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Fenton's repair - what is it??

Ever since I first had sex (about 3 years ago), I've had constant pain when my boyfriend enters me.
I've seen numerous specialists and they all seem a bit vague about the problem.
The last one I've seen has advised me to undergo a Fenton's repair operation and says she feels this is the only thing that could help me.
She told me to go away and look it up on the internet and get back to her if I decide to go ahead.
Trouble is I've been on loads of websites and I can't find anything about it!!
Has anybody had this and can tell me more about it or maybe where I could get the information from??
Thanks :)
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I recently had fissures which were literally tears around my clitoris that made it impossible to even think about sex...this can be caused from a hormone imbalance...birth control can be what causes them or even just stress or that time of the month...before you go through with a procedure I would slowly cut back on the amount of hormones that you are putting into your body which is what worked for me...I am no longer experiencing the pain and didn't have to pay for a pricey procedure...this was a recommendation my doctor made before attempting anything as serious as a surgery so maybe ask your medical adviser if they think this could be the cause
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Hi, I just had this operation done and wanted to add some additional information that I thought was missing from this otherwise excellent forum.
1.  I had my operation done under local (having previously agreed a general, it was not available on the day owing to a lack of beds in our glorious NHS).
2.  Local was not painful but very uncomfortable: the cleaning felt vicious,  I could sense the pulling and tugging and stitching.  Op lasted for about 30 minutes, but staff were very supportive.  My advice is don't go for this pain relief if you have psychological issues, otherwise do, as recovery is much less traumatic.
2. My doctor signed me off work for 5 days, a bit irritating, since he didn't tell me beforehand and I couldn't get a clear understanding of the recovery path.
3.  I definitely needed the first day off: I slept most of the day, could not sit or crouch, and resisted standing.  The stool softener was a boon.
4. Second day I still felt woozy (the psychological side of having a trauma to the body) and chose not to go in to work.  I work as a teacher, so a high stress, no break type of work.  I also decided not to drive.  But I wouldn't have gone in if I was an office worker either as I still can't sit for long without discomfort.
5.  I will be able to work tomorrow.
Other than that, all fine so far.  Good luck to you, and thank you to those who have already posted.xx
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I had this op done yesterday. I opted for sedation and local anaesthetic. The sedation really helped as I was also having merina coil removed and a smear taken. I'd been so nervous of anything being inserted into me because it was so painful that I'd been putting off all examinations of any sort! Am smothering area regularly with vasoline as instructed and taking pain relief (paracetamol). Not too bad although uncomfortable to sit on. Seeing nurse for "trainers"(?) info on Friday. So hope that my sex life can begin again as it has been dormant for 10 years because of this problem. No idea what "trainers" are though!
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I had this procedure done two days ago. I had two children through natural childbirth, but unfortunately tore during labor and the Dr performed an episiotomy, both times. My deliveries were 4 years apart. The last was in 1977. I have suffered with painful intercourse for over 30 years. I recently went to a new gynaecologist and during my yearly exam asked me if I had been experiencing pain during sex. I had a scar tissue nightmare. So he has rectified this I pray. Time will tell. I currently am in quite a bit of discomfort. Hurts to try to sit or get comfortable. I go to Dr on Friday for a suture assessment appointment. I know I have quite a few stitches. Some light bleeding. Painful urination. So I will see. Just wanted to try and help. I couldn't find much info on this , and just wanted to give some information to others. I'll keep you posted, as my recovery continues.
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Said I'd come back to say how everything went, and it's been almost a year haha.

Let's see, physically everything is okay, once the swelling went down completely (3-4 weeks later) I could do everything I could normally do, go to gym, ride a bike, etc. Mentally I wasn't ready for sex again, and I think I held off for 3 months before I was even prepared to try. Even now I find a brace myself for pain, and I can be my own worst enemy, so there's still some getting used to that I'm doing.

I haven't torn at all since the procedure, and that's great. If I had to describe it and it's going to sound odd, but for lack of a better word it feels like a funnel. I know I've still got all feeling down there, but because the skin was cut away it feels different, there's no tight entrance to squeeze through.

It didn't occur to me at the time that this would happen, but my vagina also looks different and that took awhile to get used too (it's a bizarre feeling).

Overall I'm happy I got the procedure done. I wish I tried to battle the mental side of it first (needing to relax, opposed to tensing up). But I was told I was smaller than average, so I don't know how much that could have helped my situation. I'm still fighting those mental hurdles, and that will just take time.

I hope that's helpful to someone out there :)

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I feel so much better reading some of your comments. I'm so frustrated I'm on week 3 and I feel like this uncomfortable pain is never going away. Hard to sit and I still feel that pulling feeling. I made the mistake of loking down there and it looks so wide and scary. I haven't had sex in three years due to tearing and pain. I'm hoping and praying this will work but mentally I have so much anxiety to try. I wasn't aware that it would take this long to be pain free.also did any of you have a discharge while stitches were healing. It's so annoying.  
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Hi everyone, I'm glad I found this thread.  It's really good to hear from some people who have been through this before.  

I'm 34 and have never had a baby, but about 5 years ago started getting the occasional tear at the base of my vulva where the lips join up after sex.  It would heal within a day or so.  But as time went on it happened more frequently and got to the point where I couldn't have penetrative sex at all. And every time I would have a smear test or an examination the doctor would gently stretch the area and unintentionally tear it again.

I finally saw a doctor about it and they said I needed to see a specialist.  Well I saw the specialist a few weeks ago and they recommended the fenton's procedure.  When I asked about possible complications she said the worst case would be that it would leave me in the same situation I'm in now.  Which I figured didn't sound too bad for odds.  However, after reading this thread I'm a little concerned I could actually make things worse.  I cycle to and from work every day and I'm worried that this might be something I wouldn't be able to do any more.  Can anyone comment on whether it made cycling better/worse?  Cycling doesn't cause me any pain at the moment.
How long after the operation did you have to wait before you could ride a bike again?

Also, as far the doctor can tell there doesn't seem to be any underlying reason for the tearing.  I don't see anything unusual and all the doctors I've seen have said everything looks normal down there.  I'm just a little worried about having a surgical procedure when I don't understand the underlying cause.

I have my pre-op appointment at the end of the week, and I will be going in with a truck-load of questions!

Thanks for your thoughts.  And best of luck to those out there going through similar experiences.

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I'm 18 and had the procedure about 2 months ago now. At the time I was convinced it was the solution to all my problems but now after waiting the correct time and massaging as instructed I am still having issues. A new tear has occurred which isn't as bad as the first (before the op) but is still very uncomfortable. I'm going to go back to my GP as I can't go on like this for much longer. From other comments it seems that the Fenton's procedure works miracles for some women but it unfortunately I can't say the same yet whilst still having painful sex.
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I remember reading this thread when I was booking in my Fenton's Procedure so I thought I'd come back and share my experience with those who might be in the same boat as me.

I'm 26, never had a child and the reason I underwent FP is because I would tear during sex (it probably started occurring frequently in the last year, I've always been tight down there). It was causing a lot of anxiety for me when it came to sex, I was originally misdiagnosed with Vulvodynia.

I went into surgery on Friday and it's now Wednesday (6th day in). The surgery was quick. I was in at 8am and home by 10:30am. I would describe the pain as a pulling, throbbing pain, it's more uncomfortable than anything.  I was given lignocaine which is a soothing creme for the area and paracetamol/codeine for pain (it'll also knock you out :D)

The paracetamol/codeine tablets pretty much had me sleeping through the first 4 days, and I couldn't really move about without hurting (rolling over was painful). The tablets also stopped me from going to the bathroom (which I was dreading) so definitely buy some Movicol (or other gentle kind of laxative - metamucil, prunes, licorice etc, do not get the aggressive laxatives, they'll cause you grief, trust me). I also had to go buy some haemorrhoid relief suppositories. My whole downstairs area was a hazard zone haha.

Oh also get an ice pack (and make sure it's small enough to fit in your underwear, my nurse recommended using a condom, I didn't understand why at the time, but I had a full size ice pack and had to squeeze it between my legs lol) the ice pack will help immensely with the swelling.

They say you'll be walking about day 2 or 3, I wasn't walking around until day 5 and even then it's more of a waddle haha. I took the week off work as I've only just begun sitting today. My surgeon said it'll be fully healed in 3 - 4 weeks. So I'll come back and let you know how everything goes :)
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Hey Anne

Excellent that you are seeing a dermatologist soon.  My appointment is in May also, so i'll let you know how that goes.  They did send some skin away to check for lichen sclerosis when i had my op, and apparently it came back negative, but will be good to see what the dermatologist says about that too.  I got the report from the specialist i saw and she notes that the skin is very thin, has little elasticity and tears easily.  I knew it already made it very real seeing it written up like that.  So frustrating.

The potential autoimmune condition is called vulvodynia.  Apparently half the medical community thinks it's a chronic pain condition (pain thats initially in your head but then becomes reality) and the other half thinks it's an autoimmune condition.  Basically even a light touch causes burning, cutting pain.  It's a condition that can be localised (around the entrance, like me), or general to the whole area, and can be constant or provoked.  Not nice.

Thats good to hear about the probiotics.  Pinetarsil is a soap alternative thats meant to not irritate your skin at all.  The specialist thought it was worth a shot.
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Thanks for responding Stacey! It helps to have someone to at least understand how I feel. And to understand that I have good reason to be scared about all of this. I also though of reading myself about this. But since I have no idea what the doctor is going to do exactly, or if this is even a routine procedure (has a name), it's rather difficult to look up success rates, or how it 's performed or why?. There are just to many unknowns.
Our medical system is probably like your system except you cannot see doctors privately. You can see some types of specialists privately. For example, you want ages spots removed or a boob job (bigger ones) ALL cosmetic stuff, you could see a private doctor..  but for any surgeries or other specialists you have to go through our public health care system. I actually found out today that if I want here in my town I will have to wait 6 months to see the dermatologist.( he comes every 3 months but I will be out of town on the exactly days he comes in 3 months and I can't cancel this trip). However, I learned today that I can go to see a dermatologist 7 hours away in May. So I am going to do that. Book the appointment and drive there. I agree. I definitely want to see the dermatologist before I have any surgery! and I am sooo frustrated also. How can I  make a decision when I have no idea if this has been done before?, what the results are? if the doctor will even be able to successfully do this (since she hasn't done it before)? and what's even wrong (specifically). Living in a such a small town and remote area doesn't help! Less people means less experience for doctors. There may be many people like us, but many suffer in silence also.... There is a sex therapist there also so I am gonna try to book an appointment with her also. If I can! Definitely the Dermatologist though! Maybe the sex therapist will be able to inform me on the dilators. She is a private doctor. But I'll pay the money for any help I can get. AT least I can say I tried that route. I do have blue yes, and I'm European. I don't have blonde hair but 85% of my family does! I have Swedish and British ancestors. and What condition is that? The autoimmune condition on the skin?? I used A LOT of Topical Yeast Infection Creams before this issue started! I always had them. Now that I take a pro biotic, It seems to have helped that issue. What is pinetarsel?

Well I am glad you found out what is causing that bit of discomfort you were talking about! And I hope the dermatologist can give you some info on the lichen sclerosis. Had you ever had a biopsy done before from that area. I also wondered about that myself for me! But When my gyno did the first surgery, she said she sent away the tissue removed and it came back to just be scar tissue. I would assume if I did have that condition, it would show up when they tested that tissue. However, I do notice a whitish look to the skin. I think though it's the scar tissue I'm seeing. But the dermatologist will be able to confirm that I hope (for both of us).

As for another surgery! GOSH! It's unreal how difficult it is to have a solution to this issue... It's almost unbelievable! What is a Woodruffs repair? But if it will work, it's worth it!   I am sorry I have 101 questions! Best of luck and keep me updated!
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Ohhhhhhhhhh thats sounds so terrible!  I really don't understand your health system at all!  I'm currently on our public health system, but i'm free to see whoever i want privately and just pay (which is what i did to see the specialist).  The specialist was really good actually, although it wasn't exactly what i wanted to hear.  She had a look and said unfortunately not everything has healed completely, and also a small hole/tunnel has been created which may be harbouring infection.  She said the only way to deal with this is more surgery.  She also said my skin has very little elasticity and a whitish tinge, which may mean i have lichen sclerosis.  I've booked in (privately - so will cost heaps but at least it's quick) to see a dermatologist who may be able to help with this.  The specialist i saw said she thought i may have an autoimmune condition which is most likely to have been triggered by the use of topical thrush medication many years ago.  She advised not to put anything topical on my skin, and to use pinetarsel instead of soap.  She also said that the skin condition i have seems to only ever occur in european women with blonde hair and blues eyes.  Would this include you also?  She's currently given me dilators to help stretch the skin in the area, but has warned i may require more surgery.  Potentially a Woodruffs repair?
Ahhh i'm so frustrated for you about your situation.  How can you make a decision without being properly informed.  Maybe do doe research by looking at journal articles into the success rates of the procedures?  Although everyone's different so it doesn't help hugely.  I would definitely say try to see the dermatologist first before you consider surgery, as they may know whether you skin is likely to be able to handle it or not.  ***** that it means waiting though.  Maybe you could try something like dilators as well and see if your skin can handle gentle stretching (seeing sex is generally pretty rough on the area).  My specialist did recommend that once i can tolerate the size 3 dilator my partner and i should start having sex again, as apparently the skin gets weaker when not being used.
Let me know how you go.  I'll update again after my dermatologist appointment.  I really really hope you can get some positive results soon
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Hi Stacey! I hope you make some progress with the specialist and please let me know. I am glad to hear that you are healed though. Do you have pain only when you touch the area, or do you have pain off and on with no touching?  
I honestly don't know if I am having it removed! I don't know if it's going to fix the problem, since the scarring extended back a way toward the opening of the vagina (like a line from the fourchette about half way up to the opening of the vagina) and I am not sure she is going to remove back that far (the whole scar will be removed) and all I am afraid it will only cause scaring at the base of the vagina  (the stitches have to meet together somewhere in the middle even if she does stitch up the sides) which will also tear! I am very nervous to try anything else, since it didn't work last time and only made matters worse. And just like you said, why didn't she suggest this initially, and she, as far as I know, hasn't done this procedure before! I am scared it's not going to work and once the skin is removed there isn't anything further that can be done with it! so I went to my family doc (she was zero help) and I asked to be see a specialist who has experience with this issue or that procedure and she said she didn't know any and it would be just a stab in the dark to see one and maybe they have some experience with it. She also said that I can't see two at once (two gynos) and to pick one and she also said that I can't see a new gyno and also a dermatologist at the same time because it's "over loading the system"... soooooooooooooo supportive!! She was completely unhelpful! I explained how this is effecting me and she said nothing! I am currently on a wait list to see a dermatologist and I am going to see what he/she has to say about the skin there before I have the surgery (if I even decide to have it). and before I do have it I am gonna meet with my gyno and ask her the questions I have. Although, last time she said it wouldn't make it worse and it did.  I am scared it is just going to make it worse AGAIN, especially since the gyno can't tell me if this will work, or any experiences of success that people with this issue have had by having this surgical procedure. I am not sure that makes sense! and it's going to take months and months to see a dermatologist. and I am honestly so sick of this situation, I want it fixed yesterday! But at the same time, I am scared to get the surgery and it only make matters worse! (like it did last time). No sure what to do from here, I just feel like giving up and just being alone for the rest of my life! Then I don't have to worry about it! :(

Please update me on your progress though! and Thanks for your response!
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I still have quite a bit of pain associated with touch around the area, but i think that is mainly the vulvadynia.  I'm seeing a specialist the week after next so will let you know if i have any progress with her.
When are you having the fourchette?  It seems like a logical step.  Although weird that your gynae didn't mention it as an option earlier?
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Hi, Just wondering how you are doing and if you have made any further progress!? I really hope so! Keep in touch!
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I saw my gyno today and she's telling me that it's the band of skin across the base of my vagina that isn't stretching enough. It's called a fourchette. She is going to removed that band of skin and stitch it up on the sides (rather than stitching it up in the center) so that the skin band cannot heal back together. The band of skin that doesn't stretch will be gone which will make the opening of the base of the vagina slightly larger and it won't have to stretch as much during penetration. This is not a fenton's but almost like the reverse of what someone has done to "tighten" their vaginal opening after childbirth, etc! Does anyone have any experiences with this?
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Hi,  Well it makes me feel better to know that I'm not completely abnormal with regards to just the stretching it myself and it can tear. I really don't have anyone to talk too. I have a friend that knows about it and she tells me the same as you. That doing nothing about it isn't good enough. My boyfriend and I aren't together anymore. It had nothing to do with this as such it was just the stress of us being apart so much, but basically we had to make a choice to do a long distance or move on. But that in no way solves my problem. In fact, it makes it worse because now if I meet someone else I have to go through all of this again, and have the fear of being rejected, etc. Well I'm glad you're healing up there. And yes, please keep me posted on your status. Also, I know what dilators are, but what is the purpose? Does it help the skin get use to stretching?  There is a sex therapist in a city about 7 hours away. I wonder if she could offer any help for me, not for the actual tearing but with the rest of this roller coaster ride. She may never suggest the dilators for me . I may be able to visit the city if I can get an appointment with her, however, I wouldn't be able to see her on a regular basis of course, being 7 hours away. I am really glad that you are recovering well. Please keep me posted! It helps to have someone to share their progress so I can get my head around how to go about helping myself here. Thanks again! And take care!
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Oh i'm using avocado and rose hip oil on my scar and it seems to be helping a bit.
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Hey anne

I'm really sorry to hear you're having such a hard time at the moment.  I really hope you have someone close to you you can talk to about this.  Yes i used to get tearing just from stretching the skin myself without actual sex too.  I definitely think you should go back to your GP and really emphasise your need to see an expert about this.  And you need to make sure they understand how much this is affecting your life and your mental wellbeing.  There's no way in the world they should be sending you away without giving you some sort of options that can give you hope again.

In terms of my recovery, all seems to be going well.  The stitches never dissolved and had to be dug out a month after the op, but that wasn't too bad.  We haven't had sex yet as i want to see a physiotherapist about dilation techniques first, but i haven't had a chance in the last few weeks.

Best of luck x  
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What do you mean scar tissue? To get rid of it? I am not sure how you'd get rid of the scar from the surgery or is that now what you mean?
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Hi , I am very sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I have been so upset by this I just had to not talk about it for a while. I was/am so stressed out I guess with my bf gone, it's been outta sight outta mind but I know that doesn't solve the problem.  I am so glad that you are feeling better and that you are healing much better. And thank you for letting me know the size and more details about the surgery. You updated over a month ago, so I wonder now how you have come along since then. Has it healed completely? and do you notice that the opening is wider? I hope you are having success with it. Anyway, I was just looking at my vagina today.I inspect it now and then. (my Boyfriend has been gone for over a month now so the tearing from sex has completely healed.. has been for a while) and I just stretched the skin a bit to see how stretchy it was. Well I got a slight tear just from stretching it myself. That's how sensitive and easily the skin gets torn. I think I'm gonna go to my family doctor and talk to her... I wanna see if she can maybe suggest a gyno in a bigger city about 7 hours away (there is only 1 here and she hasn't done a fenton's, and she did my first surgery and we know how well that worked, she just doesn't have any experience with this). I want to see someone who has done this before and more experience with this procedure. Also, I only ever see my bf for a few weeks at a time. I don't see him for extended periods of time, I know that this problem won't solve the problem, but I wonder if eventually will my vagina stretch on it's own to accommodate him (for better lack of a word) and maybe this tearing will be lessened.. I'm not that hopeful about that but one can wish I guess. Anyway, have you had any sexual intercourse yet, or now that it has healed more, does it appear that the vaginal opening is much wider! Because that's definitely what I need, a wider opening so there is less stretching, less stretching means less tearing. Like I said before, I am sorry I haven't replied! I've just be very upset! But truly thank you for your help!
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Hi Moonstone. Sorry it's taken so long for me to reply but I have been just having a very hard time and I was stressing myself out so much I couldn't talk about it anymore. I have no idea what my doctors though. I honestly right now have just avoided the problem. I know that's not solution but my BF isn't here right now and I needed sometime to think about things and decide what I am going to do. I haven't had any Yeast infections since I started taking the pro biotic.  I just take a over the counter bottle from walmart. The brand is Jamieson, but there are all different brands. I've taken the 2 billion, 5 billion and 10 billion active cells and they all seem to work so far. I take one tablet (just as the bottle says) daily with a meal. I hope you can find one that works.
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Just an update on my progress.
I'm feeling WAY better.  Almost no pain at all now (except the remains of my stitches are still stuck in the sides of the scar and are like nylon so keep poking into me when i walk).  The wound has healed on the sides but is still a bit open at the bottom, with a little bit of infection left by the looks of things.  Once that's healed up i'll start looking into things i can do to help with the horrible scar tissue.  Anyone have any suggestions?
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Hey Anne

Hmm you guys must have a different medical system to us.  We don't have to have insurance here.  I do have it now, but i didn't get it until after i had been diagnosed with vulvadynia, so none of that is covered, which means i have to either go through the public system and wait (which is what i did) or pay full costs privately, which we can't afford.   Although i have decided that if this isn't successful we will try save up to go privately so it can be done on my terms rather than theirs.  And i would be able to choose my doctor.
My partner and i are going travelling this year, and then actually moving to Canada for 2015 to work for a year (assuming we'll get our Visa's).  Booking that trip was one of the things that pushed me to go ahead with the surgery, because as i said i had just been ignoring the problem for such a long time, which badly affected my relationship.
It must be very difficult with a new partner though.  I think it's good you've shown him what's going on.  I've learnt that communication is vital.  I hope he can understand this is something you need to work through together and support each other. I know exactly what you mean when you say you feel like a failure and disappointment.  There have definitely been times where iv'e thought maybe i should break up with my partner just so he doesn't have to deal with this and can have a normal sex life with someone else.  He's only 25, and he's been dealing with this since he was 20!  But we've been through a couple of break ups and we always end up back together, so i know now that this is just something we have to deal with openly.  
The wound itself seems to be longer horizontally than vertically.  Maybe 2.5cm vertical and 4-5cm horizontally.  I feel really annoyed that it was made that big just to remove a small piece of skin though.  I was told it had to be like that to enable them to stitch it, but seeing as the stitches have all fallen out anyway and it has to heal on its own i would rather they just made a smaller cut and left it open from the beginning.  But i guess it's all hindsight now.  And i'm hoping you're right about it not needing to stretch as much in the future if they have made the opening bigger anyway.
In terms of recovery, it still looks like a completely open would from the surface, but i'm definitely feeling better, and less sore, so it must be healing underneath.
Just a note about the thrush you mentioned.  I haven't had many problems with it, but my flatmate is on a probiotic called 'candex' that is specially targeted at avoiding thrush.  It has yeast as well as bacteria.  Just thought i'd mention it incase you haven't heard of it before.
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Hi Anne
I've found the tablets more effective than anything else. I do like chocolate and with the Christmas period upon us, nearly New Year I got my fair share of sweet things to eat as presents, as you might know sugar is bad for thrush, it encourages it's growth. I used to take a pre-biotic capsule Acidophillus from the health food shop, I'd take about 6-8 a day as instructed by an alternative health therapist who put me on a very strict diet. The combination must've helped somehow but didn't clear the thrush completely. What brand of pre-biotic do you take? I was on solgar.
I'm thinking being on top of your partner would be best for you as you can control things and lessen tearing.
Do Drs not think if they give you steroid cream to use down there that it will thin your skin and give you more problems.
Keep in touch
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