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Ok here we go. I am a male 29 years old here's my story. I am in the military approx 3 ago ago I had a unprotected one night stand . After the sex I felt extremely ashamed as I am a married man and made a huge mistake that ate me up inside. Approx 7 days later I had the worst tingling feeling that ran from my anus to my groin. Vey bad to the fact I took some left over pain meds to help with it. I was contstantly looking at my groin every sec of the day I never saw any blister or nothing. I had some irritaion while peeing.Approx 1 month later I saw my doc because I was flipping out. I got my urine checked and blood work done for HIV all neg again at 6months. I developed cold sore on my lip which were off and on for 2 months prob from the stress, I have had cold sores since a kid. I convinced my doc to give me Meds for my lip he gave me 500mg Valltrex which I have been taking daily for the past 3 years. Then a month after seeing my pcm I had the worst urgency to urinate. I was peeing ever 20 minutes. I went to the emergency room they checked my urine and it was clear as water no diabtes no infection. I got a referal to a dermatologist when I saw I had 3 brown spots in a row on the base of my penis as well as a loose piece of skin near my anus which I noticed cause it was beeding from wiping after going to the restroom. The doc clipped the skin off as well as one of the brown areas no Warts.I then deployed to Iraq upon my time there I had these clear blisters on my hands and feet. Doctor in Iraq said ezcema which I have had on my fingers once and a while.While In Iraq I developed almost on a monthly basis like clockwork a buzzing feeling at the base of my penis like it was inside my urethra. Then lower back pain. I again have never seen any blisters or nothing. When I got back from Iraq I went to my local Planned Parenthood paid my money got the Chlamidia Ghonnera Syphillis Hiv test all neg no Herpes test no sores. At this time over the past 3 years I have had sex with my wife probably 3 times. Now my wife is pregnant expecting soon and I am still getting these problems. My wife thinks I am absolutely crazy checking my penis all the time. So here I am today again I am taking 500mg Valtrex on a daily basis and every month like a mentraul cycle for a woman I get this buzzing feeling in my groin and lower back pain with no blisters or anything I can see.I am lost still I keep thinking to myself If I am on Valtrex which is supposed to help with controlling Herpes would I be getting this monthly buzzing lower back pain and sometimes frequent urination from Herpes.Any help would be greatly appreciated...
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Thank you for your replies.I did see a dermatologist off base that examined my genital area and said the brown spots were Seborrehic Keratoses and the other piece of skin was a tag as well as the hands being ezcema. I still have yet to narrow down the buzzing I get in the genitals monthly with lower back pain and occasionally frequent urination. I love the military docs every problem you have they give you 800mg Motrin. I will probably try making an appointment soon. The thing that has been bothering me is this Valtrex. It has done great on the oral Herpes which before the incident I would prob get it once a year or so when I got sick flu etc and have not gotten it since. I still have no idea why I would be getting a monthly bout with possible genital herpes while being on the meds. I have no idea... any other info would be great. If I don't hear back from replies I do appreciate the responses.
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I hate to say it but all your symptoms point to herpes the back pain caused by the irritation of the nerves the herpes virus travels down the thingling sensation is also related to nerves that are located around your genital area. A large percentage of people who have herpes don't experience any classical symptoms. I had all of the symptoms you describe plus redness paper cuts burning etc but doctor couldn't diagnose until I recently had some classical blisters and now have a diagnosis
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You should also follow up with a dermatologist to try to figure out what is going on. The symptoms on  your hands and feet aren't likely to be related to what is going on in your genital area but it's best to get a professional evaluation and find out. Don't hesitate to go off base to see a decent dermatologist if you aren' t happy with what the military doc's tell you.

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Getting checked for Trich is definitely the correct next step.  Though it's unlikely you could have it for so long, it's possible.  And it is very common, the most common non-viral STD.

The next thing I would check for is mycoplasma/ureaplasma.  It's not checked for with routine STDs but it can cause problems in some people.

There at 3 types of mycoplasma to be concerned with for STDs, these are mycoplasma hominis, mycoplasma genitalium, and ureaplasma urealyticum.  You can be tested through LabCorp, http://www.labcorp.com/datasets/labcorp/html/chapter/mono/vm003300.htm.  The test costs $150.  It is often not covered by insurance.  It is a urine based PCR test, and it is very accurate.  You can also test through swab which might be more accurate, but obviously less comfortable.

About 40% (or more) of sexually active males carry ureaplasma urealyticum, so if you test positive that does not mean that is what is causing your problems.  However, this organism has been associated with NGU in males and PID in females, as well as other disorders.

Mycoplasma hominis is less common, but still very common. Possibly just less than 10%.  It has weaker ties to disease but some people still believe it to be important.

Mycoplasma genitalium is still less common, but it is a known genital pathogen.  Although it's not tested for in your typical panel of STD tests, it seems there is more evidence linking this to disease than the other mycoplasmas.  If you test positive for this, you should pursue treatment.  Of course some will even debate this assertion, but this is my opinion.  Dr. HHH considers this something which should be treated.

These organisms are frequently transfered at the same time as the better know STDs like gonorrhea and chlamydia.  Gonorrhea has a high cure rate of about 98% (except for resistant strains, where cipro might fail but cefiximine will nearly always work) and chlamydia 96-98%. Unfortunately cipro is still prescribed often for gonorrhea even though it is now recommended against as treatment in areas with high resistance (West coast, Hawaii).  However mycoplasma recur about 20-60% of the time.  So recurrent urethritis is nearly never due to gonorrhea or chlamydia, unless the patient was reinfected.

Mycoplasma are harder to eradicate for a few reasons.  Many strains are resistant to antibiotics, especially tetracycline resistance.  This means doxycycline, a commonly prescribed drug, will often fail in treatment.  Resistance rates of 50% have been reported for ureaplasma and doxycycline.  M hominis is resistant to erythromycin, azithromycin, and clarithromycin.  Levofloxacin, another common drug, also has been shown to have a high failure rate for M genitalium.  This is why knowing which infection you have is very valuable in determining the correct treatment.

Another common phenomenon is to have treatment initially be successful with antiboitics, only to relapse later.  This is because something like 1g of Azithromycin will often lower the amount of an infection without clearing it completely, so the bacteria will regrow over the course of the next few weeks (2-4 weeks is common).  If the patient is retreated with the same ineffective treament, the same thing will often happen.

Since testing/treatment is not as common as for other bacterial STDs, treatment procedures are not as well known.  Newer drugs such as clarithromycin and moxifloxacin show higher activity in vitro (test against cultures), but they are not prescribed as commonly.  Since resistance to moxifloxacin is uncommon, this is probably a good choice for a second course of treatment where the first course of more common drugs fail, but once again due to limited data this is an opinion and not well proved.  Erythomycin is the more commonly stated drug of choice, but it is less effective and has a higher profile of side effects.
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Hey man read your post, I have replied to other posts before to people with similar symptoms.  I am (still) experiencing the same symptoms as you, I was finally diagnosed with Trich, given medication but still experiencing "buzzing" feeling, tingeling sensation, redness/pain around the pee opening that comes and goes. Dr's tell me I am crazy becuase they can not give me another diagnosis, I too examine my penis EVERY day as this is making me f***ing CRAZY..  There is something defineltly more going on than they say- You know your own body and can tell when something is not right.  Asked to be checked for Trichomonas (spelling?) It is very hard to detect in men and won't be found if they are not looking for it... Hope you get a diagnosis...also were you checked for a prostate infection ?  This was my case as well...all from unorotected oral sex about 2 years ago...
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.