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hello there am 20m,i started to masturbate some 6 yrs back.First few months i did it few time but as dayz past i started doing 2 to 3 times a day.Now the problem is that whenever i masturbate my left leg pains and so i stopped masturbation but i still get night fall and due to this my leg pains a lot. i went to a urologist but he said there is no connection of legs pain with my masturbation. But know that there is some connection because after a night fall my legs starts to pain in the morning,please help me because right now am stuck i dont know what to do.
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i have masturbated for a long while now,and lately i was doing it 3 to 4 times a day. lately i feel this severe pain in my lower parts, i feel pains when i sit, walk or even try to jump. and anytime i urinate though there is no blood i feel this burning pain at the tip of my penis... any advise??
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Get checked for a UTI (urinary tract infection) or an STI OR STD.
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So, thus happened to my husband before. And it really isn't from the masturbating itself but from dehydration & a pulled groin muscle.
The other thing can be a urinary tract infection. They can feel different for men versus what women feel. If you live in the states then most pharmacies have test strips for UTI. So, you can rule that out for like $10.
I hope this helps.
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Allopathic doctors may not agree but actually masturbation cause problems, to cure these side effects follow the following points
1) take Ktera Gund( कतीरा गूंद) it will keep your stomach cool and will help to counter extra heat caused by following.
2) take ashvagandha (powder form)  with milk.
3) take khjur (dates 3 to 4) with milk it will help to reduce back pain and sexual weakness (ktera gund will counter its excess heat in stomach)
4) eat garlic (raw) before lunch time.
Will counter sexual weakness
5) take ortho calcium tablets and take them with milk twice a week (for better bones)
6) start doing exercise- you may think your body is weak but actually it is not it is due to release of happy hormone during ejaculation so u feel sad, if u go to gym or do exercise for 21 day on next week you will feel the strength in your body for sure.
remember dont take ashvgandha on daily basis only do it for firsr week then start creating gap between dosage. (Dont masturbate in this cycle)
6) psychological effect of masturbation on u will be - wont able to talk to any female, awkward horny feeling, overthinking, feel pity about yourself.
But remember this is not your fault it is just your body release happy hormone during ejaculation so you will sad because there is no real partner to share emotion. it can be cured easily with asvgandha and dates and almonds
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Hi nikhil u are under stress or anxiety first my best advice don't self diagnose urself and u went to a doctor good to hear about it also try to avoid think a lot about this problem because people with masturbate will face same problem but leg pain is not related to masturbation but groin near to thighs pain are related to masturbation don't worry try to avoid masturbation believe in God practice yoga and then be talkative to neighbours it will reduce your stress k be well

God bless you
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Although I am not a doctor , but taking ashwagandha powder with milk at night will remove this problem ......it is used for many purpose like weight gain ,to cure I'll effect of masterbation and various so don't hesitate to take this from ayurvedic patanjali or other store
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I am also having knee pain and cracking sound whenever I move my knees. left leg specially.
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dear Dr, My both side were undescended testis. now I'm 28, when I'm Horney. I get pain in my testicle and both side of stitch.... few years Ago i was good, No pain, Now i Have when I'm Horney..
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Thanks for your post . This post has changed my life.Now i am feeling sexually healthy.Is there any side effects of using "GNC Prostate Formula"??
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Hi sir/madam,
This is pratap,22 year old male.for past 2 years I had masturbation for 2 to 3 times daily.i used to do it daily.finally after 2.5 years,bad time started for me. I faced problems like
• Less memory and concentration.
• Mild mind.
• Increase in body weight.
• Frequent urination for about 15-25 times daily including night.
• A white gel type discharge during urination at night.
• Depressed,stress,dizziness,anxeity,more and more hungry.
• Laziness,sleepness at all time.
• Upset stomach,burning sensation in stomach.
• severe pain during urination.
• Uncomfortable in each and every situation.
• Hair loss and dandruff infection on my head.
• Severe body heat.
• Pimples on my face.
• Changes in sizes of my thighs and leg.
• Sexual weakness.not able to watch TV also.
• Strong urine smell(as though like concentrated acid) during urination.
• Cannot retain urine for few minutes.if retained,mind becomes mild,tensed,depressed etc.
I consulted many doctors.but there was no use from them..

At last I tried some home remedies to cure this problem…only around 40% of the problem got cured..
Now still I’m facing problems like,
• Burning sensation in stomach.
• Upset stomach.
• Severe Pain during urination.
• Some times White gel type discharge during urination.
• Hair loss and dandruff problem.
• Strong urine smell(more acidic urine).
• Depression due to upset stomach.
• Sexual weakness.
• Increase and decrease in my thighs and leg size.
• Feeling like shocks in my Legs.  

So plz anyone help me to cure this problems by using some home remedies/having raw herbs etc.

plz plz I beg anyone to  cure this problem as soon as possible.
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what home remedies u tried?
are you okay now? I just got same exact problem as yours.
please help me how you overcome this problem.
Is it white discharge on side of penis
Please see the response from Dr Veena and consult your local GP
because lots of adults having masturbation problem don't self diagnose your problems u are ok may be ur stress problem
Allopathic doctors may not agree but actually masturbation cause problems, to cure these side effects follow the following points
1) take Ktera Gund( कतीरा गूंद) it will keep your stomach cool and will help to counter extra heat caused by following.
2) take ashvagandha (powder form)  with milk.
3) take khjur (dates 3 to 4) with milk it will help to reduce back pain and sexual weakness (ktera gund will counter its excess heat in stomach)
4) eat garlic (raw) before lunch time.
Will counter sexual weakness
5) take ortho calcium tablets and take them with milk twice a week (for better bones)
6) start doing exercise- you may think your body is weak but actually it is not it is due to release of happy hormone during ejaculation so u feel sad, if u go to gym or do exercise for 21 day on next week you will feel the strength in your body for sure.
remember dont take ashvgandha on daily basis only do it for firsr week then start creating gap between dosage. (Dont masturbate in this cycle)
6) psychological effect of masturbation on u will be - wont able to talk to any female, awkward horny feeling, overthinking, feel pity about yourself.
But remember this is not your fault it is just your body release happy hormone during ejaculation so you will sad because there is no real partner to share emotion. it can be cured easily with asvgandha and dates and almonds
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hi you are correct , you will become tall
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hi you are correct , you will become tall
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dude i need to ask something really important plz reply..............did u grow tall even though u did it so much?anything masterbaution and growing tall...........i m doing it for 3 years now........since i was 13 i havent grown a single inch!it is harming me in all ways.....my hair is thinning..........i m trying my best to stop.........any suggestions
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i am 19 years old boy... I used to masturbate daily several times....  but suddenly from the past few days i am having a slight pain in my testicles with some sort of discomfort feeling.....

I have lost hair so much that there is a bald spot on the back side of my head...

and for the past few days i am also not having any erection too...

I didnt have sex anytime...

Can anyone please help me in this regard?? How to overcome this problems???
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im having slight pain and discomfort down to my left testicle. this happen after i masturbate like 6-8 times in three days in a row. could it be because of the frequent masturbation or is it something else? does anyone experience the same problem? what should i do?
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hello connect with me: ***@****
I have a similar situation with my lower abdomen pain.  it is caused from edging I think     if you edge try stopping for a while
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i got pain in my left testicles..... and lower abdomen firstly on right side and now its been on the center too... is it bcoz of over masturbating... i masturbate alot..... and i have having bowel obstruction from last one and half month....before all this i was having a constipation problem....but now have to go for bowel process two to three times a day.. is it some serious problem with me... can it be easily cured... help me out to whom i should consult..  
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Exactly the same problem some one is facing did you find the solution
I think I am late but are felling ok now.
if not then I have a cure.
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Excessive mustarbation is really harmful. The docs say it isnt because they probably rarely get such patients. I have been a serial mustarbator for over 10 years. But lately, i have been doing it 5+ times a day. I developed a pain in my back. I became weaker and lost concetration. I developed back pain. Lower back. At first i thought i had spinal cord issues but i was x-ray-ed without issues. But my back pain was becoming persistent. The docs however still saw no problem they simply gave me stronger pain killing medication. The pain persisted and what was mysterious is that i would always feel a lil better after another ejaculation. So i always had one for the road. My left leg was painful...like there is a rope in there some one is pulling through my back. My hair was thinning and my concetration was bad. I realized that this must have to do with something i am doing in excess. The only thing that i was doing in excess was mustarbation. My testacles were basically drained. And they were hurting and so was my groin and the pain became concetrated and i could feel with precision that it was in my back and between the spine and stomach. I spoke to a Dr. friend and explained to him and he told me that my testacles were drained and i was still mustarbating and this is the causee of the pain and that it actually is straining the kidneys too. I stopped. The first day, i was still horny but avoided it. I resisted the temptation to mustarbate. I drank alot of water. Alot of warm water. Like a cleanse for any body imbalances that arose from the excessive mustarbation. The pain decreased and by the third day, the pain had reduced to 40%. It decreased to 20% a week later. It was like 11 days since i mustarbated. My leg also healed. Anyway, am still undergoing this therapy and am getting better. It might seem like a joke. But many people suffer different effects and probably more severe than us but simply shut up. after what i went through, i cut my mustarbation and also got a consistent gf and to be honest, atleast be assured of my sexual needs. If u are having any pains and u r over mustarbating, see a physician and if they dont see a thing, which most probably will not see, then just cut back on the mustarbation. Luckily, the effects are reversible. Good luck.  
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Excessive mustarbation is really harmful. The docs say it isnt because they probably rarely get such patients. I have been a serial mustarbator for over 10 years. But lately, i have been doing it 5+ times a day. I developed a pain in my back. I became weaker and lost concetration. I developed back pain. Lower back. At first i thought i had spinal cord issues but i was x-ray-ed without issues. But my back pain was becoming persistent. The docs however still saw no problem they simply gave me stronger pain killing medication. The pain persisted and what was mysterious is that i would always feel a lil better after another ejaculation. So i always had one for the road. My left leg was painful...like there is a rope in there some one is pulling through my back. My hair was thinning and my concetration was bad. I realized that this must have to do with something i am doing in excess. The only thing that i was doing in excess was mustarbation. My testacles were basically drained. And they were hurting and so was my groin and the pain became concetrated and i could feel with precision that it was in my back and between the spine and stomach. I spoke to a Dr. friend and explained to him and he told me that my testacles were drained and i was still mustarbating and this is the causee of the pain and that it actually is straining the kidneys too. I stopped. The first day, i was still horny but avoided it. I resisted the temptation to mustarbate. I drank alot of water. Alot of warm water. Like a cleanse for any body imbalances that arose from the excessive mustarbation. The pain decreased and by the third day, the pain had reduced to 40%. It decreased to 20% a week later. It was like 11 days since i mustarbated. My leg also healed. Anyway, am still undergoing this therapy and am getting better. It might seem like a joke. But many people suffer different effects and probably more severe than us but simply shut up. after what i went through, i cut my mustarbation and also got a consistent gf and to be honest, atleast be assured of my sexual needs. If u are having any pains and u r over mustarbating, see a physician and if they dont see a thing, which most probably will not see, then just cut back on the mustarbation. Luckily, the effects are reversible. Good luck.  
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how did you know that a lot of warm water would help? did it?
if you drink warm water or normal water only then your desire for masterbution is getting down , you will feel relaxed . if you want to left masterbution then think positive and spend your time with your family.
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hello i used  to masturbate but now i stopped but b4 i stopped i ejaculated and did not rest and did it again and now i ejaculated with pain on the left scrotum muscles or let me say the veins that runs down to the scrotum. besides the pain comes and go and my penis has curved to the left hand side. pls is there anything i can do? the pain has been there for like 5 months now. pls help. thanks.
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Sounds like a stricture from scar tissue
Same... any more suggestions.
nick_100. It's helpful to start your own post and tell us more about your situation. We'll try to help
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Hey there, I really think I can help you,

I was in your exact same position a month ago - In fact I read this exact message a few times while searching the internet for answers to the problem my doctor couldn't help me with.
I could hardly sleep because I had so much pain going down my legs, thinning hair, difficulty urinating etc. It turns out you CAN get prostatitis from overmasturbation - don't let some "expert" tell you otherwise. My doctors all said it was prostatitis but that it was from different causes. Either way, this is what I did to fix it: goto your nearest GNC and get this stuff called GNC prostate formula. It contains many ingredients essential for prostate health - sawtooth palmetto, lycopene etc. Also find some "Bee Pollen" at your nearest vitamin shoppe and an amino acid called GABA. I took these three things along with ginko biloba and ginseng and within a week I was getting erections again, and now by the end of the month I feel as sexually healthy as when I was at age 15 (Im 22). I was so depressed and practically suicidal before, but now I feel better than ever and have no more leg pains, hair thinning, no more painful urination or anything like that. Of course, you also have to stop masturbating - no more than once every two days for me, hopefully I can completely give it up!
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How did you know to use the prostate formula and the other supplements?
who recommend you these medicines.
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i can consult a urologist na.........he will help na to overcome the problem??????????
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     Thanks for writing in. The only remedy for fatigue and other problems like reduced semen is cutting down on the frequency of masturbation. Yes, excess masturbation can effect concentration and memory.

Consult a urologist for further assistance.

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       thanx for answering so soon.OK i will visit an orthopaedician.i want to ask u few questions
1. does over masturbation cause memory lose and bad concentration,if yes then whats the remedy for it.
2. how to overcome problems like reduced semen,fatigue  n become healthy person as before pls give some tips,plsssssssssssss
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             How are you? Over masturbation can lead to a number of problems like fatigue, back pain, weak erections, pain in the testicles, groin and pelvis.
But leg pain is usually not due to over masturbation. I would suggest that you visit a orthopaedician for further workup and advise on treatment.
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