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192055 tn?1263555537

Constant phlegm in throat

For about a year now, it feels like I have phlegm/mucus stuck in my throat and can't completely clear my throat. Also when I cough, its a lil wet and there is phlegm.

When I started to have the problem, I went to the doc and he said it just may be sinuses and sent me on my way... but never went away.

I went to the doc while I was in Basic Training in SC... then went to GA for 4 months... back to FL for a few months (where i use to live) and now I am in NC.... never went away so I don't think it has anything to do with sinuses...?
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This is going to sound weird but I'd like to share it with all of you who are experiencing this hellish problem.

I'm an old guy who has had this curse for the better part of my life. I remember snorting and spitting as a child and it progressed as I got older and older. As a teenager and young adult we all joked about the "gobbing" but as I entered the workplace it became an issue of embarrassment. We all smoked and drank and I wrote my discomfort and hacking off to all that and a deviated septum.

I've been retired now for 13 years and have had heart surgery, gallbladder removal, and my septum repaired. In addition, I've taken all the PPI's. etc. and had all the "tests" designed to identify LPR, Post Nasal Drip and the rest of the proposed causes and treatments. I am ready to do anything to stop the exhausting difficulty, to include the surgery on the LES. I've quit sugar related foods and caffeine but the problem persists.

A few days ago I was wallowing in my misery and reminded myself of at least one blessing. Since I was a child I also experienced what my Mom and others labeled as "Canker Sores" in my mouth. If you have ever had them you know what I mean and how painful they are for their average two week duration. My younger son has the same problem has the same thing, while my older boy does not have them at all.

As odd as this may seem, I have not had one "canker sore" since I retired 13 years ago, I swear to god this is true.

It dawned on me that if my relief or stress could rid me of "canker sores" maybe I may be able to somehow control the phlegm problem by myself. So, I tired to swallow in a very relaxed manner with no resistance and I immediately felt less phlegm in my throat .... I know, it sounds like I am describing some kind of a TV like miracle. Nonetheless, I've been practicing swallowing with a relaxed throat (muscles) for a few days now and my problem has dramatically lessened.

After all the doctors and medicines, tests and modifications that did not do a darn thing, I just relaxed my throat muscles when I swallowed free of the fear of phlegm ! The need to clear my throat and get the phlegm out of my vocal cords has not gone away but it has decreased. I'm hoping if I continue to train myself to relax my throat when I ear or drink I may even someday be comfortable to be around people other than my very understanding and sympathetic wife.

If you are in the same situation as me, try this out. I hope to be phlegm free before I die even if it has taken 65 years to happen. I'd like to know that some who have their whole lives in front of them can live without this insidious thing because I took the time to share this with them ... Sorry for the dramatics but I assure you I.m telling the truth.

PS: I've visited every self help posting cite about this issue looking for some help. So, if you see this message there please understand that I am trying to share with people who I know are suffering ... this is nothing to laugh about and is hard for those who do not have the problem to understand but, we know and I hope we can alleviate the problem for others.
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I had an infection in my throat and my sinuses.the drs told me nothing was wrong and refused to do a sputum culture.i lost so much hearing and vision.they told me oh well sometimes people lose their vision.some of them actually screamed at me(there's no infection).I was really taken back .I couldn't believe how poorly I was treated.sometimes two of them would come in the room like the mafia that is when they would get really rude and send me packing.finally I found a dr that listened and ordered a sputum test .it was a bacterial overgrowth it was actually one of the bacteria I had seen under my microscope .I taught myself to do gram staining and I told them what things I suspected and low and behold it was .what is the point of drs when they are to arrogant to listen they don't even help.my son had it because these things are contagious many times .mine was very contagious and now I cannot cure the whole school how do I help the children.will the cdc even listen or the health dept probably not.well I resorted to the use of ozone therapy because I could not get help and the infection is just about gone kind of ironic because now im getting antibiotics.unbelievable.so I think if you have a persistent runny nose for a year or more just do the sputum test its cheap and its worth it you are worth it .I should have just done ozone much sooner.i would still have my hearing
You have a heart of gold! Thanks for sharing.
You have a heart of gold! Thanks for sharing.
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I've been going through similar things, it starts as a thick nasal drip, I snort and snort loudly(as it won't move with a sniffle it just percolates) then when it does drop out of my nose it feels like it's caught in the roof of my mouth, then I hack (it will only clear with. Y mouth open!  I did have gerd so the drainage that did run down the back of my throat got stuck in my throat where the acid reflux cause swelling and inflammation and damage!  Prettynsoon without clearing the throat I start to feel like my neck is puffing!  Sonhacking at different pitches and speed clears different parts.  I've done a regimen of salt water gargles, netipot nasal rinses(excellent) ibuprofen for swelling' scrip for omeprazole for acid reflux and occasionally decongestant!  Sometimes helps! But one reflux flareup and it's one step forward 10 steps back!  Avoid the reflux if that's your root cause" my two cents
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98% of the time, it ends up being an adenoid infection. This is one of those conditions that we call a "death panel disease" since most insurance or medicare coverage will NOT cover since it can be cured during a simple half hour out patient procedure (billion dollar corporations can't make money off of it).
It literally comes down to simply having your adenoids removed at a cost of a few thousand dollars, or the greedy corporations can push medications that don't work and make a profit from your suffering.
Doctors will NOT test for adenoid infections or risk being drummed out by the FDA as a "boat rocker", so you need to explicitly force them to test for it. As stated, insurance won't cover it, so you'll need to dish out the $65.00 out of pocket, but it is completely worth it; your life will change for the better in only a single visit, and it can and does reverse symptoms of depression as well (by default, humans are prone to depression after a lengthy ailment).
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I don't want to be wrong or sound scary here, but there is a condition out there, which is almost always misdiagnosed, but it exist. It called CSF Leak. Basically, we all have spinal fluid and our head serves sort of retainer of the overflow of this liquid. The liquid constantly flowing from the spine to the head, basically, working circle. The spinal fluid liquid in the head located on the left side in the cerebellum area, and sometime the tissue which covers the brains and holds this liquid in place (Dura), can begin leaking, and very often down the throat. In most cases treatment is rather simple. What Dr (brain surgeon, neurologist or anesthesiologist) can do what is calls "blood patch," which is basically a procedure when your own blood drawn a d injected near the affected area (neck, in this case). As blood clots, any minor holes or penetrations in Dura tissue clog up for good. Have this chat with your Dr., they all know it. Look up the symptoms and, while I hope no e of you have it, but Good Luck to all
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Hey everyone I have had this problem for around 5 years and I agree that dairy does not help the situation and the thing that really makes mine worse is salt, when I cut back there it goes away at least for a while or it is still there but less drastic and stress definitely males it worse also, I have it really bad while I am typing this and can't sleep because of it but I messed up today and ate pizza now I am paying the price, I hope any of what I said helps!
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I have also had drainage, swollen glans and some facial pressure for a year off and on. I've concluded that it's most definetly food allergies. It's wheat,dairy, and sugar are the bad guys. When I exclude these bad guys my symptoms are better. The hard part is completely eliminating these foods. I wish there was a magic pill but I think due to the foods being processed and gmo's, these favorite things in my diet need to go.
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i've been having the phlegm in throat problem for months, started all of a sudden, having serious family problems so i'm wondering if stress has anything to do with it. ordered mucus clear and so far no help. don't like taking something i found on line. have no idea whats in it. has anyone tried MUCUS CLEAR? did it help?
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974371 tn?1424653129
I have been looking on the Internet for some answers and just don't see anything that really applies to me.  I have had undiagnosed chronic mouth and throat problems for a long time now.  Seen many doctors and had tests run with no diagnosis.  GI doc recently put me on Omeprazole and doubled it last week due to my constant feeling of nausea.  For the past few weeks, I am having problems with phlegm.  I can hack up a little some times but I have a full feeling behind my left sinus, ear feels full then down at the base of my throat. However, my mouth and throat are dry.  ENT doc cannot come up with a cause.  Dentist doesn't see anything although I now have an infected tooth on that side.  This is now constant and so irritating and I often feel like I am going to choke. I can't blow this stuff out or cough it out, other than a little bit once in a while.  Am constantly trying to clear my throat and doc told me to stop doing that. What do you do if you are choking?  I drink fluids all the time, chew gum, etc.  I keep telling them I can feel something on the left side in a triangle from the back of my left sinus to my ear, under my jaw and down my throat.  CAT scans and MRI didn't show anything.  There has to be something going on cause it is getting worse.  I can hardly leave my home and spend a lot of time laying down trying not to swallow.  Anyone had this problem?
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margot49 - i have the same symptoms, plus now recovering from severe chest infection which caused partial collapsed lung - have had productive cough for 10 weeks, feel weak and washed out etc.  GP puzzled but is thinking it is due to LPR - do you cough more at night or in the daytime? Does your voice go hoarse off and on?
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I've had bad breath most of my life. My throat always feels clogged up with phlegm - I'm always aware of it and I know that it's that that's causing the bad breath because if I swallow it down my bad breath will briefly go away. It always floats back up though and my breath smells, again!!! It's ruining my life because I've just ended up avoiding talking to people, or if I do I try to stay as far away as possible. I cough up these balls of phlegm every other day - especially in the morning and after showering - which stink. The doctor is useless - everytime I go he says it's stomach problems, mouth problems, but he wont believe it's coming from my throat. I've had enough!!!! I just want it to go away so I can get on with my life! I'm gonna try cutting out dairy products but I doubt that will work!
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I have the same problem and found that NeilMed Sinus Rinse (use every day) takes away the bad taste, but still have the phlem.
Hi, have you solved your problem? Thanks
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The sinuses, throat, and nose all produce mucus that a person usually swallows unconsciously. When mucus starts to build up or trickle down the back of the throat, the medical name for this is postnasal drip. Causes of postnasal drip include infections, allergies, and acid reflux.
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I had something similar and when I got in hot water up to my neck, it broke loose from my throat and flooded into my mouth!  My Dr. diagnosed "Tracheitis " and prescribed generic Z-Pak. It half worked, but lingered, so my cardiologist and I decided to try the brand Zithromax and it WORKED!
Be Well!
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Yes, me too, junk in  throat, for years doc have me sample of Dymista, in 3 durn days I am 95% better!!! But is about $200 a bottle for a month I guess. So doc have me a prescription for two thing sprays that equal Dymista and said it will work don't know what it cost yet.
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I have the same thing..its a nightmare,,,,,it, i believe, for me is COPD....
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20835470 tn?1528986065
It is do to Histamine Intolerance..  An It causes Sugar Glucose issues.. When Sugar is high or low, it will cause phlegm issues. Higher or lower your sugar, the more phlegn you will get, more stuffy in nasal areas.. Will effect eyes, body bloat.. headaches to migraines.. An much more.. I wrote this an posted in HIstamine Intolerance Qestions.. But not sure it went/posted .. "Read this> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactive_hypoglycemia
Need to fix your DAO.
See Histamine Food Lists https://healing histamine.com/histamine-in-food-lists/
Search on issues.. No One told me Histamine Intolerant Persons need a diet plan.
Histamine Disease also look up, its most the issues, if Histamine intolerance is showing in Symptoms;an it can make you look like your diabetic.. I been pinned with Histamine Disease(which also gives chemical issues .. like bleach, ammonia, pinesol, windex(ammonia), frebreze an such scents, perfumes, deodorants etc.. Also Thyroid issues, yes i also have.  Near every persons symptoms i read of Crashing, Sweats, cold, nauseua, pass outs or near ones, headaches, belching, gas, bloat, stomach cramps, body itching, feel like bugs crawling, loss hair from dry follicles, rashes sometimes.. All can be Histamine Issues. An Yes i beeen diagnosed with IBS as well.  I think it is aLL HISTAMINE RELATED.. an the other is issues from Histamine Issues. I hope links an all help you.. This is nto a fun issue for sure. YEt diet can help it ease, i do nto know if it has a cure..other than prayer. I live in sort of a bubble, by not being around general public, few people is fine, but heavy crowds i stay from.. smells people wear will trigger Histamine as well,Hence the chemical issues, all things have Histamine bases, some more an some less. Foods is a serious issue, so need to learn what is high histamine an stay from, or eat very little of.. Like Mangoes an Papaya i love, one is high tolerance, other is low tolerance, so i can have the low tolerance one... Also need to use natural scents to clean home with. I had bad bout last niight, an i think perhaps the fried okra in olive oil was the issue;that or the Coffee with Reeses Cup Dairy in it. . Or both. Also see.. https://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-shopping-list-histamine.pdf . God Bless. I never respond, i ussualy cannot find same links again. Oh An see allergist, a simple 25 prick test can tell if you have Histamine issues.. Allergist told m my counts were off the chart, i should have been dead before i seen Him., He was amazed i knew some my issues of scents already that effect me.. The bleach ,pinesol, ammonia, deodorants, an scent sprays. Goodluck. ". Also take Zyrtech for allergy issues, an Intolerance of Histamine Pollen Allergy issues.. I USe over counter version Citerizine .  When get the phelgm, check your sugar glucose levels.. watch if you are having sugar issues,, $20 buck for less for sugar glucose monitor.. or just ask Dr to check you to see if You are diabetic. As said Histamine can make you appear to be diabetic. I find when cough do to phlegm, to stay moderate temp helps.. if cold grab blanket, if warm shed clothes, or A/c tuns up. . It will calm the phlegn too.. besides up or down sugar levels. To up easy eat piece fruit, candy, soda..but not much. If Too high need to excersize till phlegm stops.  When I get Phlem i stay from milk, orange juice, or fruit juices. I drink lots of water, so to cut how much histamine an sugar i intake.  
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Forgot... Vitamine C can help..  But too much can hurt.. When we take supplements an eat food, we cannot do too much Vitamine c.. Or other foods an drinks either.. It ads either sugar, or more histamine.. I find balance helps.  I have to keep my sugar betwen 125-135.. any under or above i am sick.  Each person may very what sugar level you need. Practitioner told me be 99-125.. if i even get near 125 i am near deathly sick an crashing.
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Try cutting out dairy and see if it goes away. I experienced exactly what u were talking about for most of my life. I thought I just had sinus issues. Then I cut out dairy and the issues almost completely disappeared. I seem to do fine with aged cheeses but milk makes me instantly phlegmy! Drinking Apple cider vinegar in water helps cut mucous too but dairy was the culprit for me.
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Suffering from fibreglass inhalation at work one of the symptom's is very similar to yours - Nystan and Omeprazole does the trick for me.
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It's probably the chemtrails they are dumping in our skis worldwide. Have been for years! They have no idea of the long term affect it has on people. All I know is the number of people getting respiratory problems is growing at a rapid rate. I too suffer.
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Go to an ENT and research silent reflux.Yes, silent reflux/heartburn. You won't have "heart burn" like you are thinking of. No reflux, no burning sensation but I will bet you a million dollars this is the cause.  It causes mucus to pool in the back of the throat and can be misconstrued as post nasal drip.
I went to an ENT with full blown laryngitis all because I went to a restaurant with live music. Next day had no voice. I had been using things such as Flonase for years because I have non- allergic rhinitis. Long story, he wanted me to try something like Prilosec. I was desperate to regain my voice and stop having mucus trapped in my throat so I figured why not. There are certain foods and things to avoid that will help but I'm telling you this is it.

Also, teenage son who had suffered with allergies his whole life began throat clearing constantly when we moved to a new house. At bed time it was so bad we went back to the allergist and started on immunotherapy again. After weeks of shots and his typical allergy meds nothing was working . I began researching and came across the whole silent reflux thing again and light bulbs went off. Started him on Pilosec and within days, throat clearing was gone! We stopped immunotherapy because the whole reason we started again was due to the throat clearing. There are other things besides Prilosec that can be used but please consult a doctor first. ENTs really know about this phenomenon.
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Ya right I've had one unessasary in office sinus surgery he gave me mrsa   Went to diff. Ent  had antibiotics with saline rince lost all sense  of taste . Finally fount Ent new what he was doing nothing wrong with my sinuses I have non allergic righnitis no cure nothing to treat with only saline some days a gallon or more even went to Cleveland clinic no help I usley have one good day a weak
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I have the same problem and it is still there. I know there is no treatment for this. But there is a way to get relief from this. Just eat anything when ever you get this problem. That indicates that you are hungry. Just eat anything belly full. That's what I descovered to get relief. And also eat healthy and do exercise or jogging. I am going to experiment on myself for permanent solution. Once I get the solution for this I will post again. I am 24 years old.
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Hi please check that you may have deviated septum check both the nostrils which cause sinus thank you
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i have the same thing. it's annoying and I've had it all my life. I've learned to just accept it lol but I always draw attention constantly clearing my throat.
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literally was crippling my life. I feel free again!!!! had to come back here to comment. apparently I have Cough-Variant Asthma went to countless GP's who quite frankly don't care there just there for the quick Buck! went to see a GP in Kelmscott WA perth older guy.... asked me heapssss of questions took a interest in finding out what it was after about 30-40 minutes he said " I'm 100% sure I know what you have" went to the chemist been taking  FLUTICASONE PROPIONATE inhaler 2 times a day...

GONE! like literally no symptoms!

Really hope this helps some of u guys out!

costs like $50 for 120 doses

man I tried everything like everything!


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Hello. I’ve had this same problem for about 5 months. I’m going to try your suggestion how long did it take to start noticing some relief? Thank you.
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I also have this symptom which interferes me when I am talking continously for my presentation as I am a teacher. My voice will turn high-pitched which embarassed me sometimes during the lecture. Any solution for this?
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I also have this symptom which interferes me when I am talking continously for my presentation as I am a teacher. My voice will turn high-pitched which embarassed me sometimes during the lecture. Any solution for this?
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