and sometimes they're 9 or 10s...every freaking day. it's getting rather old.

I'll see about Pitzofen but I've got a neurological condition that makes my options somewhat limited because some medicines cause a serious neurological reaction in me (all of the SSRIs) so if it's anything like that I won't be able to take it. I'm just a lovely soup of migraine crap I've decided lol.
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287246 tn?1318570063
I took the mini pill after some of my pregnancies and had no problems.  One thing I will say is that if you forget to take it or take it later than you should (not the same time each day), it will induce bleeding.  I know the regular pills would too, but I think you would have to miss 1 or 2 doses before it would cause you to start your period with regular birth control pills.  But the mini pill is much more sensitive to that.  It is a progesterone only pill.  Anyway, with my last experience, it was causing me to bleed all the time.  It didn't matter if I was taking it correctly or not.  So, I decided no more hormones for me.  Now I do the NFP method, by charting my temps and other fertility signs, to avoid pregnancy.  It also makes getting pregnant again a lot easier because you don't have hormones in your body.  Good luck with it!
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1346146 tn?1299360497
Hi, I have chronic daily migraines since about 2004. (yes I said daily constant pain for weeks at a time, it would let up for a day or 2 then right back to it)  The neuro. tested me for everything under the sun and I had what appeared to be seizures and migraines.  I know weird combo.  Anyway after trying many medications I was finally put on topomax and it was a wonder drug for me.  I have tried taking all kinds of birth control pills that are not supposed to bother people with headaches however, wrong.  The neuro even had to up my meds a few times because my headaches returned with a vengence.  So I was told I could not take birth control at all.  Now that I am pg with #3 I cant take any meds at all.  We started trying a little over a year ago and I had to get off the meds.  I did it gradually but I added vitamin d, vitamin e, a multi vitamin, calcium, fish oil and folic acid.  After the meds were out of  my system no headaches so far.  I dont know if the vitamins helped but it seems they are keeping things in check. Anyway, heres my story hope something in there helps, good luck to you.
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1303813 tn?1303159362
The Pitzofen you take before you go to sleep. OMG... it works a treat... lasts 24-48 hours. whilst I was on it. I didnt have a single headache... so i went from having a headache everyday for 2 weeks.. not being able to move and throwing up and being half blind.. then going away for a week coming back for 3 days going for 2 weeks then starting the 2 week cycle again from NOTHING.

Thats not the only side effect to them... That one... And the one that worked for me. But if you take them right before you go to sleep, You'll be asleep to not have or feel any side effects.

My migraines send shooting pains down my spine and cripple me for about 3 mins... and no one knows what to do. I couldnt make my apt for my tumour scan cause I kinda had a tube stuck down my throat... they didnt test me for it in the end, cause they never sent me another apt. :@.
But I would know by now. I have had then since I was 12 LOL. They said it was just my anorexia that was causing them and sent me away. But it wasnt!! Cause I got over it, before I relapsed and they were worse than when I had my eating disorder. Now they are SOOO bad but thats cause of hormones... ?

Ask for Pitzofen or something like that. And see how they help your headaches.

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1035252 tn?1427227833
well I'm seeing a neurologist who specializes in head pain and he's trying me on all sorts of medicines...but to be honest I'd rather take a strong painkiller when they get bad and just deal with it the rest of the time..I hate the preventative meds they all have awful side effects.

and I can't afford anything that'll cause weight gain I used to be very healthy 120-135 but then I got very sick in college and gained a bunch of weight...and 2 babies and a miscarriage later and I'm still trying to lose it...it's very depressing.

but yeha they tried anti-depressants and just about everything under the sun for my migraines too...but I also get tension headaches and cluster headaches so it's hard to pinpoint what's causing each particular headache so they're very difficult to treat...

and they've done every sort of scan. CT, CAT, MRI, XRAY...as well as that thing where they hook the electrodes up to your head and monitor brainwave activity..and aside from noticing that my brain activity was higher when I had a migraine they had nothing conclusive from any of the tests except to say no tumors..so useful, right?
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1303813 tn?1303159362
I had NO periods... Because my Pill I didnt take breaks.. because you didnt have too... i didnt have a period at all untill I came off of it... But you gotta make sure you take it the same time everyday if not within 3 hrs or it wont protect you for 2 days? LOL...
But yeah, my periods COMPLETELY stopped...As well as the period pains... :)

But cause my migraines were so bad. It didnt increase them, but it didnt decrease them either... I ended up having scans for tumours...

But my docs were usless anyways.. for headaches they gave me Anti depressants, for anorexia.... anti depressants, for low iron.... anti depressants??
But if your headaches get tooo bad, I am not sure what its called over there, there is a tablet called Pitzofen that OMG works so well... But you cant take it whilst Pg or breastfeeding... also one of the side effects were hunger... help me put of weight :)..
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1035252 tn?1427227833
yeah that one is supposed to be very much like Micronor....how were the side effects for you?
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1303813 tn?1303159362
Fair play :)
I was never allowed on the combined.. so ya know!! I was told cerrazette was a pill I could take. Nothing else about it...
as long as its alright and dont make your headaches worse then it's all good.

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1035252 tn?1427227833
Thanks Majik thats exactly what i was afraid of with mirena! good to know it was a sound choice :)

Cassandra: no the mini-pill is not combined thats the point...but I was on combined pills for almost 10 years with no problem so I'm not too worried about that...I just don't want to increase the headaches.
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