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Darker skin in pubic, genital, rectum areas and between legs.

The area between the vagina and the anus, the pubic area and the upper part of my inner thighs are significantly darker than the rest of my skin (is very embarrassing).  I am a white Latin woman and I do not use oral contraceptives.  I shave the vaginal and rectum area about 2 to 3 times a months.  Could the shaving be the cause of the darkening?  If so which is the best alternative to shaving?  I do not seem to have any kind of irritation.  I started to use hydroquinone 2% about a month ago, but I don
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Strange to say, I am  a white  Latino male and my penis is darker than the rest of my body.
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Ok i  am not overweight and dont have diabetes and i have the same issue. I think its hyperpigmentation.  maybe has something to do with constant chafing or something.   Porn stars use skin bleaches.
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I have recently read that you should not use products with hydroquinone because it is cancer causing.  There are others that bleach the bikini areas without hydroquinone
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It is natural and can darken with hormone changes, like during late pregnancy.
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I luv how u spell your name.my name is saysha too.i have no answrs for this.alit of theses questions are in need if a dr's anser.i think its natural tho
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Hi, I was type1 diabetic , heavy weight and had all sort of complications and problem as mentioned by different people.
But trust my words, each and every problem has an cure. Read my words " I was Diabetic and heavy weight" .
Now I'm not at all diabetic and have lost almost 24 kg and back to normal weight.
My stretch marks from my hips, thighs and stomach has disappeared, my dark inner thighs turned to normal . Even my arm pit and back of neck regained its natural pink colour.

I also want to mention about my sweat, which use to be very smelly and I had to take shower very often in 10 hrs time in summer. Body deodorant were no help for me.  
I want to say thanks to SB SIDH from India who provided me herbal diabetes medicine, herbal medicine to flush out toxins from my body, and also medicine to reduce my weight.
I was also provided with many home remedies to help myself. I use to apply fennugreek powder on my face to clear the oily face . I use to also apply Indian goose berry powder on my back neck and arm pit . it helped me alot to regain my natural colour. If anyone happen to be in India can consult SB SIDH. His medicine are very helpfull.
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WAS a TYPE 1 DIABETIC?? Not likely. Type 2 diabetes may go away with diet, exercise, and weight loss. However, keira2, Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a very different disease. In T1D the islet cells in tge pancreas have been destroyed (virus, etc.). T1D, also know as juvenile diabetes, does NOT go away...ever. There is no cure, the onset is typically during childhood, and those affected must rely on insulin injections for the rest of their lives.
Please, dont misinform people. My son is autistic and a type 1 diabetic. When he was diagnosed at 12 yrs old, he desperately searched online, in the library, and anywhere he thought he could find a cure. He read so many claims of curing diabetes, it broke my heart.

Just a pet-peeve. T1D is awful. Its a devastating diagnosis. Then you count your blessings, hug your child and give thanks that its diabetes, and that your child can live a long, happy, healthy life. They just adapt.
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Hi, I was type1 diabetic , heavy weight and had all sort of complications and problem as mentioned by different people.
But trust my words, each and every problem has an cure. Read my words " I was Diabetic and heavy weight" .
Now I'm not at all diabetic and have lost almost 24 kg and back to normal weight.
My stretch marks from my hips, thighs and stomach has disappeared, my dark inner thighs turned to normal . Even my arm pit and back of neck regained its natural pink colour.

I also want to mention about my sweat, which use to be very smelly and I had to take shower very often in 10 hrs time in summer. Body deodorant were no help for me.  
I want to say thanks to SB SIDH from India who provided me herbal diabetes medicine, herbal medicine to flush out toxins from my body, and also medicine to reduce my weight.
I was also provided with many home remedies to help myself. I use to apply fennugreek powder on my face to clear the oily face . I use to also apply Indian goose berry powder on my back neck and arm pit . it helped me alot to regain my natural colour. If anyone happen to be in India can consult SB SIDH. His medicine are very helpfull.
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You have to LOSE WEIGHT!  My girlfriend I started dating (she was 19, I was a tad older ;o) and her body was tight and smooth and hot as hell.  She had just a LITTLE meat on her bones,  pleasantly plump.  PERFECT.  Years later she had a tragic thing happen to her that left her less mobile and she stopped working out  and doing things and gained a lot of weight.  I noticed over the years her private area and her inner thighs began to darken more and more and it was VERY obvious in relation to the rest of her skin color (Italian).   I myself would get boils on my body and those things are ******* PAINFUL as ****!  I found that these were do to a VITAMIN deficiancy! Because I used to be a full time power lifter and I was on tons of health supplements and ate super healthy foods at all times.  After she began donig less and less workouts and stuff so did I.  I NEVER had a boil before.  When I asked my doctor about it he said you can get them if others in your family have had them, they are genetic but to keep them from appearing you have to eat healthy.  Once I started taking multi vitamins and eating proper again I never got another one.  

Weight gain, lack of nutrition and your skin rubbing together will cause your skin in these areas to darken and get skin tags and boils.  There is no cream, or pill or magic trick that can fix this.  You have to cut out all the crap food and start exercising, Start slow and walk a few miles a a day then, start to jog a little on and off until you can run at least ONE mile.  Then work on 2 miles and if you can get to 5 miles jogging,  while eating healthy you will notice these issues going away and never coming back.   Just make sure you wear something tight like spandex to keep your skin from rubbing and getting irritated with sweat and friction.

She still has this situation,  I wish I could bring it up to her but she already has low self esteem and confidence issues.  But that's another story.
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An alternative (an longer lasting solution) to the treatment suggestions listed above is Fractional laser.  There is treatment a treatment called Smarted DOT Therapy which can successfully treat pigmentation.  It is performed by medical practitioners and requires around 3 treatments.  The same system also delivers a women's health treatment called MonaLisa Touch which also improves a wide range of other vaginal issues.
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  Wow I have always thought me obsessing about my pigmentation in those areas of my body is ocd. I was not alone. I learned more about people and accepting fact of who we are and our connection on universe as living things with all diverse creatures . I accepted myself. This someday you will see is not is not important in your life. I was my worst critic at that time.

My partner does not care. We see it natural. As some people having blonde hair' or darker like brunette.
' I embraced it and become normal
What scary is if you have cancer or **** assciated with the skin discoloration. Now you have s problem
For guys who complain about this is a really shallow guy. Things like this may bother you but it should not consumed you. I focus on some things more important staying healthy for my kids and make money. That my ladies is important.
Love yourself and be comfortable with your own skin and you find someone ad the same.
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  Wow I have always thought me obsessing about my pigmentation in those areas of my body is ocd. I was not alone. I learned more about people and accepting fact of who we are and our connection on universe as living things with all diverse creatures . I accepted myself. This someday you will see is not is not important in your life. I was my worst critic at that time.

My partner does not care. We see it natural. As some people having blonde hair' or darker like brunette.
' I embraced it and become normal
What scary is if you have cancer or **** assciated with the skin discoloration. Now you have s problem
For guys who complain about this is a really shallow guy. Things like this may bother you but it should not consumed you. I focus on some things more important staying healthy for my kids and make money. That my ladies is important.
Love yourself and be comfortable with your own skin and you find someone ad the same.
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Tretinoin cream USP or sold as Retinol A seems to provide some relief. It is basically Vitamin A. The skin gets peeled off little by little. It also makes the skin look younger. Use it at least for a month regularly everyday. Before that you should apply a swatch somewhere under your arm to test you are not allergic to it. It can also treat acne/pimples.  It cannot be used under sunlight or even under the light of a fluorescent lamp. It is UV sensitive. So cover up the area or use it during bed time. Consult a dermatologist before using. Excessive intake of Lycopene based foods like tomato ketchup, watermelon,etc can also cause skin darkening like dark circles around the eyes. Lycopene is not required for the body.  Many animals do not use them. Chlorinated water also cause general skin darkening for some exposed to sunlight.  Wash with dechlorinated water after shower or use well/river water.Skin darkening can also be caused  due to salt in the sweat around the perineum which contains chlorine. Salt is corrosive.  Shaving can also cause skin darkening. Applying coconut oil before shaving eliminates it. Waxing is better for women. Using after shave lotion directly on skin can also cause skin darkening. Always wet the face before use or simply use onetime razors and avoid after shaves.
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I have been to a gynecologist and dermatologist about this same problem. I'm a very white skin latina. I was told that this difference in color is completely normal, specially if you sweat a lot in those areas, and there really isn't anything to be done for it medicalwise. However, a cosmetologist might have better suggestions (specially if you are in the US).
Hope this helps.
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I am 15 years old, 160-165lbs. I am white but my skin "down there" is darker then my skin tone but quite a bit. My armpits aren't darker though, but I do have quite a few skin tags under my arms. Is this normal?
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i am a guy and had similar question on why i get darker penis skin. doctor told me it was normal if i do ejaculation. its normal since you are rubbing the skin and as a result, the dark color. same as when fats between legs slides between each other when your walking or running. immediate solution to this is applying lubrication. but permanent solution is to get fit and get rid of excess fats stored on your legs
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use the botanical formula soap which includes lemon and vitamin C im having the same problem but exfoliating with that soap helps Ive only used it 3 times so far and i see results already im currently bleaching my skin as i type (haha) im using madre perl (mother of perl) u leave it on for an hr 3 times a week Ive heard great things so will see Im also using coco butter lotion when im done showering with the soap that helps too because all this stuff could dry out ur skin depending on ur skin type :) hope I helped
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It is related to fungus in the body (which, yes, can be related to weight, but fungus is what causes it).
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I used to have this for many years. I also had toenail fungus.  I started to take an anti-fungal medication called Fluconazol and over the course of the year I took this medication, all of the dark skin in my thigh areas, underarms, etc, all disappeared. I told my doctor about this and he said it is indeed related to having fungus in your body.
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Has it ever occurred to you that: You have dark creases because you are not a WHITE. On average;Latino's no matter how fair are a mix of White Spanish or Portugal decent and Black African decent; with some native brown Native "indian" thrown in . The Spanish came and conquored the Natives and when they were nearly extinct, they replaced them with the Africans. That's a historical fact.  It is in your genetic code and you will only be able to fade it temporarily.
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Papaya soap may help.  Use it twice a day.  Keep area moisturized.  Also check out website for B&C Skin Tight products.  
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Papaya soap may help.  Use it twice a day.  Keep area moisturized.  Also check out website for B&C Skin Tight products.  
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This is due to being over weight. Loose some weight and it'll go away
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That actually is partially inaccurate. I didn't actually have the issue until I started losing weight. Why? Because when you're big, you don't actually lose the skin when you lose the fat. It tends to gather down stairs. Which then causes more moisture and sweat than usual coupled with fabric rubbing and irratating the skin partnered with skin on skin irratation. I actually gain more health issues losing a hundred pounds than I  actually had when I had the extra hundred pounds. I'm proud of the weight I lost but they lied when they said I would feel better. I don't not 100% I'm more self-conscious now than ever. And why put the statement so rudely. There are much better ways to address weight to someone than " Lose weight it'll go away" cause it doesn't actually go away.
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If you check between your buts; you probably see the same darkness as well;
so this is a common problem for men and women alike
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I may be out of the ordinary but if it helps, I have always found the darker color in the areas you mentioned extremely attractive on women. You are beautiful the way you are, remember people are attracted to different things.

What you find ugly, I find beautiful. I wish you all good luck in finding happiness with yourselves.
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