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i had my baby at 24 weeks!

well last nite it was a really rough nite we had to make the decison to give birth, the fluid was lower and he was breached so i went in for a c-section at 1140 pm and he was born at 1205 am this morning....he surgery went really good, what im worried is about my baby....he weigthed 1lbs 7 oz, hes been in the NICU ever since and today it was the first time i could see him....i broke down in tears and just codunt stop crying, i feel so bad for him, i cant help him and i really did tried my best on keeping him in my belly, i dont know why this has happend to me, its like in 1 week my whole life just changed up and down, this is my first baby and im just so emotionally drained i dont know how long i can hold, im in pain i hurt everywhere im still in the hospital i finally started using the bathroom on my own and walking around a little, if everything goes well i should be out on sunday, and knowing i will be leaving my baby here its just so sad, my husband has been a really big support for me hes strong for me and the baby hes been taking care of me in everyway and i just feel so sad not being able to be there for both of my mens, when im usually the shoulder to cry now i need someones else shoulder to cry on, i never thought having a baby would be this emotionally and mentally challenged and i wonder why god is doing this to me?? is this a way to test him how strong i really am?? i worked so hard to finally have a family  i have always dreamed of having and now that i had finally reached the dream i feel like i have to fight for it........i just really hope my baby will make it im in tears as a write this i just need support from anyone whos been where ive been or even if you havent just knowing that someone is there listening to me is a really big help,
thank you so much and im really trying my best....keep me and the baby in ur prayers his name is GABRIELE GIUSEPPE PIO,
thank you,

65 Responses
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sis i know da cituation uve been through,just hold on love ur son will be okay,ill put u in ma prayers.dont be so hard on ur self
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384896 tn?1335294331
I don't believe in the same god as everyone seems to believe in on this post, but I believe the way the gods and goddesses work is that they won't put you through anymore than what they think you can handle.

Keep strong and if you fight for your baby, your baby will fight for you as best he can.

My sister in law had her daughter at I think she said 24 or 26 weeks, I'm not sure, but I know it was around the same time as you and Isabelle is a healthy 8 year old girl now.
When she was born my MIL said she was transparent and didn't even have any elbows or knees. And the docs kept telling her she wasn't gunna make it-
but she did.

Don't keep your thoughts grim.
Everything happens for a reason and this experience will make you and your baby stronger than ever.
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very happy to know that your girl has grown big now and have been through life's toughest challenges. God bless her and you to be strong through all this
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This is an old post....a year old...Gabrielle is by God's grace healthy and a big boy....look at the album of Want2bmamma
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Im sorry to hear what your going through my daughter was also born at 24 weeks weighing in at 1lb 6oz. Today she's 3 years old and doing great. This is not gods punishment to you but it is actually more of a blessing to watch your baby at how small he is now and watch him grow and eventually come home. It was so amazing to walk in the NICU and see that my daughter was on less oxygen or just moving forward to coming home. The road will be tough at times like my daughter had to be moved for eye surgery because she had ROP ( an eye problem for premature babies) but she sees fine and the surgery also went fine. There will be setbacks when one day you will walk in and they baby will seem to be doing worse then they day before but I assure you he's going to be ok. Please keep your head up and be strong. If when you go home you are worried about your baby you can call the NICU at anytime and you can also go to the NICU anytime. Im going to leave my e-mail for you and you can e-mail me whenever you have a question since I went thorugh this with my daughter and brother who were born prematurely so Im pretty aware of what goes on. I wish you the best of luck and all my blessings for you and your baby.

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272759 tn?1270485594
i love your story!  it is so beautiful and brings tears to my eyes.  your little boy is an angel and he is lucky to have you as a mommy to love him.  i'm really glad things are going so well for you.
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hey guys!
wow i dint even know this message was still around.
its been 5 months now....since all this happend to me...reading back this message i posted in march has brought me back a lot of memories...my little guy has been truly blessed giving a chance at life...ive been blessed...he was in the NICU for 111 long days..i thought the day he would come home would never come...but as of yesterday i scheduled his baptsim party...who would have ever thought about that...im amazed on how well hes doing...this week will be his last week on 02! YAY! we are finally getting rid of that....i coudnt be more excited...hes now just about 10 lbs!! hes the love of my life...the reason why i breath everyday....my life has changed soo much since he came into the world...ive learned to look at things in a different prospective than i  used too....god is good!!! just keep thinking positive and keep your faith up...god will make sure our little fighters will be allright!

my Gabe had a lot of issues being born soo premature...but in the 111 days in the NICU he dint have any surgerys! just recently he had to have a laser eye surgery but my drs. keep tellling me thas not consider a surgery since its laser and they are not cutting anything...they call it a treatment...he eventually will need surgery down the line..but thas just to repair a ingunal hernia...which even FT babys can get...and its a very common surgery...so im sure hell pull of of it just fine!
other that than...hes just a newborn baby...who sleeps and eat...and now smiles at mommy!! the best thing in the world!

i wish everyone luck with all their babys....and if anyone needs anything even someone to just talk...im here!


Games Mommy <3
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539179 tn?1220013208
You are not alone .... they had to induce my pregnancy at 24 weeks, unfortunately my baby girl couldn't be saved ...  and she looked so perfect. I also asked God many times why me, what did I do to derserve this. I recently had a miscarriage again so I'm feeling helpless and quite despondent. But all I can say is stay strong things will turn out the way you would like it to. I will keep you and ur baby in my prayers  .... !!
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363110 tn?1340920419
I can't tell you how bad I feel for your right now. you are in my prayers. as someone told me: even tho your situation is bad, think of those mothers who don't have theyre child right now. Youve been blessed witha living child.

I know it hurts to see your baby that way and not be able to do anything to help it. I know this because of my son who won't be out of the nicu for maybe 3more weeks or a month. They're gonna do a couple surgeries on him, one for a gtube and another for his heart.
if you need to talk just message me. I may not have the same situation as you but I do have a good idea of how it feels. The parents w/the baby next to me today got told that they're baby will HAVE to have a heart transplant sometime in his life and is about to undergo a serious surgery to fix his heart, one of 3. You know, Ive met probably about 5-10 sets of parents in this nicu that have had babies before 30 w and the babies are healthy and ALIVE and going home soon..... babies born that early hve a great survival rate these days.
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272759 tn?1270485594
my friend had a little boy at 28 weeks and he was 1lb10oz.  he was in the hospital for a couple of months, but now is a healthy 2 year old.  i will keep you in my prayers.
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Congrats on da baby. I will keep you in my prayers. With all the advanced technology these days, your baby has a great survial rate.  My nephew was born about 24weeks, weight was  1oz and was very transparent. He had 5 surgies b4 3 months of age, and im glad to say he is a healthy 4yr old active boy. Vent all you need, we are here for you.
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VirtualLove, her original message was from March. Her son is at home now and doing well from what I hear!!! I hope that your little one gets home to you soon too!
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603905 tn?1219965051
Hi, First I want to say that you are not  alone. I recently had my first child at 25 weeks. She was born at 1lb 10oz after being on bedrest for 2 and a 1/2 months. Prior to her I lost twins at 20 weeks.  I was terrified when I first saw her. I felt helpless and guilty along with so sad, and I cried before she was born and after. She had all of the CBC's and the wires they put in the naval area was slipping and causing eletrical impulses through her heart making her heart drop down to the 20's. Then when the doctors got it together and removed the wires but replaced them with the p.i.c line (PCVC) she caught 3 bacteria infections. Now, in both situations they told us "Oh, we haven't seen that before".....well i was a mess and I went everyday and stayed all day. But there was days I could not watch my baby go throught the pricking and ex-rays. BUT, to GOD be the glory I prayed in the morning in the eveings in my coming and in my goings. I mentioned GOD all throught that hospital. And now my "little Angel" in 32 weeks she has grown out of the apnea and desats. She is 3lbs 4ozs and gaining 1 to 2 ozs a day. I kangroo with her, sing to her , read to her and love her everyday. She looks at us, she recognizes both I and her father voice. She is starting to feed from a bottle and has been on no form of O2 for two weeks. So when I say you are not alone, you are not. She is still in the hospital and I hate leaving her. Your son is probably home now, remember to thank GOD and if he is not he will be.    God Bless you
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305180 tn?1279716747
Thank you for the update. It is a very long road with a premie, but sounds like he is doing well. I am sure you will get to take him home in a few months.
The pain of the c section will subside soon. After a couple weeks you will feel almost normal again. You will be able to bend and move without hurting too bad.  
Our prayers are with you!!!

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232498 tn?1234380508
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363110 tn?1340920419
congrats on the baby doing well, we're gonna keep praying for him, and in a few months you'll be taking him home!
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He's doing great, honey! I know you want him in your arms! If he can hear you through the bed, just keep talking to him. If you don't know what to say, bring some children's books with you and read them, especially the rhyming ones. Let him hear your voice!
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419158 tn?1316571604
Stay strong for little Gabe! We are all here praying and thinking of you:) God is holding him in his arms untill your able to.
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328630 tn?1213620350
OMG , you dont know how happy I am to see a post from you , I am really glad Gabe is doing so well, I hope you heal quiickly to devote more time to Gabe it must be so hard doiong what you are in pain. I will keep him and you in my prayers and copy this post for the others.
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326590 tn?1296062449
So glad to hear baby Gaberille is hangin in there. He souds like a tuff lil' man. You hang in there too. God is craddling your little Angel in your absence. My prayers are still with you and your family. Keep us posted when he overcomes each and every obstacle....God bless.
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414635 tn?1272217693
Thanks you for your update, we are all thinking of you and Gaberille
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Stay strong......my nephew and niece were both very early.  My nephew was born at 24 weeks and weighed 1 pd 6 oz.  He is now 13 and strong.  He is in karate and plays the drums like you wouldn't believe dispite the cerebal paulsy they "diagnosed" him with.  My neice was 2 pds.  and she too is great and going on 11.  So try to stay positive, because the positive energy is what he will feed off of, and it will help you too.  You and your family will be in my prayers.
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Hey guys sorry i havent been able to post any up-dates. This week has been the hardest one ever, im still in pain from my c-section and taking all these pain killers just so i can go see my baby at the hospital. We are staying at my parents till i get better, my days right now are waking up at 6 am..pump my breat..take a shower have someone drive me to the hospita..stay there till about 3 pm...drive back home...take a nap...call the hospital...help mom with dinner ..wait for my husband..call the hospital again and than to sleep.....The Baby has had his ups and downs this week, but hes been here for 1 week now and hes gained 1 ounce! hes struggling with the blood sugars levels and his on insulin just because they are giving him and iv that is full of sugars, protein and vitamins so he can gain calories and there fore gain weight!  Hes had already 2 blood transcusions (sorry sp?) they keep doing all these blood work everyday they keep poking his toes for the blood sugars and its so heart breaking to see that :(  and it seems like everytime i go his skin is getting worst, they say hes because right now they are touching him a lot and hes skin is so premature that it bruces just by touching, but it will get better. The dr. are telling me that inspite how premature he is hes doing really good. Hes oxygen level is 21% and i guess thas what we breath so hes doing really good with that. They had started feeding him my breat milk everytime was ok till he had his first bowl movement yesterday and it was a greenish color they think he might have an infection going on so just to make sure they stopped the feedings for now and are doing some x-rays i should get the results sometime today, he also got his first u/s of his brain late last nite so im waiting for those results too.
Right now its a lot for me to handle and im learning somenthing new everyday, i think if somenthing was really wrong with him the dr. would have already told me by now, dont you think?? im really trying my  best to stay postive and  i have a really supportive family, its just really sad right now when i go see him, because he dosent know that im there for him, hes been having a light on top of him for his jandeness (sorry sp?) but it should be out sometime today or tomorrow, i was told that he will be in the close box bed for at last 1 month and after that i will be able to hold him...i just wish this time would fly by fast and i cannot wait till the day i take my little man home!
I thank everyone here for thinking of me and being so supportive i have a long road ahead of me and im trying my best to be strong i need all the prayers and suppost i can get!
Thank you all again and i will keep an update as soon as i can!

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We're still thinking about all of you.  Can't wait for an update.  Hope all is well.  Lots of HUGS!
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