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i feel like i need to urinate but dont have to

Recently with in the last hour i felt the normal need to urinate, i went and as soon as i was done i felt the pressure like if i was holding it for a long time and i needed to go, but it seemed there was no urine left. After that i keep feeling the urge and pressure to urinate and when i try to either nothing happens ore a very very small amount comes out.  I feel no pain. Should i go to my doctor? I don't have insurance and would like to avoid a medical check up if there is nothing wrong
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My last hour is that I have been going to the bathroom 36 times in one hour and I am not sure if it happens when your on your period.
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Adult male  trying  to pee a little come out or nothing  at all come out
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Are you still having this problem ? . Of not what did you do to stop it ?
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i have been worried about the same exact thing  except mine only happens the 2 days before i start my period
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i also experience such problems to but i use a drug bt nt realy a drug that realy helped me am a living testimony..contact me for more details ***@****
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What is the drug or whatever it is? I'm desperate so sick of this feeling I thought it was from smoking weed but it isn't that please tell me if possible
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I'd  help but  i have  same  thing i just  found out  about  this   now  and   i don't  want  ask my  parents   about  it .  i had  this  since i was  in grade 7  till grade 12  and i'm 18 .  
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  Something else (for males): When you go to a urologist, he/she will probably want to do a 'digital exam' (gloved finger in the anus) to feel the prostate to see if it's enlarged.  The problem with this is that they can feel the 'outside' perimeter of the prostate but it's the INSIDE of the prostate that swells and constricts the urethra; making it difficult or impossible to pass urine.  A prostate can 'feel' normal and be swollen internally - thus restricting the urine flow
  If you get a bottle of "Prostate Health Essentials" (www.seniorlifehealth.com) at take 3 capsules per day, your urine retention WILL go away IF the problem is prostate related.  This is a good way to determine whether your problem stems from an enlarged prostate OR if you have a urethral stricture.  If this supplement helps, reduce to one capsule per day.  I continue to use this to keep the prostate healthy (one cap per day)
  If the problem persists after 6 or 7 days of Prostate Health Essentials, you probably have a urethral stricture.  That's one way to tell, anyway.
  It wouldn't hurt to ask the urologist for a prescription for Terazosin (I don't know if this is recommended for females with urethral stricture).  That can reduce the 'urgency to urinate' and help you to get a FULL night sleep.
  A stricture can be NASTY.  Do a LOT of research, take a lot of notes and share your experiments with others.  For God sake, don't be embarrassed.
  Hope the info helps.
    Al R.
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I've read a lot off comments where people are reluctant to talk to family, parents, etc. about their issue.  There is nothing 'embarrassing' about medical issues.  First, there are only TWO sexes ... not hardly a 'mystery' as to the differences.  Second, medical issues are often out of your control and you need some form of intervention.  Family is often the best place to start discussing your issues.  When you say to a parent, "I have a painful problem and need your advice."  A parent that refuses to talk about the issue is not a parent!!!  Don't be embarrassed.  Also, doctors (specialists) see a lot of nakedness and a wide range of problems.  Don't feel embarrassed with them.  They're not 'turned on' by your nakedness .. they'd probably rather be home watching reality TV.
  I'm a 62 year old male.  But urinary issues are often common in both sexes.  I've read several messages in this forum that sound like 'urethral stricture'.  Both male & female can have this issue.  I continue to have problems with this.  Went through urethral dilation (look it up on YouTube) and I will NEVER go thru that again.
  For males, you can try several things if you're experimental.  But first, you 'should' go to a urologist and get a non-intrusive exam; such as an ultrasound (you can have a bladder, kidney ultrasound and ultrasound of the entire length of the urethra to see if there is a stricture (constriction).  A stricture is like a flattened & narrowed garden hose and occurs in both male & female.  The urologist may want a blood sample and will surely want a urine sample (do whatever it takes to produce one).
  If the urologist suggests putting a scope in your urethra (male or female), keep in mind that this WILL cause damage.  My urologist did it to me and left behind several teaspoons of blood on the exam table (NEVER AGAIN)!!
  I have no reservations talking with others about this problem.  And you'll find (if you do the same) there are many others with your problem.  All of you will benefit from sharing your problems with one another.  In fact, I have two female friends who have stricture issues.  One could not urinate at all and thought she would 'explode'.  Went to emergency and they FORCED a catheter into her.  It did a LOT of damage.  Don't wait until you can't urinate!  A male friend did the same.  I came across a company in California called "Senior Life Health".  They have a product called "Prostate Health Essentials".  I've turned several male friends on to this and it works well - and amazingly fast.  This is #1 choice if your problem is enlarged prostate instead of stricture.
  For males, a cheap penis pump (you can get them at Walgreens for $12 or eBay for about the same) can 'stretch' the stricture.  I've been doing this for 6 weeks and it is working great.  Just don't pump it too much or you create more damage than you can imagine.  Along with this, I've been taking several 'over the counter' supplements such as:

L-Argenine [Source Naturals L-Arginine L-Citrulline Complex, 240 Tablets-1000mg.  Amazon.com  $23] (male or female)

Enzyte [find expired boxes on eBay for $5 or so] (not for females)

Bee Pollen [Y.S. Organic Bee Pollen -- 200 Capsules.  Amazon.com $12.50] (male or female)

Serrapeptase [Amazing Nutrition Serrapeptase (40, 000 Units). Amazon.com  $11] {heals internal/external scar tissue which often accompanies strictures}. (male or female)

  I'm NOT a doctor and the examples above are simply suggestions from items I've personally used over the past two years for the stricture issue.  I provided the source so you can study the item better.  Googling the supplement along with the word 'review' will get you others' opinions of the various uses of these products.  Some of the reviewers are 'paid' to credit or discredit a product so use caution and discretion.
  It's good to know that if you constantly have a full bladder, that can lead to renal (kidney) failure.  If the bladder is full, the kidneys can't work properly (nowhere to move the urine).  This is VERY dangerous.  Having your bladder full all the time also damages the elasticity of your bladder - which often causes the inability to urinate even though you feel like you're ready to explode (no elasticity/expansion to force the urine out).  Losing weight is one way (for those over-weight) to rebuild the elasticity of the bladder.
  I was diagnosed at stage 3 (final stage) renal failure.  They wanted me to prepare myself for kidney dialysis (not fun at all).  I started taking one teaspoon, twice per day, of Colloidal Silver.  After 3 weeks of this I went to the kidney specialist and he was dumbfounded saying I had the kidneys of a teenager.  I told him about the Colloidal Silver (CS) and he was amazed - saying he has NEVER seen renal failure reversed like I had done.  *It's also a good product to keep on hand as it cures loads of other issues.  You can find the absolute best deal on CS through:
  You can get CS in stores but it's very expensive ($30 or so per ounce).  Kelly sells an entire quart for $47 and every batch is tested prior to sale.  I've been buying from them for over 5 years.  Highly recommend them.  I continue to consume CS but mostly for immune system issues - I NEVER get sick!!!  So I don't know if it contributed in a positive way to my urethral stricture issue.  
   I've also tried a naturopathic physician and am getting good results from what he is providing (he used to be a licensed urologist but gave up because of how the 'medical profession' has changed for the worse.  He specializes in urethral strictures.
  I also had severe type-2 diabetes (glucose over 300) and entirely got rid of diabetes by consuming a teaspoon (twice per day) of ground Cinnamon.  The Colloidal Silver also aided.  My regular physician couldn't believe it.  A simple cure, no side effects.  Who could ask for more???
   I'm not a doctor but don't hold back from sharing personal experiences and experiments I've done on myself.  I hope some of the comments I've provided give you the motivation to try some over the counter things which often are better cures than that provided by 'western medicine' physicians.
  Even so, it's a good idea to go to a specialist and (at the very least) get their advice and submit to the non-invasive (no penetration) tests they offer.  That's what I did.  Once I had an idea of what the problem was, I started researching in forums such as this.  LOADS of notes later (keep a MS Word file and copy/paste notes that are similar to your problems) I began experimenting with various OTC supplements and creams.
  I have room for improvement but am happy to say I can '**** a stream' of 10 feet or so.  "Something" worked ... out of all the 'experiments' I did.
  Never give up.  Experiment.  Keep good records & notes.  And, above all, talk about your problems to others - especially family.  A good 'family' will understand medical issues should not be 'embarrassing' to talk about.  
  Best of luck to all of you.  I hope my suggestions & comments help you on your road to recovery ...
  Al R.
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Some. It really hurts.
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same here i know i should go to the doctors but when i was younger i had ainfection (down there) and when i went to the doctors it was so akward i never want to go again.
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Well you should go to the doctors because they could really help you.
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"I have noticed that now when I feel like I need to pee I go to the toilet and nothing comes out or only a little bit. I then go back and lie or sit down and it's very uncomfortable and I have a big urge to pee like my bladder is full but I don't know? It does have a burning feeling but I feel I can't do anything."
Thats how I feel right now but, I am sorry I can't give you any tips because that is why I came to this website, because I have that exact problem. Please any doctor on this site help us and tell us what it might be!
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Same I really dont know what to do in a girl and Im 14 help!!!! In so much discomfort
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"I have noticed that now when I feel like I need to pee I go to the toilet and nothing comes out or only a little bit. I then go back and lie or sit down and it's very uncomfortable and I have a big urge to pee like my bladder is full but I don't know? It does have a burning feeling but I feel I can't do anything."
Thats how I feel right now but, I am sorry I can't give you any tips because that is why I came to this website, because I have that exact problem. Please any doctor on this site help us and tell us what it might be!
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I'm nine years old and I'm SO worried I'm ONLY IN FOURTH GRADE!!!!!
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No you are not over thinking this! I have the same problem. I am 14  and was born with a kidney and urinary and have had three surgeries and go in for catheters every six month and ultra sounds! i have this same problem mine have kept me up several school nights and have sent me down to my mom crying from the severe urge to pee. I even when through a time where they thought that I had Neurotic Bladder (when you need to wee but your brain doesn't get the signal telling you that you need to wee, so you are just doing what ever and all of a sudden you are just peeing). Last time I went to my urologist with the urge to pee problem (this happens a lot) he said i was having bladder spasms, he just suggested that I have a heating pad on as much as possible. (Also just a tip if you are having this issue and are still in school you can have your urologist write you a note stating that any teacher has to let you use the restroom anytime needed.)
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Wow...you're a bi###
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Wow...you're a bi###
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Don,t be so rude there asking for help not a bloody spelling lesson.
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Years ago I had the same problem.  Basically  I got very excited for an extended period of time and did not release.  I got blue balls which is testicular pain.  I masterbated and ejaculated some blood and within a few days had an enlarged prostrate which caused urination problems.  I had to go under where the doctor went up the urethra and enlarged the area of the prostrate.  This occurred 44 years ago and I have never had that problem since but, I never let my load build up either.
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I'm having the same thing too... I'm 12. Have you figured out what was wrong?
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I have this problem right now, what did you do to get rid of it?! please?
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have you tried Saw Palmetto?  It worked fro me when I quit drinking alcohol.  I started drinking alcohol again, around 2006; do not need Saw Palmetto currently, must be something in alcohol that helps me void my bladder's content.  I suggest you use Saw Palmetto  over alcohol.
This is if you are a male!
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Okay so it feels like i have to pee all the time but when i do go to urinate, little comes out. Also, when i do pee there is a sharp pain in my vagina. Is this normal?
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I have this too right now. Been up for 3 hours trying to pee :( help0
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