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Can it transmit in daily life?

I was wondering if highly contagious STD like herpes and hpv which can transmit through just physical contact transmit in daily activity such as sharing food, dinning utensils, using the same bathroom or just coming into physical contact with a person who might have touched a infected part before touching you?  Also because i know that these two STDs can be transmitted through kissing, does that make saliva of a infected person dangerous?
12 Responses
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You had asked the same questions before and received the same answers here. You have been repeatedly advised that there is NO RISK to your family. You are not accepting the answers because you have inappropriate GUILT and anxiety over this. I suspect that your irrational fears of hurting your family over kissing a CSW are rooted in this guilt. No amount of explanation of the lack of risks is going to address that.

This is not a psychological support forum and I am definitely not a psychologist, but there clearly is a psychological component to your problem that cannot be addressed in this forum or anywhere else on the Internet.

Forty-five posts over kissing a girl is excessive posting in my opinion, and suggests that no amount of advice over the Internet is going to solve your issue. If this were the HIV forum, you would have been cut off a long time ago.
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sorry about the posts but i am very disguisted by my actions and i want to know the risks.  I have done many many hours of reading about STD and it scares me that there aer so many risks.  Sorry but i am just very stressed about it and i need to know the risks.  
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You have FORTY-FIVE posts in the STD forums- all because you kissed a girl. Clearly, these forums cannot help you with your problem and you need to seek personal counseling with a mental help professional. To say that it isn't normal to be so concerned about a kiss is putting it too mildly.

You clearly have a serious mental health issue that is not going to get solved over the Internet, and I think that getting your questions answered here is only going to continue to fuel your anxiety over this incident. It is very clear that you are not listening to the advice that you receive here.

I hope that one of the moderators here agrees with me and takes appropriate action concerning your excessive posting, as I really think this website is just deferring you from getting the help that you really need.
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Grace, i have explained in the other post about why i worry but is there anyway someone can help me? i cant take this stress any longer and i feel that this is taking over my life.  
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101028 tn?1419603004
You are very worried excessively about this.

do you normally worry a lot about things in general?


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I am very worried about this STD because i know it is very contagious where it can pass with just french kissing and i know that it can protentially cause oral cancer.  The problem i have is if one never can out if he has the STD, how is he suppose to protect others around him since there is no cure, no test, and mostly no sign of the disease until cancer developes.  
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101028 tn?1419603004
We don't have a lot of info on oral hpv to accurately answer your question. We know it happens. for most folks, it clears on its own and isn't an issue regardless of the body part.

at this point we don't have a commercially available hpv test for males. If your female partner has had her gardasil shots, that's a help too.

out of all the things to worry about being transmitted thru sharing drinks and food, std's of all kinds shouldn't even be on your mind.

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Thank you again for replying and i was wondering since most cases of HPV does not show symptoms or signs, how can a man tell if he has been infected?  I read that there is no test for oral HPV unless you have symptoms.  Also, i read that oral HPV can be transmitted through kissing and i was wondering how contagious this is? Could it spread to others by sharing dinning utensils and food?
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101028 tn?1419603004
no, there is not a single documented case of herpes transmission from towels. It's strictly theoretical due to towels staying warm and moist longer than other surfaces. You'd still almost have to dry off with your towel and hand it to someone to use for it to be transmitted that way. conditions would have to be absolutely perfect so if it has actually happened, it's been the extreme exception to the "rules".  Really not anything to worry about.

As far as saliva - the virus can be present in it from actively shedding virus but just saliva only, isn't likely to transmit the virus ( ie someone spits and it lands on you etc ). It takes some heat and friction to get the virus into the body like lip smacking romantic type kisses. Infants and small children are a little more vulnerable to infection due to their immature immune systems but as an adult, it's almost exclusively romantic type kisses.

Hpv can live under the nails and can potentially be transmitted thru other means. the main way of transmission though is still combined with heat and friction as far as sexually transmitted hpv types.  

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Thank you very much for replying but hasnt there been cases where towels transmitted herpes and warts and i have read that contaminated saliva could transmit herpes and warts so isnt that a risk if one was to come in contact with a contaminated person's saliva?
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101028 tn?1419603004
Oral herpes is transmitted thru kissing - romantic type kisses, not just social pecks.

hpv isn't usually present orally.

You are not going to transmit either thru routine day to day activities as you've described.

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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.