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22 female with off and on dizziness, vertigo and fatigue for past couple days.

    I am a 22 year old female. I was always healthy with no health problems until recently. About a month ago, I started getting painful lumps in my armpits. From the research I did on the internet I figured out that it was swollen lymph nodes. They went away accept for one that showed up a few days ago, which is also gone now. But a new problem has arised. I am feeling dizzy and fatigued for a couple days now... These symptoms are off and on. I am feeling dizzy right now and my mind isn't as clear as it normally is. I get dizzier when I try to go to the right. I feel like I am tipping or being pushed to the left. I get what I think is vertigo, especially when I wake up in the morning, or when I first lay down and turn my head on an angle...etc. I have not gone outside whatsoever. I am in a happy relationship with my boyfriend and we live together. We are fanancially unstable, but content. Yet, I have been feeling depressed often and I avoid contact with people and outdoors. I used to love to go out in the summer. Anyway, I associated this lightheadedness with the swollen lymph nodes because I heard that lymph nodes sometimes swell to fight infections and I feel it might've been a warning. Could this be anemia? Or could this be caused by depression? Any advice is greatly appreciated. I am currently uninsured and can't afford medical attention. I forgot to mention that I have trouble sleeping at night lately as well. Thank you for taking the time.  P.S. I couldn't find a fitting topic. Sorry.
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Chiropractic works on vertigo by correcting spinal subluxations in the cervical spine. It is much better to receive trigger point massage therapy along with your spinal adjustments to release those muscles that can pull your spine back out of alignment. That's the problem with just receiving an adjustment. If your muscles are stiff and tight, you can lose your adjustment very quickly. I am sure physical therapy works the same way, just different names!
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I started experiencing vertigo at age 21. I have had four reoccurances. The first landed me in the emergency room. I felt almost like I had drunk symptoms and couldn't walk straight to save my life. I was prescribed anti-nausea medicine from my otherwise baffled doctor. I haven't heard anything about the chiropracter fixing the problem, but I have heard of physical therapy working. I am currently looking into that. As for my last bout with vertigo, it only lasted a day and kept me bedridden. If nothing else, I feel your pain and others out there who suffer from this mystery.
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I used to suffer from vertigo until I started going to the chiropractor. It stopped after my first adjustment. You need to find out why your lymph nodes are swollen. Get to a doctor ASAP so they can find out what's wrong with you. Is mono a possibility or Chronic fatigue syndrome or Epstein Barr. If so, consider doing a whole body detox. Good luck to you.
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I have experienced this after having my baby and discovered that I was anemic. I had a tendancy to fall over without cause and was often dizzy and after receiving iron supplements via a weekly injection from my doctor I came right. ask your doctor for a iron test and your iron stores to be tested as well as your b12 if you dont ask they will only do a routine iron test and this sometimes doesnt show that you are anemic as I discovered. hope this helps
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Try taking a decongestant.  Your ears might be plugged and that could be what is causing the dizziness.  If that doesn't help and you are concerned, go see your primary care doctor and have them take a look at you.
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I'm sorry I don't know much about the lymph nodes. But I had dizziness like u described and found out it was an inner ear infection and once i got treated it went away in a couple days. I also had some dizziness, more like light headed when I was anemic. Maybe the trouble sleeping is cause ur worried about what could be wrong. Hope that helps a little.
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