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Has anyone got pregnant from a failed vasectomy?

My period is 2 weeks late as of today. I took two home pregnancy tests last week and both said negative. I have been late before but only by 3/4 days tops. I have been having some symptoms, but if I am pregnant why would it say no on the test? I don't have insurance so it's hard to just go to the doctor. Does anyone know the failure rait of a vasectomy? My husband had it done in sep 2005.

Any info would be great.
thank you :)
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My fiance' and I are pregnant. I had a v done over 20 years ago.About 6 months ago we went on a romantic 2 week cruise for holiday.It was VERY romantic..We figure she caught a little fish while we were on the cruise.(I have since tested positive for sperm) We have been together for almost 6 years and were stunned.
About a year ago I noticed a small amount of pain after ejaculation.I also could feel what seemed like the two cut ends had now formed back into one.I consulted dr,got ultrasound which confirmed the rejoin. He said since it had been 20 years,there wasn't much chance of planting a seed, so we went about as normal.All to say,my libido has been very high since noticing these changes.Well, now I guess I see why.I guess Nature will have it's way no matter.We should have been more cautious,but she HATES condoms,and I let myself believe the dr was right..Oh well,we will manage somehow.I wish I had done the sperm count before, but then again,the way I love her, would it have mattered..
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Hi everyone
I'm 34 & have 4 kids 14,11,9,7 my husband had a vasectomy 8 yrs ago while i was pregnant with baby no 4 .he went back & had all the checks done and all was fine (no swimmers) Ive now missed 2 periods , I've seen my gp a few wks ago as was feeling tired & have swollen glands in my throat ,I was sent for blood tests checking my thyroid & a full blood count was done (apart from looking for pregnancy ) they all came back fine ,I'm a bit emotional but don't have any other pregnancy signs ,but then I didn't with my other pregnancys either , I just can't get the idea of being pregnant out of my head but keep telling myself don't be stupid it's almost impossible , think I'm gonna do a test just to put me out of my misery ,
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Hi can u help I'm late n my boyfriend ad the ssnip 4)year go can't get pregent
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Hello. My husband had a vasectomy over twenty years ago. I'm a month and half late. Never this late. I've made an GYN appointment. We are hoping I am. I have all signs, but it might be in my head since WE want one. Pray for me too. If Sara had a baby at her later age. With God anything is possible. Ask you shall receive. Deligiently seek him.
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I'm 38 years old ,i have two children from my first marriage age 19 and 16. I have three children with my second husband age7,4 and 3,one to many for my liking in fact we  found out i was pregnant with the last one the day before my husband had his vasectomy it was a complete schock and lets just say i had a fair few tears. Oliver was born and he had really bad colic and i got postnatal, the last three years have been so hard for me and my marriage, getting better and getting my marriage back on track. It's only just getting better and a little easier!
Then guess what! ....Yes three and half years after my husbands vasectomy my period is a week late then i just have some spotting for a few days which is not like me, then sickness kicks in. I'm thinking no it's not possible, but to put my mind at ease i ask my husband to buy a test ,he thinks i've gone mad but reluctantly goes and gets one.
POSITIVE  ,we can't believe it ,i think it must be wrong until i come across this website      what am i going to do?     help     six kids  !!!  Kerry
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My hubby had a vasectomy 6 years ago.  I had a chemical pregnancy two minths ago and can only hope that I will become pregnant again.  I didn't think I wanted more children until the chemical preg and now it's al I can think about.
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21 year old i have a tw0 year old boy and my husband got clipped a year ago.  About two weeks after my last period i just felt pregnant.  little bit og nausea, just feeling off.  My periods have always been 28 days bang on since i was 11 never been late or missed (except for my first pregnancy).  expecting my period in three days i took a pregnancy test two days ago and it was negative (i knew it was to early :s) so trying to be patient to wait for my period but my gut and my head all tell me i'm pregnant.   I wish i could just know!  updates later.
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I am going thru the same thing. My boyfriend had a vasectomy many years ago. I am about a week late. Nausea and sore breasts, cravings I don't normally have. My boyfriend says no way! It can't be. He was married for 15 years and I think his V was about 12 yrs ago. I'm freaking out! I don't know what to do or think. Has anyone been there? I feel a bit better reading everyone elses posts. But I am so scared. Help!! it would be amazing because we want to try to have children together. But I am so scared he won't believe I didn't cheat. I have always been 100% faithful.
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My husband had a V 7 years ago.  Our children are 11 and 9.  Life has been so crazy the last few moths I didn't connect the dots.  I have been extra tired I come home and take 4 to 6 hour naps sometimes.  The Last week my boobs have been swollen and sore. I even yacked up my vitamins a few weeks back. It wasn't til yesterday that I looked at a calender and realized it's been 8 weeks atleast since my last cycle.  Generally I wouldn't consider pregnancy, maybe I should.
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I'm going through the same problem my fiance had a vysectomy because he didn't want any more kids. Well two years later Igot pregnant and  was upset that I wouldn't abort. He went to his Dr. and they told him his spem count was negative but he has to do another test next month. Well to make a long story short he has moved out, got a girlfriend and left me and our other two children to suffer with the mortgage and finance's. I'm really hurt because I know I didn't cheat and for him to move on so fast I feel like he was already dating someone else and thhat why he got yhe vysectomy in the first place.
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My husband had a vasectomy six years ago.  Our kids are 10, 8 and 6.  Last spring, I felt pregnant and sure enough, I bled out like a miscarriage as soon as I caught on.  But a person always questions themselves so I didn't mention this to my hubbie at all.  I miscarried before my first child twice so I guess I should have trusted my intuition.  Sure enough, I was really sick, confirmed pregnancy and within a week, I'd miscarried again.  It's kind of a sad thing.  I'm starting to think of myself as a failure.  But if as some of you say, what's meant to be is meant to be.  I hope we have another one and that I can carry it now that I know his vasectomy must not have done the trick.  Robyn
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Hi everyone. My husband had a vasectomy almost 4 years ago while i was still pregnant with our twins, we already had 2 children and he decided 4 was enough. For the past 2 weeks i have been feeling sick, faint on a few occasions, am sensitive to smells, peeing more often and i'm really aware of my uterus. I have tested twice but my period wasn't late at that point, i am now 2 days late but i'm too scared to test. I'm scared of what it could be if i'm not pregnant and what everyone will say if i am cos he's been done.

It's reassuring to see it has happened to other people. I have expressed my concerns to my husband and although he seems sure i'm not pregnant he has never once asked if i have been unfaithful, so if i am i know i wil have his support even if he is somewhat reluctant.
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I guess I should also mention my weight gain, I have gained about 8 lbs. in the last 3 weeks, I cannot stop eating, day or night : (
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Hi there, I am 31 years old and I have been experiencing some weird symptoms.  I am leaking a white/clear substance from my breasts, headache, dizziness, slimy/sick feeling only in the morning and I am over a week late for my period.  I have had some cramping and just when I think I am going to start....nothing.  My husband had a vasectomy about 10 years ago while our daughter was 6 mths old.  BUT....he never went back to get checked & I know it sounds naive of me to say "it hasn't happened yet, how could it now?" but that's what I am thinking.   We haven't made love since last month (because of an injury) so I don't think I am pregnant but obviously it's possible from all of the posts I have read here.  I think I will wait to test and wait to see if I start AF soon.  Any comments welcome :)
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I'm late on my period but my husband has been clipped, I have two kids and he has two kids from a previous marriage but I asked him if he went back and got his sperm count checked afterwards, he said no! He never went back. I always wanted one more baby but I didn't think it would be so soon, I'm never late but I still haven't started and I'm also taking diet pills and working out. So my question is am I over reacting? Or can it be a result of the pills and working out?? Or is it really possible that I'm pregnant? I know I'm fertile but I didn't think this could be possible.. any help would put me at ease!!!

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1617499 tn?1298683107
story in paper ............

Our baby had a DNA test

SHARON Legg, 30, and her husband Andy, a 31-year-old double glazer, live in Southbourne, Bournemouth, with their children Aaron, 11, Harley, nine, Cherry, five, and two-year-old Zebedee. Sharon says:

I'D suffered from post-natal depression and after having Cherry we decided not to have any more children.

Even though he was only 25, Andy decided to have the snip four months after she was born, in November 1999.

The sperm tests were clear, but just to be on the safe side we used contraception for a few months.

Things started getting back to normal, but then I missed a period.

I told Andy I was taking a pregnancy test, but he said it was a waste of time. When I saw the result I nearly fainted.

Andy rang the doctor, who said it was very rare for a vasectomy to spontaneously reverse. So he went back for another sperm test, which showed he was still sterile.

When Andy asked how that was possible, the doctor said, "I suggest you go home and ask your wife". They even sent a letter to say that he was sterile and they could not provide a "positive resolution" to our situation.

My so-called friends joked about the baby being the milkman's. Even our families were not sure what to believe. I was so worried that I kept having nightmares where my baby turned out to be an alien.

When he was born, we named our son Zebedee because it means "God's gift".

I was shaking like a leaf when we got the DNA -
but they showed that he is 99.9 per cent Andy's son. highest possible result

I was so relieved that we could just get on with our family life.

Zebedee is our little miracle.
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1617499 tn?1298683107
I am married been with hubby since I was 17 , I am now 37
my story goes like this
I have four children aged 17,15,11, and 8
after my third I got very ill with post natal depression infact I had it sooo bad I was hospitalised , at this stage I thought I have two boys and a girl and cannot afford to get so ill aagain , so hubby went to see dr and it was agreed at the age of 25 he should have a vasectomy .he went ahead in 2000 ...we got on with life and I got well again . He went back for tests all good . then in april  2002 I missed a period boobs were killing me , although I knew he had the snip , and I can't be pregnant I still felt a niggeling doubt I may be pregnant ........so I bought a test low and behold it was positive , I fainted in the shop chemist that gave me the result ..no it can't be true , I called my husband he was in disbelief also , we went to the drs who suggested andy go for semen analasis test ......he did this and it came back clear , so we were confused , it could of got messy with our relationship if my husband was not supportive and believed me .
he was asked to do another few tests over several weeks all came back clear .........(firing blanks) so he said to the dr how come my wife sharon is pregnant if I am clear , the drs responce was " GO HOME ASK HER "
HE CAME HOME THAT EVENING AND SAID IF THIS BABY IS NOT MINE YOUR OUT THE DOOR .i screamed at him how dare he think that , but no wonder !!! as he is clear I am pregnant ,
next step we wrote for answers to the hospital , no answers to it , they said he is clear and thats that , so I got a top london solicitor he said ask the hospital to fund the dna tests ,
they agreed providing he was the biological dad , if it prooved he was not they wanted to be reinbursed the £890 fee for the test ,
of course I agreed ...to cut a long story short , we had a little boy (my fourth )
in 2002 , we named him zebedee meaning gods gift , desite the fact I am non religeous , I felt he was a miraculous conception .
we had mouth swab dna tests done in hospital by a private dr paid for by the nhs ......a week later the tests came through the post
WELL despite all this I wanted to sue for pain and suffering of all this I could of lost my marrage over this .my solicitor got an independant urologists report stating that it is possible for a vasectomy to recanalise produce a baby and de canalise again , due to this we could not sue !!!! .............as he signed a disclamer saying he agreed that the vasectomy is only 99,9 % there is that  1 % it can fail ...........however his tests showed it didnt fail , but they say it failed even if he is clear as I was pregnant ............we moved on with our life after being in every national paper
we were in the closer magazine too .
After alll this I decided to get my tubes clipped , I had pain so paid £3,500 to  get professor winstons(he does life tv documentary programmes) the one with curly back hair and thich black mustache ...I  got his  collegue to reverse it up in hammersmith hospital , they took 3 hours to put my tubes together I didn't want more kids however didnt want the pain from clips ......this gave me a 50% chance of falling pregant ....who cares I thought .
my son zebedee is now nearly 9 years old ....
We decided to move to Australia with our 4 kids and 3 cats last year , we have been here for 6 months now , I have missed 2 periods which is not normal for me , boobs hurt bad had some brown spotting no period .
definately can't be pregnant after hubby firig blanks and now less fertility chance as been messed around with tubes , not only that I am now 37 .......

BIG MISTAKE i did a test as to put my mind at rest ....two lines came up ...
I cried and cried , my life I thought after my last baby 9 years ago I would start having my life back ........no such thing , I went with hubby to see a obstetrician here in perth , he did a scan in his office , there it is I am 8 weeks ...................vasectomies are **** .........modern science is **** .
I am against the killing of animals let alone my baby .......I can't get my head around this to happen twice .............this dr wants all the paper work from england to look at newspapers etc , he said this will make the history books ....hubby went for semen test yestaerday ...will follow up on findings next week .
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well, I took a pregnant test tonight. It was negative. It was the dollar tree kind. I didnt want to spend alot of money on a test, so I picked up one from the buck store.

Kind of bugs me to think that my breasts are so sore, and Ive been hungry, something over the past couple of days Im not like. So, Im thinking maybe its due to stress? I have no clue... all I know is that I normally have 28 day cycles, and today was day 34. I didnt use first morning urine, because being almost a week late, I thought any urine should be good now that Im that late.

I guess I will just see what comes about in the next few days ahead.
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Im so sorry to hear about your loss. My husband went to the drs that actually performed the vasectomy, today. About a year after he had the vasectomy, he started to get depressed, gained weight, and had alot of health troubles, it also effected his sex drive. In may of last year he had his testosterone levels checked and turned out to be really low! 150 for a 32 year old male! He has been on testosterone suppliements since then, and now there is a new procedure out that they can insert pallets in the hip area that contain testosterone instead of getting the shots, or taking medication. He has a problem remembering to take his meds. So we actually went back to the dr that did his vasectomy for his testosterone problem. We brought up how I was a week late and the dr gave me a kind of foolish looking face, Like he doesnt believe me. Ive heard of stories of couples who have had a vasectomy done and turned out to be pregnant. It makes me mad that he thinks I couldnt be pregnant after he did the vasectomy four years ago. What was really kind of freaky, was that it was exacly 4 years ago TODAY that my husband had it done! And we end up in the same office where it happened today! Kind of spooky.,,,,

I did pick up a cheap test tonight on our way home. I havnt taken it yet, but Im thinking of waiting til the morning.
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Hi I read your story and felt I had to reply as your situation sounds similar to mine. My husband had vasectomy in Feb 2006 whilst i was pregnant with our third child. My last period was November and when I went to my GP about some blood test results (Thyroid probs) I happened to mention my period was 3 weeks late. Test showed positive and I was sent for early US due to previous pregnancy complications. This was my 5th pregnancy. I carried baby for 9 weeks then started to bleed and unfortunately had a missed miscarriage. My advice if you feel it do a test put your mind at rest I dont think i will ever take anything for granted and anything can happen the emotional stress is just not worth waiting.
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My husband I have three children, ages 6, 5 and 4 yrs of age. In February 2007, three months after our youngest was born, he had a vasectomy. He went back a couple times to see if all was "clear" and it was. Well now, 4 years later, Im sitting here with no period. My last period was January 19, 2011. I have 28 day cycles, and Im 5 days late. When I was 2 days late, I had this slight cramping for about an hour, and then it went away. Since, then Ive been noticing my breasts seem "fuller" and "tender". Other than that and a missing period, I dont know what it is. In the back of my mind, I thinking could I be pregnant? I havnt tested yet. Im too scared to. apart of me doesnt want to be pregnant, but then before my husband had a vasectomy, I always wanted 4 kids... I dont know if I can handle 4 kids though. Im still going back and fourth as to either wait it out, or test.
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we are now testing to see if I'm pregnant.. not "not testing!!"  SORRY.
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I'm 38.  My fiancee is 38.  I had my tubes tied six years ago, he had a vasectomy four years ago.  We are not testing to see if I'm pregnant.  I feel like I'm insane for even thinking it..... never in six years did it even cross my mind!  however, I had my period on 12/20/10... on the 6th of January I started feeling strange in my breast, tenderness, very erect and sensitive nipples.  Smells were driving me crazy!  Onions!!  Love them and the smell made me want to puke!  I thought, crazy.  Blew it off.  And then montgomery glands formed around my nipples, and blue veins across my chest... and I was sooo bloated.... and sick to my stomach.  I'm thinking.. flu.   Now, a red flag like when I was prego with my boys, I can squeeze my nipples and colostrum comes out!!!  So on 1/20 I thought I started my period.  Nope.  It was only a few spots of blood, started brown, then reddish/watery.  It did that for a little bit for a day and a half.. and then two days later, one time.   I feel like I'm sea sick.  I've taken hpt test, negative.  However, I tested late with my other two kids.  I made financee go get his swimmers checked!   We should know his count by Friday.... I'm hanging out and waiting.  Yes, I called my doctor.  They said wait two weeks and see if symptoms go away.. they're not.. and if I severe cramps, go to ER immediately.  I have cramps now, like nothing but they're there.. and I never have cramps.  I've felt like my period started, run to the bathroom and nothing.  I feel like a crazy woman for even writing this out.. but after reading this.. holy crap it's happened!!!!!   I'll keep you posted.... and if anyone has heard anything about this, please let me know... I'd be interested.   I never get sick.  I had a full blood work up in Nov of '10, and I'm assuming that if something was wrong, they would have caught it then..... any comments?  would appreciate it.  
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I am 41, mother of 5.  My youngest are 17 and a half years old(twins). My husband had his vasectomy when I was 7 months pregnant, I had been regretful for signinig the 'permission slip', praying for a good 12 years that his body would somehow repair itself. These past 5 years have been great, all my kids are indepndant, responsible, young adults. alowwing my husband and I to enjoy travelling and each other in a whole new free kind of way.
I have not had my Cycle now , for at least the last 3 months.  I say 3 because it could possibly be 4. I have not had to worry about 'paying attention' to my cycle for the last 17 years, so exact dates are unknown. I was not going to post any thing here, but changed my mind, because I am going to doctor for THE results tomorrow. And if I found out I am actually Pregnant well then I would definitely post it here anyhow, because either way pregnant, thyroid, menopause or even cancer, we have all come here to help or be helped via info... so, I sure have been helped so far by these posts(not feeling so crazy in my mind anymore, wishing I would have found this sooner, tho)     LOL
And tomorrow I will definitely tell y'all how the story goes! (but not before hubby finds out) P.S. If I find out I am blessed with Life again, we will be overjoyed, BUT a DNA is a must...I insisted, even tho I know the truth, I understand what obviously goes on in anybodys head
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