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itchy testicles and anus, no rash though

My testicles, scrotum, and anus itch, but I do not have a rash. I initially thought it was jock itch until i looked at pictures online and read that jock itch comes with a scaley rash. There is no rash anywhere, and my testicles and everything in the area looks completely normal, and it looks completely fine. The only problem is I'm itching. Can anybody tell me anything?
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These can often be due to eczema, allergic reactions, dermatitis, erythrasma or intertrigo.

Jock itch, known scientifically as tinea cruris is a fungal infection that affects the skin folds in the groin or pubic region. It is uncomfortable, can be itchy, and usually presents as a red rash. It is more likely to occur in men , and is usually the result of exposure to and growth of the fungus Trichophyton rubrum. It may occur with more frequency if a person has excessive sweating in the groin region and does not wear moisture wicking clothing.

Standard treatment to get rid of jock itch is to apply cream, ointment or powder containing an antifungal agent, like miconazole or clotrimazole. These can often be purchased over the counter, though occasionally a higher dosage of an antifungal treatment needs to be prescribed. On rare occasions the condition is so severe that it needs to be treated with an oral antifungal medication. This is uncommon, and most people notice the discomfort of jock itch long before it reaches an advanced stage.
If you are trying to get rid of jock itch and have never had it before, it is important to have it diagnosed by a medical professional.

There are other skin conditions that can be similar. Intertrigo can also cause rash in the groin folds, and erythrasma is a bacterial infection that may mimic tinea cruris. Both of these conditions can be misdiagnosed, especially by laypersons, as jock itch, but they require very different treatments. Using antifungals to get rid of jock itch that is really erythrasma is a huge mistake, since it can exacerbate the problem.

Once you have been given a definite diagnosis you’ll generally get rid of jock itch by applying an antifungal cream twice daily to the affected area. It is also very important to keep this area cool. Change underwear a few times a day if you work in hot or sweaty conditions, and wear breathable and loosely fitting clothing. Cotton cloth is a good choice.

When you shower, you should be certain that the affected area is fully dry prior to putting on clothing. You should pat rather than rub the area dry, so as not to make itching worse. You can even use a fan, or a blow dryer on a cool setting to dry the area first prior to getting dressed.

If you get frequent outbreaks, you can use an antifungal cream or powder, or even corn starch or baby powder, once a day, to get rid of jock itch more permanently. You should also follow the above suggestions for keeping the skin as cool and dry as possible, and for clothing choices.

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HEY GUYS I KNOW SOMETHING THAT HELPS STOP THE INSANE ITCHING !!  Yah I have the insane itching too for at least the last 14 years.  In the last year it has gotten MUCH worse ( maybe because I packed on about 35 pounds...I don't know ).  Anyway I have not found a "cure" but I did find something that takes away about 95 % of the insane itch.  No I am not a salesman for this product.  Get yourself down to Walmart ( that's where I found it any way ) and go to the cosmetics section and get find a little yellow bottle with a cartoon drawing of a monkey on it.  The stuff is call "Anti Monkey Butt" and it has given me relief from the maddening itch.  No this is not a joke.
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I will give monkey butt a try.  I have this for 10 years an no doctor has a clue.  All of the from GP to Dermatologist prescribe pills, anti-fungal cream, and steroids.  Nothing has worked. if MB does not work it is hopeless.  I had given up hope.
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I have been suffering with this for over 5 years. Docs no help. 4 docs ruled no scabies, no lice, no nothing. But it's so debilitating mentally and socially. I have seem to have spread it to others who are now itchy but just think they have eczema, or lichen.

ya, I would say the talc powders help but for me not 100% yet. I have no rash just itchy crawling skin and some stings. The Selsum blue shampoo with red strip helps for part of the day.

Borox baths with hydrogen peroxide or Espsom salt baths (lots of salt) or baking soda bath (lots 2 cups or more) provides some temp relief.

I seem to re-infect myself from my couch, bed and clothes if not dried for a long time on high heat.

Hot tub with free-boron or free chlorine followed by clean clothes and sheets and sun tanning and sweating lots (sauna) helps a lot. If I do this at the cottage for over a week and let my condo bake (no air conditioning) and lots of sun so it's a sauna in there for a week while I am away it goes away. At the cottage I let my car bake in the sun for a week at the same time and then vacuum.

Just don't put on clothes from last season with out washing and soaking in borax first - my mistake and it came back.

Waiting for summer

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Any update from anyone with these symptoms?  I have redness all over scrotum and if I stretch the skin I can feel hard little grains in the skin.  As if the hair follicles have hardened into sand.  When the area gets hot it gets very scratchy and often has pins and needles feeling.  The anus area comes and goes with the flare ups.  With similar feelings.  But not  pin and needle more just raw and rash feeling.  There are no visible signs outside of the redness of the skin overall the scrotum and the hard grainy hair follicles.
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I had exactly the same. Hard little bumps that each itch like hell. I would not wish what I had on my worst enemy. At first I went to dermatologists, but they just want to make money and would only prescribe steroid creams, saying that I had scrotal eczema and that it is incurable. I tried everything. I even tried anti-bacterial creams and fungal creams. Fungal creams would make me itch more, although I suspected that the problem is fungal, but from INSIDE my body .

Then I found this site and started with Saccharomyces boulardii probiotic as the one guy advises below. It seemed to help somewhat and it cleared up my face. I was on Saccharomyces boulardii for about 8 weeks when I started taking MSM pills. MSM is available over the counter and it is cheap. It is a good detoxing agent and softens the cell walls to easier release whatever nasty toxins they are holding.

Immediate relief the next day, but a lot more sweating down there and the sweat really stinks, but everyday the bumps would be smaller. Feeling encouraged I took some MSM pills and let them dissolve in water. This paste I then mixed in with normal cream and I applied this to my nether regions.

WOW, holy ****, the first night I woke up about 3 times, because each time it felt like I pissed my pants, This is how much bad stinky sweat, or whatever,  came out of the skin. Extremely foul smelling sweat.

About 1 week and I was completely healthy. Thank God.

My advise.
Take S Boulardii together with MSM pills.
Get some MSM cream or make your own from the pills.

Both are cheap and readily available without prescription.

Now that I am free, I am continuing with the MSM pills as it has lots of advantages. Google it.

Don't suffer, like I did. God speed.

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did you use the powder or the lotion??
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i just started tthis same problem few days ago insane ich that will not go away at times and some times it doesnt ich but wen it does it burns like hell if i dont ich theres no rash theres a little redness probably do to scratching cant help it started off around my anus n moved to my groin then onto my private i do have dry skin at times but this has cause my skin to dry out worse but heres what i dont get i look down there see nothing like its all normal but i run my hand over there itchy areas slowly i can feel tiny bumps that i dont see idk if its do to the dry skin or not but it iches like hell on to of all this i no i have no stds been checked and i havent had sexual activities in bout a year bout i do no this i was at friends appartment tht has a good ac for lik 2 weeks and i went home which i live in a trailor ac doesnt keep it as cool as the lik my friends appartment i was home bout a week n went back to my friends n this wen i started feeling the insane iching was this do to dry skin n jumping between cool and warm areas or do i have iffection of some sort i been looking up things but nothing i found has come even close to was goin on w me
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Ok people so i have an answer. I have had the itching in the side crevasis sides of the scrotum and around anus too for 2 years now. Come to find oud its from a buldging nerve in my lower vertibre which     explains the lower back pinching pain when i hold my son for too long or anything heavy. Heres an article explaining it all! Enjoy... http://www.drbaileyskincare.com/blog/dermatologist-discusses-genital-and-anal-itching/
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My scrotum has been itchy since my childhood. I have no rush and the area looks so clear and normal but when it begins to itch, i use brush to scratch the area. Fungal prescriptions have not worked. Am hopeless about it. Am not sure whether I have spread to anyone I have slept with. If anyone has a cure please help me.
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Saccharomyces boulardii probiotic pills twice a day is working for me. I suffered with this for 15 years and this is the only thing that has worked for me. As odd as it sounds, gut health was to blame. My face also cleared up too. Please spend 20 bucks and try this rather than go through what I have. It may take a few weeks but is so worth it. It worked really fast for me possibly because I took antibiotics prior to starting the probiotics that killed all of my gut bacteria.
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Hi to all. Apology for not reply anyone in particular. I have had the same symptoms from 2009-2016 I have tried a lot of different topic creams. And a few oral meds. I stumbled on a cream that made me notice a difference. the "caniston cream". It told me it was more than likely a fungal of some kind. Several pharmaceutical consultings. I have had no subsiding in my symptoms until I started to isolate washing my clothes seperatley. Socks, trousers, t shirts. I used to throw the clothing away. Thousands on clothing dear lord.
Gps I seen about 36 I think at my last count. All saying treat the visual. Typically English doctor services. I was asked to try a psychological approach. Humility set in. The pompas p**** set all references of any further time affordable to me in consultation back to him. I was dreaming this thing up. While he was experiencing the same itchy in consultation. What on earth. I am self employed and my time is immensely important to me. After I saw him one time I just knew I was gonna have to live with it. Then I noticed my car steering wheel that was parked off road one day for 8weeks through very low financial implications. The steering wheel dash and seats gear handbrake were covered in a fungal growth. Pictures available... Was that psychology... The silly ###@@@# I set about research again I stumbled on something I never dreamed of. Bad teath I had been told "peridontitis" read its effects.....a dentist I had seen 10 years previously said it would happen if I continue to brush random instead of regular years ago 15 to be exact. How ultimately important ""oral hygiene is"" Oral thrush candidas albicans bacteria a few words that should stay in your mind...... If anyone has bad teeth you would be surprised how bad it effects your whole system. Truelly. No blood tests full spectrum- zincs etc, uti test. Endless list. My bad teeth had effectively poisoned my partner mouth over several years. Building her bacteria to mine. Pasing it to different areas over my body and hers.
One partner before her had become seriously stomach wretch sick. Foreplay, kissing etc. Remember no visible signs on me at all. Just a pair of bad back teeth and a few receded gums.
I do hope some of my frustrations don't happen to you. It has been the single most embarrassing painful annoying emotional time for me and my partner then. I wish her fortune and perhaps she will see this stream one day.
Thanks guys gals. Gb
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Hello I have been itching for 3 years now. No jock itch or any kind of rash. I havent seen a dermatologist yet but I have found that aquaphor has helped tremendously. Although sometimes I still itch with that but most of the time Im ok. But I do want to try the anti monkey butt because this is ridiculous that no one has a cure even after seeing different doctors. This is very hard to deal with because it can literally change my whole mood. I get so irritated when I itch and its a huge problem that will not go away. So aquaphor and anti monkey butt for now I guess.
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not gonna be able to get a straight answer from most doctors, seems ALOT have this problem and never get proper treatment and most dr's blow it off as something else. but there are some dr's out there that know exactly what it is and will treat it if you talk to them properly and pay a heavy fee. ALSO it can be spread sexually. I have been told yeast infection, jock itch, std, and all test came back clear for all of the above. noticed this was started in 2009 it is now 2016 and no doctors have chimed in ?
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Yeah what is the deal with that. I have the same problems, going on 5 years, and dozens of dr. appointments later nothing is resolved.
Saccharomyces boulardii probiotic pills twice a day is working for me. I suffered with this for 15 years and this is the only thing that has worked for me. As odd as it sounds, gut health was to blame. My face also cleared up too. Please spend 20 bucks and try this rather than go through what I have. It may take a few weeks but is so worth it. It worked really fast for me possibly because I took antibiotics prior to starting the probiotics that killed all of my gut bacteria.
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i read this page a few months back and was depressed. I had all the same symptoms and couldnt find any help. But I kept looking on other sites and found this one mans story that was the same. He suffered for years as well. But one day he tried his wife's neosporin triple antibiotic cream and it worked. For five days he applied the cream and it all went away. I did the same and it worked. Its unbelievable.
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can you link the mans story please?
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My stomach has been itching like crazy for the last 3 months a breaks out and bombs then goes away how do I get rid of it
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Started in June of 2017 for me.  Goes away and comes back. No rash, bumps, discharge, or Oder. Been tested for everything std wise; negative on tests.  Now when it flairs up I feel it on my feet and hands too.  Doctors say it is fungal but all prescriptions only work for a short time.  I have also passed it though sex.
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I know how to cure this problem.  For almost a year I struggled with this exact problem and tried literally 15 different kinds of ointments and pills and methods with no success.  I know this sounds ridiculous but the problem is in your gut.  I started taking 2 pills a day of saccharomyces boulardii + most.  It provides intestinal tract support as a probiotic.  Fix the issue with in about 3 weeks.
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I’d like to thank you. I’ve suffered with this for 15 years and after doing what you said, things finally are starting to get better.
How did you figure this out? Lucky that it only took you a year.
Hi. Does saccharomyces boulardii + mos fix this problem 100%.?  i am also suffering from this problem from last 10 years.  

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