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Are You More Fertile After Miscarriage? True or False

Hey ladies... I recently had a miscarriage and DH and I are looking to try again.  I've heard that you are more fertile after a miscarriage- does anyone know if this is true or just rumor for someone who would really like that to be true (me)?!  The bleeding has pretty much stopped, though it picks up a bit after sex but then stops again, so I think my body is done getting rid of everything...  Has anyone else had a m/c and conceived shortly after?  I'd love some stories that would envoke hope :)  Thanks!
158 Responses
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13167 tn?1327194124
bec, I'm sorry you're struggling with this.  Your question is confusing,  though.

It sounds like you are in the early process of miscarrying.   If you are,  likely your cramps will get stronger until you actually miscarry.  It doesn't sound like you have done that yet.  Then,  the cramping will stop almost completely but the bleeding will go on for awhile - likely as long as a long heavy  period.  

Best wishes.  Does your doctor want to save what you miscarry so they can be sure you've passed it all?
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Did you ever have any success?  My wife is 40 and we just had a M/C.
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They saw a sack and a yolk but no baby i am /was 7 weeks Just got hgc levels tested thurs. they were 23750 thurs. On saturday they were 13580 so i had a m/c no cramps, no blood, nothing at all is this normal and how long untill i can i try to get preg again
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Hi. Well I am 19 years old. I'm almost 20. I had a miscarriage on jan 9th 2013 I was five weeks I bled for seven days my husband and I  started trying again right away. Could I be pregnant again? How long should I wait until I take a test? I'm scared of a negative result. Should I be starting my period soon if I am not?
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hi ladies I'm new to the sight I was looking for information on fertility after miscarriage and I found this site and seen all of your posts and it gave me hope. It has been 2 days since I passed my baby that I wanted more than life its self I am still bleeding a little (sorry if tmi) but I am wondering if it is okay to start trying again as soon as the bleeding has stopped from what I have read women are more fertile after going through this is this true. I am very sorry for all that has gone through the same experience it has left me with a very empty hole in my soul and has been very difficult but reading your posts have given me hope if anyone can shed some light on this situation I would really appreciate it.
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Hey sara , We also have been trying for over a year! i misscarged a few days ago they expect i was 4-5 weeks! only my story is a lil diffrent!, i found out i was pregnant weds when i went to my local gp with slight dark discharge! and stomac cramps!, they did a test and told me i was pregnant i was so excited the pain had stoped but they sent me to the hospital to be on the safe side!, We waited in A&E to be seen and they did my bloods confirmed i was pregnant and said to come back friday! (i spend all day thurasay excited) i went to EpU Friday for my apoiment  i did a urine test which came back negative! i was really upset they told me i had a misscarge and i was 4 to 5 weeks pregnant, took my bloods and sent me home! me and my other half spent all morning upset and angry, to then get a call when i was going to pick up my 4 year old son from school, my blood test and come back and my hormone levels had gone higher! i could still be pregnant is what the doc told me!! i went to the chemist and brought a test i had to! just so i could see the result! Positve!! i was really counfussed! i went back sunday for more bloodes the doctor was counfussed and so was i! she sent me home and said she would ring with the results! i didnt know how to feel!, she rang later on in the day and said my hormone levels had droped by 20% and she sure i was having a misscage! todays monday im all over the place, i thought that it was our turn to have some good news! they want me to go back thursday for more bloodes! the process is so draining! and the wores thing is having to face people! sorry if my story drags! Baiscly i kno how you feel a year is an extremly long time!! we will try again but to how soon i am soo unsure! xx
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hi ladies
i miscarried last week and im eager to get pregnant again. ive heard that you are more fertile after a m/c is this true an how long are you more fertile for?
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Hi, I too had a m/c on 2nd Aug 2012, I was 10 weeks pregnant but had an US done as I had started spotting for 2 days and it revealed that my sac only measured 6 weeks and there was no fetal development (blighted ovum). That same evening I started to bleed like a normal period. I had D&C done on 3rd Aug - it was not painful and was only bleeding lightly after that which has now just stopped.

It was very disheartening but the OB told me to look on the bright side that I CAN get pregnant and that my husband and I should try after 1-2 cycle. He also told me that it is not common to get 2-3 blighted ovum in a row.

I too have started on folic acid, iron and micro-vitamin capsules to try and avoid another BO. I am to take these for 1 month.  

Good luck to all those trying to conceive! :)

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3179593 tn?1344461751
I m/c on the 14th july 2012 i was 11 weeks 4 days but apparently i lost it at 8 weeks took 3 weeks to start bleeding i found it strange i started bleeding when i was due for my period doc gave me a curette, I want to try again i bled for a week ive been have sex for 2 weeks now and havent fallen preg so being more fertile after a m/c im not sure if thats true.......doc told me to take folic acid a month before trying and 12 weeks when i fall, i did get the folic and iodine but it gave me a REALLY strong smell down there :/ so i stopped taking them. I will get just the folic tabs next......
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I have a 2 year old daughter with Mild/Moderate Cerebral Palsy who is otherwise very healthy... Walking, talking, everything. I had a normal pregnancy with her but she had a stoke either en utero or at birth. I recently (2 weeks ago) had a m/c at 5-6 weeks pregnant. My hcg levels were very low to start with and dropped to less than 2 in 9 days. The Dr told me that they usually advise to wait 1-3 months but I have had endometriosis for 10 years and he advises me not to wait "that" long but to wait til my period.
I've read all of the threads but an still curious... Would it be dangerous for us to try now? I understand for woman who were further along or had to have a d/c but mine was natural and I was so early in it. My mind has healed (as much as one can expect) and we're very anxious to give our amazing daughter a sibling.
Amy similar experience? Advice?
Thanks everyone and best of luck to you all!
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Had abortion 6weeks nw,have had protected sex very sure d condom did nt break 1week later did prg test all camee negetive 3tym different weeks.and no signs of preg symptom,wen will my period *** plz help
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I had a miscarrage at 11 weeks on 1st april 12 and was bleeding for 1 week the most painful thing ever i got rushed to hospital they took my blood and said your baby is fine the next day the sac with baby inside came out! I didint have a d/c im on my period now when is best time to get pregnant im 17
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I found out at almost 13 weeks that my baby no longer had a heartbeat and had stopped growing at 9 weeks.  I ended up having to have a d and c on march 6th 2012.  we both want a baby more than anything else.  After waiting for one cycle, as advised,  We have started trying again.  My period is due in a week but im hoping and praying that it never comes!  Good luck to everyone and I'm so sorry that we have all been through such a traumatic time x
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I had a late miscarriage at 22 weeks with my first pregnancy, i went in to hospital on a tuesday, with mild bleeding to be sent home again, and then was still bleeding on the wednesday and was admitted due to having high blood pressure and suspected pre eclampsia, throughout wednesday night i slept well despite being woken for blood pressure checks etc. but had no pain whatso ever. by the thursday morning they could not find a heart beat.i had a US that confirmed my baby had died. i was so devestated as i was hoping i was in the right place and everything would be ok. early friday morining i gave birth to a baby boy, the pain was minimal due to them giving me morphine. i am so eager to try for another baby again but i cant due to still having high BP and taking tablets, they have also discovered that i possibly have a thyroid problem. things just seem to be getting worse!! My partner doesnt seem to really be able to cope with what has happendend and dismisses any conversation i have about when we plan to try again. reading your stories has given me hope for the future and comfort knowing that i am not alone in wanting to try again straight away. i hope you all get to be blessed with a baby again. x
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I just recently had a D & E (Dilation and Evacuation) about a week ago.. I was 16 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. I didn't miscarry and I had absolutely no warning signs. No spotting, no extreme pain. But the week before I had my ultrasound to find out the gender I felt sick and just felt like I was going to puke all day but I couldn't vomit. I thought I was just dehydrated because I had gotten WAY too much sun the day before. When I went in for my ultrasound the obgyn told me there wasn't a heart beat.. and it died the day I was feeling sick. The reason why I lost the baby is because the father and I both share the same mutated gene which my doctor called it trans location. The next day I had to get a D & E and now I'm just feeling so empty and lost. I really want to try again. I would love nothing more than to have that feeling back. Is there a way to get pregnant within weeks after? The doctor also told me there is a 1/4 chance that if I try and conceive again this might happen to me again. I REALLY want to try again but I am terrified at loosing another child. Can anyone help?
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2099768 tn?1395982920
Hope I can get an answer or advice some how. I been trying for years to get pregnant. I finally got pregnant and found out on Feb 24,2012 I had some brownish spotting went straight into the hospital they didnt say much besides the baby looks fine and to check up with my OBYGN 3weeks later I had an appoinment cuz I was 8 1/2 weeks prego and should be able to see the heart beat by then atleast. Well I didnt get good news at all. I got told with in those 3weeks nothing has changed meaning the baby and the sack was still same size and messured to 6 weeks so it was dead :( my body was not misscarage at all so i had to go into surgery and get a D&C done on March 29,2012 I go in on Thursday this week to get cleared !
My question to others is there anyone who has tried to get pregnant or has gotten pregnant like weeks after they had a misscarage or a D&C surgery done? This is my first pregnancy in my life and I am scared to death to go threw this again if I get pregnant after this I never thought i would have to go threw this. I am sorry to others who has lost there lil ones. I really want a bundle of joy!  
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I misscarried my twin baby on march12 ,it  was about 6weeks pregnant of both which didnt have heart beat.it is a unbearable loss for us.i dont want to wait.can i have sex right away after my bleeding stops.y because am a irregular period women with pcod problem.
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I had my miscarriage on Jan. 2 of this year. I restarted my sex life about 2 weeks after my m/c was over. I had my normal period in feb. But now come this month I haven't gotten it, I was suppose to get is on march 2. Do you think I'm pregnant?????
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I hope this helps. I found out (home test first) that I was pregnant what I assumed I was about 4 weeks along. Then a week later I started getting a dull pain in the lower part of my belly and began spotting. Went to doctors and they confirmed I was pregnant but could not find my pregnancy through an ultra sound. I was hospitalized for 3 days because my levels kept on rising but no sign of baby and i was in pain. They had to do a laproscopic procedure on me and found my pregnancy to be in my right tube. Doctor said it could have caused a lot of damage if I would have waited any longer...hope everything work out well..listen to your body because only you can feel when something is truly wrong. Take care  
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LADIES! BEAUTIFUL WONDERFUL LADIES.....Im 39, I truly thought I would never have children after being told myself and my partner collectively only had a 5% chance of conceiving...(long story)....I found out 3 weeks before my IVF programme was about to begin that I was pregnant....and now have a delicious little Girl...we felt SO blessed to have her that I felt guilty to even WANT another child...but deep down prayed I would....I found out on 16th January 2012 I was pregnant....and miscarried on the 1st February at around 7 weeks. I was unprepared for the physical pain or the grimness of it all....and yet still feel lucky that it happened so early when I hear devastating stories of much later losses (including my own dear Friends, who lost their first child at 6 months pregnant the week before me....Ironically they had already decided to call their little Girl Hope)...Life is often cruel, but also full of blessings...even the fact that we all have partners who we love enough to actually WANT a child with is a blessing...some people never even find that special someone. I truly believe that we are NEVER given dreams without also having the ability to make them happen, so I am trying to relax, enjoy reconnecting with my wonderful man who is also beyond devastated....and trust that miracles happen. My lost baby was perhaps meant to be my guardian Angel (my M/C happened on the same day my Partner had heart surgery) so either way the this child will always be with me...Im not naive nor in denial. This has been devastating, but time is a healer and I only hope that you Ladies will just allow your body to fully get over the internal trauma of what has happened....Dont get me wrong, Im DESPERATE to try again, but equally I know that pressure and stress will not help me emotionally so Im going to try and chill out about it....and just believe it WILL HAPPEN...Much love to you all from a Mother of 1 beautiful Daughter, 1 sadly terminated Child (which I lost as a very young woman)...and 2 miscarried babies....Each and every one of them Angels...x  
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These comments have been very helpful I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks i am 25 and very healthy when we found out we were very devestated and  cried for hours But after hearing how some people got pregnant right away it has made me very hopeful that it will happen again it has made
Me feel so much better because I thought we were going to have to wait a while next time I post I will let you know the next time I am pregnant
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I had a misscarage 5weeks ago but I only found out last Saturday a week ago, that he died when I went for my scan I should of been 21 weeks the day after the scan but unfortchantly he passed away I had to give birth to him on the monday after I fount out everyone was upset and I cried at first because I went out and brought everything and I was so excited I was so angry and shouting " why me why not those who beet there kids! I should deserve a baby! " but I guess things happen and I got over it I still think about him coz his still my baby boy and I miss him being in my belly! He never kicked me as he died before they start kicking. I just won't to know can I get pregnant now if I try? I started trying 4 days ago I done it about 3 times a day evern tho I'm still bleeding as me and my fiance want to try again, he goes to afgan for 7 months in march and I just won't to know what is the max chance that I can get preg before the end of febuary?? Will it take that long or less? And they don't no why my baby boy died they siad it just happens will it happen to any other babys that I try for as it will be devistating to me and my fiance,    thankyou hopefully someone will right back to me please I need

Thankyou xx x x
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I just found out yesterday that me and my husband had miscarried our first baby at 9 weeks or so. I was supposed to be 10 1/2. I had no bleeding or cramping at all, nothing that even made me wonder if something was wrond. We went to the doctors at 9 weeks and they tried to get a heartbeat but they said it was probably too soon to hear it on the doppler. They told us to come back in one week, Still i was not worried. Then my morning sickness went away at the click of a finger and the next week they still found no heartbeat. I was taken to u/s and they still found no heartbeat. I had the D&C done today and i have mild cramping and some bleeding. Although this is an extreemly rough time, i know that God will take care of us. I have heard that you are more fertile after a D&C because your cleaned out and everything is super "sticky" i guess would be a way to describe it. Like it's easier for the fertilized egg to implant. They told us to wait a week before having sex and a cycle before trying. I'm giving this over to God now, i figure he will have whatever is supposed to happen happen. There are plenty of people that go through a miscarriage, even multiple miscarriages and still have healthy babies. Where there's a will there's a way. God bless all of you, everything is going to be okay.
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I m/c october 17th and bled for 4 days after which the bleeding stopped. I found out i was pregnant 6 weeks later though didnt know when i ovulated and i didnt get any period since after i m/c. Can someone help me in estimating my EDD?
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