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Any advice?

Hi, I'm 17 now and I've had depression since I was 11 when my older brother died. Lately I gotten over my brothers death and accepted death as a natural part of life and it doesn't affect me anymore. I'm a very quite person in social situations, I've never had a girlfriend, I have friends but I play more video games then I go out. Sometimes I feel depressed for no reason and just don't want to do anything, sometimes I feel depressed from feeling lonely, I feel isolated from the world an unable to connect to anyone. Last October I tried killing myself with over the counter sleeping pills and I made myself feel pathetic when I woke up the next morning, and the following December while everyone was happy in the Christmas season all I could think about was killing myself when I wasn't distracted watching anime. I smoke marijuana illegally and it helps every time I feel depressed, but I'm looking for a permanent solution.
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Yeah, I'm a seventeen year old girl and I realized I'm depressed today too, except there isn't a reason for it. I'm going through everything you're going through, except for the suicide part. I know you've heard this before, but suicide doesn't make things better. Have you ever listened to the song Live Forever by Oasis? They wrote it right after Kurt Cobain commited suicide and it has very powerful lyrics. Oh, and Marijuana doesn't make things better either.
I hope that helped a little bit :]
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606378 tn?1297304964
I understand where you both are coming from and my only suggestion is try seeing a dr. I have been seeing a therapist and psychiatrist since I was in highschool and the combo seems to have helped for the most part. I totally understand feeling depressed for all sorts of reasons and have found meds to help along with being able to talk out my problems with a therapist. And Liveforever is right...marijuana doesn't help the situation really it just helps you avoid the issues, and I would know. Good luck to you both!
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667923 tn?1421462724
I know the answer, but if I say it u won't take it the wrong way, will u? It has taken me a little while to figure it out myself. I am 43 and I know u might not want to hear from a grown-up, but hey I'm a kid at heart. I have a son who is 17 and he has a little brother who is11. They are not talking right now. My older son has been through a lot. He was taken from me when he was 7 and the only reason why is because I left his dad..revenge.It is so sad what u guys have to go throug..I guess..I know I was so very lucky to have a mom and dad that was always there and took good care of me. I was truly blessed and that is your answer..The Lord. He is so good for ur soul. He makes every boo-boo seem like nothing. He lifts u out of the blues and makes u want to live. I am being so truteful and I wouldn't lie to u. I have been ur age u know. Life was different in a lot of ways, but really the same because He never changes or goes away from us. Anytime I have a problem..I go to Him and He always comforts me. I pray a lot and that is so uplifting. I just wished I could say more or something that would make u believe me. I know my oldest son, we were so close and now he won't have anything to do w/me.
I haven't done anything wrong and I asked him as I cried..what have I done? He, I don't know weather is in the same boat as ur. I don't even get to talk to him to see if he is fine or not. I don't know if what he feels because he won't talk to me. He called me out of the blue @ 8 mos. ago and said..mom, I love you. I cried because I don't get to hear it anymore.I told him that meant more to me than anything he could have done. Love is so important..u have to find that love in ur heart..it is there.. He called me again @4 mos. ago and this is after we have been talking and laughing. I was never happier, but anyway he told me then that he hated me. I was so shocked..I asked him why..what did I do? All I have ever done is love u. He seemed so mean and hateful. I didn't even recognize him. I don't understand I said..what is it that I've done and he said fishing..Fishing? I said..what?,I have always taken u fishing.As a matter of fact, I told him @ all of our fishing trips together and how we laughed and had fun. I don't know whether they are telling him to say that or not. You are not familiar w/the whole story. I give u a brief on it. I left his dad because he raped me and that was the last straw..Shane was only two so I felt it wouldn't hurt him as much if I left so early and I couldn't take a chance on anything happening to my son..he came first. We(ex and I) were separated for over a yr.when he would come around to see if we could get back together. Definately not a chance. I didn't even love the man. He pushed me into marriage in the first place,see I met him when I was oly 15 to turn 16 in a few mos..he took my innocence from me and my grandma told me that I should marry him... He, is a manipulative person and I did stay w/him for 8yr.and hated the most part..if not almost all. Thank GOD ur are asking questions seeking answers and it's not too late. U don't want to kill urself because that is a sin and then if u did kill urself you wouldn't see ur brother because he's in heaven waiting for the day u arive, but not by taking ur own life. The devil will do any and everything  to make sure that u stay depressed.He wants u to stay depressed and unhappy. The Lord is the only answer to ur question. So many people try to fill their void in life w/material or other things(MaryJane). I am disabled and he put this on me. My heart goes out to u and don't forget to pray...read His Word and then that will make things in ur life right again. He has helped me fill that void and made me so happy that my life would be nothing w/out Him. I pray u will get back to me because I am running out of space and I have fell asleep more than a couple of times. U will be okay..just keep Him close to u at all times.If u ever need to talk,I am here..I will listen...but belive me The Man ups-stairs will listen to u whenever u need Him..                                               In Christian Love, Karen  ***@****                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PS I did have to get off because I kept falling asleep.,so forgive me..but u get that killing ursellf is defiately not the answer..U undrstand and I am hee if u need me.'
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HI, My name is john, I`m 16 years old. I know the strong feeling of depression, i`ve been in the same situation. Depression is something that change us thoroughly withing our-selves, it brings only sorrow and lack of caring for the things that are most important around us. The most consequential factor of depression is that it brings suicidal thoughts or making you feel as you`re nothing on this world. Let me tell you a story about someone i`ve met in school which is now my best friend. There was a student named Daisean whom I started talking the first day of high-school. He seemed very normal and passionate about everything around him but later after knowing and talking with him further, It struck me when I knew he was feeling lonely.had emotional issues such as depression,anxiety, low self-esteem,etc.. One day he called me on my cell-phone telling me he was going to commit suicide,somehow my words grabbed him back and instead he went to sleep. next morning I had a talk with Him, gave him words of wisdom every time I saw my friend Daisean, Now my friend is having a great-good life, he`s happy and more sociable. At the time I was attending church, My believe is that by attending church, it showed me a great view on how wonderfully life can be when I was also depressed and thinking about suicide. Now i`m falling back on depression which is very peculiar because i`ve stopped attending to Mass. My only words are, suicide won`t take you anywhere, it`s insignificant and will only bring grieve,sadness to the people who loves you and cares for you, In this sentence will tell you that someone does loves you deeply, tell them about your problems,don`t be ashamed of expressing yourself freely to them,they`ll try to help you. Life is full of struggles and stress, we can fall into it`s demise,meaning be weaken by those implications which are trying to makes us fail. If you focus strongly and follow a path of finding a solution towards what might be causing this emotional tension then you`ll find it. Be strong, have faith about yourself  as a human being with great potential, capable of accomplishing any goals/ achievements that you put on ahead.
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667923 tn?1421462724
     I am deeply sadened just to hear what teens are going through. I do have the solution and all it takes is belief and faith. If you don't want to hear it, it won't help you. You have to be strong in this life to get to the next one. I know you all can be strong if I can. I am disabled and having a lot of problems w/my son who is 17. I worry @ him, but I can't even talk to him. It is strange and I wonder if any of you can help me. He called me before xmas and told me "Mom, I love You". I was so happy I cried.He called a couple of mos. later and told me he hated me. I want to upload the story @ it, but the people who have him have so many connections w/judges and attorneys that it makes it impossible to do. I am afraid that it would only hurt him more. I'll give you a brief summary of what has happened to him. When he was only 6 he was trying to touch little girls and I asked him where he got it from and he wouldn't tell me. I kept watch and since we always talked @ anything I knew he would tell me. I sat down w/him and asked again. He told me that it was his step-mother who was doing it to him. She would shake him on top of her and he said make his private part stand up. I knew right then I had to do something and I knew he was telling me the truth since I had seen him get his own self that way in the tub. I contacted the DHS and that was a mistake. I should have called a state trooper to talk w/my son and let him be the one to make the decision on how to deal w/it. The DHS came to our home and found it to be true, but when they visited his dad and stepmother's house they founded it to be unfounded. The problem is her uncle was the county judge over a quarter of the state.After getting her name cleared from the central registry for child abusers they filed for custody of my son. I didn't have much money and thought that who(judge)in their right mind would give my son to a child molester,but they did and that was just because I wouldn't give up the sexual abuse allegations against her. They didn't find me to be unfit or unstable. They said it would cause tormoil against the father also. That was the only reason they gave him total custody. He was 7 when I had to take him myself and turn him over to them. I started smoking and never smoked a day in my life. I have suffered for him and for me. The poor kid didn't have a chance and I am so worried @ him because I don't know if he's alright. He has anger issues and I saw him in court a couple of mos. ago and he is so skinny that I think now he is doing some kind of drug. My mom and dad picked him up one time for a visit and he was so quiet the whole trip they said until they both saw him sniff something and drink his drink,then he was singing and talking. He was a totally different person. Can anyone think what is going on and what should I do? Please help me help him. I need him to come home so I can nurse him back to health and me too. Thank you so much if you can.
     I want to say if you feel depressed to pray and to read the Bible. It will turn your life around. ONlY THE LORD can make you better. I am so serious. What is more important here to us than our souls. Make a wise decision and reach for your bible. It can make everything seem so much different. Get into a good Bible study w/some of your friends.Watch out for who you hang around with because "Bad company corrupt good morals". It might feel good for the moment, but what @ eternity. GOD BLESS....skeet           ***@****
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