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Breast tissue in underarm

I have a lump on my underarm.  It is not painful but it is ugly and it makes me very self conscious.  When I got pregnant it really got big and filled with milk my doctor said it was breaast tissue that traveled into my armpit and that as long as it didn't hurt it really wasn't anything to worry about.  It just looks like extra baggy skin and as a result I can't wear sleeveless tops.  I've never known anyone else who has this to ask what they think or feel.  My husband thinks if it bothers me so much I shyould have it removed.  I am scared and want to know what the health risks are.  Does anyone else have this problem?  Shat should I do about it?
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251393 tn?1213304106
its great that you had the surgery done and sounded relatively easy going.  Ive never had general anaesthetic so I dont know how im going to react to that - (not having a cup of tea in the morning is going to hurt me!)  It is reassuring that you say it is only a 'little sore' and that you are obviously able to type etc.  I have been imagining being given one of those braces that hold your arms outstretched! I think you need to check with the doctors but its early days and hopefully the vibrating sensation will alleviate- the area has just been through a trauma so maybe it is just protesting!  

My op is described the same as yours but they havent told me whether they are going to use drainage tubes or not - do you think it was absolutely necessary? - (like, did it drain anything?) a couple of people on this forum have stated that removing tubes is the painful part.

Have you/will you manage to get back to work straight away or will you be taking some time to heal?
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Hi! Here's my story hope it helps some of you. I found a pea size lump on my right armpit so I went to my primary doctor he sent me to get a ct scan and it came back normal. At my annual OBGYN check up I told my doctor and he sent me for a mammogram with ultrasound both turn out normal. The lump got bigger so I went back to my primary doctor after a few months he sent me for a full ultrasound which came back normal again. I had a follow up appointment with my OBGYN after that so I told the doctor again. I was having some pain and discomfort closing my arm like if some nerves were pinched so I would have pain running down my side, down my breast sometimes or just armpit pain. Doctor told me that it could be breast tissue, but if it was bothering me so much I should go see a surgeon which I did. Surgeon told me that for peace of mind I should have surgery to see exactly what it was and hopefully he could remove what was causing my pain. I had surgery and doctor found a lot of tissue in there. He removed 4cm of tissue. Pathology report came back saying that it was benign breast tissue. I have to say it wasn't too painful and I got 2 big incisions and it was my right arm and I'm right handed. Every time I had a little too pain I would ice it. Ice would be your best friend until you heal. Because we didn't really know what I had going on in my armpit all of the procedures were covered by my insurance. Don't know if an elective surgery with no problems would be covered by insurance. I have a picture after surgery, but I don't think I can posted here. I will try...

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Hi, I had the Same issue and got it removed on both underarms last week. The tissue was divided into two parts because of arm crease. So have two incisions. Somehow I feel doctor did not remove all tissue because I feel a small lime sized something still there between two incisions. I don’t know it’s swell or tissue not removed well. Can you please help me with after surgery symptoms ?
Gosh, sorry you feel the surgery left some tissue.  I'd call the doctor now and ask about it.  Let us know how you are doing--  oh, and welcome to MedHelp!
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Hello there. I live in Los Angeles CA and was wondering if anyone could recommend a few plastic surgeons?  What will it cost to have this excess breast tissue removed? I am 22 years old now and have been dreaming about having these lumps removed! I've never been able to wear a cute bathing suit, go to a friends pool party and swim, and worst of all, never been able to wear strapless shirts and dresses. It's really depressing for me. So I've had enough and I want them GONE! Please HELP!?
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Also, after having the surgery how long after should I plan to go back to daily routine? (school/work)
Does the surgery leave a really bad noticeable scar?  Does anyone with a past experience with this have any pictures they could possibly share with me?

-Thank you all so much!  
15862050 tn?1443546257
Hi there ladies,
I have had these what the doctor has called "excessive breast tissue" since I was 9 months pregnant with my first daughter.I had them check by a doctor that I could barely understand,thankfully my husband got pieces of it but the end result was that they weren't cancerous and that they were just going to be  under my arms and be embarrassing to me for the rest of my life unless I got surgery on them.I have had these things under my arms for the past 10 yrs.It is annoying to have these and have to wear certain clothes that don't hug them and make me feel uncomfortable. I have always thought I was the only one that had these since 9 yrs ago I had a ultrasound done for them and the technician called me and alien on his table.needless to say that guy got punched by myself and then he got fired for telling me that. I am hoping that soon enough I can get these removed and be able to wear shirts out in public that make me feel myself again.
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Hi Lindeman, I know it's been a while, I wanted to ask that I have the same issue and wanted to know have you ever had any discomfort (a little burning)?  Also, have you ever had the procedure to remove them?
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Hi, can someone please recommend a plastic surgeon in Houston that you had used to remove the ancillary breast tissue from your armpits. I would like to remove the ancillary breast tissues from both my armpits. Also why is that certain medical insurances will pay for this procedure and others don't especially if it was not cancerous? Thanks
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I just used Dr. Steely in Houston yesterday. One doctor tried to tell me lipo was the option but he identified it was breast tissue and excised it
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Can u please tell me the name of the surgeon. I need to get this surgery as well! Thanks
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Hi There
wondering how you are feeling now that it has been a few months since your surgery?  I did this a week ago and also have the swelling you mentio, did yours go away?
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where did you enquire about having the tissue removed and how much was it? Only i am looking into it after my pregnancy
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Hello I have had a lump ( extra breast tissue )  under my right arm for 12 years! I got it right after I had my first baby, I finally got it removed 2 weeks ago by a reconstructive / plastic surgeon in Miami. It was not covered thru my insurance because it was a cosmetic procedure and I had no symptoms or pain. It was just annoying and it looked odd to me. After I got an ultrasound and found out it was just extra fatty tissue, I went for the surgery. It was under local anesthesia and quick about 30 mins, the doctor took it out and stiched me up. I still have the stiches for another week. There was brusing around my armpit and soreness, which went away after a week. However I do have a lump now, which can be swollen lymph nodes, I am getting it massaged and hopefully in should subside. But it feels weird, has anyone had this too.  What did you do for it to go away or to treat it. My doctor told me to use pressure and put a tight bandage around it, but after a while my whole arm gets numb. I am not in any pain its just I can feel the hardness. Please let me know any suggestions...
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During consultatation, the surgeon said about 2 inches on each side. Right before surgery, he drew some lines to be about 3 to 4 inches long, a bit longer than consultation, probably just because he took a closer look to see which area to suture up. It's been a little over a month. No complication or infection. The yellowish fluid was due to normal skin/tissue healing according to the doctor. The "problem" was worst on the first 2, 3 days after the tapes were removed. There wasn't much fluid after a week. The scars now are about 4-5 inches long each. I could feel the bumps along the scars. I think it's the absorbable stitches. Hopefully they would go away eventually. Though the scars are 5 inches long, most of it is really under the underarm. maybe about 1 inch is exposed if i put my arms down. There are some lumps of harder tissues along the scars. Some will hurt like it used to so i think it's breast tissue. but it's MUCH smaller than before. The surgeon did mention this as one of the "risks" that the breast tissues might not be COMPLETELY removed. I am fine with it. It is about 1 inch above the scarred area. So the surgeon might not have been able to reach that given where he cut open.

I havent raised my arms up completely, just because I am cautions about it. But overall, my daily life is back to normal except the rigorous exercise.
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Hi, How big are the scars and what procedure was used - liposuction or surgical incision?  Also, do you have any problems with fluid retention in your arms?
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It depends on your insurance. I have just got mine done...finally after thinking about it for a few years. The extra tissues weren't huge, but they were bothersome enough and caused some pain during my periods. I think my insurance covers it; the plastic surgeon only has taken my deductible for my out of pocket cost. They will claim any amount over from the insurance.

It's been almost 3 weeks since surgery on both underarms. When i woke up, i didn't really experience any pain, except a bit of soreness. I didn't take any painkiller that the doctor has prescribed. I've only taken all the antibiotics. The dressing was removed a week after. The taped area got itchy before then. Once all the tapes from the dressing were removed, the itchiness went away quickly. But there were also tapes on the stitched area. They started to itch as well. I was told to cut parts of tapes off as they came loose from the skin.  But eventually they got so itchy I've removed them all about 2.5 weeks after surgery. Some drainage or pus started to appear slowly but constantly. I also feel some swelled areas and redness. For sure the tapes had to do with it, partially at least. I am going back for a followup soon to see if everything is ok. I hope the areas are not infected. One side is better than the other.
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Hello chiquita830,
I am in the Michigan area and I had the procedure done by a plastic surgeon in Farmington Hills, Michigan (Dr. M. Hardaway) just this past November. Thus far, I am very pleased with my recovery and progress.I am still in the process of healing but the look is awesome (minus the scars that are healing up nicely) and I feel so much more confident about myself. I'm looking to finally going sleeveless in the summer!
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Hi there, I am also in toronto and wondering whether u can tell me which hospital, surgeon and the cost. Or which insurance covers axilary tail surgery? I would appreciate if u can please reply back to ***@****. Thanks in advance.
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Hi, I have a 16 years old girl that have both armpit clogged and painful, we have Kaiser insurance. she have a bad time last week with a high fever 103 and was in the ER, after that she stay in the hospital for 2 more days, the make and inception and made a drainage untie the arm, she is taken an very hard antibiotic from them. next thursday she have a plastic surgeon appointment. My wife and I are very worried about a surgery and esthetic effects. our regular doctor said that is the only way to eliminate that problem.
any comment that can help us to understand more about the procedure and answer my daughter questions? she is a cheerleader so the post surgery is one of her concerns.

Thank you
Mario y patty  
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I am so glad I found this page! I have had these lumps for a few years now. My general physician did not know what thEy were. He put me on anti biotic sat first and finally referred me to a surgeon to have it looked at. I was so irritated because after years of not knowing what it was, he looked at me for less than 5 min and was ready to send me on my way! He told me it was extra breast tissue, very common and it would get bigger if I had more kids. The part that really bothered me is that I told him they hurt me, and he said No, they should not hurt. He said only when there's my time of the month. And I tried to explain to him that it was way more than just 1 week out of the month. But he just blew me off! I was glad to read that the pain, was a normal thing for others too, not just me.
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Have recently (4 weeks ago) had an excision of right axillary lump and excision of skin.  I feel my wound has been healing quite well.  However the breast hurts a bit and do occasionally get a little pain from the armpit.  My question is that there has been a hard lump near the top of wound is that normal and will it go in time or should I go back to my doctor?
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Can u tell me how much did u pay? I'm not sure if my insurance will cover this. Thanks!
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hi,,,,my name is fatima..last week i had the same op as you on my right side......actually this was the second time i had it removed. 14 yrs ago i got both sides removed in pakistan....i think the right one still had some Breast tissue left and very soon it grew bk........i ignored it then and learnt to live it until now...........i have two kids and everytime i m pregnant or i have periods the lump use to hurt me....so i got it checked and the doc said its better to get it removed......i dont have alot or recovery day memories from last time....but this time i know its different. i have read a lot of your posts and i noticed when u mention having burning sensation. i have burning sensation on the upper part of my arm actually the upper back of my forearm....and every time i stretch my arm fully i have pain and its like my muscle cant stretch more.....i have had my fluid removed once ...that was 8 days after surgery it was 170 ml.....and now i will go again to get it out on Tuesday.....i want to ask you if u still have the burning sensitive feel to your forearm ? coz i fear i have lymhodema.
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Hi there

I have the same issues and I recently turned 48.  How much were these procedures and what surgeon did you go to...  I need to really get this done.   I feel very self conscious and I cant wear sleeveless shirts and I have very deep indentations on my shoulders from bras and not to mention the extra breast tissue under my arms are getting larger... help
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hi everyone.. I joined this community many years ago as my underarms were bothering me so much.. my boys called them extra boobs !!!.. which actually they are !!!

anyway, after a few consultations in regards to removing them, i decided against it.  the surgeon, did not seem a competant one, and he seemed to be trying to put me off.. he said that if i do go ahead.. then my underms could stretch back again because fluid would come into them to fill the gap after surgery.. he said that the lymph nodes, if he were to accidently remove one, would balloon my arm and it wouldn't go back to normal, ever !!!...

so i was very disheartened.. BUT.. i did decide on not doing it.  The reason being, if something bad were to happen, i wouldn't forgive myself.... i know it's a very VERY slim chance.. but things can go wrong... and because i have other health issues, i felt that i couldn't add to that....

so, the only time it bothers me is on holiday, but i now do the following.

If i'm on the beach, i still wear a bikini.. it is noticable, but generally people look (which i hate)..but that's it.. no one makes fun as we are all different shapes and sizes..... if i'm in close proximity to anyone, then i wear a cover up... AND if i'm on a boat trip - i wear a rash top, or just a plain t shirt..and swim in it....which makes me feel much more confident..

funny enough, i've lost over 2 stone, and they have got smaller.. so i'm hoping with another stone to go, they may not be that noticable...(but i doubt it.. as they were quite big !!)

i really REALLY did want surgery.. but i couldn't get it on the NHS  and private was quite expensive...

maybe if i had another surgeon who was positive, AND who had done lots of these types of surgeries i would have gone with it... but i didn't.. fate maybe ???...

so i have to avoid sleeveless dresses / tops.. i once thought that was so annoying.. but i've got used to it now.. and it doesn't bother me.. in the scheme of things.. it's not that big a deal...

i am 45 years old..

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Also wanted to add:
I was back to work the very next day after the surgery. Other than feeling a little out of it and sometimes dizzy, I am doing fine. My arm has a little numbness and tingling near the surgical site, plus I have a minor rash. Other than that all is healing well.
I have been resting as much as possible since the surgery 5 days ago and feel pretty good. I took the Percocet prescribed to me twice on the day of surgery, and have been taking it only once at night since then to help me sleep.
The procedure itself took 40 minutes (I only had the left side done) and I was home less than 3 hours after I arrived at the surgery center. A very easy outpatient procedure. I am avoiding lifting my left arm and also trying to skip lifting anything heavy on that side.
I hope this info helps some of you who are considering having this done!
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Emily-- I have read that if you get pregnant and breast feed that the tissue can grow back, but you should consult a doctor and get a real answer.
As far as a doc in Southern Cal-- I really liked my surgeon for this procedure-- Dr Matthew Lublin. His office is in Santa Monica. I had the surgery 5 days ago and I'm really happy I did.
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Hi everyone--
I just had the surgery on my left underarm, 5 days ago. The recovery is going well but I feel like it was a bigger ordeal than I was expecting.
So far no complications in healing and I am grateful for that.
The swelling in the area is bigger than the breast tissue I had removed, but I am hoping it will go down over the next few weeks. In a few days I have a follow up with my General Surgeon who performed the procedure. I'll let you all know how it goes.
If anyone in the Los Angeles area needs a recommendation for a surgeon who is qualified to perform this procedure. I will happily endorse my doctor-- Dr. Matthew Lublin. If I can figure out how to post before and after pics, I'll try to do so. Any advice welcomed!!
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