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Total Thyoidectomy for Substernal Goiter

My TT for substernal goiter is quickly approaching (next Tues, May 16th) and would appreciate any information from those who have gone through this surgery re length of surgery, pain, recuperation period, and any other general information to calm my "frazzled" nerves !!!

Thanks so much!
51 Responses
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Hey Tia! Ya, my incision was kind of burning and sore and achey.
When I have done too much, like being out more then 2 hours, my incision will still get sore, but it is much better. Ice definatey helped at the beginning. And when I stopped the Vicadin, I would take a couple of advil when the incision got sore. I take advil now before I start work and it helps the incision pain. It took 10 days for me to feel like the anestitia wore off. My doctor called me at day 7 with my pathology results and I told him how crappy I felt and he said it was the anestitia and that it would lift from 7-10 days. Then I felt alot better. Glad you emailed Carole. Take it easy and I hope you feel better and better.
Day 3 was my  worst day.. and maybe it is with you, too.
Take care!
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Hey Tia,

Nice to hear from you.  It will take time for the anesthia to wear off - I don't remember the burning feeling around the incision but mine definitely swelled for a few days and ice did help.  I remember mine being sooooo tender!  Hopefully the burning will wear off, if not call your Dr. on Monday, but I think in a couple of more days, it will feel better.

Still having headaches - trying to do everything I can to figure out what's causing them and how to get rid of them!!!!

Glad you emailed Carole - we should be in touch through her then!

You take care and get some rest!
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Hi gang...feeling better today than I have been.  Sleeping's been a problem and I'm just waiting for this anesthesia to get out of my system.  I think it'll make a big difference in how I feel.  I've had some burning like feelings around the incision area and a little swelling around it too.  I put ice on it.  Anyone else have this?  I have so much I want to type but still feel a little "out of it".  =)  
I emailed you carole...hope it goes through.  Mac and Kar, how are you two doing?  How's your headaches?  Ok...will talk more later.  Just wanted to wish you a nice weekend and say a quick hello!
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YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  SO Happy Everyone is home and doing ok!!!!!!!!!!!  Carole and Tia thank you so much for letting us know you're home and that it looks cancer free - we couldn't ask for anything better on this earth!!!!!!!!!!!

Carole - that is funny you mentioned looking like the bride of Frankenstein b/c that is exactly what my husband told me mine looked like the first time he saw it!  I feel much better now knowing both you and Tia are home.  The sore throat will go away more every day!  You girls rest up and write more when you feel up to - got your email Carole - we can write you and then go from there and cc: eachother???

Maccie - I am so glad that you feel better after talking to your Dr!  My headache wasn't too bad this morning but my neurologist wanted me to take 300mg. of imitrex today - 100mg - 1 hour apart for 3 hours to try to break the cycle of the headache, so I was doped up all morning and sleepy.  My neuro. said that the Armour can cause headaches - funny that the endo doesn't see that and the neuro does?  But she said to not give up the Armour b/c my body can very well adjust to it and the headaches could go away - so I did the imitrex and I do feel better, but it's not gone completely!   Which makes me go back thinking it's still the neck. Maybe a combination of the two. I know what you mean about answering to your friends.  I feel bad too when people call and ask how I am and I tell them I'm not 100%!  I was going to try to work some this week but I haven't made it there yet.  Tomorrow I just have 1 job with a helper that I'm going to go try and do in the morning.  I hope your dogs are feeling better - how long will it take them to heal until their legs aren't limpy?  Well - its good you got some good info from your Dr. - it's made me feel better too b/c I've been feeling depressed too that I don't feel good but knowing that it takes time and that we have to be patient and that we will get back to normal, helps!!!!!  Hope your headache is still better when you get home from work!

Tia and Carole - take care and feel better - the soreness goes away more every day!!!!!!  Keep us updated on how you're feeling!
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I am sorry you, too, have a headache. Mine is worse today.
I used to have a chronic daily headache but this winter it got better and I only had a mild headache every day. Since I woke up from sugergy with such a bad headache, it's been here ever since. I think my neck has alot to do with it. I am going to call to get an acupuncture appointment and maybe that will relieve my neck/headache. I tried calling my doctor after you wrote that yesterday but I couldn't get through and then I went to work. I am going to call today. He didn't want to do bloodwork for 6 weeks but that seems long.I felt a little bit of enthusiasm yesterday, oh, not really but I am being hopeful! Actually, for the second day I took my dogs in the woods for a 20 minute walk and I was smiling and happy. They were so happy but then both their legs were so limpy. That is going to be hard to keep them inside so they can heal. My doctor told me not to put anything on my incision for 6 weeks. I asked him about that and he said I could after 2 weeks if I  really wanted to. I put a little aloe and a herbal salve with calandula, vit e, etc but it stung the incision so I am going to leave it alone. I took a homeopathic remedy called staphysagria 200c about 6 little sublingual tablets  and that took the red out amazingly. That was a couple days postop. I never had any steristiches. I couldn't see any stitches. I took the bandage off after day 2. At first I was very selfconscience of the incision and I wore a scarf when I went out. Now I haven't been. I'll wear a scarf if I am sitting in the sun so it doesn't get burnt.
I was feel badly this morning that I don't have a thryoid. I just really want to feel good again. It gave me a little bit of anxiety which I have been getting since the surgery. I never had it before. It's like a closing in feeling in my chest that I breath through and know it will wave out. I am definately going to call my Dr. today. It really feels like I mustn't have enough synthroid.
Well here's to a better day today! And boy oh boy, I hope Carole and Tia are OK. It made me feel bad thinking back to day 2 and what they must feel like! Feel better!
Go soxs!
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Yipee !!! I'm home from the surgery. Only had to spend one night in the hospital since my calcium level was ok. Everyone was so nice at the hospital. Surgeon said my goiter was huge! The size of a baby. I was able to talk right away and now my voice just gets a little hoarse if I overdo the talking. My incision looks like the bride of Frankenstein but right now I couldn't care less. Am SO happy it is over with. I have the prescription for Synthoid but my endo wants me to call him this Fri before starting to take it. I guess they want to make sure there wasn't any cancer but according to my endo/surgeon they doubt it very much - thinks it's was just a "common benign goiter". I am to take 2 calcium pills a day (I guess just to make sure). Have a sore throat - but it is getting better and my neck is just stiff.
Thanks so much Maccie and Karmike for all your wonderful support and hope all is well with you. Now just waiting to hear how Tia did....Take care all. ***@****.

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I just spoke with the doctors office. I am so glad you suggested I call because I feel so much better (emtionally).
They said that they don't have blood levels taken earlier then 6 weeks because it is not accurate thryoid levels at this point. They told me it was very common to be so tired. That is it a big adjustment to our bodies. The hormone thing is playing havoc with our bodies, that is why I don't feel like myself. I told them about the unenthusiasm and they said that was common and IT WOULD GET BETTER and that I would be back to my old self again. I told them about the anxiety and they said that can be a side effect of the synthroid. That my body should get used to that. It is adjusting.WOoow, all a big deal. She said it was a big deal what we went threw and people aren't patient with the time it takes to heal. That our bodies need to adjust and we would feel good again.
I feel better knowing this. I knew it all, but it was good to hear it since my friends all ask how I feel and I say "tired" and they say, "still"!!! My appointment to go back it June 5th.
I have a million more questions then!
I took a Relpax and my headache feels a bit better. I am going to work for 2 hours. Hope you are feeling OK today!
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I'm home too!  Ditto for just about everything you wrote.  I'm a little loopy from the liquid pain medicine, but I just wanted to tell you guys I'm here and sooooooo happy you're ok Carole and I appear to be cancer free as well!!  XOXO and big hugs to you three and I will write more soon!
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Hi Kamike! It's just you and me here. Those poor girls are in the hospital. I feel bad for them, most likely feeling pretty rotten right now. Hopefully they are doing OK.
I feel so, so. Better I think, just not so good. Do you have alot of energy? I wonder where my energy went. My neck feels a bit better after my massage and I put heat on it last night and took 2 muscle relaxers. It feels like I have a flu in it, all achey and sore, but better then yesterday.
How's your headache? Mine is medium. Worse then mild but not terrible. I am only working a little bit this afternoon.
I could use something fun to do to get me a bit more chipper.
I hope you have a good day and your headache is better.
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Hey Maccie - I'm feeling sorry for the other two girls right now too!  I hope Carole is home by now and Tia's surgery is over and that she's doing well too!

Sorry to hear you still have the headache, guess what, me too!!!!! Mine is about medium too.  I wear the migraine ice patches and that really really helps soothe it for me.  When I go out in public I put a bandana around my head and people think I'm trying to start the 80's trend all over again, but you do what you have to do to feel better.  I do recommend these ice patches though.  How often were you having headaches before the surgery?  Mine were completely gone!!  It is wonderful that your fusion surgery helped the paralysis in your arm!!!!!! Thank G-d for that!!!!!!!

I talked to my endo. on the phone today.  He called with my blood test results.  My calcium was fine and my thyroid level was a little on the low side.  He said there should be no reason why Armour Thyroid will give me headaches when my levels are low, so he told me to slowly go back up to the 90mg that I should be on w/in a couple of days time instead of 1/2 a dose.  So I called the neurologist and left a message with her as to why I'm having headaches.  It really makes me think it's our necks though since you're having headaches too!!!!!  I go back to the chiro tomorrow.

My energy level isn't so good either.  Yesterday was the first time I felt lethargic!  Today I'm a little better, but not great - so hopefully increasing the dose will help me with that.  When do you go back for blood work?  You should call your Dr. and tell him your symptoms b/c it does sound to me like you need more synthroid if your so tired.  I also read somewhere yesterday, that a hoarse voice could be a sign of a low thyroid levels.  I was searching sights for Armour Thyroid and headaches and I can't remember where I read that, so just a little bit of FYI.

My steri strips came off yesterdy - well 3 of them did so I pulled off the rest.  My incision looks great!  My surgeon told me to wear Curad Scar Therapy band-aids for 3 weeks.  I wore one yesterday, but this morning my neck was so sore!  Tight just like you described and very tender, so I'm letting the air get to it.  I put some polysporin on it, and will try another Curad later today.  What did the surgeon tell you to do for yours?

Well I'm a rambling - hope you feel better - you do need to do something fun!  It's my husbands birthday - so I'll be going out to dinner tonight and then right back home to watch the Red Sox game.  Being from Vermont, are you a Red Sox fan?  I will always be loyal to my Boston teams now matter where I live.

Well I hope your day goes well for you maccie.  I hope both our headaches are miraculously gone tomorrow!  

I'm looking forward to hearing from Carole and Tia when they feel up to writing!

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I sure hope Carole is doing OK! The nurses are so great, I am sure the drugs are kicking in and hopefully she is comfortable.
Tia, I was the most nervous the night before, but the next morning, I, too, had a calm come over me. I ate real healthy for dinner so I wouldn't feel crummy in the morning with nothing to eat. Nice for you to have the surgery at 7am. I live 1 1/2 hours from the hospital so it is a trip there.
Karmike, so sorry you have that darn headache. Mine is a moderate one. My neck is got really sore yesterday, too. ANd still was this morning . I got a massage today and it feels alot better but it is so stiff. I wonder if it is late effect of the position...who knows. You had asked about my cervical fusion. I had a ruptured disc years ago that was causing paralysis down my arm. That's all gone now, just headaches and neck pain. I had to refill my perscription today. The pharmasists suggested I get the real thing, Synthroid, instead of the generic. I told him about the nausea (which comes and goes) and that I feel lousy. He felt the dr. started me on a low dose, 125, so perhaps that's why I am so tired. So is this what hypo feels like? It's  like a don't have any get-up- and -go. People are really complaining about the weather here with all the rain in VT so that probably isn't helping.
I emailed the med-line site and asked about us giving our emails and they said they don't allow that for privacy.
It would be good if we could get to a site that we could do that! I have a ton of questions I could ask the site doctor to start a new thread. Tia, I am sending you a huge hug and lot's of blessings for an easy surgery. Those go out to Carole, too, and Karmike, here's some for your headache to go away!
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Ok...so Carole is hopefully done with her surgery right now and comfortable and resting.  I said prayers for her and I know you ladies did too.  I just came on to say thank you to the two of you for helping me this week.  It really means a lot to have experienced people let you know first hand what it's going to be like.  I can't wait to be able to tell you both all about it.  I also can't wait to hear from Carole and see how she's making out.  I got my time for surgery...7am.  So I need to be there an hour before.  I'm glad it's early.  I don't want to sit around waiting tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll still be so sleepy I won't notice what's happening...lol.  
Thanks again to the two of you.  Having this discussion going this week was perfect and I would love to continue to chat and stay in touch.  Hugs to you all!!!  XOXO Tia
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Hey - I'm thinking about Carole today and praying that everything goes well for her!!!!!!!!!!

Tia - hope you are holding up ok today!  I know for me the day before was the worst day, but the morning of the day of the surgery, I woke up and it was like a "calm" had come over me - I guess b/c I knew I was going to get it over with finally!

I will praying for you tomorrow and thinking of you too!!!!!!!!  I will send you all the best wishes for every case scenario - so I hope tonight you eat up well and get some sleep!!!!!!!!!  We'll be looking for your post as soon as you are up for it!

Maccie - hope you are still feeling as good as you were yesterday - I'm stil having these damn headaches!  They can't do anything different for me until I get my blood tests results back, so I'm still taking Imitrex to get the edge off the headache, that's about it.  Other than that I feel fine.  How's your neck?  Has it eve stopped raining in New England yet?  I'm from there - from Mass. but have been living in NC for past 10 years, the weather is gorgeous here today!

Well you 2 ladies take care and Tia - you will be just fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I just have a feeling that after it's all behind us we're both going to say "well that wasn't as bad as I thought".  That's what I'm hoping for anyway.  I had a surgery that was REALLY hard to recover from (dermoid cyst removed 50 stitches right down the center of my stomach) so I KNOW this is going to be easier than that.  It's funny, when you are in the hospital and not feeling well you don't even want to go home.  My best friend had day surgery with the possiblity of having to stay in the hospital...she CHOSE to stay in because she didn't feel well enough to come home.  By the next day she was ready.  It's probably mostly due to the anesthesia.  I'm guessing the first day will just be a blur anyway.  I think as long as we don't have any calcium problems we'll only be in overnight.  Let's hope for no calcium problems.  =)  
You have no other surgery to compare it to so everything is so new for you.  I can totally understand your anxiety.  How old are you to have made it through this far with no surgeries?  Lucky you!

I was told to bring button up shirts with a breast pocket just in case we have a drain???  I dunno, I guess we can stick the pouch that it drains into in our shirt pocket...but I found a couple.  I'm going to wear sweats and a button up shirt to the hospital and I'm going to bring a v-neck tshirt too.  I'm also going to bring a cardigan because it's still cold here!  I was told (by a woman who had the surgery) to bring chapstick and eyedrops because the air in there is so dry that her lips and eyes dried out.  My house is close to the hospital (ten minute drive) so I don't need to bring much, as it can be brought to the hospital for me if I need it.  

Last night I had a case of the nerves...I just was thinking too much.  In some ways it's coming up quick but at the same time it's been taking forever!  
As someone told me...we need to remember that these surgeons do this every single day...it's a big ordeal for us...but this is their job.  We are going to be fine and in a week we MIGHT even laugh about all this anxiety!  I can't wait to hear from you and to know you're on the recovery side doing well.  Let's try and think "happy thoughts" today!  Tia
Hope Karmike and maccie are doing well in their recovery and adustments to their new meds!!  No headaches or nasea today!
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Hey ladies!  Wow - there's been a lot of posts since I last looked yesterday.   I know you are getting anxious carole and Tia!  You will both be fine and I will be praying for you and thinking about you too!  I do hope we can keep this thread going - I'm sure you two won't feel like even looking at your computer for a couple of days, so maccie and I will keep it up if we can.  Worse case, look for our names, if we have to post another question to start another one, then that's what we'll do!  Will that work maccie?  I know a Dr. has to answer the first question, but I'm sure we can come up with something that we'd both like a Dr. to answer.

Glad today is a better day for you maccie.  Today is better for me too.  My neck was very very tight today in the back - I went to the chiro. and I was able to get in with the masseuse.  She said I had so many knots back there but was able to relieve  most of them, and most of my headache went away!  I do know the tightness you're talking about under your chin down to the incision, but I'm ok there today, mine's mostly in the back of the neck.  Try icing the area to see if that helps!  Glad your voice is ok today too! Hope you're not too pooped after your long day - I've been trying to clean my house a little bit at a time, already vacuumed, this weekend and that went fine, but I'm trying to build up so I can go back to work.  I'm not under any pressure as to which day this week - I definitely want the headaches gone completely!

I wouldn't mind exchanging emails incase we can't post anymore, are we allowed to do that on this sight?

I went for a blood test today - my endo. is checking my thyroid levels and calcium today. My incision gets better every day and I'm able to move my head without discomfort now, able to yawn and laugh too!  You do need a good laugh maccie - I had one last night with my husband and my Dad, we were making fun of my Mom - but we all had a laugh attack at the same time, and boy did it feel good!  Ok, I had a little bit of discomfort in my neck afer that, but so much better than it was!

carole - my thoughts are with you tonight, eat well!!!!!!!! I hope you sleep well and that as soon as you get checked in tomorrow that you will feel better, the nurses here in NC made me feel so at ease right away and I hope the same for you too!!!!!  I hope you have no drain tube, and that your calcium is fine and that you only have to stay one night and maybe you could even go home tomorrow!  I am hoping for the best for you in every way!!!!!  Tia - you are next!!!!! Just remember ladies, you will get through this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I feel so much better today. I don't have a headache and talking doesn't stain nearly as much. And I am not nauseas!
All makes for a good morning. I have to work late in the afternoon so I hope I don't poop out before then. I already found myself vacuuming and cleaning up this morning. I'm going to try to take it easy but i have been taking it easy for going on 3 weeks tomorrow so it is good I am getting antsy.
Yes, Karmike, I concider my dogs ( 2 90lb labs like my kids) and I also have a 21 yr old daughter and a 24 yr old son whom are wonderful and "called me to wish me a Happy Mother's Day" yesterday. I live in VT so my main hobby is walking my dogs in the woods. That is why it is so stressful that they both hurt their knees because we hike so much. It's good we are all recuperating at the same time. Just a little slow walk in the field. Karmite, is your neck very tight from below your chin down to just above your incision? Mine feels so tight if I try to extend my neck or even lift up my chin.
Banane22, sorry you have so much anxiety about this. It wasn't too fun, but MUCH easier then abdominal surgery! I bet you come out without a drain and no low calcium and feel good very quick.
Laughing about it after a week...well, I love to laugh and I only laughed a couple of times. That's probably what I am missing. I need a good laugh! Hopefully you are feeling OK Countrycarole. Sending you both a huge hug and lot's of healing eneryg. Goodddddddddddddddd-luckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk with your surgeries!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Just want to thank all of you (Tia, Karmike, Maccie) for all your great support and compassion. These last few days would have been worse if it wasn't for you "guys". I looked forward to reading all your posts and hope we can continue communicating.
Although I am nervous, I am at the point that I just want to get if over with.
To Tia: Good luck with your surgery and I will be thinking of you.
As soon as I am able to I will post again.

Again, thanks everyone !!!!!

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It sounds like you did a great job Tia in completing everything before your surgery. I also did some cleaning, washed clothes and did shopping and paid all the bills that were due. I never thought about button-down shirts being easier to wear than t-shirts. I'll have to look in my closet to see if I can find some. I'm still undecided on what to wear to the hospital (jeans/shorts). I know it's a silly thing to be concerned about but it's keeping me busy. I just have to pack a few things to take with me and I'll be all set. My surgeon said that when I leave the hospital there will be steri-strips(?) on the incision - and I would rather not look at the scar so hopefully it will stay on until I go back to the surgeon's office in a week. There are alot of products on the market for reducing scars so I will ask the surgeon what he recommends.

Yes, I heard about the bad weather you are having in MA. Hopefully, the rain will stop soon. This weekend in Florida was sunny and warm. I am definitely getting more nervous the closer it gets to the surgery. I'm not sure which frightens me more - the actual surgery or just having to stay in the hospital...
I, too, hope we can continue this thread because it has been a "lifesaver" for me in calming my nerves and you all are wonderful. Have a good night!
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Happy Mother's Day ladies (one of you must have kids?)  =)

I know when I started the Levoxyl (same as Synthroid I do believe) that it took a while to get into my system.  I was so tired all the time.  I can only imagine what your head/neck go through during that surgery as it is...then to be prone to headaches anyway...well it can't be easy.  When is he testing your blood again?  I'm not sure how fast you go hypothyroid once your thyroid's removed, I doubt it's very long before it happens though.  Hopefully it won't take them long to level your thyroid hormones out.    

Well, I think I'll be all ready by Wednesday, got the house cleaned from top to bottom, did a big shopping and now I just have to finish up the laundry and find some button up shirts to wear.  I just know t-shirts touching my neck will drive me nuts judging from my last surgery.  It was on my stomach and I couldn't take anything touching it.  So, I feel a lot more ready now.  How bout you Carole?  Did you get all your last minute things done?  It'll be nice to recover with no worries.

I don't think I'll try and hide my scar!  I did think about that...but...since I don't like things touching my scars (at least not for a while) and since I don't really feel self conscious about scars (I kinda like them) I doubt I'll hide it.  That could change though.  Where on your neck is the scar?  He said he would follow a natural line I have...but I have two and I forgot which one he was going to follow.  I've read Mederma cream helps with the scars.  I guess I'll have to see how bad it looks in time.  I just can't wait to HAVE a scar because that'll mean it's over!  =)

I hope you guys had a great weekend...it's pouring here on Cape Cod and the rest of the state is under a state of emergency due to flooding!  I do hope you all are enjoying better weather.
It's getting close Carole...eeek.  How's your nerves?

(I hope they don't close this thread so we can keep chatting, I don't know how many posts one thread is allowed but I know there's a limit.  I've seen them full/closed on the Ovarian Cancer site and they've had to start a new one...but here it's a doctor answering questions so we can't start a new thread I don't think? It's been soooo helpful talking with the two of you who've been through this and with you too Carole because we are in the same boat)  Have a good night!  Tia
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Sorry Maccie that your energy level is still very low. Are you overdoing it and not resting enough? Have you tried taking any vitamins to help?

I had a friend who was very prone to migraines and when the weather was rainy/humid she would get a bad headache. There were also some foods that would trigger her migraines such as chocolate. I'm sure it didn't help that your neck was extended during the surgery - That would bother anyone.

I know when the weather here in Florida is rainy and very humid I get very bad sinus headaches which sometimes can feel like a migraine.

Karmike - Sorry to hear that your brother-in-law lost his job. That must be very tough for both your sister and him.

Bananie 22,Karmike & Maccie - Hope you all had a good weekend.

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Hey - I'm sorry you don't feel good today! Don't ever worry about being complainey - that's what where here for!  I feel bad, my sister called to wish me Hapy Mother's Day and see how I was and I told her about my headache and was talking about me and then she told me that my brother-in-law lost his job Friday - then she got off the phone quick b/c she had things to do.  I feel bad that I was talking about me when she has her own problems to deal with!

Did you have disc problems too, is that why you had cervical fusion?    Maybe your right that our necks did get set off from the surgery, also lying around doesn't help either.  I know when I was feeling good, I went from sleeping with 2 pillows to 1, and was waking up feeling better.  I haven't slept with less than 2 pillows since the surgery.  I took imitrex today, and am feeling better.  I'm hoping that if I can get rid of the headache before I go to bed than I won't wake up with it.  I'm sure you know exactly what I mean!  It's terrible how expensive medication is!  Isn't there anything that will get rid of your headache for more than an hour?  Can you have traction on your neck (after your incision heals?)  When I started with traction at the chiropractor, my headaches slowly started going away.  My surgeon told me to wait 2 more weeks before I can start that again with the chiro, but he said I can have my back adjusted any time.  I'm going to go tomorrow for an adjustment on the back and ask if there's anything he can do for my neck without upsetting the incision. I'd let your Dr. know tomorrow that your still having headaches, maybe it is the medicine?  Also, maybe your voice is weak b/c of bad weather or allergy season?

I hope you feel better and can find something that will relieve your head!  Happy Mother's Day to you!  I don't know if you have children, but I know you have dogs and to me, that's the same thing!  Take Care! Hope your tummy feels better too!
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I really don't feel very well. My energy level is so low. My doctor says it takes 6 weeks for the thyroid meds to get in you system, but I wonder if I don't have enough.I am taking 125 whatevers.And yes, Karmike, I have a headache. Maybe cause the weather is so rainy. I take RELPAX sometimes, it is a migraine aborter similar to Imatrax. It eases the headache for about an hour(at $20 a pill!)Sometimes I take furaset and sometimes I take Midrin. I have had a cervical fusion in my neck. I wonder if the TT surgery annoyed our necks since the position they operate on us was to keep our necks in extension. I can't do that for very long without getting a headache, so being in that position for 2 hours + could have annoyed the muscles in the neck creating a headache. I am glad you can still sing. I really can't talk loud and my voice seems to be getting weaker the last couple of days. Oh, well. Hate to be so complainey but I don't feel very well. Happy Mother's day if you all are Mom's. My husband took me out to breakfast. Now I am so full and have a tummy ache! Good figure! I hope everyone has a nice relaxing sunday full of healing energy!
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Hey ladies, Y'all seem so nice!!!!!! I was talking to my Mom last night about my scar, if she thinks I should cover it up when I go out in public, and she said that because of the steri-strips covering it, that it looks like a piece of jewelery on my neck if you look quick at it.  My Dad took a picture of me the day after my surgery, that he has emailed to all of my family (thanks Dad!), but I haven't seen it yet, I don't know if we can put a picture on this sight, but maybe after your surgeries, we can compare scars!

maccie - my headache hasn't gone away yet too and I am also prone to migraines.  The first of this year I had a 5 week headache, it turned out to be a bulging disc in my neck and my Dilantin (I'm on anti-seizure for a seizure-disorder that started 10 years ago) level was toxic.  It took them 5 weeks to figure it out, but after changing my Dilantin dose and chiropractic care, the headaches went away completely!  I was curious about your headache because I'm wondering if my disc is acting up again or if it is because of the medicine for the thyroid.  I read on my pharmacy print out for Armour Thyroid, that if you have too much thyroid hormone, you can have headaches.  I asked the Dr. about this yesterday and he said it usually happens after a couple of months on the meds, but told me to cut the dose in 1/2 for a couple of days to see if that relieves the head. Is there anything that you take other than sleep that helps relieve it because I haven't found anything yet other than those migraine ice patches.  Other than the headache, I feel real good!  It's always something though, isn't it? I hope you feel good today yourself?

About the voice, I was real lucky, my voice never changed!  It was a little weak the first few days, but now it's as strong as ever.  I'm a singer, so I was so scared that it would change - but it never did! My surgeon asked me Thurs. when I went for the follow up if I could still hit Hight C, i told him yes, and that he did a terrific job! I could probably sing something low now but the neck does get sore when I shout (found this out watching my Red Sox game the other night).  It's very common to have a weak voice for the first couple of weeks though.

Well it sounds like we all have gone through a lot and I think this surgery will make us all stronger!!!!!  

Take care y'all - again, I'll be thinking of you carole and bananie22 this week!!!!!!!  maccie - hope you feel real good today and enjoy a nice relaxing Sunday!
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Sorry karmike - your name should have been included along with bananie22 & maccie on the "Comment To" on my previous post. My finger slipped !!!!!!
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