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Regain movement with Biomove?

My husband had a stroke May 28, 2006 and has regained very little movement in right leg, almost none in right arm.  I won't be able to take care of him at home unless he can get more use of his right leg.  Does anyone know whether the BioMove actually helps stroke survivors regain movement on affected side, or is it jus hype?
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thanks for the update.. I was wondering how your dad was doing... My dad just spent 3 weeks in an acute rehab center.  He is doing a little better and is going home on Thursday.  We are trying now to line up help for my mom.  I think she is quite scared to bring him home, but feels as though she needs to try.  He is doing better with transferring and can stan againts the wheelchair or a table.  His biggest problem is still his memory.  His short term memory is still not there and sometimes he thinks he is somewhere else.  So i hope when he gets home he realizes where he is.  It has been a long 5 months, but gradually he seems to be improving.  I hope with alot of work as home he will eventually walk small distances with a walker...We are just not giving up... We keep praying that he will have some improvement....
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Greetings all, My dad is being moved to an Acute care rehab center. It will be 8 weeks this Tues., happened Aug 15th. Well,since I last wrote in an other section. My dad was in ICU, then to a cancer floor for 2 days not looked at, on Sept 11th, I can remember well cause the fireman from my dads firehouse went to NY and brought flowers and other things, and then came to visit in uniform and brought a picture of the truck and the group of men in front with my dad also standing there. He was awake and new who they where. But he has come a long way from that day. We are in an Lt Acute care place that is inside a hospital. Very very good care. Now, they all said to us he belongs in a sub-acute place. I know if he goes there he'll not get the attention he needs. So we (sister and me and mom)been there everyday for 8weeks. We excersise him and talk and wake him up. So my biggest gift is my mouth, I talk all the time to everyone who comes in.(Things I say)- Who are you, what are you doing, and what is that. and always, can I watch, and we bring a lot of cake for everyone. Well, that is what is now making things a difference. Cause the Doctors/nurses/therapists/respiratory/everyone tell me whats up. If they don't answer me I follow them out of the room, even unto the elevator. hahaha Til I get the answer I want. hahah Example: the heart doctor came in, I asked what can you do for my dad, he is hungry only on 900 cal a day the number 40 on machine for stomach tube. He listen to his stomach and looked at me and said he is hungry, so he increased it ( now my dad after 2 weeks is now up to 90 which is about 2700 cal a day.  On the same day the brain doctor came in and I said what can you do for my dad, she said what do you what, I said I'd like him out of bed. cause I feel his lungs could empty from the Flem. Again I was right, and the doctor ordered him out of bed. In these two weeks my dad got stronger, he was sleeping all the time cause he was weak from not enough food. and stuff in his lungs. So cause I ask the doctors to do this, my dad is in the chair from 4-7 hours a day, awake, and now the trach is capped and he is talking little, and laughed the other day, we also found out he can't see as good, so I told my mom to bring his glasses that he never used, he can see us much better, another thing to remember, there weak, so put a lot of pillows around them they can't talk or move all there parts, so you should have 2 long body pillows for support, plus a lot of little one, for in bed and in chair. Yesterday was the best day so far. We took pictures of dad and mom working together with weighs, my dad at 3 pounds and mom at 1 1/2 pounds. Dad is showing my mom how to do it, its funny cause when we ask him to do it himself he'll close his eyes, but when we say to mom, watch dad how to do it and he shows her. I also see him moving the bad leg, and I found water on the knee, got the nurse and the Phil. therapist. to look at it and they said it was nothing, call my sister to call doctor to check, and they got another doctor to check it out. Always question, your question with a doctor and you'll see things happen. So dad is scared, but I was so excited in telling him how great this place is and the gym. I also told him its not a nursing home acute, its a private place just for rehab. then he smiled. Everyone is afraid that there never going to come home. But if you tell them they have to work hard, and you'll be there for the road ahead. They seem to feel they have a goal. So tomorrow is the first day of the next 100 days to get my dad home. So all you out there, make a goal, get to know the people working on your love one, ask to watch and help, you will be surprised what you learn and how much faster your love one will get better. I tell my mom and dad for him to get home we will get him the chair with electric wheels, I give it a cool name, so it doesn't sound handicap. I tell my dad if you can get out of bed, walk 5 steps to your freedom wheels, drive to the tv room, to the bathroom door and walk 5 steps to the toilet, sit by self, get up, get on speed wheels(freedom wheels)Talk, eat, do your thing, you'll be ready to come home. His eyes grow big and he nodded yes. I know in a couple of months I'll be tell you all he is home. Then we can teach him other stuff at home. So to all I hope my story of my dad can help you some. I've said enough, hahaha hope it helped some of you. Never give up, you or your love one. If you don't like the one who is taking care of you family member, don't waist his time, get rid of them. Your insurance only pay for so many days, so get the best. I got my dad in the acute care cause I talked to the interviewers and told them what kind of a person he is and what we saw him do, remember we are the ones who knows them and are by his side 6-8 hours a day watching every little thing and writing it down, Yesterday dad waved for the first time. We all cheered and the nurses now run in and ask, what did he do now, cause we are loud and loving family. Cause of excitement all the time of just the smallest thing my dad does, we run out to the nursing station and tell them to put it in the report, and because they did, the acute place read his chart with everything that has happened and they excepted my dad before the sub-acute called the social worker back. Well, got to go, just got a call from my sister who is with him now and he will be leaving tomorrow between 10am to 2pm. So til we talk again, God Bless you all and your love ones plus a speedy recovery. bye me
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I should also add that frankly I'm fed up with conventional, institutional physical therapy and occupational therapy.  Some of the therapists here have actually done things to develop my husband's abilities, but most of his time with most of his therapists is spent teaching him how to adapt to his present level of functioning rather than providing him with the exercises to move him on to higher and higher levels of functioning like Dr. Vasa does.

Most of his 'therapy' is practicing manuevering his wheelchair with unaffected foot & hand, taking footrests and brakes on and off, and interminable transfer practice (wheelchair to bed, bed to wheelchair, wheelchair to toilet, toilet to wheelchair, wheelchair to bath, bath to wheelchair, and there goes the day).  The young man I've hired to help with Vasa program was only here for 3 hrs today, but entire time my husband was on mattresses on floor working on strengthening his torso on affected side.  THAT'S what I want from therapy!
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I had been planning to put my husband into another rehab center when we get back to CA, but Dr. Vasa has convinced me both that home is the best place to rehabilitate and that I'll be able to do her program with my husband by hiring any minimum wage strong and willing helper 6-8 hrs. per day.

As I said in a previous message, I feel like kidnapping our present helper and taking him home with us!  He's understands just what's needed and throws himself enthusiastically into the job.  I know we would do fine with him as our helper, but I worry I might not find another as good.  (I tried two others here and neither was as good.)
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So is your husband wellenough for you to take care of him at home?  WE are hping to get my dad home by the 1st of Sept.  We are having a ramp built now and looking for in home help.  He hates the rehab center he is in.  I beleive his spirits and mind will improve alot when he gets home.
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We're going home in less than a week.  Got a call from BioMove people urging me to make some changes in how I use it with my husband before giving up and returning it.  I'll try their suggestions this evening.  Vasa Method is going well.  I'm committed to giving it at least a several month trial.
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How is your husband coming along.  Are you going to be able to take him home?  Are you still using the biomove?
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Haven't heard of it, but I'll check it out.  At the moment I'm enthusiastic about Vasa Method and am committed to working with my husband and with Dr. Vasa for next many months.  But I'll read about Bowen Method.  Thanks.
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Have you looked into Bowen therapy. I have had a stroke and a brain contusion both right parietal temporal regions and tried this therapy which continually helps the spacisity in my hand and leg. Bowen works on mobilising joints, tendons and ligaments.
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144586 tn?1284666164
Thanx. Sometimes it's helpful to position a mirror so the stroke patient can watch the leg while it is being manipulated. Touch a particuliar part of the leg with your finger while the patient watches. Do this in various parts of the leg on a daily basis. Get a good stiff bristled brush and brush the skin gently all along the leg. If bathing is possible and you can get him to a saune, hot and cold baths are helpful, There are many Korean spas that have this treatment. To a "touch test" with the blunt end of a stick all along the leg and foot on a daily basis and try to see if he can feel sensation. Use the knuckle of the hand to do "deep tissue massage". Give a lot of encouragement. If you don't get good results at first, don't give up. Get a bucket of ice water and a bucket of warm water and alternately submerge and dry the foot. Hot, then cold. Please avoid burns. Not scalding water! If you can do this up to the knee in a little barrel all the better.
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Thanks, Caregiver.  I've read other comments of yours and find your advice very helpful.
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144586 tn?1284666164
I read the reports and it's hard to say if it would help. Think of simple stimulation, such as running an ice cube up and down the legs frequently during the day (don't give him frostbite), gentle massage and range of motion movements. You might try a TENS device on the leg muscles, which is available on the net. Think of intermittant stimulation of the various nerves. Then rest. Then more stimulation. Don't give up.
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