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men and porno

I have been with my finance for 9 years now and was very contend and happy with our relationship till last night.  My 20 year old daughter has just moved back home after breaking up with her boyfriend.  Last night I woke up at 3 a.m. and noticed that my partner wasn't in bed so I got up to see what was up.  I figured he was talking with my daughter since she is going through a break up and does need to talk.  That is when my world just crashed.  I walked into the living room to see my daughter chatting with friends on msn and my partner on the other couch watching porno with her in the room.  This is just wrong on soo many bases I cannot understand this at all.  I flipped and turned the t.v. off I just couldn't believe what I was seeing.  You watch porno for sexual arousal not entertainment!!  This was so disrespectful in front of my daughter.  We are liberal with the children and talk openingly with them but this just makes no sense to me.  All he said to me was I would be justified in my  anger if he was hitting on my daughter.  My daughter said he asked if it bothered her and he would change the channel.  She did tell me it felt weird.  Of course it felt weird it is just so wrong.  I am so confused this is sick.  Please help me understand.
3 Responses
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I would be upset to if I where you.

There is something wrong with this as the others have said.

I wouldn't marry this person .
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i agree with vance.....he probably wanted to see if your daughter would.....well you know. watching porn in the same room as your fiance's young daughter is unacceptable! did your daughter say why she didn't sign off of msn and leave the area? i know she shouldn't have to but i know if my moms husband did that....oh god i wouldn't be able to leave the room fast enough!

you may want to sit down with both of them. individually and then together.
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Let me ask you, was it hard core porn or porn that you find on Cinemax?
Either one is not right to be watching in the same room as a 20 year old. You are right in thinking that you watch porn for arousal. My thinking is that he turned it on, wanted to get aroused and wanted to see if your daughter would do anything with him. Now this is just my thought on the subject I can't say for a fact because I am not him. But what do men do when watching porn...they masterbate.
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