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Sulphuric/ Eggy burps and stomach cramps

I found the above  topic last night at this same forum, though its dated 6 yrs back and I couldnt find anything more recent as I was searching for an answer to my own problem of the foulest burps that ever existed, then comes the diarhea and finally the vomitting. For me this can last up to two or three days. I was so relieved to find that other people have and are experiencing these same symptoms. Though im worried that no one has found and answer, maybe they have, as I said, the only forum I found for this is on this web site and its 6 yrs old. Im hoping someone has some new answer to this same problem. Its dibilitating when it happens, hard to go to work while im busy crapping and puking myself to half to death. Again, the burps are the absolute worst, those alone taste so bad its enough to make me sick and the sulphuric smell is just awful. Really its like im farting out my mouth. Hopefully after 6 yrs someone has some kind of real answer to this problem.

Thk you.
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My husband has a severe case of Gastroparesis from a stomach injury. When he has an episode he has the burps, stomach cramping and vomiting leading to severe dehydration and has to go to the hospital to get a tube down his throat to suck everything out of his stomach. After my symptoms started a week ago (the disgusting burps, the extreme stomach bloating from gas, stomach cramping and pain with or without eating, diarrhea, heartburn, etc.) which are obviously not as severe as his, I believe myself and many of the people on here are suffering from a milder case. Gastroparesis is when your stomach muscles don't contract the way they should  to move the food from your stomach to your intestines. From the I digested food sitting in your stomach too long, it causes the havoc we are dealing with. I believe my medicine caused it. I found a really good article that I feel would benefit you to read. Hope  it helps.  http://patients.gi.org/topics/gastroparesis/. I will be going to the doctor ASAP. Hope you all feel better soon!
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Its because people dont wash there hands that prepare food. They wipe there butt and return to work and prepare food. People that do this should be banned from the food industry for good. Very nasty people who dont care about anyone but there selves.
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I know there a lot of people writing different theories but I know what was causing my stinky burps,horrible stomach cramps and terrible diarrhea for days at a time. GREEN PEPPERS. Since I stopped eating them about 6 years ago I have never had another symptom. Hope this helps.
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I never had these in my life till I got married....aparently my husband has em and has been getting them since he was a kid. I have never heard of this or anything like it till I met him and he aparently has been through like 20 drs in his life trying to cure it. He was diagnosed at 12 as haveing really bad bleeding ulcers in his stomach but its more then that because I do not have ulscers and now I get it way worse then his are. I have it right now and im completely bed ridden. I litt fell asleep on the toilet last night im on it so much....I think I just passed out there lol. I also get fevers and I throw up occasionally but the sulfer burps omg.....its so grose. Im unsure how to deal with it but all the things ive tried nothing worked. Gas ex sometimes will take the smell away for a while for me if I take like half a box or peppermint oil is okay too....but nothi g totally helps.im thinking its some kind of parasites because I neverrrr had it till I got married.
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Thanks Klaaskoop - I had a look at your cure of vinegar. I have not tried that yet. Just wanted to add my 2 cents and whole experience here:
- Currently 38 years old and have had these bouts my whole life. my mother says it started when I was a baby.
- They seem to be worse when I'm very stressed out or eat very rich foods or binge, but honestly sometimes they don't happeni nthat context, so it's hard to say that's why. Also same with thinking it's a particular food allergy. I always think this, but it can't be the reason (too many variables).
-Parasite test and didn't have any (fecal test)
-Barium test once at age 26, and it didn't turn up anything.
- h.Pylori tests: was negative in 2011 and positive in 2014. Was treated with antbiotic regimen in March 2015 and then air test showed it was gone in July. I had no bouts between April and October 2015.

So I feel as though the h.pylori, while it can't be the CAUSE, definitely made it worse. I know that I had more episodes between 2012 and 2015 because when I was pregnant in 2012, I was sick almost every month. And in early 2015, I was sick 2 or 3 times a month, missing a lot of work. It seem sto follow no pattern at all, which is super annoying.

Now, between April 2015 and November 2015 I had the longest time without any episodes, which was awesome. Was this because the h/pylori was gone? No idea.
But I did suddenly get sick last week, from what I thought was a bit different, maybe a regular stomach bug. There were hints of burps, but it wasn't the same. Unfortunately, I got it again several days later and this time it was totally the burp/vomiting/diarrhea expisode. It was bad. I'm just getting better now and to my horror, this morning my husband came downstairs an had the burps.
NO ONE in my life has ever had them other than me, that I've been in contact with. So that makes me wonder if it's transmittable.
So now I'm thinking it's a parasite again...
I was seen by a gastroenterologist in the summer who said it was probably constipation and to take Metamucil. I have a follow-up in January and will try to0 remember to follow up here too.
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A related discussion, Sulpher burps and gas - My experience and cure was started.
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You may not be getting your food through your system adequately. Drink LOTS of water, less dairy/milk, and you might try adding some bulk to your food, in the form of flax seed or a little Metamucil. Taking Pepcid or other antacids may help. If you have not seen a gastroenterologist and had an upper GI and lower GI examination, I highly recommend you do so, and it should help. And don't fuss; these tests are not as bad as people will say, and well worth getting the issue resolved.
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wassup man u are not alone i recently started having this problem in dec of 2013 , when it firstcame about ii threw up went to sleep woke up the next morning thinking i was better but no it was js the beginning about 3 hrs went by since i was awake an all of a sudden i started getting this really bad stomach cramp one ive never felt b4 , t felt like sumthing was moving in ma stomach like ripping ma insides an ds would last a good 2 ta 5 mins then stop  7 ta 10 mins later it would start again n with everytime it came about the pain got more n more severe , about 2 hrs into the cycle of pain i began to burp n it tasted like rotten eggs an the throwing up n watery poop followed , now i had that for a straight 2 weeks then one day it  stopped in the month of january 2014 now js last monday of february the symptoms js hit me an actually rite now im still feelin it only this time i hav heartburn aswell so i went researchin online n thats the reason i found dis but i also found the reason of all dis i would like to share it with yu cuz NO MAN SHOULD GO THRU THIS TYPA TORMENT .... OK ALL THIS IS CAUSED BY A BACTERIA CALLED GIARDIA WHICH IS A PARASITE THAT CAN ENTER YOUR BODY THRU UNCLEAN WATER ALSO FOOD THATS NOT COOKED PROPERLY NOW THE ONLY WAY TO GET RID OF IT IS TO GET SOME ANTIBIOTICS FROM YOUR DOCTOR DRINK PLENTY OF FLUIDS ALSO GET PLENTY OF REST TILL IT OFFICIALLY CUMS OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM , AN NOW THAT IS XACTLY WHT I AM GOIN TO DO IM HAPPY I FOUND THIS INFO CUZ ALL THIS TIME I THOUGHT IT WAS JS A REALLY BAD STOMACH VIRUS  BUT I NEW SUMTHING WAS UP WITH THE WAY ITS LASTING SO LONG AN THE REALLY BAD BURP SMELL SO I HAD TO DO SUM RESEARCH , I HOPE U TAKE WHT I SHARED WITH YU AN ACT UPON IT CUZ DIS IS SERIOUS  .... GET WELL SOON MY FRIEND
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I have had this for the last few years. Last summer, I decided I needed to lose weight and, on the advice of a friend who'd lost weight,I tried avoiding wheat. I didn't go full-on gluten free, or anything. Those foods marked "gluten free" almost always have way too many ingredients from the laboratory to be healthy, in my opinion. Anyway, for four months I stopped eating breads, pasta, crackers, cereals, etc...and, remembering that bread is hidden in a lot of foods like pizza, croutons, doughnuts... I not only lost 40 lbs, but I stopped having the dreaded diarrhea episodes that start with the rotten egg burps. Then I cheated a lot and ate a lot of wheat for two months, gaining back 12 lbs and starting again with the diarrhea.
I've researched wheat. The hybridized wheat that is in all of our food has as much as 50 times the gluten of naturally occurring wheat. The human body is not equipped to metabolize this much gluten. I believe the monumental increase in gluten in our diet may be behind all the obesity, diabetes, and heart disease suffered by modern cultures with industrialized food systems. Avoiding wheat is worth a try!
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I have had this for years. I am curios to know how many of you that have this eat items that contain real buttermilk, particularity salad dressings like Hidden Valley Ranch and Uncle Dan's made at home with buttermilk as well as like the Jack In The Box Buttermilk Dipping Sauce? I am pretty convinced that mine is caused by this. I have read in previous post that it could be a bacteria problem. I would imagine buttermilk could carry a lot of it. Let me know....
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Like so many others, I am so comforted knowing a) I am not crazy, and b) I am not alone!
I started having the worst diarrhea ever in mid-September. Lasted almost three weeks. During this time I noticed I have these awful eggy/sulfur type burps and nausea. Normally I might have to burp after drinking something carbonated, etc, but these nasty burps come out of the blue. The diarrhea was so bad and I lost so much fluid I ended up taking an ambulance from my office to the ER. Turns out I was in acute renal failure. Dozens of tests and thousands of dollars later, I knew I was in renal failure but no idea what started the whole thing. These symptoms have returned twice since then (including right now) and my primary care doc is at a loss. He gave me Lomotil to stop the diarrhea (works like a charm) but dose nothing for the burping and nausea. I'm going to Walgreen's on my lunch hour to pick up Prevacid and see if that helps.
I wish health & happiness for you all!
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Poor thing. Have you ever tried digestive enzymes and probiotics? I have these symptoms at times too, maybe twice a year and not as severely as you do, but when I get this I realize it has to do with "gut" health and I start taking full spectrum digestive enzymes at each meal and a large dose (at least twice the dose recommended on the label) of live probiotics. The problem goes away in a couple of days--the stomach pain, feeling overly full and bloated, the gas, the belching, etc. Hope this helps you too.
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You need to be tested for celiac disease. I have the exact same symptoms in the same exact cycle as everyone else and I went gluten free and I feel so much better. The problem with celiac is it's a relatively new disease that is being studied and a lot of doctor's don't know much about it. You can get a negative blood test for celiac and then a positive biopsy or vice versa. There is also such a thing as Non celiac gluten sensitivity which was just recognized in 2011 as an actual "thing" but it is believed to be the beginning stages of celiac. It will give you a positive blood test and a negative biopsy because it takes time for the villi in the intestine to break down but you are still testing positive for an immune reaction to gluten.
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"during my last bout, I broke out in a horrible burning itching rash, starting with my feet and palms." <--I had this same symptom & was later diagnosed with Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (a liver disorder.) I urge you to have your liver enzymes measured at your next doctor's visit.
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6651553 tn?1383410714
Whoops!  I dun' goofed.  I meant to write ...I want you folks who suffer from this to be diligent..." Drop the "to let" & move on.  Yea, I'm 1 of those types who believe spelling & grammar do make a difference.  Sorry about that. Carry on...
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6651553 tn?1383410714
Look folks, there's a real difference in getting nasty burps & poots from eating "Red Baron Pizza" (ick!) & other highly processed & preservative laden foods & the farty smelling burps & constipation of gastroparesis.  There's a difference in smelly burps & those that smell akin to having those that smell like farts sent from the 7th level of Hades. I have an autoimmune disease so it wasn't a far stretch for me to be diagnosed with autoimmune gastroparesis.  I want to let you folks who suffer from this to be diligent & keep a diary of what you eat, when your symptoms start & subside, also keeping track of your bowel movements without having to get too graphic just simply state when & the consistency & if diabetic, also monitor your blood sugar in this diary too.  Doing these things can help your physicians to diagnose.  Sadly, if you do have true gastroparesis, the only thing you can do to help is to only eat foods that are cooked. :(  Which really bites the big one as I LOVE salads & fresh fruits.  There are medications but they should only be used in the worst case scenarios or with those who have diabetes.  I've found that being sedentary makes things worse so get up offa' than thang & exercise, even if it's just walking.  Good luck.
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6628118 tn?1383139643
   i feel or ya. i can't any dairy, that includes soy and almond milk. i can't eat eggs either. i get it sometimes as much as a couple times a week. sometimes i think it would be best just not to eat at all, but diabetes don't like that. i've seen my va doctor a few times, and again nothing seems to really work. alka-seltzer helps some.
   one morning sitting on the edge of the bed getting ready to take that big morning ****, had a cigarette in my mouth. i sparked up a fire on the ole zippo to get a light and just then one of those nasty burps comes up. when it hit the flame it flash fired and scorned the hair of my goatee and nose hairs. i jumped back across the bed freaking out. i'm thinking flammable gases coming from ur body like that isn't good for u.
   i'm only 51, but when i have these bouts, i feel like i should be wearing a depends just in case, but usually don't leave home during that time. i learned my lesson. i can clear a room with one burp or fart. and the sounds that come from my gut, like a water cooler bubbling.
i take omeprazole 20mg cap for acid reflux,lopermide 2ng cap for diarrhea, alka-selter and or baking soda helps with bloated feeling. a couple hits off my pot pipe helps with the nausea. not i have tried actually stops it, but these have helped me some. good luck.
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I'm suffering from this for the first time. I'm 37 years old. My daughter is 2 yrs. Old and just recently she went through a long bout of this.  Obviously she can't really tell me about her symptoms but it sure seems very similar. It seems way wores in the middle of the nite. She would be very gassy with diaria as I am and she would burp and it smelled just like the nasty egg burps I'm having. The doc. Gave her some probiotics and it seems to have gone away for her for the time being.Doesn't it seem like this has to be some kind of parasite or or bug that people can contract from each other sence I'm reading alot of people on different forums say that them and there children are suffering from it? Or maby from something we all eaght? Me and my dauter both enjoy hungry jack mashed potatoes does that strike a chord with anyone? How about soy milk? We both drink that becouse were lactose intolerant.
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I'm suffering from this for the first time. I'm 37 years old. My daughter is 2 yrs. Old and just recently she went through a long bout of this.  Obviously she can't really tell me about her symptoms but it sure seems very similar. It seems way wores in the middle of the nite. She would be very gassy with diaria as I am and she would burp and it smelled just like the nasty egg burps I'm having. The doc. Gave her some probiotics and it seems to have gone away for her for the time being.Doesn't it seem like this has to be some kind of parasite or or bug that people can contract from each other sence I'm reading alot of people on different forums say that them and there children are suffering from it? Or maby from something we all eaght? Me and my dauter both enjoy hungry jack mashed potatoes does that strike a chord with anyone? How about soy milk? We both drink that becouse were lactose intolerant.
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My wife has had this for years and cant find a solution. Taking these medications will only temporarily solve your problems, causing more serious problems due to taking these unhealthy temp fixes. She seemed to think she was allergic to gluten but even a no gluten diet didn't help. I believe her stomach is not making enough actual acid to eat the food quickly enough, although there is always acidic fluid in her stomach, hence the vomiting. Acid destroys the bacteria in healthy individuals food, but what happens if there isn't enough actual acid in the mixture of fluids? The food begins to rot and the bacteria makes you sick as if you had food poisoning right? Simple solution yet not experimented with as of yet: I believe a  glass of half APPLE CIDER VINEGAR, half water, will eliminate the bacteria on contact, as well as immediately stop the message to the brain..... which is....  "something is wrong" and how else does your body tell you this other than pain? KILL THE BACTERIA!!!! Pinch your nose so that you cant taste the vinegar and gulp the glass down. This will be her next in a long line of tests we have experimented with. I will let you know how it works, try it, and let us know your results. If the doctors cant do anything but feed us more unhealthy medication for a quick fix then we need to come together to solve this mystery of STINKYYYYYY BURPS......did someone let off a stink bomb in here?
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I have had two scary episodes of having endless diarrhea, vomiting, horrible headache, along with burping what tasted like greasy rotten eggs.  The first episode lasted 5 to 7 days.  This last episode lasted 24 hours, which I am currently recovering from it.

In both cases, I was self treating for a bladder infection, taking vitamin C and drinking non-stop amounts of diet Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice.  Two main ingredients of diet Cranberry Juice are Red Dye #40 and Sucralose, otherwise known as Splenda.  High doses of Splenda, can cause migraines and gastrointestinal issues.  Here is a link discussing the dangers of Splenda in high doses.  http://www.karlloren.com/Diabetes/p40e.htm.

Red dye #40 has it's own series of side effects, including causing migraines and cancer.  Here is a link discussing some of it's issues.  http://www.livestrong.com/article/487389-harmful-effects-of-red-food-coloring/

My first go around with this nastiness, I had kept drinking the diet cranberry juice during the entire episode, because I had bad bladder and possibly kidney infection.  I was downing the juice as fast as I could urinate it out.  When I ran out of cranberry juice, started getting better.  

This go around, as soon as I got sick, I couldn't hold down any juice or water or anything.  It took approximately 8 hours for the majority of it to work out of my system.  I still have a horrible headache and my right side is hurting, but that could be caused by the yellow gatorade I have been drinking, which is chalk full of yellow dye.

I know people think this is a huge joke, but most of what we eat is poisonous.  You might want to take a look at all of the foods you eat to see if they contain Splenda, (Sucralose), and red dye #40.  You might be surprised to know how many foods contain one or both of these.

I really good site to start learning about the poisons in your food is:  www.mercola.com.  Research, research, research...Most doctors are now pharmacists and do not have the knowledge base to help you with your health issues.  It is not their fault; it is just how it is.  Remember knowledge is power - just because the FDA tells you it is safe, doesn't mean it is.

Just thought I should share, I hope this helps some of you.
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hi all........ few week ago i woke up a morning wid vomiting dioreah and eggy burpz...... that day waas like a never ending... finaly the dioreah and vomiting calmd... but... the burps.. eggy burps made my life  (hell)..... i went to doctors several times... as i couldnt tolerate the burps no more but had no choice but to put up with them... being a diebetic my doctor had started me on a new injection called (EXSENITIDE)  having sulphuric eggy burps stomach cramps was 1 of the side affects....... what i was not aware off... on my next visit to the specialist my diebty nurse... i explained all the symptons and how i sufferd from thease rotton burps.... the first thing she told me was it was an side affect due to the injection i was taking....AT LEAST MY MIND WAS TO REST....  i knew what was the cause to the burpz.... then my doctor explained to me that what i eat rather than it flowing down to digest.... the food flows up in the pipe ov stomach and that causes the nasty eggy burps... also i should avoid food like curry spices kababz...etc etc... when lieng down i should lie on a side rather than straight...and prescribed me  ( domperidone )tablets... so far touch wood.... i havnt had the eggy burps... i feeel alive lol i thought i would share my burpy trauma with you guys who have all sufferd.... for any medical advice do ask your doctor it realy helps......
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I am so amazed by reading this thread. I have had this burping, upset stomach thing, for years. For me, it comes and goes and I can for months and not have it. I actually just got over a bout of it. Well, not totally over it. I still don't feel too well, but the rotten egg burps are gone. I have had those so badly, that I can't go into public because they stink, just awful! Sometimes my breath even smells without burping. I also have noticed that I feel like burping sometimes, but nothing comes out. I usually have loose stools (that can be yellow in color and my doctor says yellow is okay). I don't know that any food necessarily causes it, or starts it, but I don't know that it can definitely make it worse. For me, fasting for a day, can make it allot better. I also know that eating beef can really make it worse and me feel sicker.  When this first started, it was before I had my gallbladder out, and I thought it might have been that, but having it out, didn't make it go away. I have wondered if it is caused by lack of gallbladder, or a properly functioning gallbladder.  I do know that I am more likely to have this in the spring and fall, (though not limited to) and the degree to which I get sick, can very. I have had it so badly that I couldn't leave the house because of urgency to use the bathroom. Bowels so lose that it just ran out, with no control.

I also experience some back pain while having this my stomach can be very bloated and distended, which I believe is gas. Sure would be nice to know what causes this. Yuck!
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