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Extremely itchy labia near vagina, no discharge

Ok, so I've been putting up with on again, off again itching for months on my labia, near my vaginal opening. Never "diagnosed" with HPV but I did get rid of a suspected wart this past year. Can you have a bacterial infection without discharge? It drives me CRAZY sometimes, the only thing that calms it is gold bond ointment, which is minty and refreshing but I'd like no itch. No "rash" that I can see, unless I give in and scratch. I take cranberry supplements to keep me flushed out for a UTI, which I was treated for last year. My doctor is unsupportive, and unhelpful-told me was due to regrowth from not getting waxed. I just want some facts to arm myself with before trying the doc (new doc) office again.

Any suggestions?? All you cooch experts feel free to speculate.
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Theres so many comments I cant even read them all! Has anyone found any long term solution? Im 19 and this started happening 3 months ago. My doctor said she thinks it started out as a yeast infection and now I just have an extremely sensitive labia/vaginal opening? Im not sure though. When it first started I did Monistat twice, over the counter Flucanozole twice, two diflucan pills, even tried boric acid suppositories, and recently was given estrogen cream because my obgyn just thinks its irritated. I noticed that sometimes Im completely fine, no itch at all. And sometimes l will get a little stabbing pain somewhere on my vagina and I notice that the area gets red and my labia becomes enflamed for about 20 minutes. Itchiness comes and goes, it is not constant. Ive been tested for bv, trichomanisas, yeast infections, and stds and it all comes back negative. At one point I had a little rash on my inner labia. Not bumps, just a red rash. Im honestly at a loss. Doctors keep brushing me off pretending like its nothing but I KNOW I have something wrong with me. After looking at these posts the only thing I can conclude is a hormone imbalance maybe? Maybe dust mites that live in bed sheets? Im honestly just so confused, its affecting my life :(
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Oh my gosh I'm not crazy! I'm 24 and not sexually active and the exact same thing has been happening to me! I keep going to doctor after doctor and nobody will tell me what's wrong!
Hi, I'm 38 years old I been having the same problem! It only itches on one side of my labia and its usually really bad around my ovulation! I went to my OB/ Gyn 3 times and he said its something that I'm allergic too!  I got rid of everything and got all new products and still the same!  It's so upsetting! I'm glad I'm not the only one!
I had suffered with that for a while and It would always come a few days before my period...drove me crazy..then in started taking vitamin b supplements and I haven't had it since. U can try it and see if it works.

check to see if you might have pin worms over 90 % of american has pin worms and dont know it. they have an over the counter pin worm medicine at walmart for about $10 per bottle you have to take 2 doses the 2nd 2 weeks after the first dosse is taken. google symptoms for pin worms you can get more information. my daughter had pin worms she had the same problem with itching on her anal and vaginal area. the dr can give you a test to find out if thats whats causing your problem. i wish you the best of luck
Try soaking a tampon in braggs brand or any organic, raw& unfiltered apple cider vinegar (actual tampon only barely peaking out of plastic insert) with a 3 (Apple cider vinegar) to 1 (filtered water) solution. Keep the tampon in for 15-20 minutes once in morning and once at night at first signs of itchiness or irritation. Also rinse the external area with a paper towel soaked in pure apple cider vinegar. Stay away from dairy and drink water with a lemon slice several times a day. This helped both immediately reduce itchiness and swelling and get rid of issue. Continue to drink lemon water daily as it will keep your ph balance in check - or drink one teaspoon of acv in your glass of water two hours before eating daily. This should help to prevent this occurrence for you as from what you’ve described you may be more prone than average. Hope this helps!
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Try Clacium Bentonite Clay powder.  I've had intense labia itching right at the pubic hair line for several years and recently tried this clay powder on it.  No pain and itching stopped immediately.  It's been 5 days and have been applying the powder once a day, no itching.  

No idea how long it will last but love the relief.  Best to you.
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; It Can Mean Plenty Of Things Such As " OverWeight" I Havnt Had A Cycle In "8" Months Now & Its Becaues To Much Fatning Around And On Your Vaginal Area ! Its Best To Visit A Doctor But Losing Weight And Eating Healthy Will Have Your Periods Back On Track . Sometimes You Will Know When Your Losing Becaues Your Cycle Will Start In Your Process
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I'm hoping by now you've figured this out, but in case you haven't, being a lesbian doesn't protect you from herpes! Herpes can be passed from vulva to vulva contact or even mouth to vulva contact. If two separate gynecologists say you have herpes, you may, in fact, have herpes, regardless of wether or not you want to accept it or the stigma associated with it.
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Im 38, I've been going thru this since i was around 12 yrs old. It started when i came on my period and the blood irritated my skin. As soon as i was able to wear tampons i made the change. Over the yrs my itching has gotten worse. The itching gets worse before i start my period.  Now its just unbearable all the time. I cant go a day without wearing a pad. Underwear irritates its, no matter the fabric. My pants irritates it. I tried wearing no panties once that didnt work either. It was summer and i had sweat pourimg down my legs. Its worse in the summer. Ive used vagisil, vasoline, Neosporin with pain reliever. Ive used powder, ive used basically everything i could think of. Went to the doctor and you would have thought they were looking at another species. Told me they had never seen anything like it. Ive had it so long my skin is discolored from scratching. My skin is dry and flacky. I try and rub it now instead of scratching that doesnt help either. I think since ive been scratching all these yrs my skin has thinned down there. Trying not to scratch is unbearable. Seems like it gets worse. I have no discharge, no odor, no nothing. Only thing that calms it is washing my vagina with just water. I dont use soap down there anymore. I either put vasoline or the neosporin on it. It only helps for like 20 min. Today i bought some a&d ointment to see how that works. So far its going fine. At least it will help my skin heal. Ive found that when scratching you tear the skin. The skin itches also when healing. Something has to give. I am miserable, i cry about it. Im embarrased, i cant go swimming, and i dont have sex. Sometimes i have to walk a certain way because of the pain from scratching. I have to sit a certain way. One thing that use to help was wearing false nails. Just helped with the dangers from scratching. Not with the itching. Got a new job now and cant wear nails. Im gonna try some of the things you all said and pray for some relief. I also tried organic coconut oil. Didnt help tho.

Hopefully someone finds a cure. Im so happy that i found you ladies not because of our issue but having someone to vent to. This is a horrible thing to go through. Especially for over 2 decades.
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WOW, I'm so glad I found this community.  I've been having this problem for about 2 months, on and off.  It's nice to know I'm not alone and I've already tried the yogurt application.  I could not figure out what was going on as there was no rash or any evidence of a skin problem.  I'll stay tuned.
The yogurt may have soothed it some, but didn't solve the problem.  I had some OTC diphenhydramine cream (Benedryl) which does seem to help.
Try BETAMETHASONE 0.1% mix with CANESTIN 2% half and half. Apply all over affected area. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You will need a prescription for one cream. AMAZING RESULTS QUICKLY
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some of the symptoms i have read today are symptoms of pin worms. i googled it a while back because my daughter was itching at her anal and vaginal area at night while she was trying to sleep i took her to the dr. he sent a test tape thing home with me to use that next morning before she used the bathroom or took a shower because female pin worms lay there eggs on the outside of the anal at night time. he confirmed she had them so he told me to go walmart pharmacy to get an over the counter pin worm medicine it cost $10 for a tiny bottle two doses of the medicine is needed take 2nd dose 2 weeks after you take the 1st dose. be sure to follow the directions to the T because its easy for the pin worms to reinfest. everyone in the house hold needs to take the medicine. Google symptoms for pin worms it will give you all the information you need to get rid of pin worms and how to keep from being reinfested.  a person can have pin worms for more than 20 yrs and not know it because they dont know what the symptoms are because some of the symptoms are normal for someone that has had them for they dont see the pin worms because they come out at night. pin worms are white about an 1/2 long ans the size of a staple they are hard to see. the eggs can only be seen under a microscope they live up to 2-3 weeks on your bedding so washing the bedding everyday to prevent reinfestation while your taking the medication. I hope my comment was helpful
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I’m also suffering from labia majora itchiness, and i had this for 4 months now. At first it was tolerable. Mine doesn’t always itch, but usually it occurs in the morning and comes back in the afternoon. The itch feels like something just bit my skin or a prickly feeling or a newly grown thick hair poking a very sensitive skin. In the first few months, it was dry and flaky then there are days that it would look okay but the skin is still raised. Lately, the itch is much worse, and sometimes i can’t help but scratch it. There are also days that it would weep a yellowish fluid and then it would start to look flaky and then after a few days, the flakiness would be gone but still the skin is raised, dry and sometimes swollen and wrinkly. When my period cane last week, the itch was way more unbearable. I have an appointment with the dermatologist tomorrow since i’ve been tested for yeast, bv and sti’s all came out negative.im on my wits end and i want a cure for this.
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Has anyone received a diagnosis. I have been feeling the same symptoms for months now. I have been experiencing itchy anus clit and vagina. It's been difficult dealing with this. I have been to the doctor but haven't received any answers. This is ruining my life. Please help. I am tired of doctor visits
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it could be pin worms over 90% of american's have pin worms and dont know it. you can get tested at the dr's office. you can also google pin worm symptoms
I'm starting to think it is diet related or allergies.  Cut sugar, Chocolate, nuts out.  Creams don't seem to cure anything
Hi judylaurin,  it is sometimes a trial and error to find what works best.  Everyone is so different.  So, you've had luck with diet changes?
Saw the doctor yesterday. ....BETAMETHASONE 0.1% mix with CANESTIN 2%.....half and half in a small container for a few days at a time.  Apply twice daily. ....A MIRACLE! !!!!  Good luck....This is WORKING very well. Use for about 2 weeks
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Same issue here.  I can't believe this thread has over 800 comments with no solution. My itch is random,  but only at the end of the day.  There is no discharge,  and it always itches on a very specific spot.  A shower sometimes helps to alleviate the itching, but sometimes it doesn't . I've had this issue ever since I can remember. After my period it seems worse.  Also I am on the birth control pill.  I have no idea what's happening somebody help us this is a seriously embarrassing and bizarre issue.
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google symptoms for pin worms my daughter has had them before she had the same symptoms i got her tested at the dr's he confirmed it. there is over the counter pin worm medication at walmart pharmacy that cost about $10 you have to take 2 doses so you need to bottles for yourself take the 2nd dose 2 weeks after the first the 1st dose. be sure to follow the directions on the medicine and on google
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Made with kefir and goat's milk, the sensitive soap and lotion made by Chuckling Goat helped me within a week's time. For months, I experienced itching in my left labia majora (Yup, the lip). Due to friction, heat, or moist, I deduced it to be a form of the lesser talked irritation-- vulvar dermatitis or eczema. I was sore and refused to be on steroids. Thankfully, I heard about the product on Hay House radio. I gave it a try and in a week, the difference is so noticeable. I hardly itch, and the soap alone can give relief and gentle cleansing to my lady parts. I am now on a mission to share about this to the many health forums with which ladies feel helpless with such condition. We need to know that there are effective and natural cures available. I am in no way affiliated with the company, but my healing led me to share my experience. Healing to you too!
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I can relate its the post annoying feeling in the world.. I have had itching for 10months on my vulva and vagina. I tried so much noting work. Some times at night I feel like tinga crawling down there burns itch and so dam inflamed. Then i start trying acv (apple cider vinegar) i got major results on day 2 it help me im free of itch praise the lord all u have to do is put 2tbs acv in 2mugs water and was yhe vulva twice daily. Dont use longer than 3days. Take a TBS internally too. Bragg's acv is the best with the mother in it
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Try this....see your doctor for BETAMETHASONE VAL 0.1% , mix with CANESTIN 2%....half and half in a small container.  Apply twice daily.   OMG I had amazing results in a couple of hours. Continue for 1 to 2 weeks.  
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I have this and my dermatologist diagnosed me with SYSTEMIC NICKEL ALLERGY. Apparently, many women who have nickel allergy suffer in this way and very few OB/GYNs have heard of it. I now avoid contact with nickel items and have cut high nickel foods (chocolate, oats, nuts, soya) from my diet. I only wash with a Hydromol emollient bath additive directly on my vagina. Good luck!
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Really?! I think this must be what I have! I have  had agonizing labia and anus itching for 5 years (zero discharge/rash, just extreamlu itchy skin) and have ruled out every possibly cause! I have a very servere nickel allergy when I wear the jewelry. But I never wear it anymore. Where else could I be getting exposed to nickel?
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Mix five drops lavender pure essential oil, three drop tea tree oil and two drop frankincense oil with which hazel or coconut oil. I apply in am and pm. Wash area first
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Fox Fordyce or maybe Hidradenitis Suppurtiva
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Thank you,I just tried it last night instead of the Calmoseptine I had been using. It seemed to work better. I will keep using it and see if it is the answer
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I have this same problem on and off for 3 years now. No infections...doctors have no idea...it is unbearable. I finally found something that works! Coconut oil! I swear by it. Put it anywhere down there where it itches and burns. Instant relief..by 2nd day...vagina back to normal.If your itchy inside you can slather the oil on a tampon as well.
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12172462 tn?1435281388
Hi there just read your comment, Ive thought about this before but im trying other things at this moment hoping for a cure.My itch started with a yeast infection as well BUT the itch on my vulva / anus NEVER WENT AWAY
ive been dealing with this for a year now i have an appointment with a dermatologist this Wednesday (hoping my period doesnt come before means i would have to reschedule and wait another dam week to see her !)Anyway
Ive been to vulva specialists and tons of Gynos and they can Never find yeast so im hoping the dermo tells me its fungus related i hate this ! i hope to hear how youre feeling a week from now
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I am in my third trimester of pregnancy and for the past 6 weeks I've had an absolutely incurable vulval itch. My doctor thought it was a yeast infection, so I went on a 7 day treatment for Monistat AND two separate rounds of Diflucan. went back to the gyno since the itch persisted in my vulval area, but she couldn't see any yeast in her microscope. She prescribed the generic cream of Lotrisone, which has an anti fungal agent (clotrimazole) and I was so hopefully it would work after seeing many people post about it's success. However, for me, nada. I went back a week and half later, still with no resolution and the vulval area not improving at all - totally affected my relationship with my husband, my ability to concentrate at work, and my sleep...all of which I worried would affect my unborn baby. My gyno then prescribed a very strong anti-inflammatory steroid (started with a "c" and ended with propriate") which is basically the strongest steroid ointment on the market...NOTHING. I felt completely helpless. I do think this ointment helped reduce the inflammation, but certainly not the itch. The fact that the itch hadn't gone away and I had changed absolutely everything that could have been an allergen (used new, seventh generation detergent, bought new 100% cotton undies, changed bathroom cleaning products, changed air filters, etc.) led me to believe it wasn't an allergen. I noticed the itch seemed to get worse when I would apply the cream, so I started to let the area "dry out" and apply no cream and no underwear...it still itched, but not nearly as badly. I wondered again if the itch was fungal, but just maybe not a yeast infection (which would explain why my OB couldn't see it under the scope). So, I took out my husband's $5.99 athletes foot spray (Lotramin generic, 2% Miconazole nitrate) and sprayed it all over my vulva. Wow, did it sting the first time! BUT, the itching went away almost immediately. I have used it twice a day for the past week and it's been a miracle. I am 95% better. I'll still have an occasional itch here or there but the fact that it's a powder spray keeps the area DRY and I think keeps any sort of other fungus from growing. My OB and dermatologist said they would have never thought of using athlete foot powder spray "down there" but that it's completely safe for me to keep doing. I just wanted to share this in case there is anyone else out there who has been told they don't have a yeast infection....you may still have a fungus on your vulva! I'm so thankful to have a safe solution to help with this issue...I"m hoping in another week or so it's CURED!
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15843279 tn?1443422219
I can't seem to figure out what is causing my intense itching. Sometimes it looks dry down there and other times it looks a little puffy and bright red with little bumps. No discharge and I shower every other day. I have allergies but I take my medication every day but the itch is still here. I don't use soap to clean down there only water. I use cotton panties and unscented and non dyed detergent. I apply an OTC anti itch cream which seems to sooth it for a while but I have to apply it several times a day. It has been going on for several months and I can't seem to figure out what could be causing it. Any body know what could it be or what could help? I am 24 and not pregnant and was tested for STDs last year and have been with the same partner for 7 years.
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it could be pin worms. do you itch at night while your trying to sleep? google symptoms of pin worms. you can find out what you need to do. 90% of american people have pin worms and dont even know it. a person can have pin worms for over 20 yrs and not know it. itching at night in your anal and vaginal area could be a sign. go to the dr. to get a test done then go to walmart if you have pin worms get the over the counter pin worm medicine its called reeses pin worm medicine. it comes in a very small bottle its about $10 per bottle take the dose by how much you weigh. you need to take 2 doses take the 2nd dose 2 weeks after the 1st dose. everyone in the household needs to take this medicine just in case they are infected with pin worms. be sure to follow all the directions on the bottle because they are hard to get rid of and its easy to get reinfested with them. i hope you dont have pin worms. defently go to the dr.
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I have been suffering from itching and fissures for almost 5 years.  I did a lot of research and tried a lot of natural things.  I went to dozens of doctors who gave me lots of different medication.  Biopsies, drugs for lichen sclerosis etc.  The suffering didn't stop.  Finally I decided to take digital pictures of what I would see often, but often hid when I saw the gyno.  the doctor said it was a recurrent yeast infection.  I was tested and it was candida.  She gave me a cream to use for 14 days and it got much better but still didn't completely go away.  I am now on weekly diflucan and the candida diet to see if I can fight this.  I finally have a diagnosis.  I knew I wasn't crazy and it was not in my head.  Just because the doctor's couldn't figure out what it was doesn't mean I wasn't suffering.  Some doctors told me to do Yoga or find something to relax me and it would go away.  Well I am on my 4th week of diflucan and 6th week of the CAndida diet.  Feeling much better but not quiet 100%.  Praying that I will soon.  I just thought I should share, to help anyone out there that might be going through the same thing.  NO you are not crazy, yes their is something wrong. No it's probably not cancer even though they can't figure it out. take pictures and have them test you even though it doesn't look like yeast, it could be.  My liquid looks milky.  Many docs before said it wasn't yeast without testing it.  This new doctor tested it and has tested every time I have seen them.  It is always Candida. I will try to update as I feel better but I hope this helps.  We shouldn't have to suffer!
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Thank a lot and ill like to know that Any side effects of this cream let me know asap.thanks
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Are you continuing to have success with your new detergent formula? Or have your symptoms returned at all?
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Can you find out what the Chinese herb formula was? I have been dealing with this issue for 10 years. I take chinese herbs for health in general and would be so appreciative to know what formula your TCM Dr. used with you. Thanks!!
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