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can trapped gas cause soreness, sharp or stabbing type pains in chest?

Hi, i was wondering if trapped gas can cause chest soreness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, stabbing pain which is severe enough to think you are having a serious heart problem. and if the answer is yes, how does one go about solving this trapped gas problem?

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since that day, my symptoms were just feelings of minor chest tightness, small burping, random hiccup, neck pain, left arm soreness, and most of the symptoms that accompany acid reflux. i immediately modified my diet away from the greasy foods i was use to frequently eating, now i eat crackers, low sodium turkey, cream cheese, carrot juice, fruit smoothie, white bread, pickles, peppermint tea with lemon, lots of water, apple juice, rice, milk and cereal (shredded wheat, raisin bran, peanut butter flavored cherrios.). UNTIL RECENTLY
it was either sunday or Monday, i went skateboarding and running, doing intervals off and on the skate board running up hill and walking, it was fun and i had a great time and felt even better. when i got home i cooled off and met with friends and i cleared a bong after one of them hit it. didn't feel any discomfort after that, so i think well maybe i can smoke. i smoke weed as normal and the symptoms started that night again, maybe an hour after i smoked. ever since then I've been mildly uncomfortable and after eating rice and olive oil last night and sitting down playing video games, smoking pot, my symptoms went into full swing, but not as dramatic (barely) when i sent myself to the ER. i rode it out, doing gas releasing yoga moves standing at my bar table with my back bent inwards and belly thrust forward, this position seems to help and i am actually standing at the table right now. I played music with my band tonight and i vaporized my weed and have had only mild discomfort. it feels like air is trapped in my chest, but i know that if i smoke weed tonight my symptoms will be just as bad as last night. i am quiting smoking for a month to see what will happen, but i don't know if i should tonight, i want to experiment right now and see if not vaping the pot will give me symptoms. i think it could be a possible PE (pulmonary Embolism) but i have no pain in my left leg, which is, from what i am understanding, where a blood clot (not saying i have one) will for then release and travel to the lung. for the record i don't smoke cigarettes anymore haven't smoke ciggs for over a year, but i have smoke two cigarettes this month.

I've typed to much, wish me luck, i will be back. hope this helps somewhat. trust me, i don't this this is going to end very soon so you will hear more from me, i want to know wtf is going on!
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my name is Tony,
I'm 26 years old and I suffer from similar symptoms. we are around the same age so lets see if we can help each other. i'll try to give the full run down and be as detailed as possible.
about two weeks ago (today is 4/29/2014) I arrived at home from work 4/19/2014 (i'm  a bartender and I work a lot and work till very early in the morning, sometimes[rarely] not getting home until 5a.m. back to work at 4:30p.m., up @ 12p.m.) this night in particular, I arrived home around 1:30 a.m.-2a.m.. for months, I come home, get a second wind (can't sleep) and stay up for hours sitting on my a** playing video games and smoking pot. I've been smoking pot off and on since I was about 16 but for the past year I have been smoking steady, I would say on average, everyday. I live in an apartment and there is simply nothing for me to do that wouldn't disturb my neighbors and plus, I live upstairs. since I smoke pot, I get the munchies and I ate a lot this night, but I didn't eat just any old thing. I had a two day old grilled chicken ceasar salad that had been in the bar fridge because I forgot it the night before. I hadn't eaten all day (I consistently ate once a day and then big meals at night right before I go to bed for months over the course of the last year) so I inhaled the salad, and then I had a capresse sandwich(no meat) and French fries that I had to bake to re heat. I have a pan inside my oven with month old grease, yes that's right, month old grease(my kitchen sink never worked when I moved in and is clogged because some lady who lived here before me poured paint down the drain. so I don't wash dishes a lot) i'm lazy,(i'm 5'7 weighing 140 pounds) so I put the fries directly on the pan not concerned with grease, I usually brag about how I can eat anything with no effect. I inhale that sandwich and fries with a Peruvian hot sauce with lime juice and Aji pepper in it, and I have eaten Peruvian consistently for the past 2 years, I work in a Peruvian restaurant. finished with the meal, I move to the couch, as I do, and smoke my weed and play my games, for about 4 hours............

at 6:30 in the morning, never having once had any of these types of symptoms, I turn everything off, lay down on my side; This is when the pain came. Sharp, startling and sudden, in the middle of my chest. as I lay there, opening my eyes looking at the wall, I wonder what is making me feel this way. closing my eyes, trying to forget about it thinking it's just a random body pain, it hits me again. the tightness seizing my body, I recoil and sit up grasping at my chest. at this moment, I begin to recall my father's medical history (high blood pressure with Afibulation), and the only thing I can think that could be happening to me is a heart attack. I sat there for 5 minuets as the pain set in and worsened. I felt dread and loathing, a vision of me dying in my apartment not being recovered for four days and rotting; days later, neighbors make the discovery of a 26 year old man who was too stupid to get help when nature gave him warning signs and a chance to save himself, flashed before my eyes. this is when the anxiety and increased heart-rate began and I reach for my cellular. as I stand, the chest pains, neck tightness, achy throat, heart fluttering, hot-flushed face, blood shot eyes intensifies. moving for the mirror, I look into my face and am mortified to see that I am red in face(i'm olive-brown skinned Cape Verdean) with blood-red eyes. at this point I am becoming confused, not able to clear my thoughts. I called my mom instead of 911; it's been a good 10 minuets. she convinces me to get help, so I drive myself to the ER. once there, my condition is severe, and I am so certain I am going to die. upon sitting in the waiting room and just sitting in general the symptoms worsen, pains shoot down my left-arm, left-leg, tingling left hand and staggering, slow breathing continues. A man in the waiting room looks at me and says, "how are you doin'?".
"I've been better...", I reply, taking note of his dress, thinking he may be homeless, he wears a dark poofy windbreaker jacket, jeans and a somewhat scarred face.
"what's wrong with you?", he asks.
"My heart... doesn't feel good...", I reply in a slow, painful cadence. I'm about to die and i'm being interrogated, thinking to myself, this is not helping my condition.
The man looks to me and says, "i'll pray for you."
"Thank you." I say, surprised, while i would have never expected to hear this come from him, I say, "i'll pray... for you, too." still clawing at my rib cage.
Finally, he leaves, and finally my name is called. It has been about 30 minuets since symptoms have set in. Triage involves my blood-pressure being taken in a chilly front-desk kiosk. I inform the pretty blonde triage nurse of everything that has happened thus far and reveal the fact that i am a chronic pot smoker. my thighs we're shaking while being interviewed, may have just been the cold though. as i'm moved to the examining room, my anxiety begins to subside and even worse (or better?) once i lay upon the examining table, my symptoms began to subside! i was hooked up to an EKG machine and blood work was done. saline solution (i could be getting this wrong) was fed into my arm and that is about all the "medication" i received while in the emergency room. make this story shorter, they didn't find jack. chest x-rays came back "The lungs are clear, Mediastinal structures appear unremarkable, the skeletal structures appear unremarkable. Impression: No acute process is identified."........
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I am so relieved to have come across this forum, i have been suffering recently from stress and anxiety. Im am not usually the type to go to the doctors, but last week my girlfriend booked me an appointment as she is worried about my health as i tend to neglect it. Im the sort of person that doesn't like to make a big deal about things but i feel like i have several things wrong with me which i think maybe all be connected.

I too myself having been suffering with trapped air in my chest and i constantly am burping to try and relieve myself. I feel like i get a build up of pressure in my chest which is highly irritating and sometimes its difficult to burp which then causes me to heave. I sometimes find bending down and standing up quickly helps me release the trapped air but sometimes it just feels like its never ending. I also sometimes feel as if i get pressure in my both my ears and by swallowing helps relieve some of the pressure and makes them pop, does anyone else feel they get this aswell?

I have an appointment to see my doctor tomorrow in regards to my stress related issues. I have not mentioned to him about the trapped air issue as i didn't want him to think I'm being a drama queen. But after reading the comments i believe it maybe linked to my stress and anxiety and will mention it to the doctor tomorrow.

I will report back tomorrow to let you know what the doctor says.

Kindest Regards
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Glad to hear it's nothing too severe - b/c it feels like it when it's happening! My pain and pressure is very severe in the middle of my chest and through to my back and causes pain/pressure in my head. I've tried all sorts of positions and nothing seems to help for more than a few seconds. The only thing that helped this time was laying in a fetal position, or kneeling on the floor and curly by body around putting my head to the floor, until the pain gets too intense and then getting up and walking around...then I was able to burp. I did this 3-4 times and it worked each time. But sometimes if I burp too big, it seems that some of the air goes back in my chest...ugh!
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Well, I've been up for about 2 hours now (12:30 AM now) with the same gas stuck in chest feeling.  I have been suffering from this for about 15 years.  Went to the ER first few times I had it and they ruled out heart related and sent me on my way.  Over the years I have tried just about every known remedy out there.... you kind of get desperate when you have it.

My symptoms are as most folks have (pain in chest, feels like a large bubble of trapped air, sometimes it will radiate to my back, shoulder, neck, jaw and right arm.  With the pain usually is followed by anxiety... mostly due to the pain.

I usually get mine at night, either just before bed or about an hour after I lie down to sleep.  I have learned, there is no sense in staying in bed, because it wont go away, so I get it.  I immediately go to the kitchen where I ALWAYS keep these items in stock as they are the only thing that works for me.

1-Can of Coca Cola
1- Gala Apple

I cut the apple up into small slices, start eating one slice at a time (chew real well).  Drink Coke out of the can in gulps.  By the time I finish the Apple and Coke, my pain has subsided.  I wait about another 30 minutes before returning to bed

The Coke will help you burp, the apple actually tricks your stomach into turning off the acid producers, thereby stopping the production of gas (so I was told).  Either way, it works for me every time and I have not been without Gala Apples and Coke in my house for the past 10 years.  I have tried other apples, which work a little, but Gala for me is the bomb.

Please give it a try, it really has been the only thing that has kept me from shoving a needle into my chest to relieve the trapped air.

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I am 43 and have had these chest/back/side ache pains for about 15 years.  I have had my gallbladder, appendix, partial stomach and hiatel hernia, hysterectomy, lower 2 inches of espehogas, 2 inches of upper intestine, and 2 inches of my colon all removed, throat surgery 2x, nasel surgery 2x, and I still get intense pain on my right upper side, chest pain, back pain and pain down my right arm and into my neck and jaw. Everytime I end up at the doctor, they either want to remove something, or tell me it is just gas. Gas X, Tea, pacing and  I do the rocking and rolling on the floor trying to pass gas, have my husband beat on my back with his hand to get the gas moving, try to go to the bathroom and bm or fart.  Usually this works and it goes away.  I have seen GI specialist, heart specialist, internal medicine, holistic doctors, dietitians, and anyone else who will gladly take my money to tell me it is gas. I have also been told that I have a slight heart problem by 2 doctors and the rest say I dont.  I don't have many parts inside to affect a lot of what is bothering most people. Today is not the case, I woke up after a good night of sleeping and I went to make breakfast and I realized my hand was shaking and then I felt a little nausea, and I tried to eat and wanted to throw up.  Then the chest pains hit, and the back pain between shoulder blades and down the right arm and up into the neck.  I also have the severe pain on the right side.  Took a shower, farted a bit, but no avail.  My chest pains are less, but my back, side and arm are still there. I am sweating something fierce, but cold. Really tired.  Refuse to go to doctor until tomorrow. The ER docs really don't understand and hopefully my doctor will.  I was just recently diagnosed with Barrets and the start of crohns.  Whatever it is, people who don't have it don't understand.
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