9246787 tn?1404943147

doctor rejected my request

Ok so im 24 and im having my 4th child I love my kids and all but I want to be done i said I was done with my 2nd 3rd and now 4th but because of my age doctors keep rejecting my request to get my tubes tied saying im to young ahhhh my doc said is I was closer to 30 he would but since im so young he won't :(and my hubby has had to many surgeries he doesn't wanna go threw another one
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9246787 tn?1404943147
Mu husbands has gone thru many surgeries in his life we have been together for almost 6 years and he has had around 6-7 surgeries and had to go under many before we meet and usually its seppose to be a simple surgery 1 hour or less and they end up being 4-6 hours I understand y he doesn't want to have any more surgery unless its life threatening
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973741 tn?1342342773
I think it is most unfortunate that you ladies are trying to be responsible and practical and doctors are not helping you.  I checked laws and there are no age requirement laws that I could find.  There are consent laws with spouses and as stated above, consent forms releasing doctors.  But to me, the ladies hoping for a tubal ligation seem really mature and thinking about doing it for the right reasons.   That stinks that the doctors are refusing.  

Would your husband have a vasectomy?  ??  that works too.  
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You should be able to sign a waver releasing your doctor of anything if you decide that you didn't want your tubes tied I'm 19 pregnant with my first and on my first appointment I had the option to have mine tied
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My on office has 4 doctors in it. At my first appointment for this pregnancy we talked about it and in NY you have to be 23 and I'll be 20 when I have the baby. This is our 2nd and we don't want any more after cause I'm already putting my self and the baby at risk cause of medical problems and its going to take us 3-4 years just to pay this baby off and the on we saw said even if I was old enough he still would not let me do it because I'm too young -.-
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9246787 tn?1404943147
Should of stayed in Arizona my daugther was born their lol I have seen like 10 doctors and they all tell me no :( maybe its not meant to be I want all my kids to have their own bedroom I have run out of rooms with this one so he has to be my last plus 4 is already alotwe still have to go buy a bigger car :( I like my prius now ima have to drive a minivan never thought I would have to say that
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My friend got her tubes tied at 24 after having her second child. Seek a second opinion. Who the hell is he
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7753764 tn?1401853590
I'm getting my tubes tied and I'll be 23 at my daughter's birth I'm having 2 kids and I'm done. I'm in Arizona and have already donr the paperwork since I'm having a c section. Insurence is fully covering it also.
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I know here in New Mexico they'll do it at 23. But that's what I've heard. I don't understand why a doc wouldn't do it if you have had other children before.
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9246787 tn?1404943147
Lol I have gotten pregnant on the nova ring and iud birth control doesn't seem to work for me I have seen many doctors they all tell me no :(
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7552771 tn?1469929649
For a guy its not much of a surgery for guys they're fine right after and can even have sex that night. But I'm pretty sure the law is you can get tubes tied at 25. Maybe try birth control + pull out method.
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Go see a different doctor then.
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